Mermaid in a Bowl of Tears (Exit Unicorns Series)

BOOK: Mermaid in a Bowl of Tears (Exit Unicorns Series)
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Also by Cindy Brandner



Exit Unicorns (Book 1 - Exit Unicorns Series)


Mermaid in a Bowl of Tears (Book 2 - Exit Unicorns Series)


Flights of Angels (Book 3 - Exit Unicorns Series)




Cindy Brandner


Mermaid in a Bowl of Tears


Starry Night Press




Copyright © 2007 Cindy Brandner



The use of any part of this publication, reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in a retrieval system without the prior written consent of the author is an infringement of the copyright law.


Cover design by Stevie Blaue


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.



Published in Canada by

Starry Night Press







For my own Patrick,


without whom there would be no words.





A book this size requires the efforts and expertise of far more than one person and I am deeply indebted to the following.

My patient and supportive family- my daughters who never complain about takeout because mom forgot to cook yet again! My wonderful husband who puts up with all sorts of artistic moaning and whinging and supports me one hundred and fifty percent.

The ladies and gent of Shamrocks and Stones, my online social club- you all are the best and I thank you for all the laughter, tears, encouragement and fun that we have together on a daily basis. Peggy Busby who runs the place with a firm hand and a kind heart- thanks for the world’s only bottling of ‘Connemara Mist’ – I’m saving it for a truly special occasion.

Michelle Moore for giving me what is surely one of the most beautiful websites on the internet- you are an amazingly talented lady Michelle. Do go check out her work-
. Thank you also for all the lovely designs for the mugs, mousepads, t-shirts etc for all the ‘Exit Unicorns’ paraphenalia that is out there.

Shannon Curtis- aka ‘Jamie’s girl’- my gratitude for your beautiful Chapter Charms that honour the spirit of both ‘Exit Unicorns’ and ‘Mermaid in a Bowl of Tears’.

Lee Ramsey for her endless well of patience with the job of editing such a large manuscript, Carla Murphy for her clear eye for what works and what does not- you bring the spirit of Newfoundland to all you do and it’s a lovely thing woman. Jane Hill for double checking all those Boston scenes and for making certain that my hooker sounded suitably low class. Tim Crowley for his expertise in all things Boston.

My circle of ‘first readers’- Fran Bach for reading the whole thing in a few days and for loving every page of it. Dorine ‘Dreen’ Lamarche- honey you are the world’s worst critic and for that I just loves ya. Elaine Pontious- you are my Anam Cara woman and I thank you for all the hyacinth. Mahri Newton for all the inspirational pics of our Col- keep ‘em comin’. Noelle Delieto- part of my Irish posse, with you at my back I cannot go wrong in this world. Sallie Blumenauer for reminding me every now again that the words alone are, indeed, worth it. Tracy Goode- you have the world’s best heart girl.

Mick O’Neill for showing me a side of Republican Belfast that few outsiders are ever allowed to see. It was an amazing day and I will be forever grateful.

Bobbie Thornton and Rhonda Rawling for being my friends for oh so long now and always encouraging me on this journey of mine.

My parents Marvin and Wanda Brandner for teaching me to follow my dreams no matter how long and bumpy the road.

My grandmother Violet Brandner who loved words as much as I do. I miss you Grandma, and I thank you for always being so proud of me.

Last but never least- I thank the readers for all your letters, gifts, cards and mostly for loving these characters of mine and taking them into your lives and hearts as friends. I know the wait was long for many of you and I thank you for your patience. I hope when you turn the last page you will feel it was well worth the wait.

Until next time,

Rath Dé ort


[email protected]



Table of Contents

Praise for Exit Unicorns
Praise for Mermaid in a Bowl of Tears
Praise for Flights of Angels
Part One
- If This is Love...
Part Two
- A Little Irish Homestead
Part Three
- Nothing Sacred
Part Four
- When the Dark Night Seems Endless...
Part Five
- An Aran Idyll
Part Six
- History’s Prisoners
Part Seven
- The End of Ordinary Life
Part Eight
- How Fragile is the Heart

Part One
- If This is Love...

Part Two
- A Little Irish Homestead

Part Three
- Nothing Sacred

Part Four
- When the Dark Night Seems Endless...

Part Five
- An Aran Idyll

Part Six
- History’s Prisoners

Part Seven
- The End of Ordinary Life

Part Eight
- How Fragile is the Heart

Part One
If This is Love...

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