Meant for You (8 page)

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Authors: Samantha Chase

BOOK: Meant for You
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Reaching out, Ethan tucked a finger under her chin. “Everything you said made sense, Summer. You were right. There was no way I could go with a clear conscience. I'm sorry I couldn't talk your brother out of it, but as you know, he's pretty stubborn.”

She nodded but couldn't speak. Just the simple touch of his finger and she was lost. She glanced over at Gabriella and noticed the two guys they'd been talking to had moved on. Summer sighed. As much as she wanted to stand here and talk to Ethan, spend more time with him, she had come away for a girls' trip with Gabriella. Just her rotten luck.

“Well,” she began as she took a tentative step back, “I guess I better go and join Gabriella.” She'd shown more enthusiasm on her way to a root canal. Her gaze lingered on Ethan for longer than it should have. “Would…would you like to join us?”

The immediate answer was yes, but Ethan looked over and saw Gabriella now waving off a couple of new guys. It made him jealous as hell to think that if they hadn't run into one another, Summer would be spending her afternoon with them. “I'd like that very much, but I don't want to be the third wheel.”

“Third…?” And then she got it. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Gabriella looking out at the water with her binoculars. “Come on. It will be fun.”

There were other activities Ethan would rather be participating in with Summer, and whale watching wasn't one of them. Rather than argue the point, he changed the subject. “Where are you staying?”

“Oh, we have a room at the lodge.”

“You didn't mention that you were coming here when I saw you.”

Summer blushed at the memory of the last time he'd seen her. “It really was a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing. Gabriella actually arranged it. After all of her research for Zach, she was curious what the big draw was for Alaska. We both had some time off coming to us, so we figured we'd check it out.”

“Hopefully you won't be disappointed,” he said with a smile.

Summer couldn't help but smile back. It was on the tip of her tongue to say that it would be impossible to be disappointed now that he was there and could share it all with her. Taking a step closer to Ethan, she was just about to ask if he had dinner plans when Gabriella called out to them.

“Come on! You guys are missing all of this. It's amazing! I've seen at least two whales already!”

“I guess that's our cue,” Summer said softly as she turned to walk over to the side of the boat. When Ethan didn't immediately move, she reached out and took one of his hands in hers and tugged.

It might not be exactly what he had envisioned for the two of them, but for right now, Ethan would gladly take what he could get.

* * *

When the tour ended and the boat docked, Summer felt happier than she had in a long time. Between the amazing sights they'd seen and being able to spend time with Ethan, she was feeling very content.

“Did you have anything else planned this afternoon, Ethan?” Gabriella asked, and if Ethan didn't know better, he'd swear that she was onto him and his feelings for Summer. She kept nudging Summer closer to him, and if anything, she seemed pleased that he was there.

“I actually hadn't given it too much thought. I was just planning on playing it by ear. How about you? Do the two of you have plans?” The question was meant for the both of them, but he only had eyes for Summer.

“We had planned on just relaxing and then going for dinner. You'll join us, won't you?” Summer asked.

“Of course,” he said. While he knew he couldn't ask Gabriella to stay behind, that didn't stop his mind from wandering to how he could possibly find a way to be alone with Summer. For now he'd bide his time.

The three of them made their way back to the lodge, all the while talking about the things they'd seen while out on the boat. Summer talked excitedly about her plans for a scrapbook and how she was looking forward to taking more pictures over the course of their stay, which led to her sharing about her brief attempt at being a photographer for a small magazine back in New York.

“You're certainly eclectic in your career choices,” Gabriella said. “And you're fortunate that you have so many talents.”

“Please, you've got us all beat in the talent department,” Summer said as they walked into the lodge. “I'm still trying to find the one thing that I'm really good at so I can stick with it. You found your niche. You're the lucky one.”

Gabriella blushed and then cleared her throat. “I'm going to grab the new
and a couple bottles of water from the gift shop. You want anything?”

