Read Mine to Spell (Mine #2) Online

Authors: Janeal Falor

Mine to Spell (Mine #2) (34 page)

BOOK: Mine to Spell (Mine #2)
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Which is more proof you're nothing like him.”

The words soak into me, easing the worries I've had since I started hexing others. It does nothing to calm my other fear.

“You're still rubbing your ring, is it still bothering you or is there something else.”

If things weren't so somber, I'd laugh. Even with one of his hands still gripping mine, I am reaching out and twisting it. He helped with the big problem, maybe he can help with the more personal one. The one that could come between us. “I think I'll grow used to the idea of hexing for duels but…

“Go on,” he encourages, voice gentle.

I know we said it would be fine. That whichever of us won, we’d support the other. But I defeated you, not just a little, but hard. I mean, I injured you.” He starts to say something, but I press on, not willing to hear that he’s fine now. “Even if you’re almost better, I still did that to you. And you came for the tournament, and I just ended it. Your chance is gone because of me.”

He waits a moment then says, “Is there anything else you need to add to that?”

“No,” I say. “Yes. I’m going to eat the last fry bread. Now I’m done.”

A chuckle is followed by him giving my hand a squeeze. “Good. Now no more self-pity. I meant it when I said it’d be fine if you won. Honestly, it’s better.”

What can he possibly be speaking of? “Better?”

He smiles, brighter than I’ve seen since we started training. “I wanted to let you win, but I knew you’d hex me silly later if I didn’t give it my best.”

“But that’s why you’re here.”

You know it’s just an excuse, especially now.” His gaze filled something stronger than I've ever seen, directed right at me.

Oh. My. Suddenly I’m as hot as my cup of chocolate. “I thought we weren’t going to talk about this until next week.”

“Do you really think one week is going to make a difference?”

My hand tightens around his, betraying my true feelings on the subject, but I still say, “I thought we agreed it was distracting.”

“When we were training, yes. And if this is going to distract you for the few days you have left in the duel, I won’t say another word. But, Cynthia, what I feel isn’t going to suddenly disappear after the tournament. I can hide it, but being with you has taught me that my feelings aren’t fleeting. They grow with each moment I spend with you, each moment I see you growing and trying to show others. You are an amazing source of strength. Should I wait until next week to tell you more?”

No, don’t.” The words escape before I can stop them. Not that I want to stop them, only maybe I should.

He leans close, taking my hand in both of his. “Good, because I don’t know what the next few days are going to bring. I don’t know how much time we’re going to have together. But there’s something I do know is true more than anything else I’ve ever known before.”

I inch closer, touching my finger to his cheek, smudging some of the flour. “What is that?”

I love you.”

He brushes his thumb across my chin. I tilt my head toward him, the strength I gain from him pulling us together. My heart is so full, but it still continues building and building until it swells so much that it forces tears out of my eyes. Lukas shoves his chair back, stands and pulls me up to him, his arms encompassing me, encircling me as I press my face into his neck, breathing him in.

Maybe it’s not about being a distraction when we’re together. It’s distracting being apart. Being together is better. It’s not tearing us apart, not distracting us from our responsibility. Not tearing us from our duty. Being together makes us stronger. His strength fills my weakness, and my weakness fills his strength. Together we are more than we could ever be apart.



Chapter Thirty-Nine



It’s difficult to concentrate on much, remembering my time with Lukas from last night. Did he really say he loved me? Never before have I heard those words, not ever. I know my sisters love me, and maybe mother as well, but to have Lukas say those words to me, to know I feel them back? It’s hard not to skip down the street since we left it behind a few streets ago. In only a few more minutes, I’ll be at the tournament, and Lukas will be there waiting for me. I can’t help it. I start skipping.

I glance back to see if the guards are paying any attention to my silliness. Fear scratches at me, trying to pry its way in as I stop moving. They aren’t there.

Where could they be? Never once have I been left alone since this started, though I haven’t always been able to see them. Perhaps that’s all it is now. They’re hiding somewhere out of sight… even though no one else is around. Hiding when danger is pricking at my senses? The time Chadwick, at least, usually sticks the closest to me? Right.

Chadwick? Xyer? Conrad?”

There’s no response. What do I do? When did they stop following me? Why did they stop? Why did I have to go and get so distracted to the point where I’m not even paying attention? Something is very wrong. Love should have waited until next week to warm my life. Because I let it distract me, I’m chilled through my core.


A clatter echoes, making me jump. Where did it come from? I doubt it was Chadwick or another guard. Do I try to find them, or go for help? If they were attacked, I don’t know how many warlocks have them, or if we just somehow got separated.
Right. The best thing to do is go for help. Lukas will know how to find him and get others to help. I quickly turn and jog toward the field.

What if Lukas isn’t there? I banish the thought. It can’t be allowed.

There are footsteps behind me. I turn, hoping to see Chadwick or someone familiar, but there’s no one. I almost call his name again, but fear clogs my words from coming. Something is really wrong. I have to get out of here and get help finding my guards.

No time to just run. I zap several message spells to Zade, Lukas, and Chadwick, though with Chadwick missing I don’t know if sending him one will do any good. Once they’re out of my control, I turn and sprint for the field.

Before I’ve taken more than a few steps something gray smears the corner of my vision before smashing into the side of my head. Pain explodes through me. Hands grab me. I try to call out, but the world is going black…



Chapter Forty



My head hurts. Everything looks blurry.

Make her swallow it while she’s still waking up.”

Something is jammed against my lips. I tighten them, not allowing anything past.

“She has to drink it, idiot. Make her!”

I’m trying.”

