Mercy: Second Chance Military Romance (89 page)

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Authors: Abbi Hemp

Tags: #Second Chance Military Romance

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“You got one for you?” I asked.

“Two more up front,” he said. “Should we call some of the guys?”

“I’m going to call the legal team.”

“Where are we going?”

“To the DEA building. I want to talk to her boss and find out if he’s behind this or not.”

He walked around and got behind the steering wheel. I sat in the passenger seat up front next to him. As we pulled down my long driveway, I swore to not sleep or rest until she was safe.


* * *


With two attorneys at either side of me, I headed through the lobby of the DEA office building, determined to find out what the hell had happened to Heidi. If he or Ron were behind it, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to control my anger and not kill them.

“Do you have an appointment?” a security guard asked as we approached him.

He sat behind a counter.

“No, but I need to see Keller. Tell him Brent Stone is here.”

“I’ll tell him, but I don’t think he’s going to…”

“What’s going on?” an older man in a suit asked as he walked over from the bank of elevators.

“This man says he’s here to see you,” the guard said to him.

“You’re Keller?” I asked.

He nodded.

“What are you doing here? Ready to turn yourself in? Ron said you would, but I didn’t believe it.”

“For the last time, I’m not doing anything illegal. At least not in Colorado.”

“I work for the federal government, son. We have jurisdiction everywhere.”

“That’s fine and well, but I’m here to find out what happened to Heidi.”

“What do you mean? She doesn’t work here anymore. Ron told me…”

“He’s a criminal,” I interrupted.

“Let’s go to my office and talk,” he said.

“No. There’s not any time for more bullshit. I need to know if you or Ron are behind this.”

“Why would we harm one of our own?”

“Because Ron is dirty as hell, and I’m beginning to think you are too.”

“Hold on a minute,” he said, obviously upset. “I’ve been with the DEA for over twenty years. The organization has changed over that time, but we still work hard to protect American lives.”

“Then tell me where you have Heidi hidden before something happens to her.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said. “If you want to make an appointment with me later, you can…”

“No,” I said, cutting him off again. “If you care about your agents, even ones you have on suspension, you need to ask Ron where he has her.”

“You keep accusing him. Do you have any proof?”

I turned to Tim, my lead attorney. As if on cue, he lifted a briefcase and opened it while Jerry, another top attorney of mine, held it. He pulled out a digital recording device.

Keller’s face got red as we listened to Ron incriminating himself.

“Where and when did you get this recording?” he asked.

“He came to my home. We got this off my security footage. I can back it all up, but we need to do something about Heidi now before anything happens to her.”

“Is she in trouble?”

“Her father was beat up pretty bad, a security guard of mine got shot, and she’s missing. I’d say there’s a damn huge problem.”

He pursed his lips and frowned.

“I’ll call Ron now, and we’ll get to the bottom of this. I’ll need a copy of that recording.”

“Anything,” I said. “But call him now. Heidi is in danger.”

Keller turned to the security guard.

“We’re going upstairs. Keep your eyes open and let me know if Ron shows up.”

“Yes, sir,” the man said from his swivel chair.

“Follow me,” Keller said, heading back to the elevator.

When we reached his office, he called Ron, who didn’t answer. After a quick call to the local County Sherriff, he had an address of where the car had been spotted an hour earlier.

“Thanks for helping,” I said. “Please give me the address. I can take care of this personally.”

“She’s still an agent. We’re going to use the entire power of the federal government to get her back. Don’t worry.”

“I’m so glad you didn’t turn out to be one of the bad guys.”

He took a deep breath.

“She should have told me what was going on, but I can see why she didn’t do it. To be honest, she’s the best agent we’ve had in a while.”

“You can tell her that later. Right now, we need to go rescue her. I don’t know much about this Larry guy, but from what her father told me, he’s bad news.”

“Let me make a few calls. Hang tight, and you can come along with us.”

I thought, worrying about her safety more than I’d worried about anything before in my life.

“Fine,” I said as I sat down on an armchair to wait.


* * *


Two hours later, I stood on the road next to a SWAT vehicle with Keller to my left. Dozens of agents were milling about, awaiting orders to move in.

“Are you going to negotiate? What if he shoots her when you’re going in?”

“Let me do my job,” he said, turning to me. “I’m going to get her out of there alive.”

I nodded. He walked over to a group of men.

“Gather around, people.”

They crowded around him.

“We have two of our own on the inside, one hostile and one a hostage. Heidi needs us at the top of our game today.”

As he talked, I stepped back and motioned for Keifer to follow me.

“What’s up?” he asked quietly when we were out of earshot.

“I know they’re the DEA and trained professionals, but I can’t have anything happen to her. You understand?”

“I’m here for you, boss.”

“And remind me to give you a raise, bonus, and your own company or something.”

“That’s not necessary,” he said in a cavalier tone.

“You’re a good man, Keifer.”

“I know you love her.”

“I do. So much.”

“I’ve always wanted that kind of love for myself.” He put his hand on my arm and squeezed it. “I’m alone in this world, but I’m ready to give my life to save her today.”

“We don’t need any crazy heroics from you two,” Keller said.

I turned and saw he had finished his speech.

“We’re here to help,” I said. “Both of us are trained to shoot.”

