Mendacious (23 page)

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Authors: Beth Ashworth

BOOK: Mendacious
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Closing my eyes and bracing my hand firmly on the top of her head, I pump quickly until I erupt quite spectacularly down the back of her throat.

But she doesn’t complain.

Not that she ever did.

Instead, she takes every single drop I give her, even to the point of sucking my now sensitive dick completely dry. I’m in absolute awe of this woman. And it doesn’t take me longer than thirty seconds before I’m as hard as anything again.

Libby stands up from the sofa and pushes against me. She spreads her legs apart as I reach for the hem of her jumper. With a quick tug, I rip the material over her head and reveal a lilac, lacy cupped bra that makes those tits of hers even more fucking beautiful than they already are. Her jeans swiftly follow along with her boots and socks until she is only wearing the bra and a plain black cotton thong.

She isn’t matching

And I love it.

Running my tongue across my lower lip, I don’t waste any time in reaching behind her back and undoing the clasp of her bra, allowing the straps to fall down her shoulders and reveal the briefest glimpses of her rose-tipped nipples.

I’m a starved man.

“Fuck this,” I grunt, whipping her bra away and making a beeline for her thong, which I tear between my fingers and toss to the side.

She’s completely naked.

And I cannot wait any longer for this.

Wrapping my hands around the back of Libby’s thighs, I lift her effortlessly and coax her arms to thread around the back of my neck.

“I need this,” I groan, attacking the side of her neck with my mouth, biting, sucking and teasing the soft skin.

Libby’s fingers claw at my shoulder blades through my shirt and she throws her head back with a rough, crooning sigh.

But then my dick nudges her upper thigh and her eyes push forward and meet mine with a dark, burning hunger I recognise in an instant.

The urge to control my little firecracker takes over, and I don’t hesitate in driving my hips and pulling Libby down onto my waiting dick with one thick, heavy thrust. I close my eyes and part my lips at the first taste of her welcoming warmth that coats my length and pulls me deep inside.

It’s a feeling like no other.

Nothing will ever beat it.

Sliding Libby up, I budge my hips and pull out marginally, before I slam into her again and feel the sharp bite of her nails raking into my back. Twisting, scratching, gouging at my skin through the fabric as she unleashes a raw, rippling sound from the back of her throat.

So fucking sexy.

Her primal groans echo beside my ear, her lips teasing against my lobe each time the punishing force of my dick slams home into that delicious pussy of hers.



Always mine.

I repeat the mantra in my head and set a rhythm with Libby’s body, demanding and controlling every inch of her until I feel those muscles quivering uncertainly at the crowning precipice of her orgasm.

She’s gonna blow.

My balls tighten and I feel my own imminent release swelling to the point of no return.

I’m so damn close.

And then Libby detonates around my dick with a high-pitched cry, and I don’t have a chance in fucking hell of stopping the explosion that erupts.

I literally spill everything I’ve got with a low growl, and stagger us forward toward the sofa. We collapse against the cushions, our exhausted and laboured pants filling the small living room.

But the lack of words between us is deafening.


A couple of hours later and Libby and I are completely spent and haven’t moved. We are watching some God-awful television program that neither of us really cares for, but we’re too lazy to change the channel.

We are both completely naked now under the fuzzy blanket covering us, with my arm wrapped around her and her head resting on my shoulder. It’s nice being like this. Strange ... but still nice.

It reminds me of how we used to lie like this. Those days were a rarity back then. But when we got them, we always took full advantage of wasting the day away with each other. It was bloody bliss. And I miss it some days. I miss the closeness we used to share, and the laughs we had.

Things changed between us in the seven years we were apart, and it seems like all we care about now is trying to screw each other over. The need for control played the biggest part in all of this. Neither of us wanted to let it go when our paths crossed again. Although, the niggling doubt in my mind leads me to think I wouldn’t have gone through with my plan anyway, just like she had her obvious doubts with Dale.

Speaking of her douchebag brother ...

“Can we talk about the lawsuit?” I ask, stroking my fingers up her arm. “What if I told you, I don’t plan on destroying your company?”

Libby lets out a low laugh and shrugs. “How do I know you are being sincere? How do I know this isn’t just another plan?”

She is being cautious, and I don’t blame her. I would be too if I were going up against the likes of me. I’m sort of a force to be reckoned with after all.

“I honestly don’t have any other schemes up my sleeve. There aren’t any ace cards hiding in my pockets. I just think we could actually make the company work together. If we let it that is.”

Libby makes an unconvincing murmur. “I’m not a part of Dale’s plan anymore, but I need to protect my own business. How do I know you are telling the truth?”

“It was never about destroying you Libby, despite what I originally said. My main goal was for control, which I got. But then it all kind of backfired when Holli got involved. You weren’t supposed to know about what was originally discussed.”

“Why did you want to control me?” she asks quietly, tilting her head up to look at me.

“Honestly? Benedict and Sean wanted to go ahead with the original idea, but I didn’t even think about how I probably wouldn’t be able to go through with it. So after we met and it all changed, I decided I would aim for a different angle. Revenge was still on my mind, but I thought I could do it through manipulation instead.”

Libby scoffs. “That’s really shady.”

“Yes and no,” I start, moving my fingers to the back of her neck and rubbing softly. “I was curious to see how you were doing after all this time. I wanted to know how things had affected you with the divorce. And then when I learned about the company, I couldn’t hide my jealousy at how easy you had made a life for yourself. I was still struggling.”

