Message From Viola Mari (19 page)

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Authors: Sabrina Devonshire

Tags: #erotic romance, #Science Fiction

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“I think we’re seeing Viola Mari in our minds.”

“This is incredible.” He paused for a moment to look around. “We might as well start making ourselves comfortable in our new surroundings, if you know what I mean.” Justin winked and moistened his lips with his tongue.

“Yes, I think I get the general picture.”

We peeled off our clothes hurriedly, fumbling with zippers and buttons. As my gaze roamed over Justin’s naked masculine body illuminated by the multiple moons, a trail of slick wetness moistened my inner thighs. I traced an outline on his chest with a fingertip, letting it flow down his taut abdomen toward his penis. Already, it stood erect and waiting.

“You look like a heavenly body to me.” I nibbled on one of his nipples, which peaked under my tongue.

“It’s you who look heavenly,” said Justin. “But I can see in your eyes how much you suffered. I promise to make it up to you.”

“Oh, Justin, I missed you so much. And I felt so terrible that I never told you that I loved you. I had the chance and then it slipped away and then you were gone and I felt like a part of me went down with the boat.”

He kissed the top of my head and massaged my shoulders with his hands. “I’ll never let you get away from me again. I love you too much for that.” While I skimmed my fingers over the taut muscles of his back and buttocks, Justin fondled my nipples. They perked up at his intimate attention.

“Oh, and I love you. So very, very much.” My voice came out more like a moan.

“I want to hear you say that again sometime when your pussy’s not aching to have me inside you. Now sit down with me in the sand.” Justin urged me into his lap. While he licked one of my breasts, he moved his hands between my legs, stroking my slit and then plunged two fingers inside of me. He raised his hand to his mouth and licked his fingers. “Mmm, tasty.”

“God, you know how to turn me on.”

He grinned a wanton grin and licked his fingers again, allowing his eyes to roll back into his head as if he was overcome by ecstasy.

I ached for more of him. I gripped his shaft and fondled it, running my fingertips around its large head and then gripping the entire length of his penis, sliding my hands up and down. Already aroused, it grew more rigid in my hands. Justin grabbed my buttocks and scooted me closer, then lifted my hips so he could slide into me. And then I rose up and down over top of his hips, my legs straddling his. “Oh, God, Marissa, I’d almost forgotten how good it feels inside of you. You’re so tight and slippery wet.” He licked his lips and his eyes blazed with lust.

I turned myself over to the lusty sensations of him sliding in and out of my slick hole, tossing my head back in abandonment. Each penetration only heightened my sensation. I moaned and clung to his body, kissing every inch of him within reach of my lips. He lifted me up off of him. “Get down on your hands and knees.” His husky voice sounded urgent, demanding. “I want to see every inch of your ass when I enter you. I love your beautiful ass.”

His sinfully wicked smile ignited my desperation to have him penetrate me again. I couldn’t wait to raise my buttocks in the air, to tempt him, to excite him until he couldn’t wait another second to plunge his long hot penis into my aching vagina. I kneeled and raised my buttocks, wanting him to enter me and strike my clitoris until I screamed. He slid himself inside of me, burying himself deeper and deeper into my wetness until I bit my lip with pleasure. He felt so good. Each plunge made me ache for the next, even deeper penetration into my wet cave. “Oh, God, Justin, you’re killing me.”

“Beg for it, baby.” He slowed his tempo, barely pushing himself through my folds.

“Oh, no, don’t stop.” I raised my hips higher, pressing my pussy to force him in deeper.

“What do you want?”

“All of you. Slam yourself deep into me, Justin. I have to have you. All of you now.”

“Well when you say it like that, how can I resist?” He pumped himself into me with such force, I cried out. “Oh, yes, Justin. Give it to me.” He pumped even harder, slamming into me with delicious force until sensations inside of me climbed higher and higher and then exploded in a shattering instant of sheer bliss. “Oh, God, I cried. Oh, oh.” I felt the warmth of him cumming inside me as I climaxed.

We lay in the sand, facing each other. We’d made love several times already and Justin’s burgeoning penis indicated interest in another round. Our hips angled away from each other, our knees touched and we faced each other, each propped up on our elbows. “Those moons are so bright, it’s almost like daylight.” I couldn’t resist reaching out to touch Justin’s face. Gazing at my lover and touching his skin felt like the most amazing gift.

“Do you think there are houses here?” asked Justin.

I stroked a lock of his hair. “No, I don’t think so. Blanuga’s people live in the ocean. We’ll have to start all over again—building all the things we need to survive.”

“That could be exciting. Kind of like a wilderness experience.” He kissed the top of my head.

“It will be exciting, especially because I’ll be doing it all with you.” It felt so amazing to be alone with him on a faraway planet. I wanted to capture time so it couldn’t fly out of my grasp.

Justin caressed my face with his hands and embraced me with his eyes. “You’re so amazing. If it hadn’t been for you and your courage, none of us ever would have survived.”

I reached for his hand. “Well if it hadn’t been for your writing class, all these puzzle pieces never would have fallen together the way they did. Jennifer kept trying to set me up with different men and it never worked. Then I do a favor for her—one I really didn’t want to do by the way—and look what happened.”

“Yeah, it’s weird how things work sometimes, isn’t it? I never felt the least bit interested in settling down until I met you. The first time I saw you, I thought, she’s the one. Now that I’ve found you, my heart’s full—there’s no room for anyone else.”

 “I love you so much, Justin.” I slid closer and kissed him.

“I love you, too, Marissa. Now maybe we better sleep so we’ll have some energy for house building There’s a cluster of trees over there—maybe we can cut down some of them with my knife. It could be hot here—if there are four moons, who knows how many suns there’ll be.”

I giggled. We made a pillow for Justin’s head with sand and I lay down in the comfortable curve between his chest and upper arm and drifted off into sleep. Instead of the sheets warmed by his body that I’d dreamed about for so many months, I lay in sand warmed by my beloved lover’s body, nestled in his contours and knowing there was no better place on any planet in the universe.

About the Author

Sabrina Devonshire, an avid swimmer most of her life, can usually be found near or immersed in a body of water. If she’s not seeking an endorphin rush in a pool, lake or ocean, she’s often encouraging people to work out or writing a book or magazine article. She also loves traveling to off-the-beaten-path places where phones and electronic devices tend not to work well. Peru and Belize are two of her favorites. Sabrina lives in southern Arizona with her husband, two children, and fluffy dog, Sugar. Read blurbs, excerpts and more on her web site at

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