Mi Carino (22 page)

Read Mi Carino Online

Authors: Sienna Mynx

Tags: #bwwm erotica, #bwwm interracial, #bwwm interracial romance, #bwwm interracial erotica

BOOK: Mi Carino
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Never mind it, I’m all better now.”


Diego took a step toward her. “You look better.”  He moistened his kissable lips and lowered his eyes to the single open button at the top of her coat. As if under his command she reached and unbuttoned the coat to reveal a V-neck pink sweater and a pair of grey slacks that hugged her curves.


He smirked in approval.


Why didn’t you answer when I called?”


I told you that I…um.”


An excuse? You told me an excuse. You were sick. I took care of you. Do I not deserve the courtesy of knowing that you were still ill or better?”


She frowned at his tone. He touched her face. “When I call you, I expect you to answer. Don’t ignore me, Marcella. I don’t like to be ignored. I will forgive it this time.”


Marcella drew back as if she’d been struck.
Forgive what?
Her mind struggled to get a firm hold of the indignation she felt. “I’m not your property, Diego, don’t speak to me like that.” She matched his stern look with one of her own.




His fingers wound through her hair, gripped her neck and pulled her hard against him. She gave a soft gasp, but didn’t resist.


I missed you,” she said, breaking the standoff. “I assume you’re here because you missed me. Then why not say so? Instead of coming in here with this macho routine? I… I don’t like it.”


Diego glared at her. He opened his mouth to speak but she kissed him and he responded until she could feel the tension lessen in his broad chest, hugged tightly to hers.


You belong to me, Marcella. You accepted it.” The next kiss was instant and fiery hot with her tongue dissolving, as his swept over and claimed the moment. A fusing of their wills, her face and neck gripped tight through his ravishment. Her purse dropped from her shoulder with a thud.  Her arms eased up around his neck. He forced her back into the gallery door, the chimes above rattling upon impact. His height and strength forced her to remain pinned against the cool glass.


Breathless when he pulled back, he sucked down deep pockets of air to fill his lungs once more.


Wow, okay, maybe I should ignore you more often,” she exhaled.


Dinner? Say you’ll have dinner and dessert with me.”


Yeah, dinner, I guess.”


Meet me at Pablo’s, south end of the boardwalk.”


I know it. But you have to have reservations or…”


He pressed a finger to her lips, and she fell silent. He stroked the side of her cheek. The flicker of arousal she’d been keeping under control sparked once more and she went still, eyes blinking with anticipation. Her hair filled his hand as he lowered his mouth to hers once more.  He caught a hard exhale in his throat as he thrust his tongue deeper. She gripped his sleeves holding on. He put his weight into her, his groin pressing into the crest between her legs. She parted them as best she could, moving so he could push at her center. Tearing his lips from hers he groaned. His finger traced her bottom lip. “You taste better, you look better. I’m glad.”


Thanks, I do feel better. I do.”


We shall see.”


He finally pulled away. She eased off the door, closing her legs. He lowered his gaze to her hips and fixated there when he spoke. “Seven?”


I’ll be there.”


Diego’s mood lightened and he gave her a wink. She opened the door for him and he left. Marcella stood there staring after him, trying to remember how to use the other half of her brain.






Marcella’s head lifted from the scattered paperwork. She’d spent the first half of the day down in Garrett’s office on the phone with Edward Katchner’s attorney, and his sister, making as many calls as possible to schedule a meeting. She spent the rest of the day catching up on the mountain of paperwork the gallery’s newfound celebrity brought. Her busy schedule kept her from thinking of much else.


Hi,” she said softly.


Out with it Marcella, when are we going to meet Mr. Wonderful?”


Not sure.” Marcella shrugged.


Susan walked over to the chair. “Seriously, he should come to the Katchner showing.”


We don’t know if there will be a showing.” Marcella joked.


There will, and when there is you bring Diego. I like that name by the way. Well not like it like it. I mean.”


I know what you mean, and I agree. It’s time you guys meet him, I think we’re taking steps toward being…a couple.”




Mmhmm. He was here this morning. Worried about me, and a little intense.” Marcella frowned recalling the hardness in his tone and stare. “We’re taking it to the next level.”


Then we have to meet him.” Susan smiled.




Pablo’s faced the boardwalk. The restaurant offered two levels with panoramic views of the city across dark still waters. Marcella wished she had chosen something sexier to wear. The clientele and setting demanded it. From the darkly lit entrance she found a mix of known and unknowns among the diners. A senator, several athletes she recognized, and a local radio celebrity.


