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screwed around with any other woman and yeah, it would have been like a smack in the face to

me but to go and shag my sister… that’s low, and it’s dirty.”

“Charlotte wasn’t exactly an unwilling participant.”

She clapped her hands over her ears. “I need to leave now, I need to breathe without

having to look at you! Go to hell, Tyler, go anywhere just stay the fuck away from me!” She

shrieked, walking toward him. She wanted to kick his head right up his ass. Instead, she kneed

him in the groin.

“Go and see how well you can use that now,” she muttered, turning her back on him. She

felt him following her. She whirled around again. Uncharacteristic rage rolled across his features.

“I don’t know what is going on with you, Tyler but you actually look like you want to hit me,

you’ve been angry before but never this intensely. You are a different man from the one I used to

know—the man I used to love. Tyler, it’s obvious there is nothing left to salvage in our marriage.

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I give up on you!” she began, wincing at the look on his face. He started to pace the bedroom.

“Our marriage was fine until you took up your fascination with Lord Devlin,” he

snapped. “What did you expect me to do, watch you lust after another man? I had to go and

make my move on Charlotte; she’s always been the nicer twin anyway. You’re a little shrew,

Samantha. There is no passion inside of you; you’re like an empty shell. So you dealt the first

blow to our so called perfect marriage!”

“No, I did not! I gave my all so you could go free! The damnable thing is, we haven’t

really been okay since we got rid of Lady Devlin and I cleared your name.”

He gave her a scathing glare. “Maybe, that’s because of you,” he accused. She recoiled

almost as if she’d been slapped. There was meanness to his voice that unsettled her. “You look at

Lord Devlin like you’re starting at something you want but can’t have, and quite frankly

Samantha, I am sick to death of it!”

“I don’t want Lord Devlin,” she stated, watching his eyes glare with fury.

“Cut it out, Samantha. If you could, you’d spread your legs and take him in a second.”

“How can you say that?” She backed away from him. “I can’t listen to you anymore.

There is one set of rules for you, and one set of rules for me! Don’t deny the fact that you haven’t

just looked at Charlotte, I can see by the look on your face when I came into this room that you

had gone much farther. You’ve taken your relationship to the next level and treating me like I am

a stupid bitch won’t help your case one bit! I never should have....”

He reached for her arm. “Maybe you never should have come back to rescue me. Devlin

only went after me to lure you into his web of seduction. You don’t want to show it to other

people but I can see what goes on between the two of you. You spar because inwardly you want

to be all over each other. You want him to give it to you even now. I think you should leave and

go and find Devlin so he can ease your itch. I don’t know if we should ‘make love’ anymore. I

don’t think you like it anyway. See if Devlin can warm you up and stir the dead fire inside of

you. I will take your sister, she’s molten lava to your iceberg.”

Her cheeks flamed. Her heart ached. “You vile little man,” she walked toward the door.

“I guess you meant it when you walked out on me—you weren’t concerned about my welfare,

you were concerned about your cock. Besides, it doesn’t work very well with me anyway, you

never finish the job and I haven’t had a real orgasm well, maybe never…my experience is so

limited. Don’t worry, I think I might just go and seek out Lord Devlin to give me a merry

fucking.” She pressed the controls on the door to open it. “Do not follow me,” she ordered.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he yelled.

The door shut behind her. And with the sound of it sliding shut she heard her the door on

her life with Tyler slam shut as well.

Samantha knew that Tyler had something planned. She just didn’t know what he had

brewing in his mind. Whatever it was, she’d be ready for it. Tyler had a habit of surprising her at

the most inopportune moments, and Samantha hated surprises.

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Samantha sat in the lounge of the
Snow Queen
. The room was large and only a few dozen

people remained in it having drinks at such a late hour.

She heard him come into the room and felt him walking toward her.

“I am surprised to see you here, Samantha. I had the ships AI report to me on your

movements. She said you had returned to the quarters you shared with Tyler. Did something go

on between the two of you?”

Her heart ached. She wanted to smack herself for being so foolish. Having Devlin here

reminding her of how dumb she’d been was like rubbing salt into her open wound. Even though

she wanted to melt into his arms, she had to go back to pushing him away. If she didn’t she was

going to shatter into a million pieces. The strings inside of her were already starting to snap!

“Bugger off, Devlin. I just want to drink my hot chocolate and then go and find

someplace to sleep.”

“You can sleep in my bed,” he offered, his eyes sparkling.

She grunted. “Not my idea of a happy night, Devlin. I’ll go and sleep on the

another room. The rooms you occupied during your stay should suit me just fine. Oh, hell,

maybe I’ll just stay here.”

“You look too tired for that. Come with me, and I’ll find you suitable arrangements.” His

hand reached for hers. She pulled it away from him before he could actually make contact.

“I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t touch me, Dev. I don’t feel like having my skin crawl.”

He smiled indulgently at her. “You do put on a grand performance, Samantha. But I can

play your game if that’s the way you like it. There would be no harm sleeping in one of the spare

bedrooms located in my quarters. I would not dream of touching you—why would I want to

when you’re such a sour bitch?”

She pursed her lips. “Flattery will get you nowhere.”

“I see you had a bit of a war with Tyler, my heart warms at that thought. I would love to

be a witness to when the two of you divorce, I think I just might have a celebration.”



“Do me a favor,” she asked softly.

“Anything for you, Samantha.”

“Shut up,” she muttered, sipping at her hot chocolate and trying to ignore the fact that her

libido was going nuts.

Images of Devlin caressing her and kissing her and filling her body with his.... She shook

her head and gave all of her attention to her hot chocolate. Devlin sat next to her not saying a

word but then, he didn’t have to say anything.

