MC: Brighton (23 page)

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Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Romance, #Contemporary

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Chapter Twenty-One




Two days later...


She looks up, smiling. She’s had a good day, I love that smile. “I’m ten minutes from done.” I throw her chin and walk down the hall, hoping it’s the way out. I hit my watch when I make it to my bike, letting Chet and Lyrec know I’m getting ready to move. Stowing our bag and my computer, I feel a hand on my back. She finished early. I smile, turning around. Fuckin’ whore is standing less than a foot away with her hand on my stomach.

“Sorry, doll, told you last night I’m not interested. My old lady’s on her way, so it’d be good if you took a step back and got your fuckin’ hands off me.” Fuck! Penny’s walking over from the side door.

The whore isn’t paying attention and moves her hand. I grab it from going lower. “I’m pretty sure he said get your hands off him,” Penny says, making the whore turn her head. I step to the side and let her hand go.

“Just seeing if he wanted to start his trip right, sugar, no harm no foul,” the whore says, reaching to pat my chest.

Penny pulls her hair back so fast the whore’s hand doesn’t reach me but goes back to hold her head. “Keeping your hands off him is no foul in my book. Now it’s no harm no foul, right?” Her voice is sweet, but her eyes are hard. Fuck, my dick jumps to attention.

The whore has both hands holding her hair now. “I don’t need no trouble. Hammer will kick me out if there’s trouble.”

“Maybe you should keep your hands to yourself when someone asks you to,” Penny says, letting the whore’s hair go. She gives me a big smile. “I’m all set.”

“I don’t know if I should take you back inside and fuck you into next week or get the fuck out of here,” I tell her, seriously debating it.

“I vote for getting the fffuck out of here.” Her face turns red before my mouth is on hers.

My dick is straining against my jeans. There is no way we’re leaving right now. I hit my watch and pull her back inside. “Which way to our room?” She pulls me the other way and opens a door. I spin her around and push her up against it, slamming my mouth on hers. She’s trying to climb up me. I get her jeans open and pull my mouth off hers to pull them down. Fuck, she’s wearing her boots. I decide that’s fuckin’ sexy too and kneel down to take them off her. Once she’s bare from the waist down, I lift her. “Put your legs on my shoulders and lean back against the door.” She does, making a whimpering sound. My mouth finds her pussy wet and ready. I work her clit until she screams ‘Badass’ for me.

Now she said fuck, the next time we do I’ll tease the hell out of her until it comes out of her mouth again. I stand, holding her up with one hand and dropping my pants with the other. I lift her and my dick finds its home. Sliding her down, I moan. “Fuck comes out of your mouth, I’ll give it to you.” I lean her into the door and pound into her. “Show me those tits, babe.” She holds her shirt up and I pound harder. She has no bra on and the sight of her naked tits above the ink on her almost has me coming. I slow and bend, taking her bar in my mouth and flipping it. She scrapes her fingernails over my nipple and I lose it. Letting her tit go, I pound into her until I’m empty. She’s holding on to me with a death grip when I spin and lean on the wall. Holy fuckin’ shit! “Fast and furious just took on a whole new meaning for me.”

She giggles, then opens her mouth, taking a deep breath. “I like fast and furious.”

I put my head against hers. “I like you staking a claim and saying fuck.”

She turns red but keeps my eyes. “Me too.” I laugh. Fuckin’ Penny.

We get cleaned up and walk out. I’m hitting my watch and walk right into her. I put my arm around her stomach so I don’t knock her over. “Babe?” I look up the hall. Fuckin’ hell. I used to fuck in an open room, so seeing people in the hall is nothing to me, but Penny isn’t accustomed to the open sex in the Clubs, and people listening isn’t something she’s used to. She takes a breath and squares her shoulders. Taking my hand, she starts walking. “That’s my girl. Fuckin’ steel in you.” She looks back at me with a smile.

She waves and turns to walk out. “Next time stay in the hall!” A fuckin’ Brother says. I peg him a finger and follow Penny to the bike.

I check to make sure the backpack and laptop are still in it. “It was covered, Brother,” Chet says from a row behind us. I throw him chin and get on, tipping the bike for her. I don’t like wearing the holster when she’s on the bike, but I’m still feeling on edge, even after blowing my load. This tells me I need to stay alert. I look at Chet and sign, ‘stay alert.’

He nods signing, ‘yes.’

I ride straight for the coast. We don’t stop until we hit it. We take rooms at the first hotel I see on the water. Thank God we’re a week early of their tourist season. A walk on the beach and late dinner on the pier has Penny yawning. We go to the room and she falls on the bed and curls up like a cat. After getting her undressed, I grab my laptop and get some work done.

I work until I can’t see straight, then slide in beside my brave girl with the growing vocabulary. I smile, thinking of all the words I’m going to get out of her.


Chapter Twenty-Two






We’re riding back to the yard a day early. Walking through town, I couldn’t shake the feeling something was off. Penny had enough of the little shops and was ready, so leaving was easy.

As we get closer, I should be relieved, but I feel like I’m missing something and call in to Security. Brantley hooks me up with Rich.

