McQuade: The Lone Wolf Takes A Mate (12 page)

BOOK: McQuade: The Lone Wolf Takes A Mate
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Before Rose c
ould protest, McQuade rose, lifting her as easily as a newborn. The unexpected action had her grabbing the strong column of his neck. Her breasts pressed into his hard chest.

Rose wanted to protest, she really did. But two things prevented her. One, she really was s
cared the shifters would come back. And two, she really wanted to spend more time with McQuade.

Oh, her head told her the second reason was foolish, but her heart didn’t care.


As he
turned onto the road leading to his house, McQuade caught sight of several young wolves running through the forest. He knew Rose couldn’t see them, they were moving too fast for the human eye. By the size and the length of fur, he guessed it was a group of pups out running off some steam. Or sexual frustration. He remembered those days, wanting to hump anything and everything but not being allowed out of sight of the older male wolves. Shifting at that age was unstable and teenage hormones made it even more tenuous. Out in the woods, running, was the safest place teenage wolves could be.

He’d never brought a woman to his house before
, preferring to take any potential fuck back to her apartment. Made it easier to walk away the next morning. It hadn’t made it easier the morning he’d left Rose. His dick swelled as he thought of taking Rose to his bed upstairs.

As unobservantly as possible he rearranged the fit
of his jeans. He needed to join his running pack members. Quickly. Before his wolf drove them both to do something the man would probably regret.

The pack’s land was massive. A large river r
an through it, the icy waters racing over boulders and fern-lined banks. Granite cliffs soared on one side where a splendid waterfall dropped majestically into the lake below. The borders of their land could be easily protected from both man and predator.

His gaze went to the woman at his
side. He’d gotten her to take something for her headache before they’d left and now she was sleeping peacefully, the excitement and danger catching up with her. He’d left her before, planning never to see her again. He’d almost convinced himself she meant nothing to him—that he didn’t feel anything for her. But he was feeling something now. Lust, anger, and the need to protect the woman sleeping next to him. Her nearness literally brought out the animal in him, an animal he’d attempted to cage. Her nearness heated his blood—and hardened certain parts of his anatomy.

Each member of the pack was allowed to choose where they wanted to live. Their alpha resided with his mate high up in the hills, surrounded by the majority of the pack. McQuade’s
cabin was further down the mountain, near the area he patrolled. It was two stories high, each level had floor to ceiling glass panes resting on large logs taken right off the land. The glass was specially made to block the sun’s heat and designed to allow the occupants inside enjoy the panoramic vistas and keep prying eyes from seeing inside. A beautiful chimney built from creek-stone stretched up one side of the house and a hardwood deck ran around three sides of the structure with a covered porch taking up the entire fourth side. A workshop and huge garage connected in the back.

He didn’t know what
had made him build such a large house. Normally enforcers were offered pre-built cabins. They were small but livable. Enforcers didn’t need very much in the way of creature comforts. A place to crash, piss, and grab some food. And a place to fuck.

the alpha had offered him a piece of land and all the natural resources he wanted, he’d taken him up on the offer, building his home with his own two hands. It had taken a little over a year and he’d had to recruit the help of Briggs for some projects. Of course, Briggs had grumbled, wondering aloud why a professed lone wolf would want such a big, rambling house. McQuade hadn’t answered. He hadn’t know why himself, but he’d followed his instincts and built the four bedroom, five-bath house. He was proud of it.

Now, with Rose by his side, he thought he knew why.

Turning off the engine, he leaned over, gently calling to her. Her heavy eyelids lifted and a sharp feeling pierced his heart. She looked so vulnerable. His protective instinct went into overdrive. Over her protests, he carried her inside, taking her directly to his bedroom. Placing her on the edge of his bed with a soft order to stay, he strode into his bathroom, turning on the water to fill his Jacuzzi-sized tub. The water heated quickly and he bemoaned the fact that he didn’t have any bubble bath for Rose. She deserved to be pampered after her ordeal. Hell, she deserved pampering period. He strode back into his bedroom and picked her up again. Standing her beside the tub, he peeled off her scrubs, grinning when he noticed the caricature of a cartoon bear holding a jar of honey.

