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take Winter out of her hold.

“She’ll be just fine, Devlin,” Charlotte said, coming to kneel beside Samantha. “I can

take it from here, Sam. You rest, you look as white as a sheet. Devlin, as for Winter, she’s had a

bit of a shock and until I can explore her mind further we shouldn’t be resting too easy. But

physically and mentally, she’s more or less intact. I can’t say the same thing for some of the

members of Winter’s crew. They’ve all been through a terrible ordeal. Some of them just

weren’t as strong as Winter. They’ll have to be ferried back to Jupiter Prime, or better yet, Earth.

I’ve sent out a telepathic distress call to some of my friends.”

“Friends?” Samantha shook her head. She knew all too well what kind of ‘friends’

Charlotte referred to.

The Psychic Combat Force
can help with our situation. I had no idea how vast the

telepathic network was within The Triad. The Matriarch is one of us, Samantha. I’m going to

need backup. I can’t very well take on an army of Alpha Telepaths. That fight I had back on the

was one of the worst psychic battles I’ve ever been in. They know their stuff when

they’re on the astral plane.”

“I can help you. You didn’t need to invite those outsiders.”

“There’s no guarantee they’ll even reach me in time. They’re psychically tracking our

progress but we’re far away from their nearest base. We’re almost in over our heads. We could

have lost Winter tonight!” Charlotte barked.

“It's all because of Tyler.” Devlin looked up and pinned Samantha with his searing gaze.

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She shuffled her feet.

“Lord Devlin, Tyler didn’t know this would happen when he had the shields lowered,”

Charlotte spoke civilly but anger streamed through her voice.

“How can you be so certain, Charlotte? Did he share all of his secrets with you when he

hopped from my bed into yours?” Samantha’s voice shook with emotion.

Charlotte hardened her eyes. “I don’t think we should be getting into this territory right

now, Samantha. Not when I still have to check out Winter. But I will say it again, it wasn’t

Tyler’s fault.”

At this, Samantha and Devlin both fixed their eyes on Charlotte.

“Oh, God. He has you brainwashed pretty well. I used to defend him the way you’re

defending him. So, tell me what you mean by your firm conviction that Tyler is faultless,”

Samantha said.

“I meant just what I said. There’s no secret meaning behind my announcement. Things

are in black and white here. I’m sick of the shades of grey that the two of you keep on trying to

paint. I knew what Tyler was going to do.” Charlotte closed her eyes and heaved out a lengthy

sigh. “He made me promise to not give him away. And as you well know, Samantha. I never

break my promises.”

A sinking sensation ripped through Samantha’s gut. Yeah, sure, Charlotte always stayed

true to her spoken promises; too bad Samantha always thought they had an unspoken vow

between them to never screw with each other’s men.

“He’s betrayed us all, and nearly got my daughter killed in the interim. If you think I’m

going to let him go this time, Samantha…you’re right off your rocker. The next time I see him,

he’s going down.”

“Not without me giving you one hell of a fight. If anyone has dibs on putting a hole

through his chest, it’s me!” Samantha stepped forward. If anyone was going to kill Tyler when it

was all said and done, she was going to make sure he paid for being a liar and a cheat.

“The two of you need to stop confronting each other like this. We’re all tired, and we’re

all nearly at the end of our ropes. Samantha, your rope is shorter than most.”

“Charlotte, I would just keep your trap shut. Do not start preaching to me about my

behavior when you’ve acted with such vulgarity toward me. I should be kicking your ass right

now but you’re my sister. Moreover, you’re my twin and we’ve never been at odds like this

before. Tyler has become a totally different person and so have you. I don’t even know you

anymore, Charlotte. I used to know you better than anyone else. Now you’re just a heartless

bitch.” Her eyes stung with the unshed tears gathering in them.

