Mending the Rift (28 page)

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Authors: Chris T. Kat

Tags: #gay romance

BOOK: Mending the Rift
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Luca cried out when deft fingers tilted his head up. He gazed into a pair of gray eyes, filled with love and concern. Marcus! Marcus’s lips moved, but blood pounded in Luca’s ears, making it impossible for him to hear anything. He watched Marcus shake his head before he was carefully cradled in Marcus’s arms. He wrapped himself around Marcus, soaking up his strength.

“Luca, hey, are you back with us?”

Luca jerked when Marcus’s words registered. He blinked up into his husband’s eyes. “What happened?”

“I’m guessing you were close to having a panic attack. What set you off? The medical equipment?”

Luca’s heart was still beating too fast, but at least his hearing wasn’t impaired anymore. “I thought I was back there, and they wanted… they….”

“Shh, kitten, it’s okay. If you can’t go through with a spinal anesthesia, we can still switch to a full anesthesia.”

“No!” Luca clutched at Marcus. “I don’t want that. I want to be awake when our baby’s born. I’ll be fine. Just… just don’t leave me alone again, okay?”

“I’ll never leave you, Luca.”

“I know. It’s a stupid reaction, but without you I was so scared,” Luca whispered.

For a while, Luca clung to Marcus before the doctors carefully approached again. This time, Luca had no trouble with the procedure, since they allowed Marcus to hold him all the time.

After the injection, they checked on Luca’s vitals and settled him on the table. The nurses set up a screen and provided Marcus with a stool that he positioned next to Luca’s head. The doctors and nurses conversed in low voices, and if Luca didn’t sense some tugging at his belly, he’d have wondered what they were doing or if they were doing anything at all.

“What are they doing?” Luca asked, unnerved from the silence around them.

Marcus’s lips quirked, but before he had a chance to answer, a high-pitched wail echoed in the room. Luca gasped, and he tightened his grip on Marcus’s hand. “That’s him, that’s our baby.”

Tears leaked from Luca’s eyes, and uncontrollable shivers surged through his body. “Where is he?”

Marcus gave a helpless shrug, but at just that moment, a nurse came by with their baby bundled in a light blue blanket. “Here he is. Congratulations on a beautiful boy.”

She placed the baby on Luca’s chest and made sure he was able to hold him securely. Marcus rolled closer, bowing over the baby with a stunned smile. Luca couldn’t stop crying, not even when the baby’s wails tapered off in snuffles.

“He likes to be on your chest,” Marcus commented in a choked voice.

“He’s so tiny. Damn, why can’t I stop crying? He must think I’m crazy.”

Marcus sent him a beatific smile as he stroked a finger along their baby’s fuzzy head. “Hello, Gabriel, it’s great to meet you in person.”

Gabriel, their baby boy, finally with them. Luca laughed and cried simultaneously. So many things had changed and would still change, but one thing he knew would never change—his love for his husband and their son.

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Readers love Chris T. Kat



Breeding Stations


“…I found this one a nice, easy read with some interesting world building and nice suspense elements.”

—Joyfully Jay


“This was a very interesting and entertaining read. I found myself dragged into the story and unable to stop reading.”

—MM Good Book Reviews


“This was one exciting, high-octane action packed and damn sexy story.”


Battle Stations


“…this is very probably a crowd pleaser if read as a romance by fans of the spunky type of hero…”



“An excellent installation of this series. I loved the first book and this one doesn’t disappoint either.”

—Inked Rainbow Reviews


Against All Odds


“…trying to find their way to being happy not only with each other (easy) but with themselves (much harder) made for a thought provoking story.”

—Hearts on Fire

lives in the middle of Europe, where she shares a house with her husband of many years and their two children. She stumbled upon the M/M genre by luck and was swiftly drawn into it. She divides her time between her work as a special education teacher, her family—which includes chasing after escaping horses and lugging around huge instruments such as a harp—and writing. She enjoys a variety of genres, such as mystery/suspense, paranormal, and romance. If there’s any spare time, she happily reads for hours, listens to audiobooks, or does cross-stitch.

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