Microsoft Word - AlwaysaWarrior

BOOK: Microsoft Word - AlwaysaWarrior
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Patricia Oshier Bruening

ALWAYS A WARRIOR Patricia Bruening


© copyright by Patricia Bruening, Oct 2007

Cover Art by Alex DeShanks, Oct. 2007

ISBN 978-1-60394-094-8

New Concepts Publishing

Lake Park, GA 31636

This is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and places are of the author’s imagination and not to be confused with fact. Any resemblance to living persons or events is merely coincidence.

ALWAYS A WARRIOR Patricia Bruening


Chapter One

Her eyes snapped open. Laurie Crawford peered intently into the shadows. Nothing jumped at her but every fiber of her being tensed into painful knots. Every instinct she possessed screamed danger. Tossing off the bedclothes, she scrambled out of bed. She tiptoed to the open door of her daughter’s bedroom and peeked inside. Nothing stirred in the soft moonlight. Stacy slept peacefully, a stuffed brown dog in her loose embrace.

A door creaked down stairs. Laurie froze, every muscle rigid. Heavy thudding footfalls galvanized her. Breath held, she quietly closed the door to Stacy’s room and peeked over the railing of the upper landing. No one moved on or near the stairs but the light spilling from the kitchen grabbed her attention. Heart pounding painfully in her chest, she inched back into her bedroom. She picked up the bedside phone but heard only an ominous silence.

Her glance fell on the window, lingered until she shook her head and turned back to deal with the intruders herself. The second floor windows were too high for a safe escape. At the bedroom doorway, she stared at the empty staircase.

One set of footsteps became three. Low, muttering voices drifted up the stairs. The rough sounds and syllables made no sense. Laurie held her breath, straining to hear over her bounding heartbeat. Metal clattered. Glass shattered. Doors and drawers opened and closed. Panic gurgled in her throat, tasting like bile, but she forced down an instinctive urge to scream. She clenched her fists, gritted her teeth, and stepped slowly down the stairs.

In the way of eerie slow motion, seconds stretched like hours but eventually she stopped at the bottom of the stairs. The voices were closer, louder, but still incomprehensible. She swallowed hard and slipped along the wall to the kitchen entrance. She peeked into the room.

Three black-clad figures in ski masks rummaged through drawers and cabinets, flinging the contents around the room.

The man at the back door turned his head and spotted her. Surprise widened his eyes as their gazes locked for a brief moment before he shouted. The one nearest her strode forward, yanking her glance to him. Menace glittered in his dark eyes.

Drawing a harsh breath, Laurie ducked back from the door, turned on her heel, and ran.

Her trembling hand grasped the doorknob. A five-fingered vise clamped onto her wrist and yanked her around. She staggered, stumbled back into the wall, but stayed on her feet. His eyes gleamed as he drove his fist toward her face. His hand was huge, magnified in her mind’s terrified eye. She jerked her arm up, instinctively blocking the blow. Pain exploded up her arm.

“Mommy! Where are you?” Stacy yelled, terrified, from the top of the stairs.

“Hide, Stacy!” Laurie screamed at the ceiling. Small feet pounded down the hall overhead. A door slammed shut. Then silence reigned.

The intruder brought his arm down, backhanded her across the mouth. The sharp burst of pain stunned her. The metallic taste of warm blood spurted into her mouth, over her tongue.

“Please,” she begged through the agony of split lips. “Take anything you want but don’t hurt my baby.”

ALWAYS A WARRIOR Patricia Bruening


He yelled over his shoulder. One of his cohorts ran up the stairs. Doors opened and closed amid muffled curses. A single thud was followed by silence.

Head still turned away from her, the attacker shouted another incomprehensible stream of words. With an abrupt explosion of adrenaline, Laurie drove her fist into his gut. As he doubled over, she jerked her knee up and smashed his nose. He fell over, sprawled on his back. Blood gushed from his nose and stained the plush, light blue carpet. In her frantic haste to get to Stacy, she leapt over the writhing body.

The front door exploded inward, ripped off its hinges. The crash reverberated through the house and her skull, shaking pictures off the walls and knick-knacks off the shelves. The clatter rang in her ears. She faltered.

Men in black military style uniforms stormed through the front door. More men crashed through the back door. The third intruder flew out of the kitchen, down the hall, followed closely by more men, obviously soldiers. Several people ran around upstairs. Their rapid footsteps pounded over her head. Gunfire exploded around her. Laurie cringed, her ears ringing again. The acrid smell of gunpowder filled the air and her nostrils. Smoke obscured her vision, brought tears to her eyes.

No!” Laurie shrieked over the din.

Confused by the large number of people scattered through her house and the unconscionable noise, Laurie covered her ears and charged toward the stairs, focused only on Stacy. Yet another soldier ran through the door and crashed into her. She fell under his heavy impact and hit the floor hard. The breath exploded from her lungs. Bullets flew all around her but none hit her.

She forced the confusion from her mind and concentrated on her struggle with the soldier trying to hold her down. He slid back to grab her leg. She raised her other leg to deliver a crushing blow to his face. He blocked her foot with his other arm and grabbed her ankle.

On his knees, he dragged her to the door. She grabbed the doorjamb, splinters gauging her palms, but he pulled relentlessly. Her hands lost their grip and she was outside, shoved between the rose bushes and the wall. Fury choked her. Stacy was still trapped! She glared at the soldier, now crouched by the door. He peered around the door frame and pointed his gun inside.

