MC BIKER ROMANCE: Bad Boy Romance: BETRAYED: (New Adult Motorcycle Club Navy SEAL Romance) (Contemporary Military Romance Thriller) (36 page)

BOOK: MC BIKER ROMANCE: Bad Boy Romance: BETRAYED: (New Adult Motorcycle Club Navy SEAL Romance) (Contemporary Military Romance Thriller)
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Charlotte looked at him skeptically. "A friend of mine?"

"Fair hair, green eyes, rather thin. If I'd seen her in the woods somewhere, I would have thought she was a fairy."

"Helen?" She was the only person in the
that could have possibly fit that description. Charlotte sent a private thank you to the girl in her head.

When Drake spoke, his hot breath tickled her ear and a blush spread like wildfire through her body. Her cheeks turned nearly red. "As much as I'm enjoying the dance, how would you like some fresh air? It seems like the man I duped is looking for you."

Following Drake's gaze, Charlotte managed to catch a glimpse of the prince making his way through the crowd of nobles, clearly searching for her. Charlotte squeezed Drake's hand, signaling him to follow her.

Weaving in and out through the ballroom she knew like the back of her hand, she managed to reach the statuary garden in the back of the Devonshire estate. In her hurry to get away from her fiance, she'd taken Drake to the last place in the world she'd wanted to be (
or exactly where you wanted him
, whispered the reckless side of her). The very same gardens that every self-respecting debutante was warned of, lest they be taken and ravished in the dark by the infamous rakes of the

She could hear hurriedly bitten off moans and giggles as they walked along the path. Heat rose in her cheeks until she was decidedly red and made to turn around.

"My apologies. This seems to be a rather inappropriate venue..." her voice died as Drake caught her arm, stopping her from retreating back inside. She looked up at his grinning face.

That rogue! He knew about these gardens and suggested going outside to see if I'd bring him here!
Charlotte, absolutely infuriated, shook her arm out of Drake's grasp and gathered her skirts to leave.
I knew he was just playing around with me!

It smarted to know that he thought so little of her, when she had been so fiercely glad to see him tonight.

"Wait," Drake said soothingly, circling around to cut off her furious departure. "I'm sorry. I know you're not that kind of woman and I was having a little fun because I thought you wouldn't do anything here. On my life, I never thought to take advantage of you."

Charlotte was slightly mollified at the truth that rang in his every syllable, but her infuriation knew no bounds. "You still shouldn't have. I know I'm not nearly as worldly as you and I must seem like a silly girl that knows nothing but small talk --"

Drake made to interrupt but Charlotte steamed on, her insecurities blurting out one after another. "But I'll have you know that I won't be swept up by your charm all willy-nilly. I'm not some foolish chit you can use like that! Contrary to popular opinion I have a will of my own, thank you very much, and I have enough people trying to control me so if that's what you're looking for you can see yourself out."

He was grinning as she stopped to breathe, taking advantage of the pause to head her off before she started again. "Why, Duchess, you've quite the temper on you."

Charlotte stopped in her tracks, utterly confused. No one had ever tolerated of her temper before, and Drake seemed to not only approve of her outburst, but was
  by it.

"Am I funny to you?" Charlotte demanded. Drake shook his head, a clear no.

"You continue to surprise me. I thought those dull British gents and ladyfolk would have beat the spirit out of you long ago."

"They tried," she said dully, thinking back to all those lessons and beatings and harsh words her mother had used to bully her into submission. Eventually she had come to think of being accepted as a challenge and worked hard on her own to be the very best socialite she could possibly be. It had worked -- albeit

"Well, I'm certainly glad they couldn't. You're a little hellcat, you are." The interest shone in Drake's eyes as he proffered her his arm. "Now that we've established that I won't try anything indecent -- I'm sure you'd scratch out my eyes if I tried, anyhow -- shall we go take a walk?"