“No thanks,” Summer said, but her attention was solely on Ethan.

“So,” he began, “what time were you thinking about going to dinner?”

“I'm not sure. I don't think we have reservations. What about you?”

He took a step closer. “I had kind of planned on ordering room service and just hanging out in my room. So I'm flexible.”

“Oh. Okay.” She was nervous and didn't quite know what to say. The thought of having dinner with Ethan in his room was beyond appealing, but she knew it wasn't going to happen. “I…um…I guess I'll talk to Gabriella and we'll call you when we have something planned.”

Ethan nodded. “I guess you could. Or…”

“Or what?”

He leaned in close, close enough to watch her pupils dilate and close enough to inhale the sweet scent of her. “Or…you can come with me.” He gave no other details because it was all implied right there.

She wanted desperately to say yes; it was like getting a second chance at your perfect fantasy. Could she really walk away from that? One look at Gabriella and she unfortunately had her answer. “I…I can't.”

His eyebrows shot up at her response. “What? Why?”

“You and I both know why. I didn't tell anyone about last weekend, Ethan. I'm here now with Gabriella, and she's definitely going to notice if you and I leave together. And besides that, we're sharing a room. She'll definitely notice when I don't come back.” Somewhere in the back of her mind, Summer knew this was for the best. She just wished it didn't hurt so much.

Ethan took a step back and nodded. He didn't want to pressure her or make her uncomfortable. He'd only recently come to grips with how he felt about her; maybe he needed to take some time to let her get to know him as a man and not as just a friend of her brother's. “I understand. I guess I'll see you at dinner.” He didn't move; hell, he barely breathed. It wasn't hard to see the indecision on Summer's face, but in the end, she turned and walked over to the gift shop. He didn't move when she stepped out of his sight, and he didn't move when Gabriella turned in his direction.

“Are you out of your mind?” Gabriella hissed as soon as Summer came and stood beside her.

“What are you talking about?” Summer asked wearily as she picked up a magazine and began to flip through it.

“Care to tell me why you're standing in here with me reading
Men's Health
when you could be off somewhere with Ethan?”

Summer looked at her in shock. “Me and Ethan?” she squeaked. “Are you crazy? Where…whatever gave you that idea?”

Gabriella threw her head back and laughed, a full, throaty sound that made people turn in their direction. When she was able to catch her breath, she faced Summer. “Seriously? You are seriously asking me that question?”


Gabriella shifted her purse from one shoulder to the other. “Okay, let's start with the fact that you watch him at the office all the time.”

“I do not.”

“All. The. Time. Secondly, he watches you just as much.”

Summer's eyes widened. “He does not.”

Gabriella nodded. “All. The. Time. Hell, he's standing there doing it right now. Why don't you do us all a favor and go enjoy yourself?”

“But what about—”

“I will be fine hanging out by myself. I think I'll have dinner sent to the room and enjoy eating dessert in bed.” When Summer tried to interrupt, she stopped her. “My lips are sealed, Summer. No one will hear about this from me.”

“But what about Zach?”

Gabriella actually frowned at the mention of her boss. “What about him?”

“You work for him. If he finds out about this, he'll freak out.”

“Please. Your brother freaks out about a lot of stuff, and like I said, he won't hear about it from me. If he asks me if I know anything, I'll deny it with my last breath.” She smiled. “Go. I know you said you weren't interested in hooking up with anyone, but I get the impression that statement didn't include Mr. Reed over there.”

Summer was afraid to turn around. “Is he really still standing there?” she whispered.

Gabriella nodded. “And watching you like he can't wait to have you for dessert.”

Summer smiled. “Then I guess I shouldn't make him wait.”

“Atta girl! Go get him!”

Summer slid the magazine back onto the rack and hugged Gabriella before turning and facing Ethan. His expression was fierce, and she knew in that instant she was going to make the most of every second they had. Their night together had been too short. She was going to take her time with him and not let him leave until the very last possible second.

