Mirror Image Seduction (Feline Shifters of Down Under Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Mirror Image Seduction (Feline Shifters of Down Under Book 1)
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Chapter Thirteen


She was really doing this. She truly was.

What she was doing exactly, she wasn’t entirely sure. But as all sorts of ideas popped into her mind, she paced her lounge room and shook out her hands, alternatively squealing and groaning as indecision warred within her.

She’d started the weekend with the problem of having to choose between two beautiful and different men. Now she was trying to justify her desire for both of them and her actually considering their ludicrous plan to share her.

Was that even possible?

A car pulled up in her driveway, the rumble of the engine and lights through the window making her run to the front door. Her stomach was flying with butterflies, and she could barely stop her feet from floating above the floor.

She’d never done anything so crazy as this before, and the giggle that rolled out of her had a slightly crazy edge to it. She didn't care what she sounded like. Or how crazy what she was doing would sound to anyone else. Scarlet had convinced her to throw caution to the wind and live it up. What else did she have to lose?

She pulled open the door and froze to watch the boys get out of their car. They were a marvel to see, their fluid grace and cheeky smiles reminiscent of the powerful animals they turned into. Her breath caught in her throat. That was something else she had to think about, but later.


She melted against the door as they bounced up to her, pulling her inside and shutting the door behind them in one move.

Dylan pushed her up against the closest wall, and her legs turned to jelly as he growled against her throat like the beautiful cat he was. His huge hands went around her, one cupping her jaw, the other on her ass. He was so passionate and needy, and she couldn’t believe how much she wanted them.

“Dylan, she said she wanted to talk.” Ryan’s calm voice pulled Lacey up and out of her heated fog, Dylan moving off her with a frustrated sigh.

“No.” She grabbed at his shirt and pulled him back to her. Dylan had been right with her intentions tonight. “I want this, please.”

“Where's your bedroom?”

She took Dylan’s hand and pulled him towards the door off the lounge that led to her bedroom. She hoped Ryan was right behind them.

She pushed open the door, her breathing coming in pants as Dylan stepped close, the heat of his body pressing through their clothes and imprinting on her skin.

“Where's Ryan?”

She looked around her darkened bedroom where she'd lit several candles hoping to see that he’d got past them somehow. Nothing.

She twisted away from Dylan and poked her head back into the lounge to see her lovely man loitering around the couch.

“What are you doing?”

He looked up, his cheeks flushed with heat. “I wasn't sure whether you wanted me or if I should go. I…”

I’m so sorry, Ryan. I shouldn’t have made you guys think I’d choose between you.

She held out her hand and smiled at him, injecting as much warmth into her gaze as she could.

His lips lifted up into a huge smile, and he jogged across the room to her.

She stood up on her tiptoes and lifted her lips to him, wanting to reassure him that she did want him. She wanted them both. Her beautiful, sweet Ryan pressed into her, his sweet taste spreading across her tongue and warming her to the core.

When he finally pulled away, her knees were weak and she staggered back until she sat down on her mattress with a heated sigh.

Ryan shut the door, and the metal latch clicked into place.

“Are you ready to mate with us?” Dylan asked her, his tone gruff as he stood next to her bed.

Not yet… please don’t make me choose that just yet.

She shook her head, swallowing hard against the uncomfortable pain in her chest. “I don't think I'm ready for that yet, but I wanted a little more time with you. To kiss you, touch you, we barely get to spend any time together.”

The brothers shared a look and then nodded, stepping forward as one.

“Let's make sure you get your kisses then, Lacey.”

Dylan pulled her to her feet and began tugging at her clothes.

She helped him pull off her blouse, and she stepped out of her sandals and skirt.

“Damn, you're hot.”

His words would have made her laugh if his gaze hadn't been so heated, scanning her from head to toe. No one had ever said she was hot before.

Ryan's hands came around her waist, his warm lips touching her neck as his fingers traced patterns over her belly and hips.

Tingles of pleasure radiated out from her core as she ignored the feelings of inadequacy hitting her. She was so much bigger than most girls her age, but the candlelight was the best lighting she could have and the boys didn't seem put off by her yet.

“You are … so beautiful…” Ryan's words rumbled into her ear, and she let her eyes close, giving into the atmosphere of contentment and happiness that was sweeping her away. She'd never felt so loved before, even with past long-term boyfriends. It made no sense that she’d already fallen so hard and fast, but these men fulfilled every ache of her heart.

Ryan's hands unclipped her bra, and it slid down her arms and onto the floor.

Dylan dropped lower and his lips captured one nipple in his mouth, and she cried out as he tugged hard.

Her head fell back on Ryan's shoulder, and she arched her back, threading her fingers into the short hair at Dylan's nape as he suckled on her.

“Let’s move this to the bed. Lie down, beautiful.”

Ryan's words floated around her as she forced open her eyes. She stepped over to her bed and crawled on, turning over and spreading her arms open for them. She wanted them closer. They were too far away now.

Dylan pulled off his t-shirt, and Ryan climbed between her thighs, still fully dressed.

She opened for him, the denim cool against the inside of her naked thighs.

“I have dreamed about you like this, how you would smell, how you would taste.”

He pressed soft kisses to her belly and then stopped to suckle each breast, his hands plumping up the flesh and arousing her moans.

She arched and grabbed for him with one hand, reaching out the other for Dylan who slid down onto the bed minus his top, but still clothed in his jeans.

“Why?” she asked as he moved closer. Why couldn’t she have them as bare as she was?

“If we can't take you
I think it's best we don’t get naked. I won't be able to control myself.”

