Microsoft Word - Blood and Sex from CE.rtf (14 page)

BOOK: Microsoft Word - Blood and Sex from CE.rtf
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“So does Khalil,” Isabella said.

“But he doesn’t
with all of them. He just takes in strays. Maximilliano pimps his women out to the highest bidders. Their entire lives revolve around sex.”

Isabella looked over to Blane and winked. “Sounds like a nice life. No?”

“More like being a caged animal.” Christiana paced in front of the window, wringing her


hands. “I’m no one’s whore!”

“We know that, darling.” Isabella climbed to her feet. She walked to Christiana with her hands outstretched, as if she were afraid she might bolt. Then she slowly slid her arms around her.

It was almost frightening to watch how smooth Isabella was, how easily she brought Christiana’s defenses down. If it went too far, he’d step in.

“Calm down,” she whispered.

Christiana jerked away. “Don’t tell me to calm down!”

“Khalil may change his mind when you talk to him.” Isabella reached for her again.

Christiana batted her hands away. She was almost crying, almost at that breaking point.

Blane got to his feet.

She let out a sharp laugh and pulled away again. “I don’t think so.”

“Humor me. He has been very reasonable lately. Especially with your Blane’s

Maybe he will let you stay with them.”

“That doesn’t help me with a

“You must be blind if you don’t see the opportunity in front of you.” Isabella’s eyes darted to Blane, then back. “You overanalyze everything,

Christiana turned her back to the woman and folded her arms over her chest. The urge to hold her, comfort her moved him forward, but he didn’t reach for her.

“You will never be happy in this life of ours unless you learn to accept what is in your own path.” Isabella moved immediately to Christiana’s left and hovered closely.

Blane suddenly needed to hold her. He needed it so badly that his chest began to ache. It was like an impossible itch in his mind that had to be scratched. He laid one hand on her back,


then pulled her gently into his arms.

She went quietly, laying her head against his chest.

Then, in a swift jerk, she pulled back. “Stop making him do this, Isabella.”

“I’m only urging what’s already there,” the woman’s voice was a whisper. She touched Christiana’s cheek with the tips of her fingers. “You fight against love, as you always do.”

She pulled her face away. “It isn’t love.”

Isabella caught her face in her hands. “It isn’t the romance you dream of, but it is love.

You know this.” She planted a soft kiss on Christiana’s cheek that lingered a little too long to be chaste.

Christiana closed her eyes. Her entire body seemed to relax in inches. She didn’t fight as Isabella gave her a slow, sweet kiss on the lips. Blane’s body responded immediately. It wasn’t the sloppy kisses he’d seen between drunken girls in the club. This was much more.

The kiss broke with a sticky pop, and Isabella spoke, keeping her eyes trained on Christiana’s. “Come here, Blane.”

He did as she asked.

Christiana, glanced up at him, then wrapped a hand in the back of his hair and pulled him down to her face. Her lips were wet when they touched his and tasted of a mint that didn’t come from

Blane slipped his arms around her just as Isabella moved away. Christiana’s body fell against his, pushing their mouths together harder. His hand slipped up onto the back of her neck and he held her in his arms, kissing her slowly. Deeply.

Christiana jerked away.

He held onto her back with one hand, but let go of her neck. “What?”


“She’s doing this.” She turned toward Isabella. “You’re messing with my head again.

Stop it.”

“I’m only making you give yourself permission to do what you want to do.”

“I don’t want to kiss him. Or you.”

That hurt. Blane pulled his hands away and stepped back. Maybe it was Isabella manipulating them. If it was, she was more subtle than he’d given her credit for. She was dangerous.

Isabella’s eyebrow went up slowly. “I believe this is not the night to talk, darling. Going to America has done something to you. I will leave you to sort through this. We will talk again next evening.”

Christiana nodded and escaped onto the balcony.

“Show me out?”

Blane nodded and led Isabella to the door. There, she took a few steps toward him, stood on her toes, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Be patient with her,” she whispered.

“Unfortunately, Khalil has taught her to be too rigid. His influence on her has blinded her, as it has blinded us all.”

Blane laughed, trying to sound playful, but there was something else in her tone.

“She is a good soul,” she said.

“I’ll keep that in mind the next time she’s busting my balls.”

“I think you enjoy that challenge. No?”

She had a point. He seemed to want to fuck her and tell her to fuck off in equal amounts lately. He nodded.

“Good evening, Blane. I hope to know you better soon.”


He closed the door behind the strange little woman and leaned against the frame. He tried to process all that had just happened, but it was too much, too quick. Christiana couldn’t protect herself against something so subtle, and he doubted he could protect her either. If she wanted to be protected from it.


Chapter Eight

Christiana heard Blane step through the curtain and onto the balcony. “What did that witch whisper to you?”

His eyes were narrowed. “She was just telling me goodnight.”

“Don’t forget that I know her.” Christiana turned back to face the Grand Canal that flowed beneath them in the moonlight. She knew Isabella too well. More than once, she’d almost completely broken down Christiana’s resolve. That woman had one thing on her mind, and only one thing—making Christiana one of her women. It’s what she’d always wanted. Yes, she would be a more loving partner than Maximilliano, but she would be just as ruthless.

One thing was for certain: Life was hard enough without Isabella in it.

A whistled song drifted up to them, echoing off the ancient buildings. It came from the gondolier who guided a small boat with a young human couple up the canal. Christiana sighed.

To be one of them again. It was so much easier when there were only a hundred years to live and the greatest claim you could make to immortality was having a child. Why couldn’t she have just been one of those women?

Blane’s hand touched her back. She tried not to shudder. It was only concern that had him standing so close to her.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“That you’re promised to someone. That you’re not happy.” His hand rubbed in a little circle. “Even for letting her influence me when you didn’t want me to kiss you.”

She had wanted him to kiss her. In fact, it was all she’d wanted. That was the problem


with Isabella. Things always happened around her when the smart thing was for them not to happen.

Christiana shook her head. “It’s okay.”

“No. It’s not. I shouldn’t have protected you.”

“I did want it, Blane. But I wouldn’t have given into it. That’s the problem.”

“Why do you fight it so hard?”


“Everything. It’s like you try not to have fun.”

“We can’t all be so decadent.”

Blane’s hand slid away. “And we can’t all be a romantic dream like Vincenzo.” His voice sounded sad.

She glanced up to see his face turn into that emotionless mask that didn’t hide the pain she could feel coming from him. As many times as they’d verbally sparred, she’d never expected him to actually get wounded. “Blane, I’m s—”

But it was too late. His eyes focused on anything but her. “I’m going to my room. Call me if you need help.”

* * * *

Christiana lay in bed with the window and shades closed tight. The day had brought sleep, but not rest. She couldn’t stop thinking about Blane. She’d hurt him by acting like one of snobbish old ones she’d hated for so long. He’d only been trying to make her feel better, and she came back with an elitist attitude.

How was it that guys could be so physically tough, but always seemed to be too emotionally weak? Surely, her heart wasn’t stronger than every man’s on Earth. At least, she

BOOK: Microsoft Word - Blood and Sex from CE.rtf
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