Charlotte took his arm, and off they went into the garden of earthly pleasure.  She turned a deaf ear to the moans and gasps that permeated the air, although she had never been so grateful for darkness in her entire life. To her dismay, Drake seemed to be just fine, as if they were strolling on the street and not in the dark with the heady scent of honeysuckle floating around them.

"Was the man you were dancing with a suitor of yours?" Drake asked conversationally.

"Fiance, actually." Charlotte sneaked a peek at Drake's face, which remained cordially impassive. However, she could feel the muscle in his arm tense.

"Perhaps I've done a terrible thing, separating a beautiful lady from her betrothed."

"Nonsense, I barely know the man. You probably know him better than I do, since you seem to know so much about the

"Oh? And who might this illustrious noble be?"

"He's known as George IV, son of George III."

Drake stopped dead. "You can't possibly mean --"

Charlotte laughed at the look on his face. "I knew you would recognize the name."

"Why, your Majesty!" Drake recovered and presented her with a mock-bow. "I see I'm in the presence of royalty!"

royalty." She was careful to stress the "future".

"Does that mean her Majesty is not satisfied with her match?" Drake watched her curiously.

"It is the best match a young lady could ever wish for. It is selfish to ask for more." Charlotte parroted the words of her mother, and Drake's face darkened.

"Come now. That's not the Charlotte I know."

It was the first time he'd used her name and not called her by her title. Startled at the familiarity, the truth tumbled out of her before she could stop it. "I've always envisioned an old man for a husband, someone who wouldn't care much for what I do. But this Prince! Oh, it'll be like living with my mother all over again -- someone to tell me what to wear, how to act -- I bet he'll even teach me how to wave! The worst part is it won't be just him. It'll be the entire castle and, once he's crowned King, all the people we'll rule over and I'll never escape their scrutiny. The news sent me into such a shock that I had to run away, which is when you found me," she admitted, rather sheepishly. "I'm sure you thought me an utter fool."

Drake, who had been silent through her entire monologue, said to her gently, "No, I understand. You're like me -- you need freedom like you need air..."

"...or you'll suffocate." Charlotte finished for him, as naturally as if they'd known each other for years instead of a day. Indeed, it simply felt right to be by his side, pouring out her innermost thought and feelings that she'd kept locked inside herself for years.

"Tell me something about you." she blurted, and she felt rather than saw Drake turning to her in surprise.

"What do you want to know?"

"Here I am, telling you these intimate things, and I don't even know your real name."

There was a silence, and Charlotte had almost given him up when Drake said quietly, "I'd like to have kept it from you, but I suppose you would have demanded to know later anyway. But it's easier to show you rather than to tell you."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you read the news, little Duchess?"

"Rarely. I get my news through word of mouth." Her father was of the traditional make, and to read the paper she'd have to squirrel it away while her father wasn't looking -- often far too much trouble when she would hear about it from the rest of the
later on.

"Well, if you want to know who I am I highly advise you read the paper tomorrow. And if you'd still like to see me after, come to the docks around noon tomorrow. Stick to the main streets, I'll be at the entrance to the fish markets -- although I won't hold my breath for your arrival, I assure you." he grinned, although it was more like a baring of teeth than a show of amusement, 100 percent the rogue and none of the gentleman he was in front of her. Rather than frightening her, it only made her more curious and she opened her mouth to tell him so.

Suddenly, Drake held up a hand and Charlotte hushed. In the sudden silence, she could just make out faint footsteps drawing closer from their secluded garden hideaway. An arm entwined around her waist and pulled her deeper into the shrubbery, holding her fast to a warm wall of hard muscle.

When she tried to wiggle away, Drake whispered several calming words into her hair, breath ghosting over her sensitive neck. Desire washed over her in a wave and she stilled instantly.

"Tha's a good lass," Drake said, words broken and voice unsteady. His gentleman's veneer slipped away, hints of his rough nature coming through at last. They waited together in the dark, Charlotte electrified with the feel of Drake's body so close to hers. She wanted to hear more of his cockney accent. She wanted him to clutch her closer, wanted him to turn her a bit and claim her mouth as his. She wanted him to -- she wanted him!

