Mine, Not Hers (True Love Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Mine, Not Hers (True Love Book 1)
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Chapter 18




“Katie, wake up!”

I jump. I fell asleep in the tub! Shit! It's ice cold. Jason is standing over me, holding a towel and he looks upset.

“Oh my gosh, I took some pain medicine before for my headache, I guess it put me out.”

“You’re lucky you didn’t drown! Please don't ever do that again.” He’s agitated.

Well, that’s it for me; I'm done for the night. I get out, brush my teeth and without so much as a thank you or go to hell, I’m in bed under the covers. I feel Jason snuggle up behind me a little while later. I don’t understand why I’m feeling so paranoid, but I have to put a stop to it. I can’t live like this. Something is nagging at me, and I remember. I had a dream in the bathtub. I’m wracking my brain to remember the details. It’s fuzzy, but I’m starting to remember some images.

Jason and I are jogging along the lakefront. Strange, because I
run, even if on fire. It’s a beautiful day and, surprisingly, we are the only ones out. I try to get him to slow down and walk with me, but he ignores me and continues to run as if we were never running together in the first place. I can see
up ahead. She’s bending over a bench tying her shoe. I stop and watch as he picks up his pace and runs directly toward her. She turns around, still too far away for me to see a face, and they embrace violently. He grabs her head and kisses her. She’s tall like him, not quite his height but a lot closer than me. She is fondling him through his shorts. He is lavishly kissing her neck and down her chest. He yanks down her tank top and kisses her breasts while kneading them. He is sucking and pulling on her nipples. I walk closer to them but I’m trying to stay hidden. Part of me is aching to scream “
!” while another part of me is so turned on by animal lust. They’re not holding back for anyone or anything. Out in broad daylight, on what is usually a busy running trail, they are clearly going to fuck.

He sits down on the bench after ridding himself of his shorts. His cock is huge waiting for her. She seductively strips out of her tiny shorts and shows him her tinier pink thong. He rips it off of her as she straddles him. He is tightly holding her hips as he brings his up to ram his cock in her. She is writhing in ecstasy on his lap. He pulls off her tank top to expose her large breasts, and he sucks on them forcefully. He buries his face in her chest and she arches her back into his reach.

I'm getting closer without them seeing me, or at least they don’t seem to. I see her long, brown hair, which she pulled out of a ponytail. Jason’s face is contorted with passion and it looks as though he's about to come. Instead, he pulls out of her and slides down to his knees. She is standing now with him between her legs eating her pussy. People begin to appear, but no one seems to notice them. How can they not see this? Two naked people having wild sex, and no one seems to care.

He sits back down on the bench, and she lowers herself down on his dick with her back to his front. He reaches around and massages her clit while screaming at her to come. She yells out his name and he comes deep inside of her.

They both look over at where I’m standing, and I see her face. Shockingly beautiful eyes, are they blue? He stands up and pulls on his shorts. He’s running back in my direction. He passes right by me and says, “Race you home!” Next thing I know he’s standing by the tub, waking me up. I’m heartbroken, and he has no idea.

Chapter 19




I’m pacing the floor waiting for Melanie to call. I don’t even know if Chris is at home or if she had to call him on the road. How embarrassing. We aren’t all that close anyway, so I’m sure this will do it in for our couples relationship. Maybe this situation has given Chris newfound respect for Jason. After all, he was impressed enough to call and tell Melanie about this woman. A little after one, she calls.

“Hey, girl, I’m sorry but Chris is on the West Coast, and I had to wait for him to wake up. I asked him about the woman with Jason, and if it seemed like they knew each other. He said they were definitely sitting together, and she kept touching his arm. He admitted to being a little jealous because she was so hot. Asshole. Chris, I mean, not Jason.”

“Jason doesn't readily allow people into his personal space. If she was a stranger, there is no way he would tolerate that. They would have to know each other.” I swallow hard. “Thanks so much, Melanie. Sorry to have put you and Chris on the spot. I just need to ask Jason directly now, I guess.” The last line came out as a whisper.

Melanie speaks back to me just as softly.

“OK, hon. I’m here for you if you need me.”

