Maureen's Choice (11 page)

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Authors: Charles Arnold

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Maureen's Choice
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“He’s dead. He was killed.”

“Lucky for you Travis isn’t face down in the river. The order went out a couple months ago when you and Travis stopped tending to business and started keeping house like a married couple. Dex made a deal then to save your lover’s life.”

Maureen knew he wasn’t lying. Big Daddy was powerful and ruthless. Sam had made a minor mistake and paid for it with his life. “Please, Big Daddy, please don’t hurt Travis. Whatever you say, I’ll do. I promise.”

“Yes you will. I know that because you belong to me. The deal Dex made to save Travis’s sorry ass was to send me a breeder. I told him I wanted to breed you but he says you can’t have no more kids. Is that right?”

She nodded. “After my son, Billy, was born I had my tubes tied.”

“Yeah, that rules you out as a breeder but makes you a better whore, no need to take days off, no need for rubbers. Black men like the idea that they’re barebacking a white woman.” He gestured toward her wine glass and waited while she drank. “So, Mrs. O’Donnel,” he continued, “since you can’t breed, a few weeks ago Dex sent me someone who can.”

“Oh God!” Maureen cried, “Not Eileen!”

Big Daddy nodded, “My doctors checked her out. She’s practically a virgin. Nobody but Dex has fucked her. Your little sister is going to be a fine baby making bitch. I expect she will be able to pop out about six before she’s used up.”

Maureen’s face was red with anger, “But she won’t. She’ll never agree. She may be innocent but she’s also strong and independent and….and…”

Before she could go on, Big Daddy picked up a small silver bell and shook it. The double doors at the end of the hall opened and two stocky black matrons entered. Eileen waked between them, her head bowed. She wore a short black spandex dress and black stilettos. Her legs were bare. She was naked under the dress. Her honey blonde hair reached slightly below her shoulders. Her sweet face had been carefully made up: eyeliner, eye shadow, glossy bright red lipstick.

The three women stood at the end of the table. Big Daddy nodded at one of the matrons who placed two fingers under Eileen’s chin and lifted her head so she was forced to look at Big Daddy and Maureen. For a moment there was a flicker of recognition in her eyes when she saw Maureen, but it faded. Her eyes were blank. She looked at them dully, then bowed her head again.

“You’ve drugged her!” Maureen cried. She started to rise but one of the matrons quickly placed her hands on Maureen’s shoulders and shoved her back into the chair.

“Yes,” Big Daddy, said, “we don’t approve of drugs and use them only temporarily, when necessary. She didn’t know you would be here. We had to make her calm. The drug will wear off quickly. Since we don’t like to employ drugs we have to find other ways to deal with defiance. Your sister has been reluctant to accept her new position, but she’s beginning to see things our way.” He signaled to the matrons who turned Eileen around.

Maureen gasped. The black dress Eileen wore exposed her back and ended in a “V” just at the base of her spine. Angry red and purple welts crisscrossed her skin. Big Daddy leaned toward Maureen. “You’re right about her being strong. We’ve had to whip her almost every day since she arrived. I can assure you her lovely ass bears more marks than you see on her back. She knows unless she behaves we intend to whip her tits.” He shifted in his chair and raised his voice, “Look up here Eileen,” he said. She raised her head. Maureen could see some life had come back into her eyes. Apparently the drug was wearing off already. Big Daddy spoke softly, “Who am I Eileen?”

“You’re Big Daddy.” Her voice was raspy, little more than a whisper.

“And who is this beside me?”

“It’s my sister Maureen.”

“Do you have any feelings for Big Daddy?”


“What are they?”

“Fear. I’m afraid of Big Daddy, afraid he will have them whip my…my breasts. I…I’m afraid he will harm my father.”

“Is that all you feel, just fear?”

Maureen noticed the color rise to her sister’s cheeks. “Yes, I’m terribly afraid of being whipped. I’m afraid of you.” The effects of the drug were almost gone now. Eileen bit her lower lip and shook her head. One of the matrons whispered something in the girl’s ear.

Eileen’s eyes widened, “I…..I….want to do what you tell me to do,” she said quickly and bowed her head.

“And,” Big Daddy prompted.

It was a moment before she answered. Without looking up she said, “And I promise not to resist or object.”

