Microsoft Word - Jacks-Marcy-One-Night-Stand-with-a-Werewolf.doc (4 page)

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His dick had been so far down Lance’s throat that Lance was able

to swallow all of him without coughing or choking.

When he pulled back, Lance wiped his mouth discreetly with the  back of his hand, and he was grinning up at Markus. “We might have  to wait a few minutes now before we can continue.”

Even if Markus took the time to recover that humans did, it would

have been worth it. From the look on Lance’s face, he got the  impression that it was well worth it to him, too.

That wasn’t what he was thinking about, however. He stared  down at Lance, who was still naked and on his knees, those glasses  just slightly crooked on his nose and his blond hair messed up even  more so than when Markus had met him.

A realization came over him. The sudden information felt like a

curtain or even a blindfold had been ripped away from his face.

Those tiny little explosions he’d felt earlier, the lust at first sight,

it all made sense to him now.

Lance wasn’t just some guy he thought was good looking and wanted to fuck. This was his mate kneeling in front of him.

“Holy shit.”

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Chapter Four

Lance didn’t really understand Markus’s choice of wording, but he didn’t complain when the other man reached down for him, grabbing his shoulders and pushing him back down into the soft grass and moss. Their bodies were now perfectly fitted to each other, and  Lance had never been kissed so passionately before in his entire life.

Though he’d just come, as Markus thrust his tongue inside  Lance’s mouth and shifted his hips until they were softly humping against each other, their cocks creating friction together, Lance became hard again.

It was slow at first, and he moaned these little appreciative sounds, but then his dick began pulsing as the pleasure built as quickly as though he hadn’t come yet at all.

Markus was so good with his tongue. He thrust it in and out of  Lance’s mouth, but it wasn’t sloppy or crude. The action was a reminder of what they were both doing here and what was to come, and Lance’s body just got all the more excited.

Markus pulled his mouth away, yanking his head back as though he had to force himself to do it. “I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to put my cock in your ass, and you’re never going to want me to stop.”

Lance wanted him to get started. He spread his legs wide until  Markus fit right between them. It was perfect. There was no sudden cramp in his legs or the tiny pinching of hairs. It really was perfect, and Markus was right. Lance didn’t want this to stop.

“Fuck me right now.”

He didn’t know what the other man would use by way of lube until Markus spat in his hand. That made him tense up a bit.

One-Night Stand with a Werewolf

“All right?” Markus said as he pressed his wet fingers once more  against Lance’s asshole.

He was when those fingers made contact. “Yeah. I—
—I  just…never did it…without…”

He couldn’t finish. His words wouldn’t come out without some

other sound or syllable that didn’t belong. It was one thing for Markus  to be playing around his asshole earlier, but now that he knew this  was happening without anything to ease the way, he was nervous.  Luckily Markus seemed to get the idea of what Lance was trying to  say well enough on his own.

He didn’t stop the press of his fingers inside as he spoke. “Don’t  you worry, baby, I know how to make you like it. Won’t hurt a bit.”

Lance doubted that very much. It was going to hurt, that was  natural considering the way they were going to do this, but he  believed that Markus wouldn’t hurt him too much and that he would

enjoy it.

“Relax your muscles. You’re tensing up.”

One would have thought Markus was speaking to a virgin or  something. The sudden care that had gone into his voice was a little  stunning.

Lance appreciated it nonetheless, and he did as he was told. The  reminders always did help.

When the burn came from Markus adding another finger, he  gritted his teeth and pushed out, trying to ease the way as much as he  could. Thankfully, he found that it really was something he could  handle. A little. Maybe.

He wasn’t about to ask Markus to stop anyway. He wanted this,  and he hadn’t realized how much he needed it either, but he did.

Then, Markus’s fingers pressed in even deeper, suddenly and sharply, and Lance’s eyes flew open wide as he arched his back and moaned out loud. His fingers dug into the grass beneath him, ripping out the blades and scratching up dirt under his fingernails. The mix of absolute pain and pleasure was blinding.

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Markus said something, and by the sound of his voice, he was likely congratulating himself on finding the sweet spot, but Lance wasn’t paying attention anymore as he was finger-fucked quickly.

His moaned turned into gasping breaths as he panted and keened.  Those fingers didn’t stop moving inside of him, and it was so good.  He was about to come again already. The pinnacle was right there. He could reach it. He wanted it!

Lance’s hands flew down to grab at himself. His hands wrapped around the base of his swollen cock and his balls, preventing himself from coming.

“Stop. Stop!”

Markus did, immediately. It was another relief to him, and a little new. He’d expected an argument out of the man as he kept on going, but he did stop when Lance demanded it.

“What is it?”

The fear on Markus’s face was laughable. He looked like he was terrified that Lance was going to change his mind, grab his clothes, get up, and leave him hanging there.

Like he could do something like that at this point.

Lance’s heart and lungs were still working overtime. He let his head fall back against the grass. “You’re good and everything, but if I come one more time I don’t think even you will be able to get me going again like that.”

Markus grinned as though he’d just been challenged.

“Seriously,” Lance said, getting up slowly, careful of the ache in his backside. Despite that, every little blow in the wind and every movement sent a shiver up his spine. If he so much as released his dick, he was going to come.

He looked toward the water, and he had an idea.

