Meeting Her Master (10 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Meeting Her Master
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“Do you require another session across my lap? With that plug in place?”

“No, ma


Mrs. Alonso tapped her foot on the floor. “Is that all you have to say?”


m sorry I am being such a whiny little brat,” Dahlia coughed out, the backs of her tender thighs starting to burn from her position, “and Blake was being kind. I deserved this.”


s better. I am going to check on the men and will see you at dinner. Blake released you from your chores tonight, but you will be joining me in the stables in the morning. Make sure you remember to thank him.”

Dahlia groaned, straightening her body and immediately returned to the toe-touching position as the ginger juice reignited her bottom. She decided that figging was on the all-time high on the list of punishments to avoid. She shuddered, wondering what other tricks the man had up his sleeve.

Time ticked by and Dahlia found herself in more distress. She decided to try the position she had seen several of the slaves assume when being scolded. She lowered herself to the floor on her hands and knees and lifted her bottom as high in the air as she could manage. With her face resting on her hands, and her knees spread apart to separate her cheeks, she knew she looked utterly ridiculous, but it definitely eased her discomfort.

“She learned her lesson, Blake. What a beautiful position she has assumed! And she stayed in the corner as you instructed,” Humberto

s voice praised from behind her.

…” Blake answered, running his hand over the length of her flank and down her thighs. “Stay put, Dahlia. Keep that bottom raised high for me.”

“Yes, sir,” Dahlia whispered, shivering. She felt something cold against her right hip and then a biting sting, followed by a burn. She yelped. “
! What was that?”

“Depo-Provera. She has a clean bill of health, my friend. Use her wisely and often,” Humberto chuckled, rubbing the area gently.

“Thank you for everything, Humberto. Please let me know when you would like to use the playroom again. I am designing a new device that should interest you.”

“I am intrigued! Perhaps next week? And would you demonstrate on this lovely specimen?”

“Absolutely. You know I love catering to my voyeurs,” Blake laughed, shaking the man

s hand. He tapped Dahlia

s back after Humberto departed. “I am going to remove the plug. Don

t resist or it will burn again.”

Dahlia grimaced as she felt his fingers wrap around the invader and gently tug. It left her body with a pop while she gritted her teeth at the residual sting. Blake tossed it into the trashcan and then knelt by her side.

“This is hemorrhoid ointment. It has a numbing agent in it and will reduce some discomfort,” he said, slowly skimming his finger along the irritated membranes of her sphincter. “Should I assume this was an adequate punishment for you?”

“Please never go near me with anything ginger-based again!”

“Then behave. Speaking of Ginger,” he sat on the floor and pulled her to sit on his lap, “she is our guest tonight. I decided to have a long, personal talk with her about her counseling methods.”

“She is going to be pissed if she finds out I told you anything.”

“I will be tactful. I don

t want to ruin your relationship with her, especially if it is more personal than just sex,” he said.

Dahlia heard a hint of strain in his voice. Could it be that he was jealous? Was Blake capable of feeling something so primitive?

“Our interactions are strictly sexual and she uses me like I

m a toy. I have never done anything back except kiss her. She would like more of a commitment from me as a lover, but I don

t feel the same way she does,” she explained.

Blake relaxed his embrace as though he was relieved by her news. “Would you be opposed to my watching her enjoy you? I have a bit of a voyeur inside of me as well.”

“You are asking me? But I thought…”

“This is not about me touching you, which I have removed your ability to refuse. This is about someone else touching your body and you will always be allowed that choice, except for when I order punishment. Well?”

I guess,
” Dahlia blushed. “I never had an audience before.”

“Some people like having an audience, just like some enjoy performing. You only need to communicate to me what interests you and we will indulge.”

“Really? Well, since you brought it up, I have always wanted…” she whispered in his ear.

A large grin crossed his face. “That can certainly be arranged,” he promised.