Maureen turned to him her eyes blazing, “You….you’re despicable…some kind of degenerate monster!”

His eyes narrowed, “You will pay for your arrogance, Ms. O’Donnel. I remind you, bitch, you’re in no position to be making judgments.” He handed her a file folder that had been lying beside his plate. In it were three 8 X 10 photographs of her father sitting at home in his recliner chair, his mouth open, his eyes terrified. Around him stood four young black men, their faces covered with masks. One held a long silver razor up before her father. Maureen gripped the table edge as she leaned toward Big Daddy, “You bastard!” she yelled. “He’s a helpless old man. He has a heart condition!”

Big Daddy smiled at her. “Yes, indeed.” He pushed his chair back from the table and gestured to the matron who lifted Eileen’s chin so she had to look across the table at them. Big Daddy sat staring at Maureen for several moments. Then he took a cell phone from his shirt pocket. “You saw the young men in the photograph. You should know they’re only a phone call away.” He leaned back and spread his legs. “You should also know your father will be dead in an hour unless you apologize for what you’ve said and decide that it’s in your best interests and your father’s to do what you’re told.”

Maureen glanced at her sister. Eileen nodded slightly. Maureen turned toward to Big Daddy. She looked into his impassive face. “I’m sorry for the things I said.”

“You will never, ever show me anything but complete respect from now on.”

“I will never disrespect you again. I promise.”

“Now, Mrs. O’Donnel if you know what’s good for you, you’re going to make me hard. All the reports I’ve had say you’re good at that.” He ran his hands along her body and cupped her breasts. Her nipples stiffened immediately. Under her, she felt his cock begin to swell. With one hand he touched her chin and tilted her face up toward his. His wide mouth grinned at her. He slowly and deliberately licked his pendulous lips. “Open,” he said. She parted her lips and pressed them against his. She tried to fight against the hot rush but couldn’t. As his thick tongue entered her mouth, she moaned. When they separated her breathing was coming fast. She felt his hand moving over her ass. He held her chin forcing her to look directly into his mocking eyes, “How’s the white woman supposed to treat the black man?”

“With respect,” she said. She saw he was waiting for her to say more. “She should serve him, honor him, and obey him.”

“That’s right, Mrs. O’Donnel. And you want to do that, don’t you? You want to get on your knees before the black man and do whatever he tells you to do?” He released her chin but she didn’t turn away.

Lowering her eyes, she said, “Yes, That’s what I want. I think that’s what most white women want, but they don’t know it yet or don’t admit it even to themselves.”

He gestured to the two women. They came forward and took Eileen by the arms and left with her between them. Maureen watched them go then turned back to face Big Daddy.

“You hot, baby?” His voice was mocking.

“Yes,” she said.”

“Don’t take much. What you want?”

“I…I don’t know,” she avoided looking at him. His hand tightened on her ass cheek.

“I think you do know,” he said. “I’ll ask one more time. What do you want?”

“Your cock,” she whispered.

“Where you want it?”

“In me. Inside me. Anywhere inside me; my pussy, my mouth, my ass.”

Big Daddy’s hand moved along her bare thigh and up to her wet cunt. He teased her clitoris with the long nail of his index finger. Then abruptly he stopped and looked at her questioningly.

“Please,” she said.

“You want to go back to your main man Travis?”

“Yes, please, Oh, yes, I do, I really do!” Maureen couldn’t believe he might send her back. The thought of never seeing Travis again terrified her. “Please,” she said, “I love Travis and he loves me.” Tears welled up in her eyes, “And my poor father, please, please, I’ll do whatever you want.”

He grinned at her, “Well, let’s see how much you love suckin black cock.”

She got to her knees and unzipped him. She was surprised to find his long, fat cock was already hard. His cock was uncircumsized . An almost transparent sheath of skin covered the bulbous head so that only the black tip of his piss hole showed. She breathed in the dark musky scent of him. Although she fought against it and tried desperately to deny it, she felt the familiar sinking in the pit of her stomach and the swelling of her nipples. “Please let me suck you,” she said.

“I know you can do better than that, Mrs. O’Donnel. I want to hear you beg.”

She put both hands around his cock and very gently began to stroke him. Looking up into his face, she licked her lips, “I want it. Please let me kiss your beautiful cock. Let me take it in my mouth. I’ll kiss your balls and lick them. I want to suck you for a long time. I want to take your cum. Want to swallow all of it. I love the taste of the black man’s cum.”

