Maya's Triple Dare (17 page)

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Authors: Heather Rainier

BOOK: Maya's Triple Dare
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Kendall pressed on her clit and murmured, “Feel good?”

Maya replied as best as she could with her mouth filled. “Mmm-hmm.” Even to her own ears she sounded blissful.

Kendall fucked her, slowly picking up the tempo. With each hot stroke of his cock, her pussy gripped tighter and tighter until the tension was almost unbearable. This was what she’d fantasized about earlier. Them fucking her with complete abandon. She arched her back and sucked hard on Boone’s cock until he finally stopped her and she released him.

Kendall whispered in a gravelly voice, “You feel so good, Maya.

I’m gonna come.
! Yes!”

He thrust hard two more times and howled loudly as her orgasm exploded around his cock. They came simultaneously, her shriek erupting from her throat as the mother of all orgasms raged through her. Her body convulsed over and over again.


As she collapsed with her face pressed to the blanket, she heard Boone whisper, “Damn, that was fucking intense to watch.”

Kendall breathlessly stroked her damp skin. “Maya, you all right?”

“Perfect,” she whispered with her lips mashed against the blanket.

Boone said, “Let’s rest for a few minutes, then your little ass is mine, Maya.”

“Oh, it’s hardly little, Boone, but definitely yours,” she replied with a chuckle. She had somehow known from the beginning it would be Boone who wanted her ass first. He struck her as an “ass man,”


“Lie down, babe,” Richard murmured as he drew her with gentle hands into his embrace. He held her as she caught her breath, and her body vibrated from so many orgasms. A cool breeze swept over her sweat-dampened skin, and she listened as the birds called and the creek gurgled. Richard trailed his callused fingertips up and down her spine. His simple touch sent a thrill through her, and she giggled when her back arched involuntarily to follow his touch.

The three of them caressed and kissed different parts of her, even her ass, she noted with a squeal when Boone’s moustache brushed the tender underside of her derriere. Their strong hands felt wonderful as they swept up and down her body. Richard leaned forward and kissed her tenderly, plying her lips with his as his fingertips strayed between her legs. Her pussy tingled, and his fingers slid easily through the juices seeping copiously from her.

Maya heard a snap and realized Boone had opened the bottle of lubricant to prepare for what was to come next. She watched Boone from Richard’s arms as he deftly applied another condom to his rock-hard shaft.

He observed her as he smoothed lubricant over it, and his eyes shuttered in pleasure as he stroked himself to apply it evenly. Her pussy and ass both clenched in longing to feel him pressing into her with his big cock. It had been more than a year since the last time


she’d had anal sex, and she now had a nerve-tingling craving for that naughty pleasure.

Boone said, “Richard, why don’t you help Maya up. We’ll—oh, you’ve got to be fucking
me.” She saw the surprise in his eyes as he was distracted by something beyond the thick stand of oak trees.

He looked down at her and back out at whatever had drawn his attention and stood quickly. “Help her dress. Get your clothes on, baby. This is fucking
.” He let loose a juicy curse through gritted teeth as he removed the condom.

Kendall glanced in the direction Boone was looking, and his eyes bugged. “Oh, babydoll. You want to have clothes on,
like right quick

Here, let us help you.”

Feeling a little shocked and a whole lot of annoyance for the badly timed interruption, she allowed them to help her back into her bikini and clothing.

“Yoo-hoo! Oh, boys! I’m ba-ack!” The sing-song female voice made Maya want to grit her teeth. The men were hurriedly pulling on their clothing, cursing softly as they adjusted their flies over very swollen cocks. Her body practically vibrated with frustration. The voice had an easy, familiar quality to it, and the words, “I’m

sent a wave of jealousy through her.

“Who is that?” Maya asked peevishly as she peeked out through the brush and caught a glimpse as the young woman stepped into the tree line. It was a good thing Boone had caught sight of her before they’d proceeded. Her first anal experience with them might’ve been interrupted, but at least it hadn’t been completely ruined.

