Maya's Triple Dare (25 page)

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Authors: Heather Rainier

BOOK: Maya's Triple Dare
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He lifted the wrapped bouquet of red roses from the passenger seat and sniffed them, hoping she’d like them. She wasn’t expecting Boone and Richard home until late that evening, so this was going to be a surprise for her.

Sweet scents filled his nostrils as he quietly entered the boutique.

The bell rang, and Teresa looked up from the large wooden counter by the door. A wide, surprised smile lit her face, but she remained silent as he put his index finger to his lips. She pointed to the far wall, at a row of tall book cases and mouthed silently, “Over there.”

Rachel stood behind a glass-topped counter rearranging…butt plugs and dildos.

Focus, dude.

Rachel looked up at him and grinned as she slid the door on the display case closed. “Hello, sir. Can I help you find something?”


Richard spotted Maya dusting and arranging a bookshelf. Their avid erotic romance reader was probably keeping her eyes open for more bedtime stories in the process.

“I think I’ve found just what I need.”

Maya turned abruptly at the sound of his voice. “Richard!”

He happily held his arms out and caught her as she flew at him.

She enveloped him in a delicately scented hug. He pressed his lips to her silky head and held her close. She practically vibrated with happiness as she burrowed close, pressing her breasts against his upper abdomen. He had heaven in his arms. “Hi, honey.”

“I didn’t expect you back until tonight.” She looked up at him, her blue eyes sparkling joyfully. “I missed you so much.”

Not caring who watched, Richard lowered his lips to hers in a sweet, slow reunion kiss. By noticeable degrees she turned to putty in his hands as she melted into the kiss. He wanted more than anything else to get her alone and make love to her. Boone was at the ranch with Kendall and would be all day. If they left now they’d have the house to themselves for several hours.

“Can you get away?”

Maya turned and looked at Grace. She’d ridden into Morehead with her that morning.

Grace waved her hand in a shooing gesture. “I’ll be fine. Adam is in Morehead doing a job today. I’ll let him know, and he’ll probably show up when I leave and follow me home. Rachel and Teresa are carpooling it today, too. We’ll all get home just fine.”

“If you’re sure.”

“Positive. Go have fun.”

Richard handed her the flowers, relieved that they were using a buddy system to see each other safely home.

She smiled as she sniffed them and said, “Richard, they’re so pretty. Thank you.”

She grabbed her purse, and they said goodbye and were out the door within a couple of minutes.


“It’s a bit early for lunch. What would you like to do?”

She turned a gaze on him that left no doubt as to her preference.

“Let’s go home.”



* * * *



As she sat beside him in the truck on the way home, Richard’s aftershave, the scent of his freshly laundered shirt, and his own manly fragrance made her mouth water. She had to suppress the urge to reach out and caress his thigh or do something otherwise inappropriate. She played with the radio for a few minutes, but his body heat and nearness kept distracting her.

“Did Kendall tell you that we’re going to San Marcos this weekend to get some more of my things?”

Richard nodded and gave her a very satisfied-looking smile. “He told me this morning. That’s the best news I’ve had since you agreed to come home with him. We’re going to take good care of you, Maya.”

“Same here, handsome.”

She loved being cuddled up to Richard like this, next to his solid strength. Being with him gave her a feeling of peace and comfort. His lovemaking was a mind-bending combination of gentleness and possessiveness. She’d never doubt how much he wanted her because he made it abundantly clear.

Maya sighed happily and placed her palm on his upper thigh. She rested it there for a minute or two while chatting with him. As he talked she lightly slid her hand down his hard, denim-covered leg then swept it back up to the original resting place. She did that several times and each time she inched slightly higher on the return.

Richard shifted slightly, and glancing down, she noted his swelling erection. She almost giggled as her mouth watered at the sight, and she smiled at the sound of his husky exhalation.



She looked up into his pale blue eyes. “Mmm-hmm?”


Or what, big boy?
She kept right on stroking that muscular thigh.

It did not escape Maya’s notice that despite what he’d said, he didn’t lay a hand on hers to stop her caress. If her progress continued, soon her palm would be cupping his cock through his jeans. She varied her palming up and down his thigh with strokes to his inner thigh, keeping him guessing how far she’d go with each pass.

Richard kept his eyes on the road, and she persisted gently as the truck ate up mile after mile of state highway headed homeward.

Finally ready to move on to the next step, Maya traced her hand over his bone-hard cock, delighting in his soft groan. She was happy that he once again didn’t stop her. Richard shifted and pressed back against her hand. She took that as permission to continue.

His regular, relaxed breathing turned more and more to panting with each passing minute.

There was more than a tinge of need in his deep voice. “Maya.”