Laurie squatted behind him and would have gladly traded her next royalty check for a baseball bat.

“Stacy!” she screeched like a banshee.

He clamped a hand over his ear, turned, and glared at her. His dark brown eyes glittered with a strange fire of grim excitement.

“Stacy’s fine,” he whispered. “Shut up and be still.”

Laurie shook her head in frank disbelief. She leaned on the wall, studying the small tunnel formed by the bushes and the wall. She had to get to Stacy. Staring at her rescuers back, she edged backward. Thorns and branches scraped her skin but she ignored the tiny pains. Tiny rocks and fallen bush debris dug into her knees. Her hands clenched into fists in the dirt but she did not stop.

He looked back, scowled, and grabbed her wrist.

“Let go of me!” She tried in vain to pull away.

“If you want to stay alive, shut up and stay still,” he hissed and jerked her toward him.

Thunder shook the world. The window blew outward. Glass shards and jagged pieces showered the bushes. Laurie cringed, positive she was now deaf. The soldier threw himself on top of her. The back of her head smacked the ground. Tiny rocks dug into her back. Squirming ALWAYS A WARRIOR Patricia Bruening


beneath him, she struggled to catch her breath with her face buried in his chest. She opened her mouth to drag in air but tasted only the cloth of his uniform. She squirmed again until she dragged in air that carried a faint, masculine scent.

He rose up on one elbow, relieving her of some of his weight, and studied her intently.

She sucked in more air. Her gaze clashed with his and she could not look away. Wriggling, she slapped her hands on his chest and shoved. He didn’t budge. His every taut straining muscle in contact with her body sent unwanted electric tingles through her nerves as she stared up at him.

The depths of his dark brown eyes reflected concern and something she dared not examine too closely.

“Are you okay?” His surprisingly soft baritone caressed her ears.

Laurie nodded, as breathless from his disquieting nearness as from the sudden eruption of violence in her home.

“All secure!” was heard from inside the house but the soldier made no effort to move. He merely stared down at her. Laurie squirmed beneath his considerable weight, her eyes riveted to his unfathomable gaze.

“Stacy!” She shoved hard and pushed him off her. She crawled from under the bushes, glancing wildly around the yard.


“I’m coming, baby!”

Stacy, long dark hair flying behind her, ran from the direction of the driveway. Relieved, grateful, and trembling with the force of it, Laurie pulled Stacy into her arms and sank to the ground with her.

* * * *

A spotlight from the truck at the curb lit the yard. Damien McAllister watched the reunion with his usual nonchalance. But despite his best efforts, his gaze was frequently drawn to Laurie Crawford as a woman, not as an assignment. He crossed his arms over his chest. He was here to facilitate the capture of a terrorist not ogle the terrorist’s daughter. He did not deny the physical attraction that had assaulted him in the bushes. He simply ignored it. He forced himself to view her as any one of a dozen pretty girls.

Still he could not stop staring at her. Dark brown hair tumbled in disarray around her head and shoulders, hiding her face from view. That short skimpy T-shirt she wore was even sexier than if she had offered herself to him stark naked. Her height, not quite five foot ten inches, carried her frame well. Gently rounded buttocks in skimpy white panties and full firm breasts gave her a sensual femininity that hid a wealth of strength and determination.

She had not killed the terrorist they found near the front door but she had certainly hurt him. The other two were dead, killed in the gunfire. But the one she had rendered almost unconscious might provide some useful information. Good old-fashioned lust tinged with reluctant admiration tightened his loins. Irritated, he squelched his urges. He was on a mission not in a bar.

As he watched, she glanced warily around the yard then focused on him. He sighed. She wanted answers now. She stood, held her daughter’s hand, and walked toward him. Grace and purpose in each long stride drew his attention to her long legs. He did not move, forcing her to come to him.
Quit staring
, he berated himself.
You’ve just been without a woman too long.

He shifted his gaze to the little girl. Stacy was a perfect copy of her mother. She had the same long dark hair and graceful walk. At the moment she clung to her mother and stared at the ground, obviously scared. Damien thought of his own two children, then banished the ALWAYS A WARRIOR Patricia Bruening


accompanying ache in his heart. He glanced at the house then back at Laurie Crawford standing in front of him, shaking her head. She shivered in the cool autumn air and her face turned red.

His gaze dropped involuntarily to her hardened nipples, prominent beneath the flimsy T-shirt. He blinked and lifted his gaze to hers.

“Neal! Get a blanket!” he called to his second in command without looking away from her.

“Let’s have it.” She lifted her chin and faced him squarely, her hand fisted on her hip.

“What the hell is going on here?”

“Not now,” he muttered and deliberately focused on the house. Six of his men carried three bodies, all in black, out the door. One squirmed slightly and moaned. The other two remained still. The ski masks had been removed. Out the corner of his eye, Damien noted that she stared at them without even a flicker of recognition.

“A-are those two men d-dead?”

“Yes,” Damien replied coldly, meeting her curious stare without hesitation.

“What are you going to do with us?” she demanded and her eyes went wide with fright as she pulled Stacy closer.

“Nothing,” he shot back, startled. Why would she think he intended her harm? Was the woman stupid? Or was she just shaken up? He shook his head in disgust.

Abruptly pulling the blanket closer around her, she turned to lead Stacy back into the house. Damien halted her with a firm grasp of her upper arm. He deliberately ignored the soft warmth under his fingers but it took some effort. She merely looked at the ground.

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