A line I took to mean, Mind your business:
Don't spring the fire alarm.
Don't set the joint ablaze.
Don't rush a live mic
pleading to the baggy black shirts,
Please. There's a spindly raised hand
with chipped red polish quaking too fast
in this smoke-free bar. And a dainty mom
lugging her son piggyback
leveled a letterman to answer your call.
I'm trying to tell you I've been over this
again and again. What type of man would
let a child in this poem? What type of man
could stand in that building and not know
how to be a normal human being?
Could not glean, exigently, something
of addiction, its manic blood-itch?
Comprehend what can happen
when certain little boys in this poem
can do nothing but stay in their lines?
See, I'm doing it again. Damn this
business of frame and context. Dam
these sorry lines and hear me now.
I don't rightly know who sucked off whom
or what variety of human I've become.
But if you don't close this book; I mean
drop this poem straightawayâyou, me,
that boy, his mom, and every drunk dancing
fool in this shattered glass-disco-ball world,
we are all of us, altogether fucked.
I cooked us dinner. Now
you can wash the dishes.
This logic's like
a jolly, wide-framed stockbroker
giving an elderly woman the Heimlich
at a bistro then sneering,
pick your dentures off the tile and finish
my plate of Brussels sprouts
. No, it's like
an aardvark snouting a barefoot kid into
a liquor store, saying,
I sniffed the fire ants
from your sandbox.
Nowâabout that brew.
Do I have a giant purse full of Geritol?
Am I saying my wife's an anteater? No.
She's vegan. Of course, she would want
you to know she's no linebacker either.
And she's not. But one could say Jill
possesses linebacker-esque attributes
when bolting through our studio door
shoulder first, wearing black leather,
walked-in pumps, tackling her man
by his leg with her tongue. Go ahead
scrutinize. But you should hear how
she tears into me. I'll kiss her brow.
She'll suckle my neck. We'll descend
upon the couch, ankles in my lap as I rub
her feet, and she'll go,
Can you take the dog
out. I worked all day.
And I will
absolutely lose it, because I've been writing
this all day, which is harder than her gig
playing with lab rats. Plus, there's the matter
of grammar. A man who can dismantle
and reerect a world with words can certainly
walk Chauncey, our basset hound, down a flight.
Yes, I actually tell her this. Not that it matters.
Jill may as well be shoving me down
the stairwell when she frowns like I'm shorter
than I am, exclaiming,
Thanks for the help, hun!
In the courtyard, I watch a portly man
in a petite blazer work his girth free from
a steering wheel and waddle toward the building,
embracing a pack of toilet paper like a life raft.
Chauncey peers at me droopy eyed, slurs the grass,
and we lap the creaky man on our way upstairs.
Hearing the door swing wide, Jill jumps
off the couch to apologize for what she does
not know. I stop her two sentences in.
I kiss her cracked palm, sliding a finger in
my mouth. We nick the dog
when she yanks it out, shoving me groundward.
And we lie there; until the sun joins, then beats us up,
before I nuzzle her awake saying,
Jill. Something
about what I do has rendered me a bit sensitive:
to transparent reasoning, stockbrokers, people
mixing up ability and desire, competition
. Do you get what I'm saying here?
She looks down at my cheek on her chest, smacks
the top of my head with her lips, and mumbles,
If I could, I really would trade you jobs.
I smileâa little nervous. But mostly, relieved.
is a shovel sighing earthâ
is what's stirring beneath a well,
where I always go: that suck and push
of air, swelling the chestâits starting
place. That I couldn't end there
is as sad and annoying
as watching a pet mouse collide and
collide with its mirrored-glass quarters:
is any ordinary beast acknowledging himself
with a battering ramâdense stump
that slams through the wrong door
in a smoky hallway, reconstructing
the face of an elderly woman
as dumb gold teeth can do.
It's the slim probability of that and
the swinging arm of death falling
for the woman's granddaughter
at the funeral, who has stems as
if a comet's trail could begin at an ankle
and end in a dark, stockinged thigh.
And just like that, we're back:
in the chamber which regulates all.
If you're locked outside its door
or cannot find this room, I sing:
You are lucky as a virgin.
If you're unsure this place existsâ
this saddest thingâ
Fine. Don't believe in it
or me. But please believe in this
latched dirt-box of a house
speaker strapped to my back, blasting
everything blueâthe same.
It's like this, Anna:
shell banged bare
with a bat, Anna
vat of gunpowder
shed, Anna
famished bird
fed off scraps, Anna
gut-itch flown
south for life, Anna
dropper's stool self-pecked
slow, Anna
wince or stool
dropped again, Anna
bird sifting
through his shit, Anna
slug built by a bird's
beak, Anna
small handgun.
It's like this, Anna.
Like a gun
the bird doesn't grip.
It's like this, Anna.
It's like that.
It's like that
and like this.
for Rashad who said
The difference between bad & good
rap is the difference between
silicone & flesh
. He legit yelled that
shit through a karaoke mic
while arranging end caps
on an overnight shift. & I swore
he wasn't lying. Wasn't dropping
some inverse analysis
about the sad plasticity of pop.
His shopping cart quaked
as he snatched a glittered
jewel case, like
If we stock one more
garbage-ass album, homeboy
I'ma burn Circuit City to the ground.
What happened next began
with a black Bic lighter
sparked & lowered to the corner of
a cardboard box. The corners of
my lips slow-motion switched
from laughter to
Don't do it!
as he drew an aerosol air spray
from his slacks. I knocked
the can from his hand but it was too lateâ
the box burst into a small campfire
& we stomped out
the wack CDs. It was a long walk
to the restroom. He tented his
left thumb under the drain, said
Niggas be spending they last
on making good records. Then go
hungry cause we won't
stock 'em.
ice in the base of a glass, “Big Brother”
Shad had lost his cool. Rifling
through his CD wallet he flipped
each page with a silver box cutter.
I watched him slice open bricks
of blank discs & load up two dozen CPUs.
What was played was circular
braggadocio. Baritone gusto
about being better than every man
breathing, underrated & hated on. Whole
songs saying, I've been feeling this
way for eternity. Been
scribbling rhymes since
my brother passed in '89. &
I spit to box out my rents' chronic
scrapping. & I've suffered more
than most in a short time
alive so my story's realer than yours.
I wanted to tell our manager
I stayed for the music. That
I had to hear what fever-inducing
swagger sounded like.
Needed to watch
Shad line shelves with unkempt
voices. That the store needed it too.
But surveillance cams
saved me the trouble
of punking out.
For ten years, I've kept
Shad's voice tucked
just beneath my tongue. & today
I think he was saying
the important art feels real
talks the talk, and probably
that's enough. Or
are those my words in his mouth?
All I know
is that on any given day
there are two types of people, at least:
One who'd go hungryâget fired
to be heard. & one who'd hide
inside a maze full of lines.
I think I distrust statisticians.
I think this is problematic.
I think the square root of this quote is a question.
I think the question equals at least five answers.
I think history is the base of most things.