Chapter Six



Dahlia fidgeted nervously as she readied for dinner. Her body was still aching from the last couple of days and her bottom-hole burned uncomfortably. She looked up as Blake entered the small room.

“You look lovely. Are you wearing panties?” he asked, turning her in front of him.

“No, sir. You told me not to. Oh, I forgot to thank you for letting me off of my chores tonight.”

“You are welcome. You will enjoy the stables. I think the activity there will be more to your liking. I have a nice surprise for you.”

“A surprise? As awful as I

ve been, I don

t deserve anything nice, Blake,” Dahlia stated, surprising even herself with her sincerity.

“As the master of this house, I reserve the right to reward and punish as I deem appropriate. Take my hand and follow me.”

Dahlia trembled as she touched him. As always, physical contact with the man left her weak in the knees and almost giddy, and she felt like a child being led to her first Christmas tree. His gift was even greater…

He led her through the maze of hallways and corridors of the large hacienda, finally walking into the lush, fountain-fed courtyard that served as his personal retreat. She had been to his wing of the house before, but never via this route.


t your rooms out here?” she asked.

Blake nodded and placed his hand on a huge wooden door that was decorated with stained glass. “Yes, they are to your right,” he said, pushing open the door and stepping aside, “and they adjoin yours.”

“What?” Dahlia was stunned, unmoving as she stared at the place he had prepared for her. Done in pure mission style, the room was warm and filled with heavy dark furnishing and bright Mexican decor. It was a contrast of traditional and modern, dark and light, hard and soft. From the dark oak wood floor to the hand-painted vines and flowers on the dark cream-color stucco wall, the room was built to comfort and soothe. “This is for me?”

“Why are you crying? Don

t you like it?” Blake asked. “
Dahlia? You’
re shaking like a leaf.”

I don’
t deserve this,” she wept, hands over her mouth as she stood in the same place. “Blake, you can

t give this to me.”

“I told you that, as master of the house, I reserve the right to do whatever I feel is needed. Plus, I do things I enjoy. I

ve been studying you since the day we crossed paths. This room,” he swept his hand out,” is like you—filled with contrast and conflict. But it has balance and all the items in it work together. You need a place of your own to process your life, darling. I want to be part of your life.”


“Consider this your sanctuary. No one, not even me, enters without your permission.”

Dahlia stared at him in disbelief. “My sanctuary? Complete privacy?”

“Absolutely. I saw your bedroom at your father

s house.”

Dahlia blushed. “He had the door taken off after he found out about my, uh, problem.”

“I know. I also saw how it was decorated. I never thought you to be a girl who was into unicorn stickers and pixie dust.”

“My father thought that making my room more feminine would make me feel less rebellious. I guess that is what my first therapist believed, anyway. He never asked me what I thought.”

“I want you to be completely honest with me and, if you don

t care for this room, it is yours to do with as you wish. My only requirement is that it stays adjoined to mine.”

“Blake, truly… this room is more than anything I could have imagined for myself. Every element about me is in here,” Dahlia murmured, finally stepping forward to explore. “Even the artwork. Seriously? An articulated lizard skeleton? How the hell did you guess this?”

“I looked at your charcoal sketches. Why didn

t you tell your father you wanted to be an artist?”

“Because it is not financially acceptable. Who did this? It
’s amazing!
” She ran her fingers along the ridge of the backbone, the tiny vertebrae aligned to make it appear as though the lizard was climbing around a small tree trunk.

“I have a friend of mine who is very gifted in multimedia. He has done most of the painted pieces for my house, and all the sculptures. Do you have any new work to show me? Maybe something you have drawn since you arrived here?”

“Only a self-portrait. I know,” she said sadly, finding it among her things and handing it to him. “I look so lost and forgotten. It

s how I feel. I mean, until now.”

“This is sadly beautiful. Maybe one day you will be able to see yourself as I do. Vibrant, alive, and free.”