“That water safe for swimming?”

“Yeah?” Markus was clearly still too horny to figure out what

Lance was getting at.

He probably looked ridiculous, but he kept a firm hold of his cock

One-Night Stand with a Werewolf

and balls as he got to his feet and started down toward the little pool.

The water was chilly enough to get his body to relax, but it was  hardly ice cold. As he got in his body quickly adjusted to the cold,  and he was no longer in danger of coming over any simple movement.  He gave his dick a stroke just to see where he was in that respect and  was glad as he shivered, biting his bottom lip to keep from moaning.

“You should get in here with me,” he said. He wasn’t sure if water  was a good substitute for lube, but it was better than saliva.

Markus’s feet were already dipping into the water. Looking down  at his feet, Lance was reminded of the old saying about feet and  men’s privates. He wasn’t sure if it was true or not, but in Markus’s  case, yeah, definitely.

They stopped when the water went up to their chests, and Markus  reached for him and kissed him, pulling him close until their bodies  were pressed together once more.

Lance’s cock came alive again at the subtle friction from  Markus’s thigh. He was definitely ready for this.

“Those rocks over there look good,” Markus said, nodding toward  the other side of the pond.

Lance had a look. Yeah, they were just about right. They were  large and round, not perfectly so, but they weren’t jagged or anything  by any stretch of the imagination. The rock that peaked above the  water was dry and clean under the sun.

“Let’s go,” Lance said, and he started off swimming to the other  side.

He kept his pace slow, not wanting to overdo anything, while  Markus plowed ahead of him. He swam quickly. Maybe that was how he kept that body of his in such good shape.

Markus reached for him and pulled him the rest of the way before  Lance even had the chance to grab for the rock. He’d almost been there, but Markus was clearly impatient.

The other man pressed his back against the rock, and again they were humping and kissing in earnest. Because of the slightly rounded

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shape of the rock, it was easy for Lance to stay on his back and keep  the lower half of his body under water. He spread his legs as Markus  pushed against them, entering the space, and he felt the blunt tip of  Markus’s dick pressing against his asshole.

The harsh burn was still there, and at this point it looked like it  wouldn’t be going away, but with the addition of the water, and  adding the fact that Lance wanted that cock inside him so badly, he  was more than able to handle it.

“That’s good. Keep going,” he said when it looked as though  Markus might stop. He didn’t after that, and Markus kept up with the  slow slide until Lance felt the man’s balls touching down on his ass.

Then Markus began pumping his hips, thrusting his cock forward  and back, his breathing picking up as he did so.

He wasn’t slamming inside of him, but neither was he stopping  every two seconds to make sure that Lance was comfortable. He was  glad for that. Markus wanted this just as much as Lance did, and now  they were both unable to stop.

Point of no return. Those words flittered through Lance’s mind  again. He wondered what they meant, but then he was too caught up  in what happening.

Markus sped up the momentum, and he squeezed his eyes shut as  he fucked Lance hard against the rock, putting his strength into it.  And he was a strong man, Lance discovered.

Lance pushed back against him as best as he could, but Markus’s  weight and strength made it difficult to do more than just lie there and  let himself be claimed, because that was what it felt like. Underneath

the mind-blowing pleasure it felt strangely as though he was being  claimed for something. People fucked hard, and there were the good  times a man could have with a stranger, but this was different. Markus  fucked him like they were lovers and not simply doing this because it  felt good.

Again, he couldn’t delve too deep into these observations because  he was too caught up in the sensations of his body. The push and pull

One-Night Stand with a Werewolf

inside him and the blunt head of Markus’s rigid cock pressing against  his prostate made him lose all focus and all care. Their bodies  punched together, making splashes and ripples in the water, and  Lance’s back began to hurt as he was constantly pushed up and  against the smooth rock behind him.

He opened his mouth to yell out how good it was, but he hadn’t  meant to say what he said. “Fuck me! Fuck me harder!”

He was going to be embarrassed about that one later. Markus did  as he was told anyway, and Lance hadn’t even thought he could go  any faster or harder than he already was.

His orgasm came upon him again, and through the little space  there was between them, Lance wiggled his hand down and began  stroking his cock as hard and fast as Markus fucked him.

“Come inside me,” Lance said. He reached his arms around

Markus’s back. He needed it for the balance, but he found himself

slowly slipping down the rock, putting more of his weight onto

Markus’s cock.

Lance threw his head back. He smacked the back of his head

against the rock, and that made him see stars, but it wasn’t enough to  stop him from shooting his load into the water and his hand with a  shout.

As he came, he continued to thrust back against Markus’s dick, stroking and milking himself on the other man. Markus clearly loved it. He placed his hands on either side of Lance’s head and just started pistoning his hips in a hard succession.

He came with a bit-down groan, and Lance felt his cum spurting inside him, warm compared to the water, though his body was so hot it was difficult to notice.

Lance was still holding onto him by the time the pulsing pleasure stopped rushing through his dick and balls, but his heart was still beating hard, and he still had trouble catching his breath. He focused particularly on his breathing, and his fear left him when he got that part under his control. His muscles felt like they’d turned into water,

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and that would take a little longer to get back to normal.

Markus held him up, and then Lance felt the gentle press of lips  against his neck, as well as the slide of a warm tongue and biting  teeth.

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