Microsoft Word - Jacks-Marcy-Mated-to-the-Wild-Omega.doc (9 page)

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“Mad at me?”

“Yes,” Terry said.

Morgan would have winced, but Terry’s voice didn’t hold any  anger in it. It was almost as though he were stating a fact, rather than  saying it just to make Morgan feel guilty.

“But, I am glad that you want to keep me safe. I don’t remember  anyone wanting to do that the same way you do.”

“Not anyone in your pack?” Morgan asked, curious now.

What if Terry had had a lover before the hunters had come and all  but wiped out his pack?

Terry shook his head. “The alphas kept us safe, for the most part.  Everything was always okay. There was never anything to worry  about. I can’t remember the last time hunters attacked us, before…”

Morgan rubbed the back of Terry’s head. “You don’t have to talk about it right now. I promise I’ll be here when you want to, though.”

Terry squeezed him tightly, snuggling closer, if that was at all possible considering they were already to pressed up against each other.

It was then that Morgan had a thought, and he knew without a shadow of a doubt that it was right.

Before this morning when he’d taken Terry and completed their connection, Terry had been a virgin. It was so obvious to him now that he couldn’t believe he hadn’t noticed it before.

This wild innocence that he carried with him, even after seeing such horrible things, it wasn’t a product of his animal side that simply didn’t know any better and was searching for comfort.

Terry had been a virgin, and at twenty-three, still very child-like considering the pack he’d come from. He’d probably played video games and still goofed off with his friends while doing his chores.

Well, there were certainly video games back at Morgan’s pack for him to play with if he wanted them. Whether he would actually revert back to that previous form, Morgan couldn’t say for sure.

Morgan’s grim thoughts were chased away when Terry pressed

Mated to the Wild Omega

his lips to the muscles of Morgan’s chest. His hands went from  clinging around Morgan’s waist to moving up to his shoulders. Terry  pulled himself up Morgan’s body until his mouth was kissing and  suckling on Morgan’s neck.

His cock swelled in that instant, and he held Terry as tightly as he  could, enjoying the attention. His mate wanted him. Terry wanted  Morgan to take him.

How could he say no?

He looked down just as Terry reached up captured his lips. The  kiss was chaste for the first five seconds before Terry’s tongue slipped


Morgan opened his mouth, allowing Terry inside of him.

Terry kissed him with all the love and innocence of a virgin all right. Now that his wild side was being suppressed, he didn’t show the same desperation as before. This was going to be slow and gentle.

His hips rocked against Morgan’s, those huge jeans he was wearing rubbing against Morgan’s pulsing dick. Christ, he needed to get them off him.

Morgan let his hands slid down lower, until his fingers found the belt and slipped beneath them. He tried, but he couldn’t get the pants below Terry’s hips without adjusting the belt, so he abandoned that idea and started to work, quickly, on the buckle.

The only sounds in the dark room were that of their kissing, their hard breathing through their noses, and the slight clinking sounds coming from Terry’s borrowed belt.

Finally, Morgan managed to get the belt undone. He slid the jeans down Terry’s hips, his palms keeping contact with that warm skin as he moved down Terry’s thighs.

Terry moaned, pulling his mouth away from Morgan and shifting his legs around until the jeans were off him completely and kicked somewhere under the covers.

They looked at each other. Morgan’s night vision had kicked in,

and he could see the eagerness, and shyness, in Terry’s eyes.

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This was Terry’s real first time. That last time had been about instinct and mating. This time, Terry was the one in complete control of himself. He would remember everything that happened between them tonight, and if he ever spoke about his first time, this would be the event he talked about.

Morgan was going to make sure that it was good for him in that


They came together once more without words. Morgan’s hands went around Terry’s head, his fingers threading through his soft hair.  Terry’s hands did the same as Morgan turned his mate onto his back and rolled on top of him.

They kissed some more, and Morgan never felt more like a teenager in all his life, considering the way his dick was begging to be touched, stroked, anything, and all he was allowing himself to do was kiss.

“Are you nervous?” he asked.

His thumb touched on the side of Terry’s mouth.

Through those gorgeous, lusty eyes, underneath all that hunger,  Terry stared at him with complete and total awareness. He shook his  head. “No.”

Morgan brought their mouths together again, a little rougher this time on his part. His entire body shivered as Terry’s legs drifted up, bending at the knees, and then looped around Morgan’s waist.

Terry might not be nervous, but Morgan kind of was, once he was able to think about it. This was a first for him, too. It was the first time

he was ever making love with anyone instead of just having sex for  the sake of sex. It was the first time he and a lover kissed and gently  got into position beneath the covers, instead of rutting like animals on  top of them, and it would be the first time he ever actually cared about  the person he was with.

A thought suddenly occurred to him as Terry’s thighs squeezed  around him. They still had no lube. Terry was a werewolf and would  still be able to enjoy it if they went without, just like the last time, but

Mated to the Wild Omega

that wasn’t good enough for Morgan. The last time they’d been  caught up in claiming each other. Now it was more about just the two  of them enjoying each others’ bodies. Morgan didn’t know if that  would be the same, or even enough for Terry to be able to handle  what was to come.

“Let me up, I need to get something,” he said.

Terry’s eyes went wide. “What? Where are you going?”

He asked the question as though he thought Morgan might not be  coming back.

Morgan quickly planted a chaste kiss on his lips. “Don’t worry. I  just have to grab something really quick.”