Heat built in her core with every second that passed by. Adrenaline and desire fought for dominance in her veins as the heavy footsteps drew closer and closer, but her blood ran cold when she heard a rustling in front of the very bush they were hiding behind. The man stopped in front of the topiary, and put his hand out to brush it aside...

Just then, a female voice rang out and the hand stopped.

"What is the majestic prince doing skulking around in my bushes? Doesn't he know there's a party going on inside?"

Helen. Oh, that blessed, blessed girl.

"I seem to have lost my fiance." The prince replied coolly. "One of the ladies told me she'd seen her slip outside with a man in a mask -- one of your making, it seems."

"Yes, the gold mask is one of my favorites. If you're looking for its wearer, dear prince, I seem to have spotted it near one of the punch bowls before I came out to search for some wandering royalty."

"Thank you, Helen." He snapped, in a tone very different from the smooth, collected and composed one he'd used on Charlotte. "What would I ever do without your
helpful presence."

"You'd be lost without it, I presume." She replied cheerily, and the voices faded away in the other direction.

Drake and Charlotte both breathed a sigh of relief.

"That was close." Drake said, and Charlotte nodded.

"Much too close."

"Thanks to your clever friend, your reputation is still intact, it seems."

"Bother my reputation!" She almost meant it, too.


“Really?” Drake grinned, one of his roguish ones, the moonlight glinting in his mischievous blue gaze. One of his hands drifted down to her thigh, his light caress reaching her through her thin summer dress. She gasped and put a hand on his chest to stop him, but it rested there weakly as he finally closed the gap between their lips.

Their first kiss was brief but passionate -- he tasted her like a starving man, crushing them together as he pulled her flush against him. She stiffened at first, relaxing by degrees as he wound his hand through her hair and let the hand on her thigh drift upwards, upwards, and further upwards…

A hot flash of desire electrified Charlotte and she whimpered against his assault, opening her mouth in surrender. His tongue invaded her and she moaned, pressing herself against him as he pushed between her legs.

Through the haze of desire, she felt a warning bell ring in the back of her head. Charlotte drew away from his hot tongue, protesting weakly as she leaned against his broad chest. Drake stilled, stroking her hair slowly while she listened to his rapid heartbeat.

When he pulled away, she had to bite her lip to stop herself from calling him back. He grinned.

"Though I'd love to encourage your rebellion, I must go. I've overstayed my welcome as it is, and some business calls my name."

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Charlotte hoped she was only imagining the slight desperation in her tone.

"Check the newspapers first, little Duchess." So they were back to that again. The intimacy that had lingered in the air had dissipated with the arrival of the prince.

Before she could reply, Drake ran a gentle finger down her cheek, tucking a wayward strand of hair securely behind her ear.

"Perhaps I will see you tomorrow, then." And with that, he seemed to melt into the darkness.


Chapter 3

Charlotte could hardly sleep that night. Although her ears were still ringing from the harsh invectives her mother had hurled at her and the look of confusion mixed with well-hidden anger from the prince was seared into her brain, the only thing she could think of was the paper tomorrow.

So I'll finally know who this mysterious Drake is?

She'd already gathered he was an unsavory character, someone her mother would positively faint to see her with. But he'd treated her with respect and accepted the real Charlotte, not the "Flower of Galloway" or the daughter of a duke. He'd seen real Charlotte and approved of what he'd seen.

It didn't hurt that her body thrummed with anticipation every time she thought of his muscled arms or his hard chest.

Morning dawned, finally, and Charlotte ran for the paper still clad in her nightgown and with nothing but slippers on her feet. The maid who delivered the news to her father every morning, along with his breakfast, stood in shock as she asked for the newspaper.

"I only want to look. Just a peek?"

