Midnight Sky (Dark Sky Book 2)

Read Midnight Sky (Dark Sky Book 2) Online

Authors: Amy Braun

Tags: #pirates, #fantasy, #Dark Sky, #Vampires, #Steampunk, #horror

BOOK: Midnight Sky (Dark Sky Book 2)
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Praise for Amy Braun

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17



About The Author

More From Amy Braun


Dark Sky

Amy Braun

Midnight Sky
, a
Dark Sky
novel by Amy Braun

© 2016 by Amy Braun. All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locations is entirely coincidental. No part of this book may be reproduced in any written, electronic, recording, or photocopying without written permission of the author.

Cover Design: Deranged Doctor Design


For my friends and family.

Praise for Amy Braun


I’d say the Cursed series is going to be one to watch for any urban fantasy fan.
” – Ivana, One Book Two


“The twists and turns of both storylines were both interesting and unpredictable. I especially enjoyed the fact that Braun never sacrifices emotional development to the rip-roaring pace.” Christina Ochs, author of
The Desolate Empire


One word to describe this book: “In-freaking-credible”!! I admit I don’t give out many 5 stars, but this one is it. It is a “one-sit” wonder. I started reading after work and didn’t put it down until the very end.
” – Nell, One Book Two

“One thing is for certain this author keeps reader’s hearts thumping with explosive scenes and heart wrenching endings.” – T’s Blogging

“There are so many twists in Crimson Sky, you will be hooked immediately. Though this is an excellent stand-alone book; I see a great start to an action packed series. I would highly recommend this to any reader, regardless of genre preference.
” – Boundless Book Reviews


This woman is officially an auto-buy author for me!
” – The Bookish Crypt

Chapter 1

They were going to get us killed.

I leaped to the side as Sawyer and the Rattail he was fighting slammed into the tavern wall. Sawyer grunted but kept the larger man at bay. He jabbed his knee into the man’s stomach, getting the advantage and then slugging the grimy-skinned marauder in the jaw. He whirled on me, his tawny eyes filled with wildness and fire.

“What are you doing in here?” my captain growled.

I took a breath to argue, then turned my head when the Rattail surged forward and tried to hit Sawyer again. I made my point by lunging, striking the man in the face with my fist just as Riley had taught me. I didn’t have the muscles the Sky Guard’s son did, but my hit disoriented the Rattail enough for Sawyer to grab him by the shirt and pound his head into the wall.

He dropped the unconscious man and whirled on me again, still furious. “I told you to wait outside!”

“Seems like you could use help,” I barked.

Sawyer narrowed his eyes to slits. If I weren’t part of his crew, I would be afraid of him. Sawyer was the son of one of the most dangerous pirate Clans ever to exist. He wasn’t the kind of person to be crossed.

But after being on his crew for three months, I knew he would never hurt me, and that his pride– and arrogance– often got in the way of his safety.

“We can handle it,” he snapped.

A heavy crash caught our attention. Nash and two Rattails were lying on the ground, caught in a scuffle among the remains of a broken table. Nash was bleeding from a cut at the corner of his eyebrow, but he didn’t seem to notice the injury. He rolled onto his feet, grabbed a broken table leg and used it like a baton, swinging and smashing it into the heads of his attackers.

A few feet behind him, Nash’s lover Gemma was hanging on the back of a Rattail. Her arm was wrapped around his throat as she tried to choke him unconscious, screaming like a banshee. The Rattail growled and stumbled back, slamming Gemma into the wall. She cried out, but maintained her grip. He drove her back twice more before she was forced to release him. The Rattail roared and whirled around with a savage punch that would have caused Gemma serious injury if she hadn’t ducked and rolled away. She came up in front of the Rattail and started her assault again.

As efficiently as my crew was fighting, they were still outnumbered. It wouldn’t be long before the rest of the Rattail Clan barged in and beat the life from us.

I looked at Sawyer angrily. “Before or after the rest of their crew gets here?”

My captain said nothing, though I imagined his teeth were grinding behind the firm set of his lips.
He glanced over my shoulder, his body going rigid. Riley must have come in.

“Keep her here,” ordered Sawyer.

He spun on his heel and took off to find another fight. There were still four Rattails engaging in the brawl–strong, bulky pirate brutes with meaty fists, soiled clothes, and scraggly hair tied at the nape of their necks to give them their name.

Nash, the dark-skinned, heavyset quartermaster dressed in dark work clothes, was throwing punches hard enough to split wood, but each strike was slower than the last. Gemma hadn’t drawn her any weapons, relying on her speed and grace allowed by her tightknit sweater, pants, and combat boots. She carried a variety of pistols and knives on her belt, but the feisty brunette didn’t have any more muscle than I did.

As for Sawyer… he was being reckless. He was dressed to his roguish nature, dashing in his military coat that hung to his waist, the buckled pirate boots, and cutlass strapped around his hip. Like Gemma, he remained unarmed, not wanting to incite death and the true wrath of the Rattails. We had just come here for information.

But Sawyer was throwing himself at three enemies. He was being sloppy. His temper was shorter these days, his surliness more prominent than before. If he kept acting this way, he was going to get himself killed.

Sawyer absorbed a punch to his kidney, wincing as he snapped an elbow back into his attacker’s face. Another blow landed in his stomach, winding him again. I took a step forward, but a hand clasped my shoulder.

