McCarthys of Gansett Island Boxed Set Books 1-3 (20 page)

BOOK: McCarthys of Gansett Island Boxed Set Books 1-3
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Glancing down at the evil-looking scab and bruises on her leg, Maddie grimaced. Just what she needed on a night she was hoping for a little romance. She dried her hair until it fell thick and shiny to her shoulders. After smoothing fragrant lotion onto her entire body, she applied the barest bit of makeup and put on some of the new underwear she’d bought earlier. It was nice for once to wear a feminine bra, even if it didn’t offer the same level of support. Tonight she didn’t care. She cut the tags off a new white eyelet top cut lower than she normally wore and slid into a black miniskirt that came to mid-thigh. In the back of her closet, she found a pair of black high-heeled sandals.

She felt ready. She felt sexy. She felt nervous as hell. Placing a towel over her shoulder to protect her shirt, she lifted Thomas out of his crib and took him into the living room for a snuggle. If anything could calm her nerves, he could.

“We saw your father today, buddy.”

His face scrunched into his adorably serious expression. Sometimes Maddie thought he could understand her every word. She couldn’t wait to have a real conversation with him.

“I know you might think it’s wrong that I didn’t tell him about you, but he kept some important information from me, too. I don’t think he’s the kind of man we want in your life if he lies so easily, you know?”

Thomas reached for her hair and gave it a gentle tug.

“Does Mommy look pretty? I want to look pretty tonight. Let me ask you something—what do you think of Mac? Tell me the truth.”

The baby let loose a gurgle and flashed a gummy smile full of new teeth.

“Figures. You guys all stick together.” Maddie raised the baby so he could balance on his chubby legs. “He is pretty awesome, though, don’t you think? He likes you a lot, too.”

Thomas bounced up and down on his rubbery legs as a blob of drool ran down his chin.

Maddie blotted his face. “His sister Janey is coming over to play with you for a little while before bed. Will you be good for her so Mommy can have some fun tonight?”

More gurgling.

“Thanks, pal. I appreciate it.”

When she heard Mac’s motorcycle in the driveway, her heart skipped into overdrive. “Here he comes,” she whispered.

Thomas let out an excited squeal, and Maddie was sure he recognized the sound of the bike by now. Her son was getting attached to their new friend, which pleased and scared her at the same time.

Mac came bounding up the stairs as if he couldn’t wait to get to them. “Hey,” he said as he came in the door. “Y’all ready for bed, big guy?” He leaned in to kiss the bouncing baby’s wet cheek and then glanced at Maddie. His eyes widened. “Wow. You look gorgeous.”

“Thanks,” she said, her face heating.

He seemed to have trouble taking his eyes off her. “I just need to grab a quick shower. Janey will be here soon.”

“I’m ready when you are.” It was all so domestic, Maddie thought, as she watched him disappear into the bathroom. Her at home with the baby until Daddy gets home from work. A nice fantasy, that was for sure, and one she’d never pictured for herself until a sexy, thoughtful, decent guy knocked her off her bike. She wondered if that “accident” would turn out to be the best thing to ever happen to her.

“What do you think?” she asked Thomas.

“Does he talk back to you?” Janey asked from outside the screen door.

Maddie laughed and waved her in. “Not yet, but soon, I hope.”

“Hey, little man,” Janey said, reaching for the baby.

Thomas went to her but kept a wary eye on his mother.

“Look what I found on the way over.” Janey produced a soft lamb and held him up for Thomas to see.

He studied the toy in his usual serious way.

Then Janey took hold of a loop attached to the lamb, and the baby smiled at the “Mary Had a Little Lamb” tune.

“That’s adorable, Janey,” Maddie said. “Where did you get it?”

“My friend owns Abby’s Attic.”

“Oh, I love that store!”

Mac emerged from the bathroom wearing a towel around his waist. “Forgot clothes,” he said with a sheepish grin. “Hey, Janey.”

His sister shielded her eyes. “Eww, put something on, will you?” To Maddie, she said, “See what I grew up with? It was like living in a freaking locker room.”

Maddie’s gaze roamed over Mac’s muscular physique. “Mmm,” she said, licking her lips. “Must’ve been a terrible hardship.”

Gripping a handful of clean clothes, Mac flashed her that irrepressible grin and went back into the bathroom to get dressed.

“Damn,” Janey said, laughing. “You two have a bad case of it, huh?”

“So it seems.” Maddie sighed. “I’m probably cruising for disaster, but I can’t seem to help myself.”

“He’s the best, Maddie. And I’m not just saying that because he’s my big brother.”

“So you wouldn’t mind if we, you know. . .”

“I might’ve, before I got to know you, but now it seems you’re just what he needs.”

Touched, Maddie looked at Mac’s sister with new appreciation. “Too bad your mother doesn’t think so.”

“Don’t let her get to you. We just ignore her when she gets unreasonable.”

Maddie smiled. For the second time that week, she felt like she might be making a new girlfriend, and both of them were thanks to Mac.

“Are you ladies talking about me?” Mac asked when he emerged from the bathroom wearing a navy blue polo shirt and khaki cargo shorts.

“Get over yourself,” his sister said. “We have much better things to talk about than you.”

Mac stuck his tongue out at her and reached for the baby. “I need a minute with my little buddy before we go.” He swung him around in circles that had the baby squealing with delight.

“Don’t get him all fired up for Janey,” Maddie said. “While they’re playing, let me show you where everything is.”

“Sounds good.”

As they were leaving a few minutes later, Thomas began to cry.

Mac put his arm around Maddie on the way down the stairs. “He’ll be fine.”

“What if he isn’t? What if he gives her a hard time all night?”

“We’ll call and check in a little while. If it’s not going well, we’ll come home.”