The petite woman was in her mid- to late-twenties, with fashionably cut blonde hair. Her clothes were stylish, and she walked through the area as though she was familiar with it.

“She must’ve seen all our trucks and assumed we’d be down here on a Sunday,” Richard said.

She turned to look at him and saw that his brows were drawn together and there was a frown on his face. Intuitively, Maya knew

whoever this was had hurt him. She could tell by the look in his eyes.

A deeper, more protective emotion replaced the jealousy she felt and she went to him when he reached for her.

Boone nodded at Kendall and said, “Maya, stay put with the guys.

I’ll handle our visitor.”

Visitor? More like interloper.

Richard put his arms around her, and she leaned against him as she watched Boone make his way straight down to the bank before moving along the water’s edge, possibly in an attempt to not draw the young woman’s eye to them.

“Who is she?” she whispered quietly.

“Her name is Brenda Sanderson. Trouble is
she is,” Kendall replied to her. “You don’t need to worry about her.”

She looked Kendall in the eye. “Was she your girlfriend?”

Kendall looked uncomfortable, and she knew she needed to dial it down a bit for their sake. The men had not invited this person to show up in the middle of their secluded little tryst.

“She played around with all of you, didn’t she?”

Richard’s soft sigh was her confirmation.

The woman’s suggestive words carried down the creek bank.

“Well, hello, stranger.” Those might’ve been the words that came out of her mouth, but her syrupy tone said, “
Prepare to fuck me

Maya clenched her fists.
I don’t think so.

Boone caught Brenda’s wrists as she reached for him the second she was close enough. She smiled up at him and made what she probably thought was a piquant little pout. Boone spoke muted, serious-sounding words to her. She responded with a snigger and quickly stripped her expensive-looking minidress over her head and dropped it on the ground, revealing her generous, perfectly symmetrical breasts and pretty much the rest of her as well.

Kendall muttered, “Looks like somebody found a sugar daddy. I don’t recall those looking like that—ouch!” He grimaced and rubbed the stinging nipple Maya had just pinched. “I’m not saying I


them. I just noticed…I’m shutting up, right now.” He glanced at Maya and pooched out his lip and she would’ve laughed given different circumstances.

Kendall’s movement drew Brenda’s eyes, which showed a moment’s surprise as she looked up at them from her position down near the water.

Boone picked up the dress and thrust it at her, and she smiled at him and said, “Well, well. What do we have here? Did I interrupt you in the middle of something? Where did you find that dumpy old thing? Waiting tables at that crappy bar you all hang out at?”

Maya saw her ploy for what it was and rolled her eyes. She caught Brenda’s inimical expression and had to stop herself from laughing. If Brenda thought she could run her off with a few tacky comments she had another thing coming.

Maya had dealt with this type from time to time in San Marcos.

Being a college town, it was filled part of the year with spoiled little rich girls whose daddies bought them everything, and they expected the same treatment from everyone else.

Brenda glanced at Boone’s face then looked at Kendall and Richard. Whatever she saw made her snicker and she said, “She’s the new filling in your cowboy sandwich, isn’t she? Wow, your standards have dropped some in the last couple of years.”

Boone replied sharply enough his voice carried. “Actually, Brenda, our tastes have improved. There’s more love in the tip of her pinky-toe than there is in your whole body. Put your dress back on.

You wore out your welcome here two years ago.”

“I wonder what all the self-righteous citizens of this little community will think when they find out the Warner Boys are sharing a woman.” She had a superior smile on her face and a tone to match.

She evidently intended to make a few stops in town and spread a bit of gossip before she moved on. Maya couldn’t have cared less but felt bad for the men. They had dealings with the people in the little

town of Divine, and Maya knew any rumors Brenda shared would be greatly embellished.

“It doesn’t matter, Brenda. The townspeople don’t control who we love or spend time with,” Boone replied.

