Mind Games (Games Thriller Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Mind Games (Games Thriller Series)
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Chapter 21


Jessica grabbed the Grey Goose and a bottle of cranberry juice from the refrigerator and plucked a glass from the cabinet and crossed to the porch. Her hands shook as she poured herself a mix of half vodka and half cranberry juice and downed it. She poured a second glass and walked over to the banister leaning on it, looking at the image of the full moon dancing on the waves.

Tom wrapped his arms around her. “I cleaned up the glass.” He paused and kissed her cheek. “You okay?”

Jessica nodded. “Do you mind grabbing me a pair of jeans? It’s a little chilly out here.”

“Sure,” he said and headed back in the house. He came back a few minutes later with her jeans and she slid them on under the bathrobe.

Jessica finished the second drink and went to pour herself a third one.

“You might want to slow down.”

Jessica shook her head. “Not tonight.” She stirred the drink with her finger.

“Jess,” Tom sighed and she swiveled her gaze to him.

“Go to bed
, Tom.”

“Come with me.”

Jessica shook her head again and looked away.

He stepped toward her.

“Not right now,” she said without casting her eyes in his direction. “I want to be alone for a while.”

He reached out to touch her face.

She caught his hand before his fingers reached their goal. “Not now Tom.” Her eyes flashed a warning. “Please,” she added softly.

“I love you
, Jess.”

“I know but I need some space right now. I promise I’ll come inside in a little while.”

He bit the side of his lip, tilting his head, his eyes carrying concern.

“I love you
, Tom, I just need a few minutes alone after what happened. Okay?”

Nodding, he turned, leaving her on the balcony and headed to bed.

Jessica finished the third glass and poured herself another, the effects of the alcohol starting to override her system. She polished off the fourth glass reaching the numbness she craved and downed the remaining vodka straight from the bottle.

Her throat burned and the heat spread all the way to her toes. She stumbled through the house grabbing her
iPod before walking out the front door.

Jessica weaved her way to the beach, barefooted and still wearing her bathrobe over the jeans. She stumbled, catching herself before she tumbled on the cool sand. Stopping, she flipped through the songs until she landed on the one she wanted.
“Calling All Angels” blared, assaulting her ears and making her wince until she turned the volume down. Jessica danced down the beach, singing along with the music.

* * * *

Chris didn’t want to lie in the hotel room staring at the ceiling and harping on his situation so he parked the car and crossed to the beach, finding a nice flat rock to stretch out on. The breeze was cool enough to keep him clear, but not enough to be uncomfortable and he studied the star filled sky, amazed at the clarity and vastness of the constellations.

I certainly don’t get this kind of view in New York City

He sighed and closed his eyes. As always, Jessica’s graceful form danced across his eyelids, her voice traveling over the years as clear and sweet as the day she danced in his concrete prison.

A sharp note shattered the memory and he opened his eyes, sitting up and scanning the darkness. The song continued, not from memory, but drifting on the wind from the direction of her house and he hopped off the rock.

His gaze locked on the weaving form and another off
-key note marred her sweet voice. She stumbled, catching herself and laughing before resuming what she thought was dancing, but he only saw the flailing of a drunken woman. Even so, there was a grace to it and he smiled. Even inebriated, she still stirred the need in him and he moved toward her.

She spread her arms wide spinning in a circle and then lost her footing, but he was there, catching her before she fell over on the wet sand. With his arms wrapped around her waist, her voice trailed off and they stared at each other. His heart knocked on the walls of his chest and burning desire overloaded his senses to the point that when she ran her hand into his hair pulling him to her lips, he gave in, the passion transitioning into an exquisite tongue dance that left him breathless.

With a groan, he pushed her away and took a step back, his chest burning with unfulfilled need. “You’re drunk.”

“Ayup.” She stepped closer.

“Jessie,” he warned, his resolve waning and the rock wall behind him blocked any further retreat.

“Don’t you want me anymore?” Her wide calico eyes filled with tears and the sash on her bathrobe inadvertently unlaced falling open and revealing her bare chest. She took another step toward him.

He laughed. “God knows how much I want you, babe, but this isn’t what

“I need you
, Ty.” She slid her hands up his chest and he closed his eyes. “I need you to erase what he did to me, to make it go away.”

Her lips pressed through the shirt creating a heat that spread through him like liquid fire. “Jessie,” he whispered and tilted her chin, finding her lips and pulling her against him, his hand caressed her bare breast, lingering on the nipple that hardened under his touch.

