Memoirs of a Timelord (6 page)

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Authors: Ralph Rotten

BOOK: Memoirs of a Timelord
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       "Human." I shrugged.  "I haven't really gotten that far in my Onkx studies..." I trailed off as she reached out and grabbed my arm.  At first I thought she was gonna make a move on me, but then I felt the change running thru me.  It was fast, like I was being folded up into a package.  When I saw my arms turn into tentacles I tried to scream but nothing came out because I no longer had vocal chords.  
       It was gross gross gross!  Everywhere I looked all I could see of myself was pink tentacles with these big suction cups everywhere.  I was so flustered that I used a few of my arms to latch onto Veena's perfectly sculpted face with a vengeance.  I'm pretty sure she let out a shriek, but I couldn't hear it since I didn't have ears anymore either!  I was pretty mad at her so I didn't mind giving her a few sloppy smacks with my tentacles before I felt everything changing back to normal.
       Veena rolled about on the couch laughing at the sight of me there, all exasperated and pissed-off after being squid-girl.  I was mad enough to punch her!  At least I woulda punched her if I wasn't so damned worried she'd leave me that way next time.  Whatever she'd told my Onkx to morph into, it was the most unsettling experience I had ever felt in my entire life.  It just creeped me the fuck out having those suction cups and the slimy feeling of my limbs...ICK!
       "Don't ever do that to me again!" I was stern as I threatened her with a clenched fist of death.
       "No, next time you'll be required to do it to yourself.  That was morphing basics; the slugworm. Everybody has to do the worm.  Might as well get used to it." Veena started to reach out towards me again with a grin on her face.  My fist hit her so fast that I was retracting for another punch before she even realized she was hit.
       "Yeah, I got super powers too." I gave a snide look only to be greeted by that devious grin again.  I liked her; she had a mischievous way about her, like that friend you call when you wanna go caterwauling.   You know the type; the bestie you can tell all your dirty secrets to, but only because hers are far worse.  Yep, Veena was that girl. 
       Besides, she clearly knew how to take a punch.  It helped that she wasn't all stuck-up like most of the really pretty women I had known back on Earth.  If anything, Veena had this lecherous streak that allowed her see the whole world as one big party.
       "You punch like a woman." She smiled, lying back on the couch.  "You wait until Species training, and you'll be begging me to tutor you.  Aldoo too, he's lousy with shape-shifting.  He may be a better techie than me, but his people no longer practice the Kraa like they should, so he is sloppy and undisciplined.  In my day we had to be expert at shifting to survive, it was a deep cultural part of our lives.  But where Aldoo comes from in my future, the ability is used mostly for aesthetics, more of a fashion statement than a way to avoid predators and enemies.  You two are going to have a hard time in 'species class."
       "But not you?" Considering the difficulty of courses thus far, I was surprised that anyone expected an easy class.  
       In response, she cycled through half a dozen different creatures as she lay there.  I'm sure the look on my face told her that I was impressed.  
       "And I was a goddess in each of those forms." Back to human form she purred like Mae West.  "C'mon, I found a door this morning that leads straight to a little bar on Scotii that serves the best Ouzo.  Not only that, but there are three Glorph for every Glymph, it's a real meat market.  You'll like it." Those blue eyes flashed with a hedonistic wink that promised a night of new experiences. 
       As I found out shortly thereafter, the girl knew her way around a border town.  I'll just leave it at that.
DuNai Morphic Categories
 Class I Morph:
Can change physical shape.   The effect is strictly external and may vary in accuracy.  In most cases a Class I morph can only mimic a few objects or life forms.  The process may take days to complete and is typically a long term adaptation.  The disguise will not hold up to close scrutiny.
 Class II Morph:
Can mimic a variety of objects on sight, though the effect is still an external appearance.   In most cases a class II will require an hour or more to complete the change. The disguise will fool the layman, but the deception often falls apart on a sociological level.  
 Class III Morph:
Can mimic objects immediately upon sight or touch of the subject.  The morph is complex, and may even include some mimicry of internal organs.  A Class III morph will generally have the social skills necessary to blend perfectly within their chosen civilization.   