This isn’t really happening, is it? Jason and I have never had anything like this. I don't like to think of it as taking each other for granted, but it’s always seemed like we had an impenetrable wall around us that nothing or no one from the outside could crack. I’m positive Jason isn't cheating on me. If I say that over and over, I may start to believe it. The problem is that I know Jason so well, probably better than he knows himself.

He’s never liked women who are touchy-feely, and plenty of them have tried. We had a babysitter from the university who was smitten with Jason the first time she laid eyes on him, like many other women. Whenever she came over, she would laugh too hard at his comments, even when they weren’t meant to be funny, and touch him randomly on the arm, shoulder, back, wherever she could reach. This behavior was noticed, and not appreciated, by Jason. I could see him wince, then back out of reach ever so slowly.

This happens to us at parties, business functions, or Little League games. It doesn’t matter where we are. With women who don’t know better, out come the paws. Even the women with whom he’s close, and that’s not many, keep their physical distance, they respect his boundaries. That’s why this is so troubling to me. If this had been some drunk or flirty woman at a bar, he wouldn’t even have smiled. If she had touched his arm, he would have gotten up to leave, period.

I catch myself pacing the floor. I don’t know how long I’ve been having this internal dialogue, but I shake out of it and stop and look around. The kids will be home in a few minutes and I haven’t touched the house. The coffee pot is still on, and my untouched breakfast cereal is now a bowl of mush. That’s it. This thing isn’t going to solve itself, and I can’t continue like this. I’ll sit Jason down tonight and give him a chance to tell me who this woman is. I have to get my emotions under control, because I feel like I’m on the verge of tears every minute. I don’t want him thinking that I suspect him of anything.

I come up with an idea. I send Jason a text asking him to be home a bit early, as I’d love to go for a walk after dinner. If I’m moving and not looking into his eyes, I can seem nonchalant. “Oh, by the way, Chris saw you at the airport! Who was the slut?” OK, maybe not so cool. He texts me back saying that sounds great, he could use a little down time tonight. As soon as the kids get home, I hurry them through their homework, and get a pot on for spaghetti. By six, they’re sitting in their chairs ready to eat. Jason comes home and we all greet him at the same time.

Fortunately, the kids keep him occupied throughout the meal. I just know that if I catch eye contact, I’ll lose it. We all clear the table, and I tell Grace and Zach they have thirty minutes of TV then they have to get ready for bed. They look at me like I’ve lost it.

“But mom, it’s only seven!”

“Well, then, just
or something!”

Jason hears our exchange, and assumes that I am trying to make time for us to be alone. He smiles and wraps his arms around my waist.

“Hey, baby, just say the word and I’ll lock them in their rooms!” He giggles in my ear, which immediately goes to my groin. I have so many emotions running through my head, I can’t deal with being turned on too.

I clear my throat.

“I’ll just grab my sneakers so we can walk,” and I scurry out of the room.

“I guess you really do want to get some exercise!” Jason laughs, knowing full well that I would usually rather do
other than exercise. We head out the door, and walk in the direction of our neighborhood park. That’s one of the best things about older neighborhoods; we have a baseball field and playground right down the street. Jason holds my hand while we walk, and he pulls it to his mouth to kiss.

“I’ve missed you. I’m so sorry I had to travel on our special day.”

The feel of his warm lips and tongue as they graze my hand turn me to jelly. His eyes stare straight into my soul, black as coal. Even in the dark I can feel their smolder. We stop at the baseball field dugout. It’s cold, and there’s no one around. He sits down on the bench and pulls me to his lap, our favorite position. There is a soft light in the outfield that is just enough to illuminate his face.

All the ideas I had of confronting him tonight are gone. Right now it’s just the two of us as it always has been, no outsiders. He brings his warm hands to my face and gently holds it as he stares into my eyes. He keeps his eyes open as he slowly pulls me in for a kiss. It’s freezing outside, but his lips are soft and warm. He watches me as we kiss with a twinkle in his eye. I know this is just the beginning of a great night. His hands roam down my back and up and underneath the front of my shirt under my jacket. He gently tugs on my nipple, never pulling his lips away from me. I feel him growing hard as I sit on his lap.

“You are delectable, I could eat you up. In fact, I think I will!”