Jessica fumbled with the buttons on his shirt, finally tearing it open, her hands grazing his bare skin, her touch igniting him and he was helpless to stop her exploration of his body. The cool spring air did nothing to quench the heat between them and she broke the kiss trailing her lips along the line of his neck.

A low rumble formed in his throat and she ran her tongue down his chest, her hands already sliding over the fabric of his jeans, accelerating the throbbing in his cock. The button of his jeans didn’t present the same problem as those of his shirt and she had them unclasped, unzipped and his hard member in her hands before her lips reached his belly button.

Hot and moist, her mouth slid over the tip of his cock, lingering, teasing, sucking and he leaned against the rock, lacing his hand in her hair and guiding her movement, lost in the heaven of her mouth. Blood pumped through his veins, pounding in concert with his heart, building with each stroke of her lips and each flick of her tongue. His hand tightened in her hair and he groaned, coming in her mouth, the explosion of semen rocking him to the core and she swallowed every bit of him, sucking until his aftershocks subsided.

She sat back on her heels and smiled up at him, wiping her lips with the back of her hand.

Sinking to his knees in front of her, he ran his fingers across her cheekbone. “Jesus, Jessie.” The hammering in his chest continued and he scanned her half-naked form.

“Make love to me
, Ty.”

He hesitated, searching her eyes, searching for any seeds of doubt, for a reason to deny her what she asked, for a way to avoid this landmine but there was no way out from under her spell.

In a rush of fabric, their jeans were shed and he was on top of her, inside her, moving in concert with her like lifetime lovers, her soft moans rolling down the beach with the fog. He moved slowly, running his hand through her tangled hair as it fanned out on the sand beneath her, savoring each and every sensation.

The colors in her irises swirled, reminding him of an approaching storm, equaling the torrent of emotions welling inside him and his lips found hers. The tongue dance began, mimicking his slow, lazy rhythm, building with the passion and cresting to frantic whirls, flicking, teasing, tasting as they climaxed together, their mouths muffling each other’s cries.

He collapsed on her, his body trembling and satiated.

When his heart settled into a regular pattern, he lifted his head, glanc
ed into her inebriated eyes and wondered if she’d remember any of this. With a sigh, he rolled and retrieved his pants, sliding them on and helping her with her jeans.

“What am I going to do with you?”

Her face beamed with a drunken smile and he helped her up, doing his best to brush the sand off her back while she giggled and swayed.
Now what do I do?
Indecision froze him in place and he glanced between his hotel and the bluff where she lived, biting his lower lip, debating.

She slumped in his grasp and his eyes fell on her slack face.

“You are going to be one hurting puppy in the morning,” he said and chuckled, shifting her dead weight in his arms. “How pissed would you be if you woke up in my hotel room?” He knew the answer and that clinched the decision.

Chris hauled her over his shoulder and headed up the beach toward the bluff, carrying her home. Sneaking soundlessly around the back of the house, he navigated the steps of the deck, setting her in the lounge chair. He leaned against the railing catching his breath, his eyes drifting to the table and the empty bottle of vodka then back to her. With a great draw of air, he stepped closer, placing a kiss on her forehead before slipping away.

He took his time walking back to the hotel by way of the beach, still feeling her body beneath him and her mouth on his lips. Metal shimmered on the sand near where they had been and he bent over, picking up the discarded iPod, sliding the speaker bud in his ear and smiling at the familiar song looping over and over.

Slipping it in his pocket, he headed back to the hotel. Tomorrow was a big day
; he had papers to sign and then he’d think about what the future might hold.

Chapter 22


Betty stood as he entered the realty office
. She wore a nice white suit with an extra low cut shirt just for his benefit. She fawned over him, even commenting on his cast and how awful that must be. Chris ignored her and read the contract the seller’s lawyer handed him. He picked up the pen and signed the paperwork.

“Maybe you’d like some company to celebrate?” Betty batted her eyes and offered him a bottle of champagne.

“I’m all set,” he said, taking the bottle from her and watching her deflate before his eyes.

He held out his left hand to thank her and she shook it, flustered by his indifference.

Chris headed to his new home pulling up to the gate and rifling through the paperwork until he found the instructions. The gate opened with the old code and he reprogrammed a new password before continuing to the house, pulling the Corvette into the oversized three-car garage.

Wandering around the yard, he grinned, stopping to scope out the lighthouse at the far bluff across the expanse of ocean. He calculated the distance, close to a five or six mile shot from where he stood to the lighthouse and Jessica’s house was less than a half mile from there.