Did he just say “love”?

Surely he was speaking in general terms to this woman. He hadn’t said anything to Maya yet, and honestly she hadn’t expected him to until he was good and ready. Looking up at Kendall, she caught his smile and slight nod.
Mind reader.

Maya watched Brenda Sanderson’s face turn an unfortunate shade of splotchy red as she struggled back into her dress and yanked it down.

“Well, we’ll just see about that, won’t we?”

“Go ahead and spin your tales, Brenda. Most anybody you come into contact with will remember you from your escapades the last time you trolled your way through Divine,” Boone said as he carefully grasped her upper arm and marched her back up the incline.

Maya, Richard, and Kendall gathered their picnic supplies and the plastic tub then followed at a reasonable distance.

Brenda kept up her scalding tirade all the way back to their vehicles, punctuated only by whiny requests that he slow down. When Brenda didn’t get anywhere threatening to “out” them to the community, she went back to insulting Maya’s looks, her age, her body type, and comparing herself to Maya. How could they want a chubby like Maya when they had her around?

“Why in the world would we want your half-starved, miserable, self-centered presence in our lives, Brenda, when we already have a beautiful, funny, and caring woman to love and take care of?”

Brenda cast another furious glance back in her direction. Maya hoped Boone was being careful with her arm because Brenda looked the type to cry foul when none existed.


Maya grinned as she took in the sight of the brand-new red convertible sitting in the yard by Kendall’s truck. Definitely a daddy’s girl. Brenda never even asked what had become of their home.

“I have never been to a more inhospitable town,” Brenda finally muttered as Boone opened the driver’s side door of the car for her.

“It’s funny how that happens when you make a habit of hurting the people we care about, Brenda. Remember, you were warned not to return to the Rockin’ C by the Carlisles. I’d heed that warning, if I were you.” Boone nudged her car door closed, and she glared at him as she cranked the ignition mercilessly. “Remember, no shoplifting—

I mean
at Stigall’s or visiting at the Divine Creek Ranch.

Grace has a shotgun shell with your name written on it, if you do.”

“She wouldn’t dare—”

“That’s not the point, Brenda. Why would you go where you are not welcome, which includes the JWB, in case you need it spelled out for you.”

Brenda frowned deeply at him and yelled, “Why don’t the three of you and your hag just go to hell!”

She peeled out, spraying dirt and gravel behind her. Standing farther back than Boone was, Richard and Kendall turned and positioned Maya so none of it hit her, and they watched in silence as Brenda tore down their driveway.

“We can be sure she’s going to raise a stink in town,” Kendall said as he placed the picnic basket and wadded-up blanket on the backseat of the truck.

Boone looked like he’d been lightly dusted in flour as he turned and walked straight to her. “I don’t give a damn. Do any of you?” He crushed her to him and kissed her until her head spun. His hold was secure but gentle, and he groaned before he ended the kiss.

Boone cupped her cheek in his palm and said, “Listen to me, Maya. Not a single, jealous word she said was true. She could see you are much more beautiful than her and was trying to rile you up and get us fighting. Even with her fake tits she’s nowhere near the beauty

you are. And
hell yes
, I love you. I would’ve said it to you under a different setting than this, but I do love you.”

His smile was a pleasant change from the dark scowl Brenda and her harangue had put on his face during their walk back to the vehicles.

She swiped her fingertip through the dust coating his chest and said, “Well, she definitely put a damper on our romantic little getaway. I hope we can take a picnic out there again, soon.”

Boone bent over and lifted her over his shoulder and said, “As long as we get you for dessert, Maya.” She giggled and squealed when his big hand landed with a pop on her ass.



Chapter Fifteen

Driving back to the Divine Creek Ranch foreman’s house, Boone wouldn’t have been a bit surprised if he looked in the rearview mirror and saw horns sprouting from his head, he was so horny for .

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