She didn’t stop him as he freed her breasts and divested her of her panties. Her silence
worried him, spiking his anger and making his wolf pace with impatience to seek revenge. He knew under normal circumstances, even though they’d already been intimate, she would have protested his high-handed attitude. The fact that she wasn’t drove a spike of fear through his gut. He eased her into the hot water and took off his own shirt. He soaped up his hands, wanting nothing more right now than to feel the softness of her warm flesh beneath his calloused palms.

Starting at her feet, he
slowly stroked his way up her beautiful body, stopping only to lather his hands as needed. When he reached the top of her silky thighs, he forced himself to move on to her shoulders. With a gentleness he’d never known existed in him, he rearranged her wet hair, moving it so it trailed over one shoulder as he kneaded the tension from her body. He felt her relax into his touch, then sink lower into the warmth of the water. Pushing his own lust aside, he lowered his hands under the tepid water, smoothing across her collarbones and down to her rosy tipped breasts. He smothered a groan as he rubbed the lush globes with his soapy hands, lifting them into his palms, gently tugging at her rigid nipples.

“Lean forward, sweetheart.”

She obeyed without question and he took the back of her head in his hand, careful of the tender bump. With his other hand, he lifted the shower hose extension and soaked her damp hair. It was difficult to do with one hand, but he didn’t want to take the chance of hurting her. He gently massaged shampoo into her thick locks, his wolf humming in approval as he washed away the stench of the other shifter.

“God, that feels good,” Rose
moaned, leaning into his touch.

McQuade drew a silent breath of thanks. She was talking. As much as he hated to force her, he needed to know
everything about the incident.

Can you tell me what happened now, sweetheart?”

shuddered and McQuade growled. No one was going to ever make Rose afraid again. And as soon as he could get to the lion shifters, he was going to make them damn sorry they’d ever thought to harm his mate

s, mate. The acknowledgement of the important place of Rose in his life seemed to free something inside him.

, his wolf grinned.
My mate

Our mate
, the man corrected.

I had a run in with the father of a patient.”

She was still prevaricating, making McQuade’s anger hike up another notch.
“Admit it, Rose, you had a run in with that damn lion from the bar.”

She shrugged one glistening shoulder.

“Ugh. You are such a stu
bborn woman.” He rinsed her hair, then opened the drain to empty the tub. Helping her stand, he covered her with a large fluffy towel and lifted her from the tub.

Rose pulled the towel tightly around her
and something in her face worried him. He took her chin in his hand, titling it up. “Was this the first time, Rose?”

She kept one hand on her towel and lifted the other, encircled his wrist with
her hand. Her fingers didn’t quiet meet. “It doesn’t matter.”

“It doesn’t matter!” he roared
, resisting the urge to shake sense into her. “It matters a hell of a whole lot.”

“What could you have done?”

“I could have protected you.”

She smiled and his heart flipped over. “You have. You are.”

Okay, what could he say to that kind of logic?

Rummaging through his vanity drawer, he found a comb and, as gently as he could, detangled her hair. By the time he had it dried, her eyelids were drooping. His wolf growled in disappointment,
and the man joined in, knowing they couldn’t appease their appetite tonight. Guiding her into the bedroom, he removed her towel and placed her on the big bed, tucking the covers around her. He’d never get the image of her in his bed out of his mind, yet he was glad he’d listened to his instincts and gone to her. Now all he’d wanted to do was keep Rose in his house and stand guard over her.

When he’d felt the
primal tug while on patrol, his heart had stopped beating for a moment. It hadn’t started again until he’d found her and she’d opened those pretty green eyes and said his name. In that instant, he’d known he was a goner. He’d fought his feelings for her for too long. This morning, he’d known something was wrong even before he’d made it to her apartment. His wolf had urged—no, more like demanded—that the man find and protect his mate.

He might not have had the courage to face it before, but kneeling
on the street with her in his arms, it had been impossible to avoid.

He loved her.

And she
his mate.