“Maybe. I paint from the inside so, until something major happens, this is how I am.”

“I understand. I really do. Would you like me to set up some time and have my friend teach you?”

“You would do that? Really?”

“Under two conditions. The first is you are to change your major to art and the second,” he cupped her face, “you must kiss me.”

Dahlia nodded, pressing her lips eagerly to his. His mouth ravished hers hungrily as he grabbed her backside and pulled her against his pelvis. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her breasts against his chest.

“Conditions are agreed upon, but I have one too. Make love to me. Here. Now.”

Blake lifted her into his arms and carried her to the king-sized four-poster bed. He threw back the thick goose-down comforter and gently placed her upon the satin linens before he straddled her hips. He removed his shirt and sat up as her hands ran down the length of his hard stomach and then proceeded to unbutton and unzip his jeans. He leaned across to unbutton the length of the dress she wore and open it slowly as though he was unwrapping a gift.

Blake raked his fingers down either side of her bare body to her hips, and then slowly inched back to rest his lips upon the gentle swell of her stomach. His pants found their way to the floor, as did his shoes and her sandals, and he lifted her left leg to his mouth. Kisses touched the entire length of her limb, paying special attention to the back of her knee, the inside of her ankle, and the sole of her foot. She groaned, throwing her arms overhead as he moved up her right leg in the same manner, and then focused on the delicate folds of skin that framed her pussy.

“You shaved,” he commented, running his cheek against the smooth skin.

“Giada waxed me. Not the most pleasant of experiences,” Dahlia said gruffly. “She told me you like your women bare, and…”

“I am very pleased. You are so delicious,” he murmured. “I can

t get enough of you.”

Dahlia lifted her pelvis to his mouth, slowly grinding against him as her warm juices began to saturate the linen below her. His long, hard cock bobbed against her leg and she shivered, wanting to feel his power inside of her.

Blake lifted her heels and placed them around his waist. “I want to watch every movement you make as I take you for the first time,” he said softly, spreading her wide for his view as he sat straight and aimed the bulbous mushroom tip toward its intended quarry. The pads of his thumbs encircled her clit and spread her lips as he inched into her until his thick shaft was buried completely inside.

Dahlia moaned as he filled her, feeling the tip of his manhood tickling every soft portion of her cavern. He began to withdraw that incredible rod from her body, and Dahlia gasped as the ridged head contacted her hidden g-spot. He then pushed himself back inside, hard and demanding, paused and withdrew slowly again.

Dahlia shook her head back and forth, grabbing his pole with her muscles and unable to get enough of the sensation flooding her lower body. It was nothing like the dildos she had played with. His hot, silky skin caressed her from the inside as the head tantalized that hidden cove of delight. He slowly pulled out, leaving only the tip of the head inside, and then shoved in again with a ferocity that sent her flying over the edge.

Dahlia heard her voice scream aloud as the climax shook her body in racking spasms that ripped her breath away. She arched under him, over and over, her fingers digging into the flesh of his thighs as he held his cock immobile and allowed her muscles to clench him tightly. She panted, arm thrown over her face as she fought to rejoin the human realm.

Blake leaned forward and kissed her, stroking her exhausted body into alertness again. He was not done with her yet. His fingers danced over her clit and Dahlia found herself lifting her legs once again to receive him.

This time, though, was for his satisfaction. He generously lubricated the tip of his cock with her copious fluids and began to run it back across her bottom-hole. Dahlia stiffened. She recalled that her previous ass fucking was just a fantasy and noticed that he was much larger than the toys she had played with.

“I am going to fuck you in the ass now,” he whispered. “I know this is the first time, but I am going to fuck you long and hard, and you will never doubt that you belong to me. To me!” he said, sinking his cock deep into her bottom.

Dahlia gasped with the pain of penetration, her body confused by the joy of being filled versus the unnatural assault. He placed her heels upon his shoulders and held her taut as he fucked her ass with vigor and delight.

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