“Brantley just pulled you up, Brother. You’re clear coming in,” he says. I can hear his smile.

“Something’s off, Rich. I felt it the whole time I—”

“Speed up! Fuck! Where’s Chet and Lyrec?” I jump to eighty-five and check my mirrors. I don’t see them but can’t look too long, I’m weaving in traffic.

“What’s going on, Rich?”

Brantley: “He’s dispatching LP1 and B3. They’re not too far from you at a college. You need to keep clear of a black SUV four cars behind you. He’s trying to get through.”

Me: “Roger.” I speed up and get clear of two more ahead of me.

Rich: “LP1 is three out, Digs. He’ll be coming up on the next on-ramp.”

Me: “Roger. Should I get off and get her safe?”

VP: “No. Stay on the course. LP1 and B3 will cover. Get back to the yard. HS is on its way.”

Me: “Roger, VP.” I’m doing ninety-five and Penny’s holding me in a death grip. “We got this, princess,” I yell back to her. She loosens her hold.

Two minutes in I hear bikes and check my mirror. Danny and Bob are behind me. Thank fuck!

None of us are on Security bikes, but we’re flying without PD chasing us. I wonder what the fuck is going on?

Danny: “VP, no sign of his detail.”

I think about that. Chet isn’t a Brother to let shit go, he’s known for following orders and going the extra mile. Lyrec is new to the HS detail. He was a nomad but put his time in Security, making it all the way to HS. The hair on the back of my neck stands up. “It’s Lyrec.”

Bob: “That was my thought.” Fuck. I want my keyboard so bad right now. Sticks had to be handing out information long before this. We missed it.

VP: “Two exits. HS has them both.” Passing the first a team falls in behind.

I relax and ride right to Security. Penny lets me go when I shut the bike off. I tip it for her and she laughs. “It’s never a dull ride with you. Jiminy!”

Bob laughs. “Fuckin’ nerves of steel, Penny.”

Her smile gets bigger. Rich comes out and hugs her, then man hugs me. “Chet’s okay. They picked him up on the side of the highway.” He doesn’t say anything about Lyrec. It is him. Fuck. He nods. “Ricky is coming to get Penny. He’ll see her home safe.”

I hug her. “I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

“Okay. I thought of a new design while I was holding on for dear life. I want to draw it up.” I laugh. Only Penny would think of T-shirts flying down the highway. “What? It’s a good one. ‘We got this, princess’ will be a hit.”

Everyone laughs. Fuckin’ Penny. I put her in Ricky’s truck and give him a look. “Going straight to the compound. Not fuckin with you, Brother.” I nod and give her a kiss.

We all climb the stairs and go right to Surveillance. “Chet took a hit to the head, he was out cold. Lyrec isn’t on tracking. His chip was on the ground by Chet.”

I jump on my console right away. My console was moved and it always throws me until my fingers are running over the keyboard, then I don’t notice being moved.

I pull all our information on Lyrec. Fuckin’ Sticks did his background and HS screening. How the fuck did it get by everyone? I pull his training and run through the dates and signatures. I see it right away. I pull my phone and scroll through the notes. “Got it. Rich! The training dates are fuckin’ lies. You didn’t train this week and your name is on these.” He leans over. “This was Jessie’s first week training HS. You were with me at the furniture store.” I show him my phone.

“Fuck! Brantley, pull Sticks’ backgrounds and screening files. Get them to CK and have them run these against mine and Jessie’s classes.”

Brantley looks over. “How far back are we going?”

VP answers, “Start with most recent and don’t stop till I tell you.” He looks at me. “Nice catch.”

Since he just gave this to CK, I’m done. I pull my bag over and give him the envelope from Hammer. “They love it.”

He throws chin. “Won’t be able to send you on another till this cools down.”

Fuck, I knew this was coming. “Yeah.”

“You stay HS. Ain’t losin’ you for this. Gonna need you now more than ever.” He’s watching me. I’m so fuckin relieved I throw him chin.

Danny slaps my back. “Got shit to do. We’re on at nine tomorrow.”

I smile. “Yeah.”

“Time tomorrow night. Band at the Club. Everyone’s showin’,” VP says.

“I’ll be there,” I tell him, flipping my bag over my shoulder. I’m smiling all the way out the door. I thought I was off HS. I never thought I’d say this, but I’m so fuckin’ glad he didn’t pull me back to IT.

As I’m walking out, I ask Danny what the time is. He laughs. “Geek’s girl is playing at the Club.”

“Oh, fuck!” I stop and look at him.

He starts his bike, still laughing. “Fuckin’ classic!” He roars away and I laugh. Holy shit, we’re fucked again!

out the Author




A former account executive, mother of three and grandmother of two. L. Ann lives in central USA where she found herself unemployed and having too much time on her hands. She decided to spend some time going back to her first love, writing. An avid reader herself, she found stories floating around in her head that were just waiting to be written and thought she would test the waters.

With this, her eighth in the MC Series and four in the Baxter Series, she finally found her way home.




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L. Ann Marie




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