Class IV Morph:
 By sampling their subject, this class of morph can exactly duplicate a life form down to the cellular level.  The morph speed is nearly instant, usually with only a few minutes required for gestation of the biological sample.  The disguise is complete enough to fool a medical doctor.  Social skills will be highly advanced.  Class IV morphs typically excel in professions such as acting, politics, and professional sports.
Class V:
Capable of inducting other matter into their disguise, a morph of this class will have the ability to absorb other life forms at the cellular level.  In most cases the Class V is a single consciousness capable of driving dozens of surrogates simultaneously.  These are typically a conquest-minded species and prefer to assimilate entire cultures.  The DuNai consider Class V morphs to be hazardous in nature, and should not be approached without engaging the Onkx's bio-shielding at its highest energy setting.  Universal precautions dictate that all Class V morphs should be treated as infectious hazmat until proven otherwise.
The Hot Rod
       Once Veena and Aldoo showed up, school began to change.  Devices training gave way to Skiff training that was supposed to give way to Primary Space Travel, followed by Tactical Weapons School, then finally Galactic Transport School.  In total it was over fifteen Terran years of flight school, interspersed with about a dozen other classes.  It sounds like fun, but it was hell.  Fascinating, but some damned hard training.
       But it all started with the Skiff.  Think of an X-15 crossed with a jet ski and you'd be on the right path.  She was little, two people max.  Agile and quick on the acceleration.  In my old life I had driven a lotta hardware, but the best jet fighter on Earth wouldn't hold a candle to the Skiff.  Veena and I had so much fun on that thing.  We used to scrape the sky by taking her up in this parabolic arc that just touched the edge of space before we'd drop straight down like a Kamikaze.  What a screamer she was, the Skiff, not Veena.  Naw, my sister from another galaxy loved the plunge.  Once we started diving, she'd lean forward into the controls with her teeth gritted and a smile three feet wide.  The skiff was easily our favorite homework.
       Aldoo didn't have to take Skiff training because he'd had experience with better ships back in his old life.  He had actually skipped a lotta coursework, being from a much higher technological era than either of us girls.  He avoided most of Devices Training (lucky bastard) and basic Astrophysics.  I kinda started to get a vibe that he didn't much like talking to us cave women, sorta an air of superiority.  Y'know?  Not that I couldn't really blame him.  Veena and I were amazed by the simplest things back then.  We were both from bass-ackwards civilizations on the edge of their own industrial revolutions.  Hell, we got excited over the skiff.  Back where Aldoo comes from they let children ride those things at amusement parks.
       So it didn't take long for me to start thinking he was a little stuck up.  Asshole from the future.  No, correction; really dreamy looking asshole from the future.  There was just something about him that drove me to distraction.  Geeeze, I had no control over my hormonal system at that point in my development.  I'd forgotten how it felt to be that physical age again.  I'd gotten pregnant with Cassie when I wasn't much older than this, and in a war zone, no less.  
       So after getting hammered in some excruciating courses like astrophysics, and few that were just downloads of mind-numbingly boring data, I got my first break since the Skiff; Music class.  Seriously...a class where I had to sit around and listen to music.  At the time I saw no downside.  I'd drink Cree and rock out.  The Boss had an astounding collection, and the House could play music so loud that you felt it in your morphic bones.  Sure, some of the alien music was a little weird, but still it was the easiest class I'd been in yet.
       Then one day I get a visit from Aldoo.  
       "Master DorLek has asked me to inquire of you for tutoring assistance." He seemed to almost stutter at the request.  
       At the time I took this for pride, his having to bend that stiff neck of his to ask for help from the cave girl.  He was future-boy, he knew how to use a Yort energy splitter without losing any fingers.  I just naturally figured he hated having to ask a primitive like me for help.  
       "I am having a great difficulty" He spoke as if the word held blasphemy.
       Now right here I gotta take a segway to give you some perspective.  See, Veena and Aldoo were from the same species, but that was the end of the similarities.  Veena came from a time when they had to shape-shift to survive. They had a few alien contacts and had hungrily soaked up their music and culture.  Veena's generation enjoyed new experiences and sought them out whenever possible.
       Whereas Aldoo came from a time when the Saik had encountered and copied thousands of species. Their people were scattered throughout the galaxy on millions of worlds. But after a millennia of gorging on vast databases of every imaginable species, extinct or extant, his people had become disparate and jaded.  
