Memory of Love (9781101603024)

BOOK: Memory of Love (9781101603024)
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Praise from New Zealand for
The Memory of Love

“The emotional weather of the story is changeable and dramatic, with storm clouds sometimes threatening, unpredictable tides and winds of inner conflict, and chance meetings. . . . It is the storytelling, of course, that is most seductive, with the right balance between the disclosure and holding back of information to keep us reading to the end—appreciating at every twist a writer delighting in her craft.”

Sunday Star-Times


“Olsson's lyrical style is perfectly suited to the reflective tenderness that characterizes Marion's narrative voice. The poetry of Olsson's prose is especially powerful in the evocation of the natural environment, which shapes and defines the characters of the novel. It's an iconic New Zealand landscape—the sea, the dunes, the shifting light—and Olsson makes good use both of its visual beauty and metaphoric possibility.”



“[A] tender, loving story . . . concerned with searching and healing . . . The narrative steps carefully, echoing the cadences of private, troubled lives. Details are meticulously evoked: lemons from a backyard tree; the white light of a lowering sun. Lives and their wounds are rendered with respect and a total absence of any moralizing. You sense an author of real integrity.”

—Weekend Herald


“The clear, uncluttered prose allows the tragedy outlined to speak for itself, and tells us as much about the narrator as the events she describes. Haunting and beautiful,
The Memory of Love
is a reminder of the fragility of happiness and the impossibility of living without hope.”

—Otago Daily Times

Praise for
Sonata for Miriam

“Olsson understands how memory works—the combination of fact and fiction, photographs and moments. . . . Readers will love this book.”

—Los Angeles Times Book Review


“If we don't know where we come from, can we really know who we are? That's the question that haunts . . . Olsson's poignant new novel. . . . Olsson renders luminous prose that lingers over the startling beauty of New Zealand and the blistering truths of the human heart. This is a potent, piercing tale of revelation and regret.”

(starred review)


“Olsson explores the hard-won wisdom that can come through grief. . . . Olsson's dense, magisterial prose pulls the reader in immediately, and Adam's profound sadness is perfectly handled. . . . It's palpable, but never saccharine or overbearing as the narrative builds toward its unexpected conclusion.”

—Publishers Weekly

Praise for
Astrid & Veronika

“Linda Olsson's novel casts the themes of secrecy, passion, and loss in the shape of a double helix, intertwining the stories of two women. . . . Natural and vivid, utterly convincing . . . simply so beguiling.”

—The New York Times Book Review


“Linda Olsson evokes, with great precision and beauty, the landscape of a friendship. . . .
Astrid & Veronika
is penetrating and beautifully written, and it affirms the power of narrative to transform.”

—Kim Edwards, author of
The Memory Keeper's Daughter


“Beautiful and deeply affecting. A dreamlike evocation of the power of friendship.”

—Mary McGarry Morris, author of
The Lost Mother and Songs in Ordinary Time


“Readers of Anne Tyler and Jodi Picoult will appreciate the lyrical prose and expert rendering of the themes of heartbreak and loss.”



“What separates this debut from the rest of the crowd is Olsson's deft writing. Her descriptions are beautiful, capable of both painting the scene and creating a mood. . . . Booksellers from around the country as well as locally have raved about
Astrid & Veronika
. It's easy to understand why.”

—Portland Tribune

“Has the hallmarks of an Ingmar Bergman film: a leisurely pace, a chilly Scandinavian setting leavened by rich observations of nature, and characters whose prim, polite facades eventually disappear, exposing years of anger and hurt.”

—Kirkus Reviews




Linda Olsson was born in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1948. She graduated from the University of Stockholm with a law degree and worked in law and finance until she left Sweden in 1986. What was intended as a three-year posting to Kenya then became a tour of the world with stops in Singapore, the United Kingdom, and Japan, until she settled in New Zealand with her family in 1990. In 1993 she completed a bachelor of arts in English and German literature at Victoria University of Wellington. In 2003 she won the
Sunday Star-Times
Short Story Competition. Olsson's first novel,
Astrid & Veronika
, became an international success, selling hundreds of thousands of copies in Scandinavia, Europe, and the United States. It was followed by the heartbreaking and moving
Sonata for Miriam
. Olsson divides her time between Auckland, New Zealand, and Stockholm, Sweden.


Linda Olsson



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First published in New Zealand as
The Kindness of Your Nature
by Penguin Group (NZ) 2011

Published in Penguin Books (USA) 2013

Copyright © Linda Olsson, 2011

All rights reserved

“From a Survivor.” Copyright © 2002 by Adrienne Rich. Copyright © 1973 by W. W. Norton & Company, Inc, from
The Fact of a Doorframe: Selected Poems, 1950–2001
by Adrienne Rich. Used by permission of the author and W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

ISBN 978-1-101-60302-4

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Chapter openers designed by Sara Bellamy

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For my mother

The pact that we made was the ordinary pact

of men & women in those days


I don't know who we thought we were

that our personalities

could resist the failures of the race


Lucky or unlucky, we didn't know

the race had failures of that order

and that we were going to share them


Like everybody else, we thought of ourselves as special


Your body is as vivid to me

as it ever was: even more


since my feeling for it is clearer:

I know what it could and could not do


it is no longer

the body of a god

or anything with power over my life


Next year it would have been 20 years

and you are wastefully dead

who might have made the leap

we talked, too late, of making


which I live now

not as a leap

but a succession of brief, amazing movements


each one making possible the next

‘From a Survivor' by Adrienne Rich

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