Nature gave each wolf someone of their own. Sometimes an individual did not wait on the wolf’s approval and just like humans, simply settled, taking someone into their home and bed without the call of the wolf guiding them. McQuade had never felt the need to simply make do. And why should he? He could have sex when he wanted. With whomever he wanted. Besides, without the wolf to bind it all together, what was the point? It would still be a lonely existence.

But now?
Now he knew he couldn’t survive without Rose, the mate of his heart. The mate of his wolf.

Making a
decision, he shucked his boots and jeans, lifting the cover to slide in beside her. Pulling her into his arms, he held her, skin-to-skin, her back to his front, his arms firmly around her. He wasn’t letting her go again.

“Are we going to…?:

Her voice was less drowsy and he knew she could feel the hard ridge of his dick against her back. Knowing she wanted him even now made his wolf that much harder to control. It wasn’t easy for the man, either. If he gave into his need to take her the way his body demanded, it would be hard and fast. She wasn’t up for that type of mating. Yet. Tonight she needed slow and easy.

“Not now, honey. You need to sleep.”


He fell asleep holding her, a smile tugging at his lips at the petulance in that single word.



Rose groaned as pain raced through her head. What had she done last night? She wasn’t a drinker. Could brain freeze from ice cream give you a hangover? Wait, she didn’t remember binging out on rocky road.

Memories of the
lion shifter trying to grab her outside her apartment flooded through her, along with the sudden realization she wasn’t in her apartment and certainly not in her own bed.

e lifted the pretty comforter. “I’m…naked.”

, you are,” the deep voice sounded in her ear. “And I like it.” Masculine arms tightened around her and she felt the explosive heat of McQuade’s body as strongly as she might the heat of the sun.

“How are you feeling this morning, baby?” His eyes were dark with worry and Rose felt herself, if possible, falling a little more in love with the big shifter. She
focused on breathing deeply, easing the tension and fear that had knotted inside her when she’d recalled the events of the night before.

“I’m fine. Thank you for coming for me.”
She’d tried to be brave last night. And she was surely trying now not to fling herself further into McQuade’s strong arms and beg him just keep holding her.

Well, not just…

“In that case.” His smile kicked her heart into overdrive. With a quick twist that left her squealing, she was beneath him, his long, hair-roughened legs straddling her waist. Like her, he was naked. And very aroused.

Rose tried not to stare at his monstrous erection, but it peeked up between her breasts as though begging for her touch.

Or her tongue.

She felt the
wetness between her thighs, the preamble to her body’s yearning for him to fill her aching emptiness with his hard length. Closing her eyes, she willed her traitorous body under control. She had to remember, even though he’d found her yesterday when she needed him the most, he didn’t want her. He’d made that perfectly clear.

His nostrils flared like the
predator he was as he sensed the change in her. The receding of her desire. “Having second thoughts about having a shifter between these luscious thighs of yours, honey?”

How could he think… She opened her eyes, staring directly into his.
“No.” She wasn’t the one who’d only wanted a one night stand.


McQuade moved down her body, dragging the sheet with him, exposing more of her warm flesh as he went. His large hands closed around the tops of her thighs, squeezing them softly before stroking down the backs of her legs. His hands cupped around the bend her knees and he tugged her legs apart, exposing her pussy to his burning gaze.

“McQuade!” Rose
was shivering, trembling, achingly aware of his touch and the heat of his big body. Her heart beat raggedly, slamming into her chest. Her pussy was creaming, wetting the silk sheet underneath her.

“Rose.” He
said her name softly as if he were tasting it. “So, so pretty. And wet.” he moved one of his hands and slid a finger up the center of her body. She knew it came away covered with her juices. Over the rise of her belly she watched him lick her desire away. His eyes closed as if he were savoring the sweetest of sweets.

What…are you doing?” Her voice sounded strangled to her own ears.

“Now what kind of wolf would I be if I didn’t sample your goodies?”
His tongue followed the recent path of his finger.

