Mind Play (Bennett Sisters Book 3)

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Mind Play




Kate Allenton

Copyright © 2012 Kate Allenton

All rights reserved.


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All people, places, and scenes are from the authors imagination.


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This is dedicated
all of the readers,

who’ve become fans of the Bennett Clan.


It’s your comments that keep me motivated

to continue on this crazy journey


Thank you.






I want to thank
Lisa and Sherri.

The warden and lobby goddess that inspire me every day.








er 1




Claire Bennett stood with a champagne flute in hand watching her family and friends as they mingled during her latest fundraiser. “Two down and one to go,” she whispered to herself as she spotted her older brother, Mike
across the room. Her two sisters had gotten married over the last year, and her middle sister, Emma, was nine months pregnant. Now, if Claire had anything to say about it, it was Mike’s turn to settle down.

Mrs. Anderson, the town gossip, glided up to her side and followed Claire’s gaze. “I see the wheels turning, Claire. What do you have in mind for your brother?”

Claire glanced
the old
woman standing beside her
and her lips tilted up in a smile. Everyone always wondered where Mrs. A got her gossip; no one would have guessed the two of them were in cahoots together
, well
at least
where her family was concerned. Mrs. A had trusted Claire
telling her of a promise
Mrs. A had
once made to Claire’s mother on her deathbed. She was an outsider watching over her and her siblings as they grew up. Like a guardian angel, she had always been there for each
of them without the truth being known
. Claire had been the only one to catch on to the old lady’s tactics.
She’d paid attention and noticed when Mrs. A played a part
not only keeping their secrets, but also in keeping them out of trouble.

“I think

Mike’s turn to be happy and settle down, and the way he’s staring at Dr. Elizabeth Lister, I think we’ve found his match,
on’t you?”

Mrs. A rubbed her hands together and smiled with a gleam in her eyes. “Good choice, Claire. I think the little doctor would be perfect, but you
brother sure is
n’t going to be easy
You and I both know how hard headed and stubborn he is.

“I agree, just look at him. He hasn’t been able to take his eyes off Elizabeth since she walked into the room.”
Elizabeth Lister stood across the room talking to several doctors in her black satin gown. Her hair was curled and piled on top of her head with little ringlets framing her face. She was a classic beauty, and if her brother didn’t make his move soon, his chance just might slip through his fingers. She was getting plenty of attention from the looks of the four men vying for her attention. She was smiling, laughing, and ever
so often
glancing over at Mike. Claire made it a point to catch
subtle body
language; it helped her gauge and estimate who might
Lord, she didn’t want to be pushy.

Claire had grown accustom
to seeing the scowl on Mike’s face
over the course of
her entire life. There weren’t many people that would have
the sparkle in his eyes that accompanied said scow
l. S
he’d noticed it more and more when he’d been around the little doctor. Their chemistry was a living thing when
they’d been
put in a room together. They were just both going to need a nudge in the right direction.

“I think it’s time to work our magic
” Mrs. A said as she glided away in the direction of

It was all coming together. She’d thought long and hard about the plans she had for her family. How they could find happiness, even with their “gifts.” Truth be told, Emma and Abby hadn’t needed her help
. T
hey had found their own happily ever after. She hadn’t needed to interfere, but she would for her brother. Mike was a detective for the Southall PD, and worse
he was as stubborn as a mule. He didn’t socialize much, and she
date anyone serious
or otherwise, but that was all about to change.

Fingers touched Claire’s waist, tugging her back against a broad muscular chest. The manly scent of cologne hit her nose. She was about to turn
her head
when Butch whispered in her ear. “When are we going to run away together,
? Can’t you just see it, you lounging around
on the
beach in your bikini with me by your
Cocktails in our hands
enjoying the beautiful sunset in Maui as the waves crash against the seashore.”

Claire closed her eyes and let his description take hold. She could clearly see what he was offering, if only he had meant it. She opened up her eyes again and pulled out of his embrace. “I think you’ve got the wrong girl
Mr. Edwards
. Maybe you should have made a play for Abby
when you had the chance

, don’t be like that. Abby and I are just friends; you’re the sister that’s going to rock my world.” Butch winked at her.

Claire threw he
head back and laughed. “Now I know you’re screwing with me.
I’ve never rocked anyone’s world
. And I’m afraid a girl like me couldn’t keep up with a guy like you.”

As Butch
opened his mouth to
their approaching guests cut him off
Claire’s younger sister, Emma, and
brother-in-law Jake walked up. “Great party
Claire, but I think I’m going to have to take Emma home and put her to bed.”
Jake put a protective arm around Emma’s expanded waist.
Her obstetrician had told them it w
ould be
only a matter of days before she delivered.

Worry made Claire’s heart
. “Are you al
? D
o I need to go grab Dr. Lister? I’m sure she wouldn’t mind taking a look at you since she’s here.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”
Emma waved a hand in dismissal at
turned her attention to the doctor in question. “She's having a good time. I’m sure I just need to rest
” Emma said
her gaze
back to
giving her a small smile.

Claire wasn’t sure she believed her sister
and wasn’t given the opportunity to question her further before she was interrupted again

“Excuse me, M
s. Bennett.”
Claire turned to find her assistant standing next to her.

“Emma, Jake, Butch
this is Jenny, my new assistant. She’s the one
going to keep me organized with all of my new fundraisers
and deal with the politicians

Butch took a hold of Jenny’s hands and raised it to his lips
giving her knuckles a gentle kiss. “It’s a pleasure to meet you

Jenny’s cheeks reddened from Butch’s greeting. She’d get use to Butch’s flirting ways. They all had at some point.

Jenny’s gaze went to her feet
“You too.” She raised her
again to meet Claire’s
and cleared her throat
. “Claire
I just wanted to tell you that I’ve taken care of the caterer and the band, and I have a few receipts I’m going to put in your office. I have a few more things to take care of, but I wanted to remind you the cleaning crew would be coming by at seven in the morning

“Oh my god
” Emma whispered
as she leaned forward,
with one hand clutching Jake’s arm and the other around her swollen belly.

? W
hat’s the matter?”
asked in a panic.

Blood was draining from Emma’s face, turning it a ghostly shade of white.
She took great strides to concentrate on her breathing.
“No one panic, but I think my water just broke.”

looked at
her assistant. “Find Mike and Abby
. T
ell them Emma’s water broke and we’re going to the hospital. You’re in charge
” Claire said as she took Emma’s arm and helped her
the front door. She took a chance and looked up at Jake and Butch. Both of them looked as if they were going to faint. It would have been comical
since they were both in security and worked as bodyguards. They’d been use
to seeing blood and shooting at people
but neither one had been prepared for Emma to go into labor, and
Claire needed their help.

where are you parked?” Claire asked
. W
hen she didn’t get a reply
she snapped her fingers
in front of his face
. “Focus
Jake, where are you parked?”

“I…I don’t know.”
His voice cracked as he spoke.

take the limo. My driver is outside, and he’ll get us there in no time. Help me get Emma settled in, and I’ll take care of everything.” Claire made a beeline to her limo and helped lower Emma gently inside before climbing in after her. Jake and Butch each took a seat
and slammed the door closed
. Claire tapped on the
and waited for it to slide down.

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