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Authors: Beth Ashworth

Mendacious (10 page)

BOOK: Mendacious
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Libby’s lips quiver beneath mine and I realise I’m back in the car, and committing the ultimate sin. I’m letting myself
when I promised I wouldn’t.

All of this is exactly what I didn’t want.

I’m allowing her power to consume me once again. It’s a slippery slope into this pit that I’m falling, and I need to regain control. Quickly.

I pounce on her again, my lips controlling and demanding every ounce of power in an attempt to stay on top.

It’s time for me to make my move.

The plan needs to evolve ... now.

By pushing away the guilt and regret, and by keeping the aftermath of memories in the forefront of my mind, it makes what I’m about to do more manageable.

“Alex.” Libby whispers my name and inhales a quick breath.

I murmur an inaudible reply and trail my lips from her mouth to the side of her jaw.

“Alex,” she croaks again when my lips hit that sweet spot on the side of her neck that I know she likes. “We shouldn’t be doing this. It’s wrong.”

Each word registers in my brain, but I pretend not to hear her. This opportunity isn’t going to present itself to me again, and I’d be stupid to not take advantage while I can.

The plan is for her to fall, so I can’t let this chance go to waste. The business depends on me getting her signature on the takeover document in a couple of month’s time. And I know that if I’m fucking her, I stand more chance of winning her over. I’ve just got to keep my head straight and not let my fucking emotions interfere like the pansy arsed bastard I’ve become since being around her. I need to play the game properly.

“Do you want me to stop? Just say the word,” I murmur against her earlobe, sucking the flesh between my lips.

“I-I don’t know.”

“I’ll stop, if you want?” I ask her again.




“Sweetheart, I don’t understand what you’re saying.” I pull away and look into her eyes, making sure my stare portrays everything I feel growing in my trousers right now; a hardening hunger and a fervent need to conquer.

There’s no doubt about it.

My dick wants her.

But I think a small part of me wants her, too.

This wasn’t supposed to happen. It’s throwing me off-guard and interfering with my plan, but I’ve got to continue. I just hope I can keep on top of it all.

Libby doesn’t reply straight away so I find my gaze distracted. I drift down to look at her swollen lips that are red and puffy from the force of our heated kiss.

I know she’s fighting against every moral she can think of, and I’m trying to do the same. But right now, our growing need has to come first.

“I won’t deny that I want you.”

Her eyelids flicker at my admission, and it only takes a couple of seconds following this for her to utter the words I’m waiting to hear, “I want you too.”

Without wasting time, I get out of the car and grab her hand, both of us heading straight for the lift.


“Where are we going?” she asks, keeping up with my brisk pace as we enter the lift and I hit the button on the panel.

When the doors close and we are alone, I don’t waste any time in going for her again. Our lips crash together with a bruising force and I swallow the sharp gasp that comes from Libby’s mouth.

“I’m not gonna fuck you in the car after seven years, sweetheart. Thankfully this place has a hotel attached,” I say, biting down on her lower lip.

And thankful I am. The Mailbox caters to those with expensive tastes in fashion, but also those in need of City Centre accommodation with a built-in Malmaison hotel.

I’ve stayed here before during the early days of business, so I’m glad they still have my details and make booking a room as quick as anything. There were a few looks from the receptionist, but I assume she sees this on a daily basis. We aren’t special. We’re just like everyone else wanting a hotel room during the middle of the day.

“We only have a couple of rooms that have been cleaned. We don’t open check-in till three usually,” the receptionist says, handing over a room key to me.

I keep the talking to a minimum as we get back into the lift and head for our floor. Libby is quiet. Maybe a little too quiet. The idea she’s maybe having second thoughts enters my head, but that idea quickly evaporates when the hotel room door closes behind me.

She’s quick to pounce. Her hands go straight for my suit jacket which she pushes to the floor with haste. She reaches for my shirt and tie, but I block her and nod toward the bed in the centre of the room.

I loosen my own shirt and tie, discarding them on the floor as I approach, my bare chest now fully visible to her wide eyes. She parts her lips and I see her swallow thickly. I knew she wouldn’t say no; I mean, not many women do.

And Libby was never going to be an exception.

Reaching for her waist, I pull her close and then grab the hem of her dress. It flies over the top of her head and lands on the floor beside us. But it isn’t alone for long as her surprisingly sexy plum lingerie follows next.

I probably should have taken my time undressing her, but I’m too bloody impatient. My dick is like concrete and hardening with every passing second.

My trousers, boxers, shoes and socks come off next, leaving me completely stark-bollock naked and staring at the body of my also naked ex-wife who I’ve fantasised about for the last seven years.

She’s real, but you know this is wrong.

My subconscious lures me in further and I feel as if I’m dreaming. I take in the flawless perfection of Libby’s porcelain skin that covers her entire body and realise I can’t waste any more time. We tumble back onto the bed in a heap of entwined arms, legs and mouths as we fuse together as one. There’s no foreplay between us as I sink straight into the invitingly warm and wet opening of Libby’s body with a blissful groan.

The pleasure on my dick is immense and I don’t waste any time in increasing my pace as I try and hammer home on a feeling I haven’t felt for so long.

“Fuck. I’ve missed this,” I say between breaths as I reach down and feather the lightest of touches over Libby’s clit.

“Oh God ... Right there, Ace. Yes, right there,” she moans, closing her eyes and tilting her head back.

My dick hardens to the point of pure pain, but my body stills completely. “What did you call me?” I growl, watching as her eyes open and she clamps her lips together tightly. “Libby,” I press, needing her to say it once more.