His presence was enough to drive her wild with desire.

She could never sleep with Devlin—if she did, she’d be damaged beyond repair.

* * * *

“Charlotte,” Tyler cried, emerging from his bathroom. She must have slipped in while

he’d been showering. By the looks of it, she’d wasted no time in shedding her clothing. She

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stood naked before him, with a devilish smile.

“I knew Samantha was in the lounge on the
Snow Queen
and wouldn’t be back, so I

thought I would come and entertain you,” she murmured seductively.

Tyler walked toward her. She looked lovely. His cock came alive under the towel he held

over himself. She smiled at him and dropped to her knees. Whipping off the towel, she reached

for his cock. She grinned up at him, raking her fingernails along his shaft.

“Tyler, may I?”

He rested his hands on her hand, trying desperately to keep his cool. He nodded his head.

She took his hardened cock into her mouth and sucked him for all that she was worth. He put his

head back and moaned. He could already feel his release coming. She’d taken him so far back

into her mouth that he couldn’t figure out how she didn’t gag.

He stroked his hands through her hair. “My sweet Charlotte,” he murmured. “I am going

to come.” She lapped at his the tip of his cock and looked up at him with hunger.

“Come when you want,” she murmured licking her lips. “I can take it.”

She put her mouth back around his member and kept sucking him until he could no

longer reign in his control. He came inside of her mouth.

“Sweet, sweet Charlotte.”

She stood up. “We’re only just beginning,” she murmured. “I want you to make me

scream for real. Make me burn,” she murmured reaching into the bag she’d carried with her for

some lubricant. He grabbed the lubricant from her.

Grabbing her roughly, he bent her over her hands splayed against the wall, and applied

the lubricant. In the next instant, he was entering her from behind. She liked it this way and

always begged for it. Reaching in front of her, he played with her pussy and reveled the way his

cock felt driving into her ass, while his balls slammed against her cheeks. She screamed her

release and he screamed out his, sighing as each wave of ecstasy rushed over him.

Tyler couldn’t sleep. He stared at a holo photo of Samantha. He was glad they’d just

driven the stake in their marriage. Finally, he would be free to follow his heart. He’d made a

decision and he had to act on it before Samantha got wise to his plan.

He couldn’t allow Samantha to rescue Rory. He had a debt to pay off before he could find

his own happiness. The brat was the only way to clear his debt with the Triad and he would make

sure she stayed where she was.

How sick he was of playing a part and thinking thoughts that he didn’t believe just so

Samantha would not be the wiser to his true nature. He was sick of thinking of Charlotte so he

could get his cock up to fuck Samantha. Just sick of it. Enough was enough and now, his

deliverance was at hand.

He looked to the bed beside him. Charlotte lay naked under the covers. They’d fucked

until they’d both grown exhausted. Charlotte had fallen asleep as had he, but he’d woken up a

few hours later resolved to get an early start.

Soon, Charlotte would be in a deep sleep. Only a bomb going off would be able to rouse

her from that deep of a slumber.

Turning his head, he glanced at the clock. Five more minutes and he’d have to get out of

bed. Kissing her forehead, he gently moved her to the side. Settling her head against her pillow,

he eased out of bed taking care not to jar her.

It didn’t take him long to dress. Reaching for his trench coat he draped it across his arm

and tiptoed out of his sleeping quarters. Even though he knew Charlotte could be a heavy

sleeper, he didn’t want to rock the boat by making a lot of noise. It would just be his luck that

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she’d awaken and look for more of what they’d been doing earlier. A soft smile touched his lips.

He stood on the threshold of their sleeping quarters and glanced back at her. His heart

was heavy. He didn’t want to leave her, but he had to. He’d already made a farewell message to

Samantha that would play itself tomorrow for her as soon as she woke up. She would have to be

the one that everyone felt sympathy for, while Charlotte would have to suffer in silence. Of

course, Charlotte knew why he’d left and she would uphold her part of the bargain and make

sure that Johanna and Samantha never succeeded in rescuing Quinn’s little bastard.

Clenching his trench coat tightly, he tried to drone out the loud noise of his beating heart.

He hoped that Charlotte wouldn’t hear it.

“Farewell, my love.” Closing his eyes against the tightening in his chest, he put his foot

over the line of the threshold and walked out into their living quarters.

* * * *

Devlin still sat beside Samantha. “Fine,” she grunted, standing up. “Take me back to your

quarters and I’ll sleep in one of your beds without you. I don’t feel much like returning to the


“It’s your ship,” he commented.

“In point of fact, it’s not just my ship. Johanna and I have equal shares in it.” She

groaned. “I just want to ignore all of the shit flying around in my life, you know?”

He nodded his head. “Come on, Samantha, you looked wiped. You need some sleep and

you can’t fall asleep here.”

Sighing, she fell into step beside him. He started to reach for her hand and then thought

better of it. He stopped at a door.

“I guess this is where we both say goodnight.”

“Actually, I am coming in with you, you can have one of the guest rooms while I stay in

the master bedroom. You can stay with me of course if you’d rather sleep in the master suite.”

Placing her hands on her hips, she perused him. “Thanks for the offer, Dev, but I just

don’t think I am into it, tonight.”

“Ah, well, I can wait for you to get into the mood. I have been waiting this long already.”

Rolling her eyes, she stepped into his quarters. Why did she feel like she was suddenly

giving into temptation?

* * * *

“Lucy!” Tyler whispered.

He crossed the distance to his footlocker that was hidden behind a secret wall. He knew

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