“I’m being bad, I know.”

“You are.”

She increased the pressure on his cock by a minute degree and whispered, “Pull over at the next exit and find a shady spot to park for a few minutes.”

Richard regarded her with lust glittering in his eyes. “You are very naughty.”

Happy that he was playing along, Maya replied, “I’m a bad girl.”

She reached behind his silver belt buckle and unhooked it from the tooled leather belt. “I’m feeling naughtier by the minute.”

Richard turned onto a county road. There were several treed ranch entries, and he picked one that was overgrown and pulled a short distance down it and parked under a tree. By the time he put the truck in park she had his zipper down and was reaching inside his jeans to stroke his erect cock.


She pushed on his jeans, and he helped her to work them and his boxers down to his thighs. He moaned in surprise when she closed her lips hungrily around his cock. He adjusted the seat back to a reclining position as she crouched on the seat and suckled him. His hands were everywhere all at once, in her hair, stroking her back, and reaching beneath the hem of her sundress. She crooned in gratitude as his fingertips slid beneath the lace of her panties.

He paused and whispered, “Are you wearing my favorites?”

Suckling happily on his distended shaft, she hummed in assent, never missing a beat. His fingertips strayed over her lace-covered mound to the split down the center seam, which left her completely open and vulnerable to his caress.

“You’re drenched, honey,” he murmured as he stroked the back of her head with his other hand. “Damn, you do that so well. That’s perfect.” Even though he’d only been gone a couple of days she’d missed his gentle touch and the careful way he handled her.

Maya alternated playing with his balls with stroking his shaft as he came closer and closer to coming. His callused fingertips felt good caressing her wet pussy. He circled her clit with one finger, teasing her, then slid it in just a little before returning to her clit again.

His fingertips touched her jaw. “Stop, honey. I want your pussy now.”

With one last, loving lick, Maya allowed him to pull her on top of him. She settled her knees on the seat on either side of his hips and said, “It’s a good thing I had a condom, huh?” She reached in her purse and produced one.

Chuckling, Richard sheathed his cock quickly and replied, “It sure is, because I didn’t come prepared.”

“Well then just prepare to come,” she said with a laugh and then a groan as she slid her wet pussy along his cock. They moaned together as the head slid in, right through the split in her panties. Richard was large and always took his time entering her, so it took her several wet up-and-down strokes before he was completely sheathed inside her.


Pleasurable spasms and the aching in her clit told her it wouldn’t take much to put her over. She paused to catch her breath and looked into his luminous eyes and whispered, “I’m all yours, Richard. Every part of me. I trust you with everything.”

She leaned forward and kissed him as he wrapped his arms around her torso and held her like she was a precious gift. Desire and lust necessitated movement, and she began to grind on his cock as he thrust upward repeatedly. On every upstroke she arched her back and squeezed with her pussy muscles, and he groaned loudly each time.

He stroked her clit with his thumb and drew her lips to his for another deep kiss. His dick felt even harder and bigger inside her, and she creamed as the waves of her orgasm begin to gather. His touch on her clit sent the tension even higher, and she held tight to his shoulders.

“Richard…Please don’t stop.”

“Not for anything, honey. I want to hear you come for me. Your pussy feels so good. So hot and tight. Come with me, Maya.”

Maya watched his handsome, flushed face. His lips parted in ecstasy, he tilted his head back, and the sight of his pleasure sent her over. She cried out and ground harder against him as the first wave hit her.

He pressed more firmly on her clit and thrust up until she nearly bumped her head against the roof of the truck. He let out a loud groan as he pumped hard and filled her cunt with his cum.

Collapsing against him, Maya lay still and caught her breath as she listened to his pounding heartbeat. He could be forceful when he wanted to be. She wondered, not for the first time, what an erotic spanking from him would feel like. Heavy on the pleasure, light on the pain was her guess. Lifting her head, she gazed up at him and saw the twinkle in his eyes.

“I’m very naughty.”

He chuckled and replied, “A very naughty girl, indeed. What am I going to do with you?”


She shook her head slowly and smiled. “I don’t know. Bad girls usually get punished, don’t they?”

“We’ll see about that.”

He helped her lift off of him, then they cleaned up and got back on the road. She tucked back up to his side and he put his arm back around her and kissed the top of her head gently.

He murmured, “I missed you so much.”

“Me, too.” He squeezed her and kept driving.

When they got home, one of the Divine Creek Ranch hands hailed him to pass a message along from one of the guys. Maya covered a giggle at his frustrated groan and went in the house. A couple of minutes later he strode up the porch steps looking like a man on a mission.

