Maxim (5 page)

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Authors: K.D. Jones

BOOK: Maxim
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Maxim finished his beer and stood up. He offered his hand to her to help her up. “That’s what we’re here for.”




Chapter 6


Maxim led Alona out onto the dance floor. The good thing was that it was dimly lit, so the few reporters allowed inside the club could only get a few unclear and blurry pictures. For the most part, they had some privacy. A slow sensual song was playing as Maxim took her in his arms. She felt strangely like she was meant to be there. It felt right.

“You’re a good dancer.” Alona told him, her breath near his ear. His scent surrounded her, hot and spicy. She had to fight not to groan out loud.

“I watched some videos. Though Zen did offer to teach me personally. I refused to dance with him.”

Alona laughed at the image of Zen and Maxim dancing together. “I don’t blame you. Plus, his mate might have gotten jealous.”

Maxim chuckled. “That may be true. You are a very good dancer yourself. How did you learn?”

“My mother made me take ballet for years. She wanted me to get into a good ballet troupe and tour the world, but I wasn’t as talented as the other dancers. Plus, I liked playing sports much better.”

“Your mother is human and your father is a full Arian?”

“Yeah. When my father was twenty-five, he was doing a movie premiere and the director wanted a model to pose as his arm candy. They hired my mom and the two of them hit it off. I was actually an accident, they didn’t expect me at all. Both of their managers suggested that they marry. So they got married to save their image. They weren’t meant to have children, I don’t think. They were never home, always off doing their own thing. I was raised by a nanny. I speak to Nanny Kim almost every week, but I haven’t spoken to my parents in months. I prefer it that way. I accepted the fact a long time ago that I would never have a caring family like other people. I’m okay with that because I know who I am, I like who I am and I don’t need their approval anymore. I just tolerate them and humor them to keep them out of my every day life. It’s better for everyone that way.”

“I am told I was raised in a normal human family. A mother, father, and two younger brothers. I do not remember them.”

“Do you remember anything from your human life at all?” She had always wanted a brother or sister; then she wouldn’t have felt so alone all the time.

“No. My first memory is waking in the lab where I was created. All I could feel was pain. Each time I woke, I felt less pain, but also less of every emotion, until finally I felt nothing at all.”

“I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine what you must have gone through. I hear stories from other halfsies all the time. They look down on me because I lived a sheltered life. I wish that you hadn’t had to go through that. How did your human family react when you were finally reunited with them?”

“They tried to welcome me back as their son Maxwell Copely, but I couldn’t be him. I wasn’t that man anymore, and it broke their hearts when they finally realized that. I didn’t know them or my life with them. After a while it became obvious that having me around was only hurting them. So I left to follow my own path.”

Alona reached up and cupped his cheek gently. “That was a brave move, but it must have been lonely for you at times.”

Maxim paused. “I was going to tell you that I didn’t feel loneliness. But that would have been a lie.”

She remained quiet in his arms and waited.

“I don’t want to lie to you, Alona. There are times that I do feel lonely. Even when surrounded by people, I feel it.” Why had he told her this?

“I feel lonely too,” Alona admitted.

They didn’t say anything else as they danced. Alona laid her head against his shoulder. He loved this, holding her in his arms, heartbeat to heartbeat. It was soothing, and at the same time, he was completely aware of every inch of her that was pressed against him. He breathed in her scent and felt it wash over him, sweet and sexy. That was Alona exactly. She had him wanting things he had never wanted before, never even thought of before. She glanced up at him through lowered lashes and he wondered what she was feeling, what she was thinking. She bit her plump bottom lip. He just couldn’t resist her any longer.

Maxim leaned down and touched her lips with his softly. He didn’t want to scare her off. But there was no way he could stop himself. The moment he felt her body against his, he felt a strong urge to have more, feel more, and to taste her. Her lips trembled softly then she opened for him. He didn’t need any further encouragement than that.

He took her mouth hungrily. He was starved for her. It was shocking and exciting all at the same time. It felt like every part of him was lit up and on fire for Alona. He stroked her tongue with his own, loving her the way he wanted to love her with his whole body.

Maxim pulled away feeling overwhelmed with emotions he couldn’t name. Confusion was at the forefront, though. Where did love come into this? This wasn’t even a real date. He looked down at Alona’s beautiful face. Her eyes opened and he felt like he could drown happily in her soft, hungry blue gaze.

“Is something wrong?” she asked, her voice suddenly sounding very husky.

He shook his head. “No, but I think I need to get a drink. Would you like something?”

She shrugged. “I guess a glass of white wine.”

He escorted her over to their table and helped her sit down. Then he turned and headed through the growing crowd towards the bar. He needed some space so he could get himself under control. That was the one thing that he was good at, keeping his emotions under control. But Alona made him feel so many things at once, he needed a breather to collect himself.


Alona was sexually frustrated and confused. They had shared an amazing kiss, but it ended way too soon. They were getting closer, then he seemed to be pull away from her. But maybe that was a good thing. They were in public. It wasn’t like she could throw him to the dance floor and have her way with him. But they way he made her feel, it was a close call.

“Would you care to dance?”

Alona looked up in surprise at the tall man standing beside her. She hadn’t heard him approach. He was attractive, with long dark hair and almost black eyes. There was something familiar about him, but she couldn’t figure out what it was.

“No thank you. I’m here with someone.”

“He should never have left such a beautiful woman all alone. Someone could steal her away. What’s your name?”

She didn’t answer him. Something didn’t feel right about this guy. He was looking at her but with a calculating look in his eyes. It wasn’t like the normal looks she would get from guys who just wanted her for her body. There was more in this look; it was purposeful, dark, and . . . dangerous.