Maddie looked up at him. “You wouldn’t mind?”

“Of course not.” He kissed her softly. “Whatever it takes to make sure you have a good time.” He reached for the denim jacket he’d told her to bring and draped it around her shoulders. “You’ll need that.” Taking her hand, he led her to the bike and reached for the helmet.

“We’re going on

“Is that okay?”

Maddie eyed it with trepidation, thinking of her healing wounds.

“You’ll be perfectly safe. I promise.”

“I’m wearing a skirt.”

“It’s dark. No one will see a thing—except for maybe me, and that’s more than fine with me.”

Smiling at his irreverence, she said, “I’ve never been on a motorcycle.”

“Then you’re in for a treat.” He helped her into the helmet. “You’ll love it.”

“I’m glad I bothered to do my hair,” she said dryly.

“It’ll bounce right back.” Tipping his head, he pressed a kiss to her neck. “You look amazing, and you smell even better.” He adjusted the strap under her chin and helped her onto the bike. Sliding on in front of her, he said, “Hold on as tight as you can.”

Maddie laughed and wrapped her arms around him. “I can see right through you, McCarthy.”

“Tighter,” he said with a chuckle.

As she flattened her hands against his taut abs, she discovered he didn’t have an extra ounce on him. With her legs snug against his hips and her hands flat against his belly, Maddie wanted to purr with contentment.

He started the bike and headed down the driveway.

Going by Tiffany’s deck, Maddie noticed the glow of a cigarette, which lit her sister’s face and illuminated her disapproval. Maddie turned away, refusing to let anyone ruin this night for her.

Chapter 10

They took the long way around the south side of the island on their way to Dominic’s, an Italian restaurant located off the main drag. Maddie loved being on the motorcycle and was impressed by the skillful way Mac operated it. They leaned into turns as if they’d been riding together for years, and when they finally parked, Maddie took off the helmet and shook out her hair.

“Well?” he asked. “What’d you think?”

“I loved it.”

“I did, too.”

She looked at him, perplexed. “You do it all the time.”

“Not with you pressed against me. That was the best ride ever.”

She couldn’t believe the stuff he said to her!

Before they went any further, he called Janey and confirmed that Thomas was doing just fine.

“That’s a relief,” Maddie said. “Thanks for checking.”

“No problem. This used to be one of my favorite restaurants. Is it okay with you?”

“I’ve heard it’s expensive.”

“I don’t care about that.”

“You’re not even working right now. How can you not care?”

“Honey, I’m a partner in the business. I get paid whether I work or not.”

“That must be nice.”

“It doesn’t suck.”

Maddie laughed, and he put his arm around her shoulders to lead her inside. “Does my hair look okay?”

“You’re gorgeous. Every guy in there will be envious of me.”

Could he be any more outrageous? “Right.”

Inside, they were led to a table in the middle of the big busy dining room. Mac held her chair for her and then sat to her left rather than across the table. It pleased her that he wanted to sit so close to her, but Maddie felt the eyes of everyone in the room focused on her as heat crept up her neck to settle in her face.

“What’s wrong?” Mac asked.

“Everyone is looking at us.”

“They’re wondering how I managed to get such a beautiful woman to have dinner with me.”

Maddie shot him a withering look. “Sure they are.” She took a drink from her glass of ice water. “Want to know what they’re really thinking?”

He reached for her hand and linked his fingers with hers, sending a clear message to anyone who was watching. “I couldn’t care less.”

And just like that, he diffused her anxiety. Why did she care? “It must be nice to go through life not giving a thought to what anyone thinks of you.”

“I’ve had it a bit easier on that front than you have.”

When the waiter returned to the table, Mac perused the wine list and ordered a bottle of red. “Is there something else you’d rather have?” he asked Maddie.

“No, wine is fine. Thank you.”

“Very good,” the waiter said. “I’ll be right back to take your order.”

Maddie scanned the menu and didn’t see a single entree for less than thirty dollars.

“What looks good to you, hon?” Mac asked.

“I’m not really that hungry. I’ll probably just go with soup.”

“Oh, come on. You can do better than that.”

“Really, that’s all I want.”

He put down his menu and leaned in close to her. “What’s the matter, Maddie?”

Her face once again heated with embarrassment. That had happened more since she’d known him than in her whole life before him. “The prices are ridiculous,” she whispered.

“Maddie, honey, please. Have whatever you want.”

“I could live for two weeks on what this one meal will cost.”

“Would you rather go somewhere else?” He brought her hand to his lips. “I want you to have a good time tonight. I don’t care where we go.”

“I’m sorry. You’re trying to do something nice, and I’m ruining it.”

“You’re being practical, and I’m being frivolous.”

“I can’t help it. I haven’t had much of a chance to be frivolous.”

“Would you mind letting me spoil you a bit? Just for tonight? Pick something fabulous that makes your mouth water just reading about it—and don’t look at the cost.”

“I don’t know if I can do that.”

“Then I’ll do it for you.” He flipped open the menu. “You’ve told me you love shrimp. How about the scampi?”

She wrinkled her nose. “Too garlicky.”

“What if I have it, too? Then we’ll both stink when we make out later.”

Maddie laughed even as his words filled her with edgy anticipation. “What are my other options?”

“Seafood fra diavolo.”

“What’s in that?”

Mac read the description of the spicy pasta dish that included clams, mussels, scallops and shrimp.

“That does sound good. Is it under fifty dollars?”

When he raised a dark eyebrow, he went from sexy straight to rakish. “We’re not looking at that, remember?”

He had a way of making everything fun, even her freak-outs about money. “I don’t know how you do it,” she said with a sigh.

BOOK: McCarthys of Gansett Island Boxed Set Books 1-3
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