And I
bloody struggling. Every single day was a struggle for me to keep going after our divorce. All the people closest to me could see it, but they didn’t say anything. I was trapped in a swirling vortex of hate and depression.

“You don’t know how hard it was for me—”

“Let’s not get into this now,” I interrupt, completely shutting her off and trying to change the subject. I shouldn’t have brought up the damn lawsuit. I don’t know if we’re ready to discuss this yet. “We are having a nice afternoon, so let’s not ruin it, hey?”

“No.” Libby stops me. “We need to do this, Alex. There are other things to talk about.”

A thick gulp sits in the back of my throat. “Go on.”

She takes a deep breath. “Holli ...”

My stomach drops. I knew this would crop up somewhere along the line. But it’s fine. I have nothing to hide from her. I just have to be honest.

“Did you sleep together?” The bluntness in her voice amuses me. She clearly thinks something happened between us.

“We absolutely did
sleep together. She came onto me once, but I put a stop to it.”

“And she took that?” Libby seems surprised. “She gave up, just like that?”

“You’re talking as if you know her well.”

She shrugs. “Well, I do. She came to my company as a school leaver, and I took a chance on her. You know, I figured I could mould her into something, like a little prodigy. We sort of became close over the years, and she decided she wanted to move into customer service, so I sorted it for her.”

I immediately think about Ivy and what a waste she had become to me. “I understand, completely. But I’m curious about what’s happening between you both now. Have I made things difficult?” Personally, I don’t really care. But I figure I’d better ask to show that I’m at least showing some sort of interest.

“Not difficult. But I had a chat with Holli to see how she felt, because naturally things are going to be awkward. I didn’t ask her about the two of you, but I made it pretty clear that none of it was going to fly with me.”

“Is she still working for you?” I ask.

“I’m not going to sack her, Alex. But I just need her to know that whatever she thinks
going on between you, is over. Finished.”

I’m lit up like a Christmas tree inside. She’s totally jealous. My ego gets a boost and I feel instantly satisfied that I wasn’t the only one feeling it.

“There isn’t anything to finish. Nothing ever started, sweetheart. And that I can promise you.” I brush a wayward lock of hair off her face and tuck it behind her ear. “I’m intrigued about something though ...”


I mull the words over in my head, deciding how best I bring up the subject that’s teasing on the tip of my tongue. Do I really want to open this door? Well, yeah. If she gets to ask, then I sure as hell need to ask and get my closure too.

“So, you and Daniel are really close. Maybe closer than most work colleagues, you know?”

Libby licks her lips. “Don’t even go there, Ace. It’s not like that with me and Daniel. We’re just friends.”

“Sleeping together?” I cringe as the words leave my lips.

“No!” she snaps. “He’s just a friend who’s been there for me through all the shit, you know?”

I smirk. “Oh, I know alright. Girl needs a shoulder to cry on, and boy who has feelings for girl openly comes forward. You are both extremely close with your interactions.”

Libby wrinkles her nose. “No we aren’t. We’re just friendly. There is a difference, you know. I don’t have feelings for him; he’s more like a brother. And he doesn’t have feelings for me.”

“He does.”

“No he doesn’t.”

“Believe me,” I murmur with a wink, “he
does. I spotted it a mile away, and he didn’t deny it when I called him out on it earlier to get your address.”

She gasps. “He gave you my address?”

She seems more taken back over that admission than the bomb I just dropped about Daniel’s little crush.

“Don’t try and change the subject. Let’s just be clear for a minute, are you telling me that there’s nothing going on between you and Daniel?”


I’m satisfied with her answer. At least I know Libby isn’t interested in him, at all. I’ll just have to keep Daniel from sniffing around and trying to get what’s mine.

Sitting up and looking down at the photos scattered across the coffee table, I try and shift the subject from the serious bullshit, to something light and funny to ease the tension.

“Do you remember this?” I laugh and pick up the photo of the two of us on the night I proposed. We’re sporting the cheesiest of grins. Libby has her hand in front of her face, and she’s happily flashing the cheap diamond I could barely afford to the camera.

“I’ve still got them,” she says, bending down and scooping up the ring box. “I wonder if they still fit. Do your fingers get fatter over the years?” She opens the box and slides the cheap engagement ring on her wedding finger. “It still fits.”

Reaching for the silver wedding band, I take it from the box. “Don’t forget this one too.” Our eyes connect together for a brief moment when I push the ring onto her finger, but then she quickly looks away with a sigh.

I’m pissed at how awkward this is. Despite the conversation we’ve just had about Daniel and Holli, things still seem strained. I can see this invisible wall holding a barrier between us, and I just want to knock it down.

It’s obvious Libby’s feeling it to. I saw it in the way her eyes dipped away a couple of seconds ago. She’s holding something in that she wants to say, and I’m afraid of what it’s going to be.

Is it going to change things between us? Will it be for better or worse? I’m not sure. But I know I need to bite the bullet and face it head on.

Exhaling a deep breath, I turn to her. “Libby—”


We both laugh and I point at her to carry on.

“I need to say something,” she says, sitting up and pulling the blanket over her exposed shoulders. “This ... It’s too awkward. Can we just get it out in the open and listen to what’s on each other’s minds? I don’t want it to be about other people, it’s just you and me.”

I nod and murmur quietly, “I know.”

Watching her swallow, Libby suddenly looks terrified. “I don’t know how to even start this, Alex. I’ve gone over this God knows how many times in my head, but I haven’t managed to come up with something.” She puts a comforting hand across her stomach. “T-This baby deserves better. You understand, right?”

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