Middle-earth seen by the barbarians: The complete collection including a previously unpublished essay (28 page)

BOOK: Middle-earth seen by the barbarians: The complete collection including a previously unpublished essay
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This book tells of what the American spacecraft has sent to earth till April 2016, displays the best images of Pluto and its moons on large prints and describes it like we see it today - an alien world that no Science-Fiction author could have imagined more weird.



Available as ebook or printed from:         www.codex-regius.eu

The Horsemen of Mars come with the solar wind.


The sparks beneath their invisible hoofs

illuminate the nights of the red planet.

A marvellous sight from the safety of

your base on Mars.


But when you are lost in the red planet’s desert,

the Horsemen of Mars show their fatal facet

as their wild hunt is tracking down

your fragile body.


Join our Mars crew in the most critical

time of their mission! Follow them into

the struggle for their lives on the hostile

plains and hills of the red planet.


An illustrated science novel for  young and adult armchair astronomers.

Including two double-page maps and many full-colour images from Mars’ surface.

Award-winning in Germany – now also in English!



Nominated for the Kurd Laßwitz Award 2001



See the video trailer on Dailymotion or YouTube!



First edition November 2014

106 pages, many full-colour illustrations , print or e-book.

ISBN-10: 1499274572        ISBN-13: 978-1499274578

From Robots to Foundations

Mapping space and time in Asimov’s Galaxy


They called him Raven because he unravelled mankind’s future - the future of a human species that had forgotten its past.

Only fragments of history in space have been preserved. And the planet called Earth had been forgotten.


The most detailed timeline, from the beginning of spaceflight to the era of the two Foundations, that can be compiled from the novels and stories by Isaac Asimov which are set in the Trantor Universe: the Robot Series, the Empire Series and the Foundation Series, as well as ‘Nemesis’ and a couple of short stories.


The Serpent and its Priest

His mind would never settle with petty aims. He always saw the greater thing.


1850 years ago, when scientific thinking was on decline and religious fundamentalism winning over, Alexandros, a little quack, made himself high priest and guru of the demonic Glycon, a puppet on strings that he had declared a godhead to deceive the masses and relieve them of their money.


The report, written by Lucian of Samosata who exposed the deceiver with analytic deduction, is the oldest preserved essay on the war, still undecided, between scepticism and superstition.


All titles available on paper or as ebooks from:  www.codex-regius.eu and online bookshops like Amazon, XinXii, Lulu etc.

Codex Regius
is the pen name and label of two authors: Andreas Möhn from Wiesbaden, Germany, and Metka Klemenčič from Ljubljana, Slovenia. Metka is a university engineer of chemistry and has spent her time trying to convey the wonders of the Periodic Table to mostly unreceptive students. Andreas, a graduate of physical engineering, has been working as a technical editor before the couple set up a freelance translation business and their own publishing company. Today they are working from home, which the children find very convenient when they return from school. The two authors are married to each other and still trying to find a common language.

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to discover more about our English or German programme of print and e-books.

Table of Contents

The indigenous peoples of Eriador and Gondor

Migrations in the First Age Drúedain, Southern Atani and Bórrim
The Second Age Before the Númenórean colonisation
The Third Age The Middle Men of Arnor and the Hillmen of Angmar and Rhúdaur

The Lossoth and the Forodwaith

The Culture
Their Origin: the Forodwaith
The Lossoth and the Dúnedain

The lost history of the Men of Darkness

Cultural features The Swarthy Men
History The First Age

The third Realm in Exile

2280 - 3320 SA:Númenórean Period
3320 - 3441 SA: Sauronian Period
3441 SA - 1050 TA: Ancient Realm
1050 - 1448 TA: Gondorian Period
1448- 1810 TA: Middle Realm. Castamirion Dynasty
1810 - 1944 TA: Interregnum
1944 - 3019 TA: New Realm
The last Black Númenórean

The mysterious king Bladorthin

Was Bladorthin Elf or Man?
When did Bladorthin place his order?
Bladorthin and his age
The hidden history of Dorwinion

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