He turned and entered the house, tossing the keys into the air and catching them as he roamed from room to room. He dropped the pamphlets on the kitchen counter as well as the bottle of champagne, opening cabinets and smiling at all the contents. The only thing absent was food. He needed to go shopping, but that was such a small thing. He ran his hands over the back of the couch in the entertainment room and picked up the remote control to the television. The television came on with the click of a button and his smile widened as he walked over to the entertainment center, pleased at the caliber of equipment they left behind.

Chris carried his luggage upstairs into his new master bedroom, pausing at the door.
She would love this bed
, he thought and shook his head clear before emptying his suitcases, putting his things away in the bureau. He pulled the comforter back to make sure the sheets were still there. They had left everything as he specified; linens, kitchen utensils, and furniture.

The phone rang.


“I’m calling to make sure everything is as you expected,” Betty chirped into the phone.

“Yes, please don’t call this number again,” he replied and hung up on her. He went back to the kitchen and made the half dozen calls to put his affairs in order, including extending the grounds maintenance contract and maid services, contacting the security company to change passwords internally and give contact instructions as well as the phone company to change the number to an unlisted one. It was early afternoon when he was through and he needed to get food, so he headed to the supermarket on Route 1.

Aimlessly walking down each
aisle in the store, he filled his cart with whatever struck his fancy. Rounding a corner, he collided with another cart and before he could issue an apology, his gaze locked with her bloodshot eyes. The instant rush of heat encompassed him and he smiled.


She glanced at his overflowing cart and raised her eyebrows. “Think you have enough there or what?”

“You look like shit, are you okay?”

“I’m okay but I feel like shit. I went on a drinking binge last night and passed out on the deck.”

Chris squashed the urge to say I know. He smiled instead.

“Looks like you’re shopping for the next year.”

“I closed on the house today.”

“That quickly?”

He nodded. “Want to see it?”

“Um,” she said and looked at his cart then back up at him.

“Never mind, bad idea,” he replied to her hesitation and began to walk away.

“No, really, I’d like to see it. It’s just...” she trailed off.

Chris looked at her. “I promise I won’t bite,” he said. “Besides, I might need a hand getting this stuff to the house. I don’t know if I have enough room in the ‘vette.”

Jessica started to laugh. “Well, if you don’t have enough room...”

“You’ll give me a hand?”

She sighed and nodded and he turned back to the cart wiping the smirk off his lips before he glanced back in her direction.

“Thanks,” he said and they headed toward the check out where he paid for both of their groceries despite her protests.

“What would you have done if you didn’t bump into me?” Jessica asked as they stood by his overloaded car and the four more bags sitting in the cart.

He shrugged. “Probably
would’ve given these to the nearest person.” He put the rest of his bags along with hers in the trunk of her car. “I appreciate the help,” he said and closed the trunk. “Think you can keep up?” He smiled devilishly and climbed in the Corvette.

Her laugh chased him out of the parking spot and it took her a few seconds to catch up, handling her car like a racecar driver, keeping on his tail through the twist and turns, enough so to make him nervous, checking his rearview mirror every few seconds and chuckling as she waved her fingers at him.

* * * *

Jessica took in the modest home and the manicured lawn as she passed through the gate and parked behind the garage he pulled into, impressed with the stately beauty of the property. She popped the trunk and grabbed his bags, following him inside.

“How’d you get furniture so quickly?”

“I bought the house with all the contents.” He dropped the bags on the kitchen table. “Feel free to look around,” he said, heading outside to get the rest of the groceries.

Jessica wandered through the house with her mouth gaping. It was beautiful, homey, regal, all the things she would have never pegged him for. She paused in the doorway of the master bedroom taking in the finely crafted king size bed. Drawing a deep breath, she fanned herself with her hand.

Oh my, what he could do to me in that bed.

What the hell are you thinking?
Admonishing herself, she shook her head and turned, jumping back a step. Chris stood behind her at the top of the stairs, his eyes the crystal blue of her dreams, intense, hungry, scanning her.

A tingle crawled up her spine along with a fiery glow in the pit of her stomach. She forced a breath and side stepped around him. Instead of investigating the rest of the house, she descended the stairs in a rush. “I should be going,” she stammered.

“Come see the back first,” he said, following behind her.

“Chris, I really should be going.”


“Okay, but I’ve really need to leave after.” She followed him into the back yard.

“Holy...” she trailed off and looked around. The pool was gorgeous, but it was the bay view that captivated her. She walked over to the rock wall surrounding the back yard and looked over the small marina and the ocean beyond. “This is amazing.”
And familiar.
Her brow creased and she glanced around trying to place her surroundings.