At the first scrape of his tongue against her throbbing clit, Rose
screamed, her hips lifting off the bed, pushing herself toward his talented mouth. She wanted more—so much more. And he didn’t disappoint.

hands tightened on her thighs, pushing her knees further apart, exposing her completely. His lips moved over her, his tongue swiftly ravaging her cunt. Licking her center, exploring her folds….delving into her hungry hole. The air in the room shimmered, heat entered her, swirling in her blood and shooting to where the hard thickness of his tongue thrust inside her. Lapping her, fucking her. Oh dear God, he was fucking her with his tongue.

He lifted his head, his dark eyes meeti
ng hers. “Is this what you want, baby? Do you want the big wolf to make you come?”

Her pussy throbbed in time with her heart. How was she supposed to answer that question when he could tell how much she wanted him? Embarrassed, s
he twisted, trying to break his hold.

“Oh no, pretty Rose.
” His big body covered hers. “I’m not letting you hide from me.”

Rose’s whole body shook as he
kissed the corner of her eye, her eyebrow, blazing a trail to the corner of her mouth. He nuzzled the curve of her neck and she could have sworn she felt the place where he had bitten her in the bar start to tingle.

“Seeing you l
ying there, so still and–” he broke off, his jaw set, his mouth a thin hard line. He kissed her and he tasted of heat and desire and raw need.

His palm settled on the nape of her neck, his fingers gently probing at the still considerable sized knot. “Don’t ever do that again.”

“Trip over a crack in the sidewalk?” She smiled at him, warmed beyond description at his concern and even his fear. Fear for her safety. Fear for her. Fear was a strong emotion you didn’t feel unless other strong emotions were involved. Like love.

“No,” he growled. “Disobey me.”

Without warning he thrust inside her, spearing her with his hard length. “Don’t ever…”

He groaned as he pulled back out, then trust forward again. “
…Put yourself…”

Then he growled as
she gripped his cock with her pussy when he pulled back out again, trying to prevent him from moving. “…In danger...”

Another moan as she lifted her hips to meet his next thrust. “

His mouth devoured her
s sending delicious licks of electricity singing through her veins. His tongued tangled with hers and there was no more talking.


A week later, McQuade walked into his cabin, a cabin that smelled of fried chicken, freshly baked bread, and chocolate. And woman. McQuade’s stomach growled and his cock hardened. He hadn’t had a home cooked meal in forever and it seemed just as long since he’d held Rose in his arms. He was torn as to which hunger to appease first. His steps were soundless as he walked across the living space into the kitchen. Rose stood at the stove, a pair of tongs in her hands as she tended to the chicken.

“Hello, beautiful.”

She jumped and spun around, her long dark hair swinging around her like a velvet cape. “McQuade, you scared me.”

“Sorry babe. What smells so good?”

Her lips curved into a smile that made his heart stutter. It brightened her whole face and brought a luminescent sheen to her green eyes. He’d first thought they were brown, but up close they were the darkest emerald green he had ever seen. He liked it very much when she smiled. He intended to make her smile again and again.

“I made chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans. Not very creat
ive, but very filling.”

“It smells delicious and I’m sure it will taste even better.

A small frown appeared between her brows. “Should I have cooked the chicken?”


She shrugged one shoulder, her face turning a pretty shade of pink.
“Maybe you wanted to eat it raw. I didn’t think about that.”

threw back his head and laughed. “Oh sweetheart, I needed that. And yes, I eat my chicken fried. Most of the time.” He smiled when she laughed. He sniffed the air, a look of longing on his handsome face. “Is that bread I smell? And cake? Chocolate cake?”

She beamed at him again. “Ye
s. I went to the grocery.”

Briggs left you!” The smile disappeared and a mask of fury covered his face. It had only been a week since her run-in with the lion shifter and he was going to kick Briggs’ ass for leaving her.

pulled a platter from the cabinet, frowning at him. “No, he went with me.”

Okay, he must really lo
ve her because his anger instantly turned to jealousy of his best friend in less than a second.

“Rose, I don’t want you spending your money on food. If you need something, tell me. It’s my job to provide for you.”
My job to love you.

He couldn’t sa
y the words out loud, not yet. Despite his acceptance of Rose and the idea of mating, he knew she wasn’t quite ready to take the next step. Completing the bond.