Richard bolted the front door, closed the front drapes, and then strode down the hall toward her as he unbuttoned his dark blue, long-sleeved denim shirt, his eyes unreadable. She stood gazing back at him trying to decide what she should do first.

He sat down on the end of the bed and toed his boots off while crooking a finger at her. When she stood before him he said, “Strip.”

Her pussy clenched with excitement at his gentle but firm tone.

She pulled the dress over her head, removed her bra and panties, and placed them neatly on a chair. She stood before him again, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. Hot moisture seeped from her slit as he gazed at her thoughtfully.

“You give yourself to us, to me, unselfishly. The least I can do is give you what you like, what you want.” His words were sincere, and the love and receptiveness in his eyes nearly made her heart burst.

“Tell me what you like, Maya. I want to give it to you, however you want it.”

“I want you to spank me, Richard.”

He nodded without hesitation but she knew this would be a stretch for him. She wanted him to understand what erotic spanking did for her.


Morgan had been dominant and stunningly clever in the means he employed to control her at times, to their mutual pleasure. Boone was the same way, which was why they meshed so well together.

Richard was wired differently, making this a bit of a hurdle for him. When he was in control of a moment, there was never any doubt in her mind he was in charge, but that didn’t mean he was dominant.

Maybe this was why Richard was special to her, he brought something totally different to her life.

Maya motioned to him to scoot forward to the edge of the bed.

When there was enough space for her over his knees, she draped herself across his lap. He placed a stabilizing arm over her back as she settled and braced herself with her fingertips and the balls of her feet barely touching the floor.

“I know the mechanics, Maya. I want you to tell me what you like. I’m sorry I have to ask. I should already know.”

Rather than dwell on his statement she chose to move on. “It’s all right, Richard. I love the slow buildup. Give me a good, long warm-up, then ten good, hard licks. After that back off and alternate light pops to my ass with spanking my pussy.
Very, very
lightly on my pussy.” It felt odd to give instructions to someone she felt so submitted to, regardless of whether he was dominant or not.

He rubbed both globes of her ass, squeezing and massaging them until they felt pleasantly warm. His rough hands felt wonderful, and she looked forward to what came next. His open hand landed with a light pop on the fleshy part of her ass cheek. In quick succession, Richard alternated between both cheeks and her upper thighs, careful to never strike her tailbone, hips, or lower back.

A sensual wave of heat spread through her ass and mound as his strikes became firmer. Finally, he said, “One,” and counted out each solid stroke. Tension built higher within her, and the impact of each pop to her ass cheek vibrated in her clit. Her pussy convulsed and her inner thighs became slick. She hissed with the final pop and moaned in rapture as his hand made gentle impact with her pussy.


Now the sweet torture would begin, or so she’d thought, before he suddenly stopped. His hand strayed back to her swollen cunt, and his fingers drifted fluidly though all her abundant moisture. His growl was a deep, almost animalistic sound, and her pussy clenched tightly on his fingers when he slid two inside her easily.

“I’ll be damned.”

It dawned on her that Richard had just found out what he actually needed to know. Erotic spankings got her hot in a major way. It didn’t matter that it was kinky or that mild pain was involved.

She almost shouted in triumph as he withdrew his finger and resumed the erotic spanking. Each stroke to her pussy took her higher and higher. She began arching to meet his hand, eager for each one as a ball of fire consumed her from the inside out.

When she shifted, she noticed his erection was thick and hard against her waist and knew without a doubt he was fully on board with erotic spanking. She parted her legs and the next soft impact landed on her clit and stayed there. Moaning, she writhed as he focused his caresses over and around her clit.

“Yes, Richard. Oh, yes!”

She couldn’t wait to feel his cock thrusting inside of her. As if he’d read her mind, Richard thrust two fingers inside her cunt again and continued rubbing her clit as he stroked in and out of her pussy.

She grasped his pant leg and bucked against his tight invasion until the tension broke and her orgasm hit her hard.

Her body was a limp noodle when the orgasm receded, but Richard kept stroking her pussy lips gently. The tension soon returned, and she wanted him inside her when she came again.

Carefully, she sat up with his help, feeling euphoric and wobbly.

“You okay?”

She caressed his jaw and kissed him, whispering, “So much better than okay, honey.”

She slipped his unbuttoned shirt from his massive shoulders as he stood and removed his jeans and boxers. She retrieved another


condom from the bedside table and drew him into the living room.

“Can I sit in your lap?” she whispered, pointing to his large, comfortable-looking chair. The one he’d rocked her in the day she’d been bitten by the rattlesnake.

He sat and drew her to him so she straddled his thighs with her ass perched on his knees. She caressed his balls while he sheathed his cock then he tilted her face so she would look in his eyes.

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