“Not the view you have, but it’s pretty good,” he said and stood next to her surveying the ocean.

“Pft, this is a much better view than mine and you know it.”

The crooked shy smile that appeared catapulted her heart into overdrive. Sexy was one way to describe it, more so than the cocky all knowing grin he usually flashed in her direction.

He opened his mouth to speak, but snapped it closed and the smile vanished. He turned heading back in the house.

The oddness of his behavior p
iqued her curiosity and she followed him into the kitchen watching him unpack the groceries, putting the items away with no rhyme or reason.

“This place is lovely.”

“Thanks.” His eyes flashed in her direction and away, like he had something to say but couldn’t quite formulate the words.

“What is it?”

Chris looked at her and crossed to the corner drawer, pulling it open and plucking something from the contents. He approached her and placed it in her hand. “You dropped this on the beach last night.”

She stared at her

“I carried you home.”

Jessica stared at the music player, her mind reeling, searching the blank canvas that represented last night. A fragment of memory surfaced and she blinked. “You kissed me?”

Chris laughed a little.
More than that

“How much more?”

He blushed. “I keep forgetting you can hear what I’m thinking,” he said aloud, avoiding the question and blocking her from getting any information from his mind.

“How much more,” she said again, her vision warbling through fresh tears.
Oh God, what the hell did I do last night?


His eyes said more than enough and her hands flew to her mouth covering the gasp. “We didn’t!” Tears spilled over. “Tell me we didn’t.”

“We didn’t,” he lied and she knew it immediately.

“How could you?” She took a step back.

“Me?” Chris pointed at himself, the first sign of anger flared in his eyes. “You’re the one who...” He closed his mouth and turned away from her, putting his hands on the counter.

“I was drunk.”

Chris turned and in two strides, had her in his arms. She saw the frustration in his eyes just before his mouth crushed down on her lips. Jessica struggled in his grasp, trying to ignore the sweep of raw lust, but this close to him, in his arms with his lips on hers was too much and she opened her mouth, allowing his tongue to dip in and tangle with hers. His kiss weakened her knees and she wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him with the same fervor.

He pulled away from her and stepped back. “You want me just as badly as I want you,” he said and took another step away from her. “So don’t stand there and blame it on being drunk.”


“You’re what?” he snapped. “You’re married?” he laughed. “Then why the hell did you seduce me last night on the beach?”

Her eyebrows rose and she stepped back.

“That’s right, you kissed me first. You undid my pants first.”

“You should have stopped me.”

“I’m in love with you, Jessie!” He completely lost his composure. “Why the hell would I say no when every fiber of my being wants to take you in my arms every single time I see you.” He took a deep breath. “You’re lucky... if you hadn’t passed out...” He ran his hand through his hair. “I carried you back to your house, to him. Do you know how much it took to do that?”

I…” She didn’t know what to say to the pain and anger visible in his eyes.

“You what?” he growled advancing on her, looking like the predator he was deep inside. The kitchen door closed with a bang, making her jump.

He glanced at her shirt and the buttons unhooked in quick succession.

She gasped and grabbed at her shirt, buttoning it up as fast as he undid them with his mind. “What are you doing?”

He looked back into her eyes. “Using what you gave me,” he said and her pants began to unzip.

“Ty don’t,” she said and zipped them back up.

He pushed her against the wall and knelt down in front of her, running his hand up the front of her legs, sliding them up under her shirt.

His hands on her skin was like walking into an inferno, hot, sensual, consuming and she trembled under his touch, running her hands into his hair and taking a handful before this got any further out of hand. She yanked his head back. “Don’t!”

His hands went up in the air and he stood, backing away. “I’m sorry.”

“God help me,” she whispered and looked over at him.

“Go home.”


“Don’t call me that,” he snapped. “I left everything dark and evil back in that room. I let him die that day.” He turned away from her. “At least I thought I had until now.”

She stepped toward him.

“Go home, Jessica,” he warned, glaring over his shoulder at her. “You can’t stay.”

“Chris,” she said and took another step toward him.

“If you stay, I won’t be able to let you go.”

He held her gaze this time, and what she saw scared the daylights out of her. She backed out of the kitchen and into the garage, turning to head to her car.


“What?” She stopped at her car door without looking at him; she didn’t want him to see the tears tracking down her cheeks.

“I’ll still do my best to protect you if he comes back.”

“I know,” she said and got into the car. The wheels spun on the gravel and she tore out of the driveway without looking back.

BOOK: Mind Games (Games Thriller Series)
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