She looked down her body as Ryan moved back and pulled her knickers with him.

She lifted up and let him totally de-robe her.

“That's not fair, Dylan. I should give you guys pleasure, too.”

Dylan chuckled and pulled her hip so she lay on her side, facing him.

“Oh, this will be our pleasure, don't you worry.”

His hand slid between her thighs, and she opened for him as he kissed her.

Ryan moved onto the bed behind her and pressed his naked chest to her back, a wave of rightness, of belonging flowing over her.

She cried out as Dylan's fingers grazed her clit, sending out pulsing waves of need.

She arched back and turned her head, Ryan capturing her mouth as Dylan's mouth attached to her nipples and pulled hard.

Her mind whirled around like a storming sea as she was being seduced from every side.

Dylan's fingers moved away, and his twin took up his place. Ryan’s hand moved over her hip, dipping between her spread legs and slid a finger into her wet pussy.

She clamped down on him and moaned into his mouth as her body ached harder for them.

Ryan kept kissing her as Dylan played with the flesh of her breasts and her tight nipples. Ryan alternated between swirling wet fingers around her throbbing clit and then dipping them into her aching channel.

“Agh, fuck…” She broke off from Ryan's mouth to pant and stare down her body to the incredible imagery of two men's hands working her flesh. Their intent and purpose to pleasure her.

That alone was enough to push her close to the edge.

Her belly tightened, and her pussy clenched down on his fingers, that throbbing aching intensifying to the point that she could hear her heart beating loud in her ears.

“Oh yes, good girl.”

“Dylan, lick her clit for me.”

Dylan gave her a wicked smile as he slid down her body and pushed her back so she was practically lying on Ryan.

Ryan slid a second finger into her, and she arched as crackles of tension exploded around her.

Dylan put his head between her thighs and set his tongue on her clit.

“Ah … God! Dylan!”

He flicked her clit from side to side, and Ryan's fingers moved faster, fucking her harder.

She reached for them, digging her nails into each of them as the tension in her body built higher and tighter.

“Come on, Lacey. Come for us, beautiful.”

She panted and cried out, heading towards that climax before the abyss. Her legs straightened out, and she grabbed at her men, the coil inside her tightened to the point of breaking.

Dylan was moaning as he ate at her, and Ryan sucked on her neck as she reached the point of no return. The breath caught in her throat, and then it hit her. Her pussy grabbed at Ryan's fingers, and waves of pleasure rolled through her as her body began to shudder in their arms.

She screamed and let the white lights take her, her spasming body crying out in bliss.

When she swam back up through the heated ocean surrounding her, Dylan and Ryan were still there. Touching her, kissing her, soothing her still shuddering body.

“Thank you, thank you so much.”

She collapsed against them and snuggled into their warmth, her need for these men becoming more and more concrete in her mind.

“Should we go?” Ryan asked her, kissing the side of her neck.

“No, please don't.”

She tried to open her eyes, but every time she did, they were so blurry her brain forced her to slam them shut again.

Her desire to stay conscious was losing the fight with sleep, a strange, heavy lethargy swimming in to drag her down.

“We both have to work early, but we'll stay until sunrise, ok

Dylan began to move away, and she grabbed for him.

“Just stripping down to boxers, sweetheart.”

“Oh, all right.”

Both boys slid out of bed, and her belly dropped with the coldness of losing them.

She shuffled onto her side and held her breath, consciousness now more appealing.

She didn't want to miss any more time with them.

They slid back beneath the sheets and reached for her, their synchronicity and perfect rhythm making tears swim in her eyes. To be the focus of these men's attentions was more than a dream come true, it was a fantasy she'd never had the courage to dream of.

“Goodnight, beautiful girl.”

“Goodnight, Ryan. Goodnight, Dylan. Thank you both, that was absolutely incredible.”

They both kissed her gently on the lips and then settled beside her.

She blinked back the tears and let herself settle into the soft mattress and the hard muscles of the men around her.

“When will I see you again?”

Dylan purred in front of her. “Tomorrow night.”


She didn't hear them leave in the morning, but her body ached from their loving well after they left


How dare she! Who did that
bitch think she was to flaunt not one but
men in front of him like that? Rodney slammed his car door in a vain attempt to vent some of his fury. She was his.
Only his.
She did not belong with those two pretty boys who’d been hanging around her skirts for the past week.

He’d had to put some serious time into getting into Lacey’s knickers. She’d played hard to get and made him work for her, something which she was not demanding of her new guys.

Of course, he’d made the most of it when he finally did get the goods. She’d been so fucking hot, and he wanted her again. It didn’t make sense that when they’d finally got to the good stuff she’d started backing away from him. But those pretty boys had been at her for less than a week and already they had her horizontal.


He’d had to leave. He couldn’t stand watching their silhouettes through her curtains a minute longer. The plan had been to approach her tonight. She must have changed her phone number again as she wasn’t answering his texts or his calls anymore. If he could just speak with her, make her see how well they suited each other, it would all work out. He could ease up on the rough stuff between the sheets … for a while at least.

After taking a deep breath, he slid his key home and opened his front door. Before he stepped inside, a car drove past slowly, and he turned to see it was a cop car. What the fuck? That was the third patrol car he’d seen in the last twenty-four hours. He frowned. Had Lacey reported him? Or was it her new toy boys? As the vehicle left his line of sight, he turned back toward his house. He was going to have to really watch himself when he left to go to her place from now on.

BOOK: Mirror Image Seduction (Feline Shifters of Down Under Book 1)
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