“Fine. I deserve every insult you can throw my way, Samantha. But you and Devlin

need to find a way to work together. As for Tyler, the two of you don’t realize what you’re

saying. You both need to clear your heads. Tyler is our best chance of ever seeing Aurora again.

And in case you’re wondering, Samantha, you made the right choice.” Charlotte nodded her


“I know. I don’t need you to tell me that, Charlotte. Why don’t you just go and tend to

Winter and get the hell out of my sight? It would make me feel so much better.”

“What do you mean, right choice? Charlotte, sometimes your little riddles give me a

headache.” Devlin scowled.

“Our father’s killer was the telepath that was terrorizing Winter, or Jewel if we’re going

by her Christian name now.”

“What?” Devlin’s face reddened.

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“You heard me, Devlin.” Charlotte shook her head. “Samantha, could have let Winter

fall, knowing that I was on my way. Instead, she let dad’s killer go. That was a hard thing for

Samantha to do. But she knew that Winter needed her. And as always, Samantha’s big heart

won out.”

“Stuff your compliments, Charlotte. I have decided to be angry at you so don’t try to get

me to soften,” Samantha muttered.

Devlin looked suddenly uncomfortable. “I’m indebted to you, Samantha. If you hadn’t

gone back for Jewel, she could have died.”

The color ran out of Devlin’s cheeks. Now, he looked almost sickly pale.

“And, just so you know, Devlin, I’m not finished making you feel guilty yet.” Charlotte

gave him a soft smile. “Tyler is above reproach. Yes, Tyler is an operative. But he’s not

working for the Triad.”

“Yeah, he’s a real gem. He cheats on his wife, turns his back on his family and goes over

to the dark side. I guess he went for the cookies....” She snorted rolling her eyes at Devlin.

“Yes, Tyler is a gem,” Charlotte stated, “He’s working for something far bigger than the

and her crew.”

“What? Okay, I bite. Tell me the great thing he works for. I just might be inclined to

buy your story.” Samantha’s heart plunged down into the pit of her stomach. She should have

seen this coming. She’d always known that Tyler had deeply hidden secrets. Had she probed his

mind here and there, she might have known what they were.

“The Triad Telepaths were onboard the
Snow Queen
long before Tyler lowered the

shields to transport out. They’ve been psychically cloaked, waiting to strike since last night.

Highly skilled telepaths such as the ones that work for The Triad have amazing powers. Magic,

if you will.”

“Magic. My arse,” Devlin scoffed.

Charlotte gave him a disgusted look. “Magic it is. No matter how much you try to look

the other way. As I was saying, the telepaths that work for the Triad can teleport back and forth

through the force shields that the
Snow Queen

“Preposterous!” Devlin snorted.

Samantha’s mind was working. Charlotte never lied when it came to her abilities. And,

from what Samantha remembered of her psi training, there were lots of unexplainable things that

many of the Masters could do. Charlotte was now a master. Samantha’s mouth went dry. “Oh,

boy!” She sank down to sit beside Winter.

“This is mind blowing, I know.” Charlotte glanced between both of them. “Magic has

existed for many years. The mythology behind the stories of Arthur, and fairy lore and Elvin

lore…it’s all based in reality.”

Samantha shook her head. “See? That’s exactly why I like to live a normal, average


“Samantha, you go after high stakes bounties throughout the galaxy. That’s not exactly

normal, or average. You fight your mortality on a daily basis, and you win! If that’s not

charmed, I don’t know what is.” Charlotte clucked her tongue.

“Charlotte has a definite point there, Samantha.” Devlin sighed. “You aren’t normal.”

“Dev, if you’re not careful, I’m going to bloody your lip!”

“Promises, promises.” Devlin’s normal coloring returned.

“Look, we need to get back to helping the rest of the crew onboard the
Snow Queen

Charlotte reached out to touch Winter’s cheek. “Can you handle carrying Winter?”