The words help to clear my mind a little, but my skull still feels hexed. There are enough thoughts working to know that this isn’t a good thing. What are they trying to make me drink? Poison?

I buck against the arms holding me, keeping me down. They give a little, but not enough to break free. My efforts are weak and wasted. My head buzzes. I open my eyes to find hooded figures above me, faces hidden within the folds. A cup moves toward me. Whatever they’re trying to force me to drink smells of dirt. Why would anyone care if I drank something disgusting? It must be poison. They’re trying to kill me since nothing else has worked.

But then a memory comes to me, distant from the ache in my head but still close enough to have the details I need. Details of Serena telling me never to drink the stuff. Something to do with not being herself and unable to control her actions.

The man squeezes his fingers into my jaw, trying to force it open. My best efforts aren't enough. I fail to stop him, and it pops open. I try to squirm away, but it’s not enough to do any good. The earthy-smelling liquid spills into my mouth. Can’t lose control of myself now. Panic closes my throat. I try to spit it back out, but he smashes his hand over my mouth. Still, I refuse to swallow it. Instead its foulness sloshes around my mouth.

Hurry it up. Someone’s coming,” the unseen voice says.

Even if it is someone they want to get away from, it’s doubtful it’s someone that will want to help me, either. Unless it’s someone I sent a message to, but I can’t be sure. I can’t be sure of anything other than I need to do everything I can. Starting with spitting out this liquid dirt.

My attackers look up, and I take advantage of the moment to envision punching the man holding me in the stomach. Once the vision is clear in my head, I gather my magic and thrust it toward him. Red hot light burns from my hand straight for him. The moment it hits, the man lets go in a howling rage, flying away from me.

I spring to my feet, spitting out the foul drink. My head pounds as I spit again and again, trying to clear it from my mouth. The other man, the one I wasn’t able to see before, is already on the run, not stopping to help his cohort. Better than coming for me. I spit again, keeping an eye on both the retreating warlock and the unconscious one.

The footsteps they were so worried about stroll closer. When I turn to see who they’re coming from, hoping for Chadwick, the heaviness in my chest sinks further. It’s a warlock I don’t recognize. The attackers didn’t want to be seen, so he must not be with him. It would be nice if he stopped to help, but he’ll probably find something to curse at me for.

When he brushes past us as if nothing was amiss, shock leaves me unable to move. Blast him. At least if he would have stopped, it would have brought some sort of attention to the situation and hopefully Zade or Lukas would have heard about it. Shouldn’t be surprised, but after spending so much time with decent warlocks, the real world no longer seems real.

I check the man on the ground. He’s moaning in a ball, while clutching his stomach, thankfully still unconscious. Probably sent too much power at him, but there wasn’t time to better control it, and if I hadn’t, I wouldn't have been able to stop them. Besides, it’s hard to feel too bad about it. The man attacked me and was trying to force me to drink something bad. I refuse to feel guilty. If only someone would tell my guilt that.

What to do now, though? If I stay here, I’ll be late. But the man, attacker or not, needs help. I may have hexed him like father, but I won’t turn all the way like a vicious warlock and hex without mercy. Even if he was trying to do, well, whatever it was that drink would have done to me.

Also, I need to find out what happened to the guards. Did these men do something to them and that’s why they weren’t here? Or did the men come because we got separated somehow? It couldn't have been five minutes since I last saw them. But I still don’t know where to look. Besides, they should have gotten my note by now. Why aren’t they here?

Moving much slower than I want, I turn toward the tournament field. There’s no telling how long I was out for. I doubt it was very long. The sun doesn’t seem any further up in the sky, but it could still be late enough that I’ve forfeited my spot if I had an early fight. Is anyone wondering where Chadwick and I are?

I run as fast and hard as I can, breezing by the man who so completely ignored me a moment ago. I hope he trips over a rock.

The closer I get, the more crowded it becomes. People everywhere, not just warlocks but more women than I’m accustomed to. It’s definitely later than I usually arrive. I can only hope I’m not too late. Finally, I spot Lukas and Zade talking, both look agitated.

“Where have you been?” Zade asks.

And where’s Chadwick?” Lukas adds.

I’m gasping for air too hard to let out words, sharp pangs in my chest with each breath. I grasp the sides of my stomach and bend in half, trying to catch my breath. As soon as I’m able, I say, “Don’t know. Attacked.”

Lukas and Zade exchange a quick glance and then Lukas pulls me off to the side, away from the crowd of people while Zade takes off as fast as he can with his limp.

Is he going to find Chadwick?”

Yes. What happened?”

I explain as quickly as the words will come without leaving out any details, making sure to let them know about the attacker that needs help and may offer clues. Except I do leave out the detail about being distracted by thoughts of him and that’s why I didn’t realize my guards were gone sooner.

“I’ll see what we can do about it after your duel, but you’ve got to go now or you’ll be disqualified. Middle field, right corner. Run. I’ll follow.”

And I do. I pump my legs as hard and as fast as I can. There’s too much running going on this morning. I bump into a few warlocks standing between me and where I’m supposed to be. I don’t even have time to apologize, though. I feel bad. They may treat me horrid, but I don’t want to do the same to them. Don't want to be like Father. I only want them to respect me. But there’s not time.

The dueling ring I need to be at is in sight. The judge and the other dueler are already there. The dueler looks bored, but the judge waits next to Chancellor Ryan, both with victorious looks gleaming their faces. Stupid warlocks. Despite what they think, I’m not going to be late. I push myself the last stretch and come to a crashing halt just outside the ring.

BOOK: Mine to Spell (Mine #2)
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