       What you have to understand about most morphic beings (class IV and below) is that when they join your society they don't do it to take over the world.  They adopt the lifestyle and live among you like productive members of society.  After a generation or two of complete submersion they begin to forget what it was to be Saik.  So with their people scattered all over the galaxy, they had begun to fragment as a society.  Think about it, they had copied so many other cultures that they didn't even remember their own.  That's when the Revivalists took power and began the Hajj Conservative Revolution in an attempt to reclaim the former glory of the Saik Empire.  
       See, just about the time Aldoo was born, the Conservative Revolution was full swing.  They banned morphing beyond a few approved skins native to their home world.  Other xeno distractions they outlawed in their religious fervor were multiplistic duplication (sex), foreign entertainment media (movies) and music.
       See, we humans take music for granted.  We can both appreciate it as well as write it.  We naturally assume that other species should get Hendrix or Joplin, but they don't always.  The Saik were a species that could appreciate music, but were not naturally inclined to it.  In other words, they could be taught to enjoy music, but not in a million years could a Saik ever write music (they are notoriously bad singers too).  A century before Aldoo was born, his people were musically mature.  But the Revolution banned alien distractions, so drugs, sex, and rock n' roll were outlawed, literally.
       So pretty boy knew bupkis about music.  I couldn't help but smile as I thought to myself; now there're two things I could teach him.  Coming from a culture where everybody has vast piles of digital music, I assumed it'd be easy to find a genre or two that he liked.  
       Right away I pulled out the classics and blasted some Smooth by Santana.  I was really grooving to the song but Aldoo just stood there stiffly.  He didn't want a beer, and he didn't want to sit down.  I could tell this song wasn't working for him so I switched it up with some Everlast, but that made him even edgier.  I tried some Stones on him but the beat of the drum seemed to intimidate him.  After that I threw in some Mamas and Papas and he seemed to almost respond to that.  At least he stopped inching towards the door.
       "So how'd that make you feel?" I thunked a beer down on the counter as I cast a wary eye upon him.
       "It was nice." He answered neutrally.  The same answer he had given every other time I'd asked him.   
       "That's not what I'm asking.  Tell me how did that song make you feel so I can home in on your tastes?" I grabbed a spot on the barstool that grew up out of the floor at my command.
       "It made me feel...normal." Aldoo seemed mystified at my exact meaning.  
       I sat back with a grimace on my face as I gave it a thought.  From what I'd read about quasi-musical species, until I find the genre that clicks for him, music would just be a series of noises to Aldoo.  Never having tried the stuff, he failed to understand what all the fuss was about.
       I had no idea what he'd like so I was all over the road with different music.  Played some Reggae, Caribbean, a little Garth, and all of the Divas: Mariah, Whitney, Aretha, Julie Andrews, and Elton John.  But nope, no interest from the big guy.  Hell, I even tried to chat him up just to get the guy to chill a little.  
       Getting a little flustered, I scanned the thousands of musical genres available at my disposal.  It occurred to me that mebbe he wasn't getting it because he wasn't letting his feet explain it to him.  Immediately my finger settled on exactly the right track.  It was precise, melodic, and the perfect Waltz.   I just grabbed the big lug and yanked him onto the dance floor.
       "See, you just step with the music.  You hear that beat?  One two three, one two three.  That's a Waltz." I gave him a leering smile as I watched his biological indicators spike.  I could see with my eyes that the guy was practically on overload.  He'd been a year or more in his new human body and I think he was going a little buggy.  I know I sure as hell was.
       "I'm not required to complete any courses on dance." He pointed out as I pulled him along across the floor.
       "See, that's the thing about music, you gotta let it move you.  Just go with the flow, let the music take over." Winking, I tried to set him at ease.
       Without even asking, I tapped into his systems and changed his outerwear to a tuxedo.  That's the thing about being morphic; you don't actually wear clothes because the clothes are just part of you.   
       Aldoo looked better than a plate of hors d'oeuvres in that tux.  I was just admiring how well he filled his jacket when he returned the favor by switching my outerwear to a little black dress that barely covered my ass.  I woulda objected except that I looked really good in that dress.  Shoes were okay, but that dress made me look sensational.  Right away I could feel this sense of contagious lust from Aldoo, like he was broadcasting it from a big radio tower or something.  It was the strangest thing I'd ever felt, like I was sharing his emotions.  And I'm not talking about some topical effect, whatever he was doing...I was about to chip a tooth I wanted him so damned bad.  Oooooooh I wanted him...
