Merchants with Evil Intent (7 page)

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Authors: Kerrie DuBrock

BOOK: Merchants with Evil Intent
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The local cops showed up and canvassed
her apartment and the yard looking for clues. John wasn’t familiar with many of
the uniforms and was glad when McShane arrived.


thanks for

“It’s a little out of my jurisdiction,
but it looks as if these incidents are related,” Tom replied as he walked
towards Camryn.

“How are you holding up, young lady?” he
asked, sitting next to her on the couch.

“Tom, do you still smoke?” she asked,
without looking at him.

He bowed his head. “Sorry if the smell
offends you.”

Her gaze drifted to his face.
“Not at all.
Can I bum one from you?” She didn’t usually
smoke. Sometimes if she went out drinking with Tamara she’d have a few. Or,
stressful times like now.

Tom nodded and pulled a pack from his
shirt pocket and held it out to her. She took one and he lit it for her. She
inhaled deeply and a few moments later, exhaled. She waited a few minutes.
Nope, still stressed.

“Camryn I’m sure you’ve been asked these
questions before, but have you pissed off anyone lately?” he asked.

She shrugged. “Maybe the guy I cut off
this morning, but I hardly think he knows where I live or the fact I’m a

Tom looked confused. “Come here and I’ll
show you what she means,” John offered.

John walked into the kitchen and pointed
towards the refrigerator. Two cops milled around it, dusting for fingerprints,
moved so Tom could see inside. He quickly read the note and looked at John.
“Who the hell is this guy?”

“I dunno. I thought an old boyfriend but
she hasn’t dated anyone seriously since high school. That’s too long to seek
revenge. I thought about Orlov and I’m still thinking about him,” John sighed.

“Aw, John.
C’mon. He’s a cop!” Tom spat.

“Just because he’s a cop doesn’t mean
he’s incapable of feeling scorn.”

“So what are you saying? Camryn spurned
his affections and he’s giving a little payback by scaring her?” Tom whispered.

“It’s a possibility,” John growled.

“Does he have a key?”

John’s right eyebrow lifted. He strode
into the living room with Tom on his heels. “Cam, does Smirnoff have a key to
your place?”

She looked as if he slapped her.
“Of course not!
Why would you think that?”

Tom stepped in and sat next to her. “I
have to get personal for a few minutes,” he warned. She nodded and he
continued. “Did Viktor come on to you recently and you pushed him away?”

She blinked a few times and scoffed.
“Last night. I got to his house and he had a bath towel around him. I got the
impression that he wanted something more, but I told him I was holding out for
marriage. He seemed shocked by that. Anyway nothing happened.”

“That’s my girl!” John beamed.

Camryn snorted. “I can’t believe he’s
behind this. I’m telling you Tom, the writing on that card and on the note in
the fridge isn’t his.”

“He could’ve had someone else write
them,” Tom offered.

“Maybe, but then again, not too many
people know I’m a virgin,” she said softly. She reached into her pants pocket
to retrieve her ringing phone.
“Hi mom.
I’m okay. I’m
at home with Uncle John and a few cops. Can I stay with you and dad for a few

Tom pulled John away. “What are you

“Whatever do you mean?”

“Cut the bullshit. I see those wheels
turning in your head, John. I know you don’t like Orlov, hell the whole force
knows it. Don’t do anything stupid, okay?”

John smirked. “I’m not thinking anything
of the sort. I was thinking about how I’m going to protect her. She can’t stay
here and I don’t need this asshole following her to my brothers’ house.”


“Well, I have a plane ticket to Ireland
that needs to be used in a few days. I think she should take my retirement trip
for me. It’ll get her safely away for a couple of months and by then Chicago’s
finest will have apprehended the sick bastard.”

Tom slowly grinned. “You’ve convinced me,
but how’re you going to convince her?”




The cops took prints from Camryn to match
against the ones they found. It didn’t look hopeful, but it was a start.

Tom stayed a few minutes longer, after
the police left. “Camryn a few cops are offering to act as security, on their
off time, if you’re interested.”

She turned away from packing.
“Body guards?
Not necessary. I’ll be fine,” she snorted.

“I figured that’s what you’d say,” Tom

He hugged her and whispered in her ear.
“I left a few smokes for you on the coffee table, just in case.”

She thanked him and continued to pack as
John walked with him to the front door.

“These body guards,” John whispered.

“One’s already in front of the house.
They knew she’d decline the offer but said they didn’t give a shit. They’ve
worked out a schedule and she won’t even know they’re there.”