He smiled. “You’re being cautious. I get that. What about your date, what’s his name? He’s one of the GCFA fighters, right? How often does he work out? He’s a droid halfise, right?”

“I’m sorry, but I need to go find my date.” She stood up and started to walk to the bar, hoping the strange man would take the hint and leave. It bothered her that he was asking so many questions about Maxim. But he reached out and grabbed her arm, squeezing hard.

“Let go of my arm,” she said firmly. She didn’t yell because she didn’t want to draw attention to herself, especially with reporters swarming everywhere.

The man stepped up close to her and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Beautiful Alona. You’re too good for Maxim. Soon I’ll take care of him, then you will be all mine.” He let her go and disappeared into the crowd.

Alona was stunned, frozen in place. She watched him as he disappeared in the crowd. Had he just threatened her? Did he know Maxim somehow? Something told her that the stranger was connected to Maxim somehow. She shivered with dread. There was something seriously wrong with that guy. She would have to seek out Rachel, the head of ship security for the GCFA, and let her know about the guy.

“Alona? Are you okay?”

She blinked as Maxim carried their drinks over to their table. “What?”

“You’re standing up. Did you need something?” He set the drinks on the table.

“I’m fine, just heading to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” She started to walk around him, but he stepped in front of her.

He sniffed her. “Was there someone here with you?”

“Um . . . some guy asked me to dance. I said no.”

“He touched you.” He reached out and gently lifted her arm. Her delicate skin was marred by a set of red fingerprints. He frowned. “He marked you and hurt you.”

“It’s nothing. He grabbed me too tightly.”

“Who was he?” Maxim lifted her arm up so that he could sniff the red marks. There was something familiar about the other man’s scent. When he found the man, he was going to teach him a lesson. No man with a shred of decency would hurt a woman, especially one that Maxim cared for.

“I don’t know him, I’ve never seen him before. He was kind of weird.”

“Weird how?”

“Nothing. I just want to forget about him altogether. Let me go to the bathroom.” She walked away from him quickly, before he could ask any more questions. She had been really shaken up by the stranger, and the way he had said she would be his left her scared as well. If Maxim knew how scared she was, she had no doubt he would try to hunt the guy down.

She splashed some water on her face and used the facilities. She felt much better walking back to the table. Maxim stood up and held the chair out for her. How sweet. He really was kind and attentive. Why was there no woman in his life? He deserved to have someone who would appreciate him.

“Why are you frowning?” Maxim asked as he sat down next to her.

“I was just wondering why you didn’t have a girlfriend.”

“I dated a few times after I was converted into a droid halfsie. The women seemed intrigued with me at first, but then they expected me to suddenly change and be more emotional. When I couldn’t provide what they needed, they moved on.”

She reached out to take his hand. “I’m so sorry. They were idiots to not realize how wonderful you are.”
Oh . . . did I say that out loud?

He gave her a very suggestive smile. She felt the heat rise to her cheeks. He licked his lips and she felt her panties grow wet immediately. Did he know what he was doing to her?

“Would you like to leave?” Maxim asked in a deeper voice. There was intent there. It made her curious about just how much experience Maxim had with other women.

“Yes,” she whispered back. Her whole body felt tingly. He wasn’t just asking her to leave and she wasn’t just agreeing to leave. There was so much sexual tension between them it wouldn’t have surprised her if the mirrors of the club started steaming up. He held the chair out so that she could stand back up.


As soon as they stepped outside the dance club, flashes went off in their faces again. Maxim tucked her under his arm and guided her to the nearest elevator. Thank God Nigel had security there to keep the reporters from trying to get on the elevator with them. As soon as the doors to the elevator were closed, Alona breathed a sigh of relief.

“Did that crowd of reporters get bigger since we went in the club?”

Maxim nodded. “Yes. Are you okay?” He touched her cheek gently. Where was all this touchy-feely stuff coming from? It wasn’t like him at all. He did a quick internal check, but everything was fine. His blood pressure was up a little, but that reaction might have been due to the fact that he was touching her soft skin. The blood seemed to be rushing straight to his cock.

“Maxim,” Alona moaned as he leaned forward and took her mouth in a searing kiss.

She tasted so damn good. He wanted to kiss and lick every luscious inch of her. He pushed his body against hers, moving her backwards until her back was against the wall of the elevator. Her arms were around his neck, and his hands sought her hips, pulling her until he could wedge himself between her thighs. So good, so . . . “Mine,” he growled out without realizing it. But Alona suddenly froze.

He pulled back to look down at her. Some of the desire had left her eyes. “Alona, what’s wrong?”

Maxim frowned. Something had happened. One moment they were kissing in the elevator. It was fantastic. Then all of a sudden she pulled away from him. She seemed scared. Her pulse was racing and her breathing was a little erratic. Did he do something wrong?

Truthfully, she was still acting shaken up after the encounter with the stranger. He wished she would tell him more about the guy. He wanted to press her for more details, but the door to the elevator opened as they reached her floor.

“Nothing’s wrong. We’ve here.” She quickly left the elevator.

He watched her open the door to her suite and then she turned in the entrance, preventing him from entering with her. She seemed to look at him warily. “I had a great time tonight, Maxim.”

“I enjoyed our time together as well. Maybe we could spend a little more time alone inside your suite.” He made the suggestion hopefully, giving her what he thought was a seductive smile.

“I’m sorry, not tonight. I’m a little tired.” She closed the door behind her.

He waited until he heard the locks. Damn it. If he could have kissed her just once more, he might have been able to convince her to let him inside for the night. But she really did seem nervous.

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