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“Of course.” Devlin stood up. He had Winter cradled tenderly in his arms. “Away we go,


Samantha watched Devlin take the lead. She waited until he was out of earshot and

pulled Charlotte back to her. She could have used their telepathic bond to ask Charlotte the

question that burned inside of her mind, but she’d had enough of that crazy shit for one day.

“You said that Tyler was an operative and that he wasn’t just working for the

and her crew? Okay, you’re going to spill the beans. What organization is he working for?”

Charlotte snagged her teeth on her upper lip and darted her eyes everywhere but to rest on

Samantha. “You really should ask Tyler, though well, you two probably aren’t on speaking terms

right now. I can only tell you that he’s a sleeper spy and recently, he got sent his calling card.

Just rest easy in knowing that he is fighting for the greater good. He’s going to help us shatter

the very infrastructure of The Triad. Good days are in our future. Unfortunately, there will be

many bad days, before the good ones.”

“I married a thief and a spy? You have to be freaking kidding me. Well, I guess I

screwed up all the way around. I married a thief and a spy and a huge asshole. I guess he was

used to lying and cheating for most of his life!”

Charlotte sighed. “No matter what Tyler might be, Samantha. You married a good man.

His loyalty is unshakable.” Reaching out, she touched Charlotte. Pain slithered through her at

the vision assailing her. Bitch. She blinked against the pain and slowly withdrew her hand.

“A good man? Yeah, maybe in your eyes. An honest man? I don’t think so,” Samantha


Devlin looked at her. “We have some things to settle,” his eyes blazed right into her. Her

heartbeat quickened. At this rate, her nerves were going to be shot by tonight.

She glanced at Charlotte. “Why don’t you take Jewel and make sure that she is all right in

the head? Devlin is right, we need to discuss a few things.”

Charlotte frowned at her, her eyebrows rising in suspicion. “Don’t do anything in the heat

of the moment, Samantha. I know how your mind works and I know what you’re thinking.”

“No, you don’t, Charlotte. You have no idea,” she snapped. Pausing, she took a moment

to compose herself. “Just go, please,” she whispered.

Devlin’s hand was already on her arm. He looked worriedly at Jewel who by now had

come round from her ordeal. “I probably shouldn’t leave you....”

“Go,” Jewel gave him a grin. “I would rather not have you hovering while I am checked

over and while the rest of my crew is given the one over. As soon as Charlotte says I am clear I

want to help her work her way through the ranks of my crew. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Besides,

you have to get yourself sorted out and if Samantha can help you do that...,” Jewel’s voice

hitched. “Leave with my blessings.”

“Such a dutiful daughter I have,” Devlin smiled.

Samantha felt as if she was going into the dragon’s lair with Devlin but thought of

Tyler’s lies gnawed at her. How had he been able to deceive her? Her negligence in honing her

powers had caused this to happen.

She allowed Devlin to guide her through the ship toward his quarters. “I can’t believe I

am thanking you for helping me and Jewel back there,” he mused.

“Don’t say too much, you might choke on your gratitude,” she chuckled, feeling a

heaviness weighing inside of her.

“I wanted to explain what you saw inside of my head,” Devlin started.

She sighed. “No explanations necessary, Dev. I won’t pry, I just had to see your

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nightmare in order to rid you of it.”

“I saw something in your past as well, the damndest thing, it flooded me and broke me

out of my own nightmare.”

She stopped, just as he closed the door behind them. She stood in lavish surroundings.

This set of rooms had been outfitted for a king. She had barely taken any notice of this the night

before but it was as if her blinders had been taken off her eyes and now she could notice things

she’d never paid any mind to before.

“What did you see?” she asked her voice halting.

“I saw you standing by your father’s dead body,” he muttered, his eyes averting hers.

She turned away from him. “I told you I was there when he died, I didn’t just happen

upon his body afterward, I witnessed the killer doing it, and I couldn’t stop him. Now you know

why I am so obsessed with bringing career criminals to justice, the thing is, my father’s killer

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