“But you’re not trained to mount a rescue operation nor are you part of my department. I’m going to ask you once to stay back and keep out of the way. Let us professionals do our job.”

My blood boiled in my veins, but I kept my mouth shut and nodded.

“Perfect,” he said. “I’m calling the press so they can capture this rescue for the nightly news. This story is going to go national. I can feel it.”

“Just make sure she’s not hurt,” I said.

“I’ll do my best, but I can’t promise.”

“You need to do better.”

“Are you threatening me?”

I stepped forward, our chests actually touching.

“It’s okay, boss,” Keifer said, patting me on the back. “Let them do their job.”

“Listen to your man,” Keller said then turned and walked away.

“If it goes south, I’ll go in and see if I can help.”

“We’ll both go in,” I said. “Fuck this shit!”

Keifer frowned, feeling my pain. I walked over to the end of the driveway and watched as an armored personnel carrier rolled up toward the house with three heavily armed men with body armor walked behind it. Keller, standing a few feet away from me, raised a megaphone.

“This is the DEA. You are surrounded. Come out with your hands up.”

Is this guy for real?
I thought, shaking my head.
This isn’t going to go well

Before the vehicle made it to the house set back from the street, the door opened. I heard Heidi scream and dash across the lawn toward us.

“Fuck!” I said, turning to see what had happened to Keifer.

I saw him behind the wheel of the SUV. He slammed on the gas, peeling off toward the house before I could jump in.

“What the hell is he doing?” Keller yelled.

“I have no idea,” I said then took off running after him.

“Get back here,” he yelled.

As I ran, I pulled the handgun out of my pants and turned off the safety. The SUV stopped short of the house after a dozen or more shots rang out. Heidi dropped to the ground.

I ran forward at full pace, ready to kill someone if they had hurt her. Ron and some other guy shot indiscriminately out the window as I approached.

She got to her knees when I reached her.

“Are you okay?” I asked, bending down.

My heart beat fast as adrenaline took over.

“I’m fine,” she said.

Another hail of gunfire rang out. I moved in front of her, determined to protect her at all costs.

The DEA agents were hidden behind the armored vehicle, not really doing anything.

I glanced over at the SUV and made eye contact with Keifer. He nodded his head. The vehicle rushed toward the house and crashed into it.

As the agents swarmed ahead, I helped Heidi to her feet. We ran back to the street.

“Fucking Keifer,” I said as we both tried to catch our breath.

“I can’t believe he did that.”

“I can. He’s a good man.”

“What the hell were you thinking?” Keller demanded.

Heidi walked over and decked him on the side of the head. He hit the ground.

“You’re fired!” he shouted.

“I told you I quit already,” she said.

I grinned as she walked back over.

Twenty minutes later, the situation ended. Keifer had been shot twice in the arm, but his actions enabled the federal agents to take Ron and Larry into custody. I kept my arm around Heidi, keeping her close in the chaos of the aftermath.

“Let’s go check on Dad,” I said.

“When am I going to meet your parents?”

“I don’t talk to them much anymore.”

“What? Are you serious? After today, we’re both going to see them.”

“Anything for you,” I said, meaning each word.

We walked to the black, stretch Escalade where Keifer sat behind the steering wheel.

“Where to, boss?” he asked after we got in and shut the doors.

“Take us to the hospital,” I said, trying to sound strong.

Heidi leaned against me as we quietly rode to the hospital.


* * *


At the hospital, we found out he was okay and in stable condition. Cousin Larry had beat him good to find out where he kept his notes on the weed hidden, but he hadn’t cracked, at least not mentally. Physically, it would take him a few months to heal completely.

“I’m sorry for the trouble,” he said to Heidi.

“Don’t be crazy,” she said, leaning over his bed. “I’m glad you’re alive. You should have just given him the secret. Nothing is worth losing your life.”

I stepped up and put my hand on her back, rubbing it gently.

“What about that Ron guy? Is he going to be bothering you still?”

“No, Dad. He’s dead.”

“We should let him rest,” I said. “We can come back tomorrow to visit him.”

“You better. We need to talk about the Cannabis Cup Finals. I really want to win.”

“We’re both going to win,” I said.

He closed his eyes. I removed my hand from her back and stepped away. She came over and took my hand in hers, squeezing it tight.

“He didn’t do anything to you, did he?” I asked as we walked down the hall.

“No, but it came close. Thanks for coming to get me.”

“I’d move the heavens and earth for you, Heidi. I love you.”

She squeezed my hand.

“I love you too.”
















Cannabis Cup for the Win



Two months later, the Cannabis Cup Finals arrived. I stood backstage with Heidi and Sam, whom I considered a father. She squeezed my hand as they opened the envelope to announce the winner.

“This year’s top marijuana strain is…” The man on stage pulled a sheet of paper from the envelope. “Red Heaven created by Brent Stone.”

Cheers rose up from the audience as I walked onto the stage, one hand with a clenched fist raised in the air. The crowd went wild, standing and clapping.

I stopped behind the podium and waited a second for them to calm down.

“Thank you,” I said, my voice amplified throughout the assembly hall. “Today is a special day because our new strains of marijuana are more powerful than ever before.”

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