John nodded, “Good men.”

“If she shit cans the Ireland idea, call
me,” Tom called over his shoulder.


John poked his head into the bedroom.
“Did you pack anything warm?” he asked.

She jumped at the sound of his voice. “Cripes!
You scared the hell outta me! Why would I need something warm? It’s hotter than
hell outside!”

He sat on the corner of the bed and
patted the open space next to him. “What’s up?” she asked.

“I have a plane ticket that needs to be
used in two days.”

“No way!
John it’s your retirement trip! It’s not that serious.”

He stood up and growled, “Not serious?
Cam, someone broke into your home and left threatening notes here and your
office. How can you say it’s not serious?”

She stood, glaring at him. “I’m not using
your plane ticket and that’s the end of this discussion!”

She pushed the top of the suitcase firmly
down and locked it. She stormed into the living room and picked up her tote bag
and stomped towards the bathroom.

She crammed her make-up bag on top of her
toiletries and stomped back into the living room announcing she was ready to
leave. As they walked to the front door she turned and glanced at the coffee
table. She quickly ran to it and picked up the half-pack of cigarettes Tom left.
She might need them later.


When she pulled into her parent’s
driveway the front door of their house flew open and within moments her dad
pulled her from the car.

“Dad, I’m okay.”

“Hush and let me hold you for a minute,”
he hoarsely replied.

Claire came up behind and wrapped her
arms around her waist. Her mom stood in the doorway, wiping the tears from her

Her dad kept his arm firmly around her
waist as they walked towards the house.

“My stuff,” Camryn mumbled.

Claire offered, “I’ll get it for you.”

Grace came down the steps and grabbed her
and hugged her tightly. “Mom, I’m okay.”

“You’re a tough cookie, like your mom!”
she cried.

John held Camryn’s suitcase and waved his
other hand. “Come on everyone. Let’s get inside.” He was the last one to enter
and turned his eyes to the street. Seeing nothing amiss he closed the door.


When Ryan arrived Camryn and John shared
the details of the day’s events.

“If not Viktor, then
Ryan asked.

John grimaced. “That’s the million dollar

“In your articles on the missing women
have you made any derogatory statements about the person responsible?” Ryan

“I never thought of that angle! I said
something to the effect the deranged person is still at large. Paul didn’t want
me to editorialize in my story, but as I pointed out, the person had to be
deranged to kidnap.”

“So, if I’m on the right track then the
person the cops are looking for is a Russian stalker,” Ryan smirked.

Everyone in the room shot him a glare.

He lifted his hands, “What?
Just sayin’!”

Patrick dismissed his son with a grunt.
“They’re looking for a needle in a haystack.”

“Not if they look at Viktor,” John ground

To change the topic Camryn asked about
dinner. “I planned on having left-over’s,” Grace apologized.

John pulled out his wallet and handed a
wad of cash to Ryan. “Why don’t you and Claire grab a few pizzas for us?”

“Sure. C’mon kiddo,” Ryan replied.

When the door closed John turned to Grace
and Patrick. “It’s time we tell Camryn the truth.”

Grace wrung her hands on her lap.

“John, I don’t think this is the right
time,” Patrick said uneasily.

Camryn lifted her eyebrows, “The truth
about what?”

John met her gaze, “The truth about your


Viktor left another message.

The shit going on with Camryn was getting
to him. She was a hard woman to figure out. One minute she’s into him and then
it feels as if she’s scared of him.

She meant everything to him.

He planned on proposing to her on

He loved her and eventually, she’d be


Declan sat in the recliner glancing at
the newspaper on the coffee table. The headline read ‘Forth Missing Woman!’ The
cover of the paper showed four women’s photos. The boys ran in and turned on
the telly as Declan reached for the paper.

He scanned the pictures and began reading
the article. The latest missing woman was a mere child of eighteen. Declan shook
his head as he continued to read. It seemed as if the women disappeared. No
witnesses, no signs of struggle. No wonder the Chicago police were perplexed.

Colleen entered the room with a smile on
her face.
“Hey Dec, would you fancy hamburgers for dinner?”

Declan made sure the boys attention was
on the telly before he raised his middle finger to her. She walked over and
peered over his shoulder.
“’Tis awful.
Those poor women.
It’s as if they simply vanished into thin
air,” she sighed.

“Aye, so I see. The coppers have nothing
to go on. No witnesses, no signs of foul play,” he replied, rubbing his chin.

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