“Don’t wo
rry. Briggs bought the groceries.”

“What?” Now there were
two reasons he needed to kick the man’s butt.

Another wolf
did not buy food for another’s mate.

“Don’t worry,” she grinned. “He got paid for it.”

“Rose,” he growled.

“McQuade.” His name was a chiding, teasing sound on her tongue. S
he smiled and stood on tiptoe to place a kiss at the corner of his mouth. “What are you thinking?”

“That the next time I’m in the woods with Briggs, I’m going to leave his naked ass.”

She giggled and finished filling the serving bowls with the potatoes and green beans. “You’ll know soon enough.”

He let the subject drop. He knew Rose would never betray him.
And he was ninety-nine percent sure Briggs wouldn’t either. “What can I do to help?” He was not domesticated by any means, but his mama had raised him with some modicum of manners. The pain that came with memories of his parents had faded years ago. But so had the joy. Now, knowing Rose was his mate, some of the brightness was coming back into his life. Both in the present and in the past.

“Could you put out some plates and silverware?” She’d turned back to
the chicken, lifting the perfectly browned pieces onto a paper towel to drain before moving them to the platter for serving. “I didn’t want to go rummaging through your drawers to find everything.”

oney, you can rummage through my drawers any time. That is, if I wore drawers. You need to strip pretty fast when you shift.”

He chuckled at her expression as he sauntered off to dig out the requested items.
Within minutes the table was set and they were digging into the food. McQuade gave a groan of approval. Though the fare was simple, meat, potatoes and bread, it touched him. Because Rose had made it.

This was her first day off since the attack. Like many couples
, there sometimes wasn’t time at the end of the day for a home cooked meal. Their meals together for the past week had consisted of fast food or take-out from the diner near her apartment. He’d wanted to drive her back and forth to work, but she’d put her foot down. God, she was a stubborn little thing. She had finally agreed to drive his SUV into town, pointing out the shifter wouldn’t be looking for her driving such a car. She’d had a point, but McQuade wasn’t one to leave anything to chance.

He’d had a talk with the janitor at the hospital–the one Rose admitted had warned her about her tires–and the man had agreed to walk Rose to her car every day and not to make it obvious. And on the days he wasn’t there, the m
an arranged to have the guards escort her. McQuade had tried to pay him, but the man had three daughters of his own and was happy to do what he could.

The only place the lion could
possibly get to her was inside the hospital where the shifter had cornered her once before. A confession Rose had made reluctantly. McQuade had taken her over his knee and swatted her behind, promising if she lied to him again, he’d blistered her cute little ass. It had made for some damn fine fucking and he halfway hoped she would try to hide something else from him. Or, maybe he’d just spank her anyway. She’d certainly seemed to like it a hell of a whole lot, too.

McQuade only hoped
the lion wouldn’t get so cocky a second time. Of course, Rose also didn’t need to know about the wolves assigned to watch her from the moment she left in the morning until she opened the door to McQuade’s cabin at night.

When he bit into the chicken
, McQuade thought he’d died and gone to heaven.  His mother had never cooked anything so delicious. “Damn, you can cook woman.” He helped himself to another piece. When she didn’t respond to his compliment, he looked up, noting her awkward expression.

“Surely you’ve heard that before?”

She shook her head, looking slightly unsure. “Not really. I have no one to cook for but myself. So I just cook what I like. I didn’t know if anyone else would like it.”

Good, his wol
f growled. That meant she hadn’t brought home any men and cooked for them. Or invited them to spend the night in her queen-size bed.

From the quick view he’d had of her cabinets, h
e had a feeling she didn’t cook very often which meant she wasn’t eating enough—or getting enough sleep. She worked too hard. From now on, he’d make sure she got three meals a day. Letting her get enough sleep might prove a more difficult task.

He could let her rest tonight.
With the threat of the lion shifter, he’d talked to his alpha and they’d agreed the patrols should be doubled for a while. Which meant he needed to go on night patrol. He’d arranged everyone’s schedule so he could stay close to Rose during the evenings this past week, but now the others needed a break.

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