       See, I didn't know what was going on because I wasn't that far into my studies, I hadn't learned about Emanations yet.  What're Emanations?  Didja ever know someone who told you they could see your aura?  Well they were prolly fulla shit.  But the truth is that all living things have an aura of some type.  Really it's just a natural dissipation of their ambient energy, but if you have the right equipment set for the right frequency and wavelength you can detect it.  With my DuNai eyes I can actually see it, measure its intensity, frequency, and spectrum.  I'm telling you, these enhanced eyes are really something else.
       So what in the hell does an aura have to do with anything?  You gotta remember that a big part of a Temporal Editor's job is influencing people to do things you need done.  The Onkx allows us to take an emotion like happiness and broadcast it to others as a way to motivate people to our needs.  You can also emit other feelings too, like fear or terror.  It's a helluva tool/weapon.  A trained 'lord can send you running for fear of your life without even uttering a word, just blast you with auric energy of the right flavor and you crap your pants right there.  Well Aldoo, being the bright-boy, had studied ahead in the syllabus.  So for the last year or so he had been bombarding me with emanations of a romantic nature.  I had no idea he had been doing it, all along I'd simply assumed it was just my Latin libido making me climb the walls every time I saw those broad shoulders.
       But whenever he did that, I naturally broadcast back my own feelings of lust without even knowing I was doing it.    So between us we had been blasting each other with gigawatts of pure lust and desire in this feedback loop.  It had been driving us crazy for months.  My heart was telling me to jump his bones, but my eyes were telling me that he looked down on Veena and me for being primitives.  Truth was, Aldoo was just lousy with people.  Under all that pretty scenery, the guy was really just a geek with all of the classic social awkwardness you find in the highly intelligent.  Add to that the fact that I had been transmitting my emanations with such amplitude that I was probably rattling his teeth every time I got close.  The little black dress was just the straw that broke the camel's back.
       And that's where it all unraveled.  There on the dance floor, in the middle of Strauss' Blue Danube Waltz, we finally gave in to our primitive sides.  And lemme tell you, all those months of anticipation made the event more like atomic fission than mere sex.  You'd have thought someone set off a nuke in my apartment.  
       The months that followed were a lotta fun.  Aldoo did finally learn to appreciate music and I got to appreciate Aldoo.  Even if we weren't a perfect match, we were gonna enjoy it while we could.  A quick comparison of our auras showed that we were poorly matched, not even the same color...and his frequency was completely asymmetrical to mine.  But we didn't care.  We were two people who had been lonely long enough that we were willing to pretend, at least for the time being.  It didn't hurt that he looked so damned good in a tux.  Hell, Aldoo woulda looked good in a gunny sack.  In fact I didn't care if he wore clothes at all, honestly.  It just felt nice to have someone to cling to for a while.  It got lonely in that big 'ol house.  I'd been doing this apprentice gig for a decade now.  A girl's got a right to kick up her heels every ten years or so, eh?
       I'd finally outgrown the Skiff when I decided it was time to build my own hot rod.  After all, I had the technical training, and the equivalent of the Library of Congress loaded into my brain, so why not?  At the time I thought it was an original idea, to take the best technology from each of the prime races and build one hell of a fast ship.  But when the Boss stopped by to admire my work I found out just how un-original my idea was.
       "When I built my first Shiirrek, she was not entirely different from your ship." DorLek ran his fingers lovingly over her surface. "Eventually, most students build one.  It is a psychological indicator that they are ready to advance in their studies."
       "I just wanna drive fast with the top down." I pretended that he had not just been 100% correct in assessing how I was beginning to feel about living at the house.  Sure, it was a magnificent place, like living in a palace, but I was ready for more.  I wanted to get out and start looking for home.  Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I couldn't possibly make it home from another galaxy in my hotrod (or any conventional ship for that matter), but at least until then I could have some fun on the weekends.  Besides, if you could build a really cool spaceship, wouldn't you?  If you're still reading this memoir then the answer is prolly a resounding yes. Hell yes!

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