He grinned at her, “That’s better.” He spread his legs. She inched between them. His cock was still stiff. “Hold it up to your lips and kiss the tip. Kiss it the way you kiss Travis.” Gently she pressed her lips to the tip of his uncircumsized cock where his pee hole was visible. “Tongue,” he said. She parted her lips slightly and licked the slit of his hole. The taste and scent of his cock aroused her so that for the time she was sucking him she was conscious only of the heavy, funky smell and the silken smoothness of his cock head and the thick twisted veins along its length.

She was conscious, too, of the glistening blackness against her pale hands and cheeks. She bent her head to lave his heavy balls with her tongue and hold them in her mouth.

He sighed contentedly, “That’s the way a white woman should please the black man.

Next time I want you to kiss my black ass and tongue my black hole. What do you say to that?”

Maureen lifted her head to look up at him. Her lips were wet and her breath came quickly. “I…I haven’t been able…do that,” she said. “But…but maybe….” She opened her mouth wide and took as much of his thick cock in as she could. She sucked slowly for a very long time, thrilling in the way his cock filled her mouth as it swelled and throbbed. He gestured for her to use her hands. She sucked and jerked him until he exploded with hot spurts of thick cum which she gratefully swallowed. As his cock went limp she continued to clean it with her tongue. When she finished, she held it with both hands and, looking up at him, gently kissed the tip.

He nodded approval. “Travis and Dexter were right. You suck black cock like you love it.”

“I do,” she said. “I love sucking black cock.”

“You gave up your husband and kids to become the black man’s whore?” It was a question he already knew the answer to.

Maureen had thought the pain of leaving her children would, in time, diminish. It hadn’t. She was aware Big Daddy’s question was meant to hurt her. Why was it that after giving black men all the pleasure she could, they felt a need to punish her. She continued looking up at him as she held his fat cock between her small hands, “Yes, that’s what I did. I didn’t care about leaving my husband, but giving up the children…how could I have done that?”

He smiled at her, “Sometimes, Mrs. O’Donnel, it might look like you have a choice but you really don’t. What brought you to your knees before the black man was something you had no control over. You’re not the only one, believe me. Like you said, it’s in all white women only they deny it. But it’s in some white women so strong they

can’t do anything but give themselves to the black man, no matter what the cost.”

She thought perhaps he didn’t want to hurt her after all. She wanted to believe him. She wanted the small comfort of knowing she had no choice. “I like to believer you’re right,” she said. “Thank you.”.

“I’m having important guests here for dinner tonight,” he said. You and your sister are to attend. Now, someone will take you to your room. Bathe and put on whatever Trisha gives you. I’ll send for you and your sister later this evening. We need to discuss your sister’s future and your own.” She started to rise. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her close, “You will be instructed by Trisha as to how you and your sister are to present yourselves tonight and how you are to behave.” He paused and leaned forward, his hard eyes staring into hers, “Now, listen and hear me good. If you and little blondie don’t do exactly as Trisha instructs, your father will not see another sunrise. Do you understand I mean what I say. This is no idle threat?” His hand tightened on her wrist.

A cold tremor of fear swept through her body. “I understand,” she said. “We’ll do what we’re told.” He let go of her and gestured toward the door.

Chapter Seven

Eileen was sprawled across the bed face down, her head buried in a pillow. She turned to face Maureen, her cheeks tear stained. “I’m all cried out,” she said. Maureen sat beside her and took her hand, “Oh God, Eileen, how can you ever forgive me? I’ve ruined my life and now yours.”

Eileen tried to smile, “Maybe if we do what he says, he’ll send us back after awhile.”

Maureen shook her head, “That’s not likely,” she said. “Tell me honestly how do you feel about Big Daddy?”

It was a few moments before Eileen spoke, “He frightens me. I think he’s capable of…of anything. But there’s something about him, his power I guess. He’s big and protective. Everyone here jumps when he speaks. Even Dexter is afraid of him. But if he likes you no one will ever hurt you.” She forced a smile, “Except for the gross things he makes me do and the whipping, he can be nice

Maureen chose her words carefully in relating Big Daddy’s message. She fully expected her sister to object or at least question.

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