I glanced at Riley, Sawyer’s newest rigger and my designated bodyguard. The white dress shirt, grey vest, pinstripe pants, and black boots made him look more gallant than his company, but the clothing did little to hide the muscles he’d been building since joining Sawyer and the Wanderers.

I thought his job to protect me was unnecessary, but given what I wore around my neck and the creature rumored to be hunting me, the crew wasn’t taking any chances.

“We should stay out of this, Claire,” he cautioned, bright blue eyes watching me with concern. “Sawyer has it under control.”

I shrugged his hand off and scowled. “Does that look like control to you?”

Riley winced, then glanced at the brawl. After a moment, he sighed heavily, resigned. “Stay back.”

He stalked forward without another word, and I fought the temptation to follow him. Despite having trained me in basic self-defense over the last few months, Riley had the same problem Sawyer did when it came to accepting my help in fights–they said no because they didn’t want me to get hurt.

Sawyer was too stubborn to ask for help, though I always wondered why he didn’t have Riley come with him in hostile situations like this. Sawyer was a good fighter, but Riley…

No one saw him coming. He came up behind the man attacking Nash’s unprotected back and grabbed the man’s arm as it extended for a punch. The Rattail looked at Riley in surprise, and was immediately punched in the face. He stumbled back, but Riley still held onto his arm. He dragged the Rattail forward and slammed his arm across the man’s chest. His legs flew up almost comically before he was driven into the ground, unconscious.

His next target was the Rattail who had Gemma pinned to the wall with both hands around her neck. Riley was there in a heartbeat, slamming both his fists down on the Rattail’s arms. The man barked in surprise, turning to Riley, who maintained his grip on his wrists. He jabbed his knee into the Rattail’s stomach twice, released his hands, and snapped his elbow across the man’s jaw. He kicked him in the stomach until he was doubled over, then grabbed the nape of his neck and drove his knee into the Rattail’s face. Riley dropped the marauder, who didn’t get up again.

He swerved to where Sawyer was being battered by the last two Rattails. The young captain was on the defensive, unable to find an opening to fight back. Riley appeared on Sawyer’s right side, leaping and sending a powerful kick into the side of the closest Rattail. The man yelped and stumbled into his friend, both of them falling out of Sawyer’s range. Riley advanced, kicking the left man’s inner knee and jabbing the face of the man on the right. He released a flurry of punches, moving almost too fast for my eyes to see.

Blow after blow landed on the Rattails, who couldn’t even get their arms up to defend themselves. Riley stepped back and swung a wide roundhouse kick that collided with both of their jaws, knocking them to the side. One man’s head struck the wall with a loud crack. He slumped to the floor and remained motionless. Riley kicked the chest of the last Rattail, sending him careening into the tavern’s wooden beam. The Rattail stumbled forward at the same moment Riley’s foot snapped up and caught him in the chin. He grunted, then collapsed on his stomach in a heap.

He stared at the men he had attacked, making sure they wouldn’t rise again. Satisfied, he turned to Sawyer, who was slumped on the floor holding his ribs. Riley held out his hand to help him up. Sawyer glared at him, then stood on his own with a quiet grunt. 

“Nash, Gemma, you okay?” Sawyer asked, purposefully ignoring Riley.

“Fine,” grumbled Gemma. She was standing with her lover, drawing her fingers over the cut on his eyebrow, as if her touch would stop the bleeding. Nash was doing the same thing to her neck, touching her like he feared she would break.

“Did you learn anything?” asked Riley, walking over to my side. “With all of this bluster, you must have gotten some information.”

I stepped closer, eager to hear what the crew said. Sawyer had heard rumors that the Rattails came across a ship that hadn’t been pillaged since The Storm. A decade of abandonment would leave the ship in scraps, but without the Hellions to dog the air over our heads, the scavengers had become more confident in their hunts. There was little they wouldn’t risk, even less that they wouldn’t claim for themselves.

Sawyer looked at me. The exhaustion and strain of the fight wore on his shoulders. His temper still flared in his golden eyes, but I saw something else there. A haunted look that resembled mourning when he looked at me and saw Riley nearby.

“Was their ship named the
?” Sawyer asked blandly, erasing the grief I thought I’d seen.

I shook my head while my heart sank. The name didn’t bring back any memories that would lead me closer to my parents’ ship. Gut instinct told me it was the wrong one.

“Then no,” he said quietly, as if he were sorry he couldn’t find the answer for me. Sawyer rubbed his bruised sides. “Doubt they would have given us much anyway. They were more interested in settling old scores.”

I waited for Sawyer to give an explanation. He didn’t. I turned to Gemma and Nash, who were still huddled close together. 

“One of them recognized Sawyer as a Kendric,” Nash explained. “The Rattails were old rivals of the Wanderers. They had some bad run-ins with Davin, and... well.”

Nash shrugged, but he was just as uneasy as the rest of us. Ever since the fall of the
, no one had seen or heard from the Hellions. But with the old marauder Clans returning to the surface, tensions became high. The Wanderers were once the most feared marauder crew in all of Westraven because of stonehearted Captain Robertson Kendric’s and his eldest son, the cruel ravager known as Davin Kendric.

Sawyer’s father and older brother.

When the Wanderers were destroyed in The Storm, Sawyer became the last of the line. He salvaged and commandeered his father’s ship, rebuilt a small crew, and inherited all of his father’s enemies. The marauders were our best resources for help, but every single one of them wanted to shed Sawyer’s blood to repay what his family had done to them. He’d become a scapegoat for mistakes he didn’t make and actions he’d never been responsible for.

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