He lifts me up, tosses me on his shoulder, and marches back toward our house. I can’t help myself; I start laughing. Just a little at first, and then it turns into a full-blown laughing fit. I guess all the anxiety I’ve felt over the ‘mystery woman’ comes out in giggles instead of tears. By the time we make it back, I can barely breathe. The kids haven’t moved from in front of the TV and Jason shouts in their direction.

“Mom needs a bath!”

I hear them laughing, then they turn up the sound to drown out the sound of their weird parents. Jason flips me unceremoniously onto our bed. He locks the door, and as he turns back around there is pure lust in his eyes.

“I’ve been craving you.”

He licks his lips and reaches the bed in two full strides.

“Are you crazy? The kids are just downstairs!”

I’m still laughing; I can’t seem to reel it in.

“You’re right. Plus I
say that Mom needs a bath.”

He hops up and heads to the bathroom. He turns on the water to the tub, and then I hear him in the closet fumbling with something. Does he have our
? I’m almost afraid to go in,
. I slowly walk to the doorway, and he’s standing there, his entire glorious self, completely naked. The lights are dimmed and he’s lit a couple of candles. He’s holding something behind his back. He smiles his deadly smile, then I hear a low buzzing sound. Oh God, he didn’t. He has my “boyfriend” and is waving it and pointing at the tub. There’s not a woman alive who could walk away from this scenario.

I yank off my shoes and clothes as fast as I can, and practically sprint toward him. He smacks me on the butt with my humming friend as he helps me down into the tub. The water is warm and smells like lavender. He steps in and positions himself behind me. The water moves with the vibration, as he reaches around me and places the tip of the toy on my stomach. The sensation makes me jump. He makes slow circles around my belly button, which makes me relax against his front.

My nerves are frayed and this feels perfect, especially because the man I love is the one doing it. He is nibbling on the tender spot behind my ear and working his way along the nape of my neck. No hurrying, he’s enjoying every inch of my skin. At the same time, he moves the vibrator excruciatingly slowly down toward my clit. I let out a soft moan with a shiver, and almost come with anticipation. I can tell he has no plan to make this quick. He moves it farther south and teases the lips to my sex. I’m so glad we went for the waterproof model! I feel his thumb press against my clit as he gently eases it in and out of me. His other hand explores my body in the warm water. He squeezes my breast and gently rubs my nipple with the suds. This man can multitask. He is hard as rock against my rear. He slides his dick up and down my ass while he assaults my senses.

“I just remembered, I’m hungry...”

He stands up, steps in front of me and sets a towel on the tiled seat at the top of our tub and lowers me down onto it. He sits back down in the water and spreads my knees. The man is an absolute master at oral sex. He hums and licks his lips as he heads his way down.

“My beautiful girl,” he says quietly.

He teases my entrance with his tongue gently. No rush, just pure enjoyment. I lay my head back and close my eyes, readying myself. I hear the buzzing sound again, as he slips the vibrator into me. He slowly flicks his tongue around my clit. He is moving the dildo in and out of me in the same rhythm. I feel like I can’t support myself on my arms anymore, it’s too intense. As I synchronize my body to the sensations, I feel a finger tease my butt. I’m so turned on that I lean into it giving the go-ahead signal. He gently enters my ass with his finger while continuing with the toy play and the tongue. It’s too much; I feel contractions coming from deep within. My pussy is squeezing the vibrator as he fingers my ass. I shake and shutter as the waves roll through me in one of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever had. He’s still licking my clit and whispering my name as I come. I can no longer support myself as I slide, towel and all, back down into the water into his arms.

My breath is struggling to normalize, as I put my head on his shoulder. I’m done. Spent. No more to give. I feel like I’m floating, and my poor body is trying to fall asleep. He kisses me on the head, and laughs.

“Come on, sleepyhead, no more falling asleep in the tub for you.”

He stands and steps out of the tub while holding me. He grabs my big fluffy robe and gently wraps me up. He grabs my brush and carries me to the bed. He puts me under the covers and sneaks in behind me to brush my hair. It’s one of the sweetest, most intimate moments we’ve ever shared.

BOOK: Mine, Not Hers (True Love Book 1)
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