Welcome to Pablo’s.”


I’m here to meet Mr. Diego Andes.”


This way, Ms. Garcia.” The
maître d'
said without checking the reservation ledger perched under a soft lamplight before him. Tall and thin, with beady black eyes, he stiffly walked from around the podium and gave her a polite nod to follow.


Escorted immediately to the upper level for dining, she admired the dark ambiance and solitude each dining party was afforded in the spacious area separated by a piano player. She wasn’t surprised that Mr. Mysterious would secure a private area for them. She’d spent one day away from him and now she reasoned why she’d never make that mistake again.


There were a few private tables. Diego’s gaze lifted and locked with hers when she approached. He stood.




For ten minutes he sat nursing a scotch and soda. The weakness in him had left him on edge. He’d made an ass of himself earlier. He shouldn’t have lost control the way he did and went after her. The panic over her rejection could have been foreseen. If he allowed himself to give in to the emotions she stirred there would be no limit to the pain that would surface. As soon as he saw her through the dim lights of the restaurant all his misgivings were obliterated by an explosive surge of happiness. She looked stunning. Her dark hair bounced on her shoulders in long layers, the right side sexily falling over one eye. The candlelight from the tables she passed hinted at the curves of her body discretely hidden under her coat. His eyes were immediately drawn to her petite breasts with the dark berry nipples shielded behind the snug fit of her sweater, then to her hips in the tailored grey slacks that were classically heart shaped. Diego resisted the urge to run his hands over them. And in her ears were the earrings he gave her. She fought him for two evenings to return them. Now she wore them constantly.


Marcella smiled at him and he realized he too had started smiling. He stepped around the table, greeted her with a peck to the cheek, and then helped her from her coat. He tossed it to the thoughtless host who should have accepted it from her the moment she arrived. The server nodded and blushed at the error.


Diego helped her to her seat and pushed her chair in. He smoothed his tie then walked back to his seat never taking his eyes off her.


I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long,” she said in that soft sing-song voice of hers.


No, beautiful. I’d wait longer to see you.”


The corner of her mouth inched up and a spark of mischief flamed beneath her brown irises, rendered amber by the flames of the centerpiece candle. “That’s so sweet.”


Another server arrived pouring her a glass of wine he had ordered just for her. He sipped his scotch, and leaned back in his chair to study her. “So how was your day?”


Eventful. We have a lot going on, a big showing in a few weeks and an archaeologist who is now conveniently ignoring me. But other than that it was good. How was yours?”


Diego barely heard the question. He focused on the way her lips moved over her pearly white teeth.




One look at him and immediately she relaxed. His eyes glittered with the kind of appreciation a girl like her loved. She sipped the wine. Being seated before him, under his silent brood excited her. Desire made her want to leap across the table and share with him one of those mouth-watering kisses he had become infamous in her heart for.


Speaking of the showing,” she said running her finger along the base of the wine glass, her eyes dropped to the blush pink sparkle of the Chardonnay. She looked up to his questioning gaze. He studied her but waited for her to speak. “I want you to come. We’re having a pre-screening and I’d like you to be there. They will begin to think I’ve made you up since none of them have seen you.”




Marcella’s back straightened. She did little to mask her disappointment. “No?”


Can we not discuss this now.”


Huh? Why? Why wouldn’t you want to?”


The server returned. He offered to give them more time but Diego waved it off. She sat there fuming as he again took liberties and ordered for them both. He asked questions regarding the cut of meat and the chef’s recommendations, changing it around a few times to the way he assumed she liked. Yes, he was right but she could order for herself. She decided to say just that but the server stepped back and moved on.


Diego, I asked you a question. Why won’t you meet my friends?”


We should have gone to my place and let me cook for you,” he smiled, leaning forward.


She did not.


There’s no one I need but you, Marcella. Just you. No one else.” He reached across the table and put his hand over hers. “Haven’t you noticed? Stay with me. Stay with me every night. You can leave for work from my place, but come home to me. Bring Ginger. I know she’s important to you. Let me have you, for as long as our schedules permit.” He rubbed the length of her fingers with the tips of his own.


Marcella took another sip of wine, her mouth now extremely dry. He actually gave a soft chuckle after he withdrew his hand. He arched one silky brow, the heat of his gaze undimmed. He waited for her response.  The underlying question is what gave her pause. Submit to his wishes and then what is their ending? They seemed to jump feet first into the middle. Shouldn’t he want to court the people that were important
to her
in her life? Become a part of her life if they were an item?

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