,” she whispers nervously. My dick pulses deep inside of her, which I know she can feel. “
,” she repeats again, her voice growing louder. I close my eyes and slide my dick out before pushing back in with a hard thrust and waiting for my reward. “Shit.
” Libby whimpers.

The last of her cries is enough to ignite the spark buried in my chest. I’m not Alex Lewis right now, I’m
. The bloke who takes over my mind when I’m fucking nobody else but Libby.

He dominates me.

He dominates her.

And she fucking loves it.

“Is this what you wanted, huh? Have you missed this?” I ask her, continuing on with my relentless pounding.

Libby closes her eyes again and just
our connection. Her mouth opens with a small ‘O’ when I shift my body weight and lean back. Digging my fingers into her thigh, I rest her ankle on my shoulder and angle our position to get my dick as deep as I can bury it.

I’m a power driver.

My cock is a jackhammer.

I’m going to smash Libby into a new universe of pleasure.

Sweat beads my brow and I see my vision blur as droplets trickle across my face. My eyes have glassed over from the deep, curling bliss that comes with every thrust of my dick as I push into her tight, pink warmth.

“Jesus, Libby,” I say, gritting my teeth.

She moves underneath me, her hips pushing back with each thrust, intensifying our connection further. A moan rumbles from her slightly parted lips. The sound echoes around the modest hotel room, spurring me onwards with a burst of adrenaline, and the need for me to stake my claim.

Our bodies move with precise rhythm and our breaths are coming in short sharp bursts. I try and block out everything around us and focus my world on the woman lying beneath me. Her hair is a tousled mess and her makeup is smudged, yet she still is the most beautiful woman in the world to me.

The more I stare down at her closed eyes and perfect face, the quicker I find my own release growing. It doesn’t take long till it catches me in the arse and I’m fighting back the overwhelming torrent of blissful pressure that’s threatening to spill out.

But in the back of my mind, my subconscious tells me this is wrong, and that I’m supposed to be doing this out of revenge. But I’d be lying if I didn’t feel the connection between us right now, and I’m not happy about it in the slightest. A part of me has shamefully slipped back into the web, and all from one bloody fuck.

“Shit,” I mutter, slowing myself down. “I’m gonna come any second.” I bring my fingers to my mouth and then drop my hand between us. My thumb seeks out the spot I need to drive her closer to that release I know she is craving.

I rub the moisture over her clit, my finger tracing with slight pressure. Libby bucks beneath me, responding verbally to my touch with a sharp gasp.

We continue like this for a few minutes, until her breathing accelerates and I know she’s almost there. I recognise the telltale signs. Her hands are gripping the sheets, her white knuckles proudly on display, while her beautiful skin flushes a warming pink that spreads from her head to her toes in an instant.

“I’m gonna come.” Libby cries out and I feel her inner walls clamping down on my dick. “Shit,
” She screams my name long and hard and I pick-up the pace for the final stretch. It’s been seven years after all, so I need to make sure I’m not forgotten.

I give it everything I’ve got.

That fucker won’t be going near her. Daniel will not get to have what
will be mine.

Libby detonates like a timed explosion and I find myself triggering almost a second behind. My dick jerks as I empty myself inside of her, her greedy little pussy milking me for every last drop I’ve got to give.

And there is a lot.

She blows out a long and ragged breath, her body shuddering softly beneath mine, and her pussy clenching at my gradually softening dick.

The air is silent. Neither of us says a word, and we simply listen to the sounds around us. We hear the maids backward and forward, and doors slamming in the corridor.

This isn’t romantic.

But I didn’t want it to be.

This was just me getting one up on Libby by taking advantage of the emotions she spilled in the car. I saw an opportunity and seized it.

Nothing wrong with that.

Although, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel the difference being with Libby than my usual fucks every now and then. It’s been a long time since I’ve come that hard having sex. It feels foreign to me. It almost feels like it shouldn’t have been that good.

Libby opens her eyes and looks right at me. From what I can tell, there is a mixture of frustration and humiliation hiding within those irises. No doubt she feels like a prized fool for letting me get into bed with her once again, but she shouldn’t regret it and feel guilty. Her face tells me she wanted this just as bad as I did. And it’s just a shame mine was for business and not pleasure.

You tell yourself that.

I flinch at my own thoughts, knowing I want to believe that I fucked my ex-wife for the good of my company and not because I allowed my feelings to get in the way. But even now, I’m not entirely sure I did enough to push them back.

That’s why I feel guilt when I know I’m not supposed to. It should be a feeling of victory, but I feel nothing but a cold-hearted twat.

“What did we just do?” Libby whispers.

I want to tell her that I don’t have a fucking clue, but my mind won’t focus properly. Instead, I feel like slamming my head against the wall to try and knock some sense into me. I’ve just fucked my ex-wife, enjoyed it, but know what I’ve done is wrong.

But I had to do it.

At least that’s what I’m trying to believe. I had to do what I had to do. The past should be my driving force. As long as I remember and keep those memories with me, I should be able to use them to my advantage. I can work this in my favour.

Stay in control.

I slip out of Libby and drop her leg back on the bed. “We had sex,” I state flatly, sitting up and pulling my boxers on from the floor, trying to mask my internal battle.

I watch her out of the corner of my eye, and note the evident horror on her face. “We shouldn’t have done this. It was wrong, Alex.”

. We are back to formalities and the nicknames have been pushed aside. I can see she has instant regret.

BOOK: Mendacious
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