Reluctantly, Terry loosened his legs and allowed Morgan to climb  out of bed. He could feel the younger man’s eyes on him as he jogged  into the bathroom.

If the owners of this place used it as a summer house, then there was bound to be some hand cream, lotion, or sunscreen, or anything that he could use.

Morgan started searching through the bottom cupboard beneath the sink first, moving towels and other items around in a sloppy fashion until he found what he was looking for.

He sighed. It was one of those big bottles of hand cream with a pump. One of the nicer brands that would be of some actual use to them, and judging by the weight of the thing there was still plenty inside. Thank God.

Morgan returned to bed, and he watched through the darkness as  Terry’s eyes went from curious to eager at the sight of the bottle.  Yeah, he knew what it was for.

“Lie back,” he said, and Terry did as he was told as Morgan  brought the bottle under the covers with them, and settled back  between Terry’s legs.

“You’re going to like it so much more with this,” Morgan said. As  he wet his fingers with the lotion and trailed them down to Terry’s  asshole, he kept his eyes on the other man’s face. He loved the way

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those pale-green eyes widened slightly at the intrusion, the way his  pink lips parted when Morgan began thrusting them inside of him,  stretching him.

Morgan especially loved the way Terry’s breathing became quick  and how his hands gripped Morgan’s back until his fingernails dug  into the skin.

Morgan began scissoring his fingers, making absolutely sure that  Terry was going to be ready for him. Though they’d done this without any sort of lubrication, other that Morgan’s saliva, earlier today, that didn’t mean he could just shove into the other man now that they had something that could be used to ease the way. Werewolf or not, preparations still needed to be made. They’d been consumed by lust and the need to mate the last time, but now, even though he could hardly stand it, Morgan needed to be patient. He was going to do this right.

All that went out the window when Morgan’s fingers brushed up against that spongy nub inside of his mate, and Terry threw his head back into the pillows and arched his back.

His hips were gyrating wildly now. “Fuck me, Morgan. I want it now. I’m ready.”

That was more than enough invitation for him. By now Morgan had to shove off the blankets covering them just to be able to do this right without anything getting in his way or preventing him from seeing.

The cold air on their heated bodies felt good, and Terry moaned again at it. Morgan’s cock jumped in response, and he had to take it in hand and quickly grip the base to keep himself from coming before he was inside of his lover.

Just touching himself was enough to give him a jolt of pleasure that was difficult to fight against. “Fuck, I love the sounds you make.”

“Yes,” Terry hissed, though whether he was moaning his agreement for what Morgan was doing or just giving Morgan more of those sounds he liked, he couldn’t be sure.

Mated to the Wild Omega

Morgan lined up the head of his cock with Terry’s hole, and he pushed himself inside, taking extra time with it because he wanted it to last.

Terry breathed through his teeth, but he gave no sign that he wanted Morgan to stop.

“That’s nice. Keep going,” he said.

Morgan did, and it nearly killed him how he could only gently thrust his hips, pushing himself inside only another inch before stopping, waiting for Terry’s body to adjust to him.

Terry’s eyes were squeezed shut, his neck and jaw clenched.  Apparently he’d also been holding his breath because he released it in a hard whoosh when he finally opened his eyes.

Then his body finally opened to Morgan, and Morgan pushed himself the rest of the way inside, until his balls touched against  Terry’s ass.

Now, instead of his face clenching up, Terry’s mouth opened in a long, breathy moan, his eyes going wide once more as Morgan touched the other man’s prostate with his cock.

Terry started humping wildly against him, reminding him of earlier that day when they’d had sex.

!” Terry said, speaking so quickly that Morgan almost didn’t understand him.

His body language said enough, and Morgan began thrusting inside of him with all the strength and animal need he had inside him.

Terry’s hips pushed back against Morgan’s, and his legs became so tight around Morgan’s waist that it made him think of one of those huge snakes from the amazon, choking the life out of prey.

He didn’t dare stop, even when it got to be hard for him to breathe. “Baby, you’re so tight,” he said, referring to the legs around his waist and that ring of muscle that squeezed his cock.

Terry gripped him tighter, his hands, his legs, his ass all clenching around him, which made Morgan never want to leave this spot.

There was nothing he could do for it except shift his hips and

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pump them harder until Terry was crying out for him.

Then Morgan felt the teeth against his neck.

He didn’t dare stop. Not when it felt so fucking good what he was  doing. Really, he shrugged it off anyway. A lot of wolves liked to bite  their lovers during sex, why should Terry be any different?

Then the teeth broke his skin, and right after Morgan finished  coming, his body going tight as every muscle on his body clenched  through the satisfaction, he passed out.

Mated to the Wild Omega

Chapter Eight

He wasn’t in la-la land for very long. He knew this because the alarm on the nightstand, some glow-in-the-dark take on one of those old bell alarm clocks, didn’t show that much time had passed.

The only thing worth panicking over was how his bed was empty.

Morgan shot up, the dried fluids that had glued him to the bedsheets coming apart with a gross kind of crunching noise.

He had to tell himself not to panic. Nick was still in the house, and if Terry had gone wild again and tried to leave, the other man would’ve been downstairs and would have stopped him before he could get outside.

It hadn’t yet been two hours, so Nick should still be awake and on watch.

Morgan brought his hand up to his neck, touching the bite mark.  There was only a little blood, and it was dry. Terry had only bitten out of instinct, not to hurt him, but now he was gone, and Morgan had to find him.

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