Taking a steadying breath, she checked her hair and fixed her scarf before she met his gaze and walked over to where he stood. When she was standing right in front of him, she stopped and looked him in the eyes. “You mentioned something about coming with you.” She put a little extra emphasis on the word “coming” and watched a small smile tug at his lips.

“I did.”

“Is that offer still on the table?”

His smile grew. “Sweetheart, that offer is anywhere you want it to be.” Without another word, Ethan reached out and took Summer's hand in his and led her toward the bank of elevators in the lobby. Tension rolled off his body. If he wasn't mistaken, there was a slight tremble coming from Summer.

When the doors opened, he was relieved to see they were alone. Tugging her inside, he pressed the button for his floor, pulled her into his arms, and crushed his mouth to hers. Now that he knew the feel of her, the taste of her, Ethan was surprised it didn't dampen his need for her. She fit perfectly against him as her lips opened and her tongue darted out to mate with his. Turning her so her back was against the wall, he rubbed his arousal against her and nearly groaned when Summer's hand reached between them to touch him. He wasn't sure they'd even make it to his suite. If it were up to him, he'd stop the elevator and take her right here, right now, in the elevator, against the wall.

He heard the bell signal their arrival, and he nearly sagged with relief when he realized it was his floor and there weren't other guests waiting outside the elevator doors. It was torture to move away from her, but Ethan knew the sooner they got to his suite, the sooner they could resume what they'd started.

In no time at all, he had the door open and they were inside. He pinned Summer up against the back of the door and lifted her until she wrapped those glorious legs around his waist. His mouth was back on hers, and when he felt Summer's hand rake through his hair, Ethan knew they weren't going to make it any farther into the suite. It was now; it had to be now. “I can't wait,” he said breathlessly as he lifted his head and looked into her eyes.

“Me either,” she said and began to trail kisses along his jaw and his throat. “Now, Ethan. Right now.”

It was all the encouragement he needed.

* * *

They did make it to the bedroom eventually. It was much later when Summer found herself waking up and looking for the clock. Eleven o'clock. Was that all? It seemed like so much longer. Ethan was wrapped around her in the big bed, and it felt glorious. But what felt even better was the fact that it was still early and they had almost two weeks before Summer had to leave.

Two whole weeks.


With Ethan.

In bed.

She squirmed a little and smiled as Ethan's arm banded tighter around her waist to pull her even closer. His arousal was snug against her bottom and she purred with delight.

“You're insatiable,” he murmured against her throat and then began to kiss her there.

“You seem to be holding your own quite well.”

He nibbled and tasted his way up to her jaw and growled until she turned in his arms so he could kiss her properly. When he finally came up for air, he looked around the room. “What time is it?”

“A little after eleven.”

“Are you hungry? Do you want me to order dinner for us?”

She smiled at his concern. “It's a little late for dinner, don't you think?”

His eyes scanned her face even as his hands roamed her body. “Did you eat dinner before we came up here?”


“Then it's not too late,” he said lightly. Reluctantly, he climbed from the bed and went in search of a pair of pants. Minutes later, he came back to the bed with a menu and lay down beside Summer. “What are you in the mood for?”

She laughed. “I think I've already had what I was in the mood for.”

He couldn't help but laugh with her. “Focus, woman! You wore me out, and now I need protein or something to get me through the night.”

How had she gotten through the week without him? Without bantering with him and laughing with him? For that matter, how had she gotten through so many years of crushing on him without experiencing these things?

“I'm going for a big-ass steak,” he announced and handed the menu to Summer.

“Typical man,” she sighed, and browsed the selections. “I am going to have…”

“If you say a salad, I swear I will scream,” he interrupted.

She glared at him. “I was going to say I will have a big-ass steak too. With a salad,” she added before sticking her tongue out at him. One last glance through the menu and she handed it back to him. “And a slice of the chocolate truffle cake for dessert, please.”

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