"W-well, if you're quick ma'am." The maid stammered, handing over what she wanted.

Right there, on the front page, was a picture of a ship and huge words proclaiming: "Pirate strikes again! Royal ships sunk off port!"

She read the article in its entirety, ignoring the increasingly antsy maid next to her.
Latest in a string of aquatic attacks...thousands of pounds in the gentleman pirate Drake unstoppable?

A pirate.
She thought, her mouth dry. She'd heard of Drake, of course she had. There wasn't a single soul in London who hadn't heard of the legendary Drake, who reportedly left his noble family to search for a life at sea and single-handedly revived an almost extinct fear of pirates.

No wonder he didn't want me to know.
This was a man who'd killed, who'd plundered, who was wanted by every authority in England and some in the States as well. Did she have the nerve to associate with him? Worst yet, was it her duty as one of the gentry -- as the
prince's fiance
, for heaven's sake -- to report him?


She knew she should. She knew her mother, if she knew, would march right up and report him herself. Every cell of her that had played the upright and social "Flower of Galloway" was screaming at her to do the right thing and turn this man in.

That was exactly why she wasn't going to. For too long she'd done what others had wanted her to do. But what did
want to do?

She didn't know yet. But she sure as hell was going to find out.

Handing the paper back to the maid, she ran to her room and got dressed in the most inconspicuous dress she could find, swept her hair in a bonnet and ran out before the midday meal.

She was in such a hurry that she didn't notice the prince passing her by or hear him calling out to her.

The rest of the town was a blur to her as she walked briskly past, until the unmistakable stench of the docks hit her nose. She kept up her pace until she skidded to a halt in front of the fish markets.

Drake was nowhere in sight.

Her heart dropped into the bottom of her stomach and she was trying not to feel so betrayed --
of course he wasn't here! It wouldn't be smart to be waiting -- what if she'd called the authorities instead?
-- when a young voice piped up behind her.

"Miss, are you Charlotte?"

"Yes," she whirled around in surprise, coming face-to-face with a dirty little boy.

"Follow me."

The boy scrambled away without another word, and Charlotte had to run to keep him in sight. They passed through one alleyway and then another, giving Charlotte a distinct sense of deja vu. The two of them came out rather close to the water's edge, and the boy stopped in front of a nondescript warehouse. He knocked, two times long and once short, and the door opened.


They entered and there was Drake, reclining on a roughly hewn wooden chair, as easy as you please. The man who opened the door was of true pirate stock, rather large and intimidating. He stared at Charlotte as if he'd never seen a creature like her before, and she returned the favor before shifting her attention to Drake.

"Charlotte!" Drake's face broke out into a genuine smile, half amazed and half...annoyed?" "I must commend your bravery, little Duchess."

He came over and offered her an identical chair to his. She sat, although with trepidation. "If you're regretting my visit..."

"Nonsense. I'm just a tad worried about your welfare. Pirates are not exactly smiled upon by the Empire, as you well know." Despite his casual tone, Charlotte could read his worry in the little crinkles around his mouth, the firm set of his jaw.

"No one saw me come here."

"As they shouldn't. Mason here's very good at knowing when he's being followed." Drake nodded toward the child, who smiled broadly at the compliment.

"Drake," Charlotte began, her voice softening involuntarily as she spoke his name. His face gentled, as if her voice was melting him slowly.

Then he noticed his two men still hovering near the door, unsure of their place. "Mason! Beets! Make sure our booty's safe from those navy dogs."

The two left immediately, and Drake sighed. "I apologize for them. I truly didn't think you would show."

"Then you underestimated me."

"That I did. So, little lady, why
you show today?"

"To see for myself who you really are.” Charlotte answered promptly and without any hesitation. Drake chuckled darkly.

“Fair enough.” He rose then, holding out his hand for Charlotte to take. She took it and pulled herself up but he held her hand for a moment longer, threading their fingers together before letting go.


“Come. If you want to know so badly, I’ll show you.”


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