Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express Edition: Build a Program Now!

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Authors: Patrice Pelland

Tags: #General, #Computers, #C♯ (Computer program language), #Programming Languages, #C#, #Microsoft .NET Framework, #Computer Books: Languages, #Computer Graphics, #Application software, #C# (Computer program language), #Programming, #Microsoft Visual C# .NET, #Microsoft Visual C♯ .NET, #Electronic books, #Game Programming & Design, #Computing: Professional & Programming, #C (Computer program language), #Computers - Languages, #Programming Languages - C#, #Programming & scripting languages: general

BOOK: Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express Edition: Build a Program Now!
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Build a Program


Visual C#

Express Edition

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Microsoft Press

A Division of Microsoft Corporation

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Coding Your Console Application


Chapter 1

Customizing the IDE


Introducing Microsoft® Visual C#® 2005 Express

Creating a Windows Application




What Is .NET?


Chapter 4

What Is C#?


Create Your Own Web Browser in Less Than

Is C# an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Language?


Five Minutes!


What Is Visual C# 2005 Express Edition?


What Is a Project?


What Kinds of Applications Can You Build with

Visual C# 2005 Express Edition?


What Is the Design Layout?


What Are the Key Features You Need to Know About?


Putting It All Together


Chapter 2


Chapter 5

Installing Visual C# 2005 Express Edition


Creating Your First Full Windows Application 57

Preparing to Install Visual C# 2005 Express Edition


Snap and Align Those Controls Using Snap Lines 58

Installing Visual C# 2005 Express Edition


Using IntelliSense—Your New Best Friend! 59

IntelliSense and Ctrl+Spacebar 60

Chapter 3

IntelliSense and Period/Left Parenthesis 60

Creating Your First Application


IntelliSense Filtering: Pre-Selecting the "Most Recently

Used" 62

Two Types of Applications: What’s the Difference?


IntelliSense Code Snippets: The Time Saver 63

Getting Started


How to Invoke Code Snippets 64

IDE Components


IntelliSense Auto-Using Statements 66

On to the Projects


Renaming and Refactoring 66

Building a Console Application


What Can You Rename? 67

Getting to Know Solution Explorer


How and Where to Use the Rename Feature 67

Getting Help: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition

Refactoring–Extract Method 70



Common Windows Controls 71

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