Read Mischief and Magnolias Online

Authors: Marie Patrick

Mischief and Magnolias (27 page)

BOOK: Mischief and Magnolias
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Remy took a deep breath and stared at the man sitting before him. Though his heart pounded and every muscle in his body tensed with the struggle not to punch the captain in the mouth, he folded his arms across his chest and continued in a much softer, yet firm, voice. “Actually, I owe you a debt of gratitude. If it weren't for you, I would never have known what an exceptional, loving, giving woman my wife truly is.” At the expression on Davenport's red face, he smiled. His second in command seemed to be having a little difficulty keeping his temper as well.

“Oh, yes, much to my chagrin, I followed her, as you asked. Do you know what I found?” He rose from his seat, grabbed his cane, and started to pace…in front of the desk and in front of his guest. “No, I don't suppose you do. My
volunteers at a Federal hospital, Captain. She visits the sick and infirm. That's right. Our boys in blue. She also gives of her time to the widows and orphans of this war. And I am ashamed for ever having doubted her. As for you—” He stopped pacing in front of Davenport, leaned forward, and lowered his voice even more. “You will leave this house immediately. Find other accommodations and send someone to pack up your possessions. I expect you to be on board the
Lady Shae
tomorrow, but after that, I don't want to see you again. Ever. Dismissed.”

Davenport rose to his feet, his entire body stiff with anger. His eyes narrowed as he pinned Remy with a glare. “You will regret this, Major.”

Remy straightened, his shoulders thrown back. “Is that a threat, Captain?”

Captain Davenport said nothing more as he turned and stomped across the room. He didn't pause at the study door, simply opened it, walked through, and slammed it closed. A moment later, the front door slammed as well, and Remy took a deep, calming breath.

• • •

Curiosity glistened in Shaelyn's eyes as she lay across the bed on her side, her head supported on her hand. Those eyes had watched him all through dinner and focused on him as he finished dessert, before he closeted himself in the study with Jock. They followed him now, still full of inquisitiveness, as he unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it over the back of the chair.

“Are you going to tell me?” Exasperation colored her voice.

Remy hid his grin as he sat in the chair and removed his boots and then his thick socks. “Tell you what?”

Clearly, she was frustrated with his lack of response, as evidenced by the look on her face and the way she nibbled at her bottom lip. A long sigh escaped her and Remy wanted to laugh. Despite the events of the day, she, and her curiosity, amused him.

“What happened today?”

He shrugged as he stood and started unbuttoning his trousers. “Nothing happened.” He glanced in her direction and this time, he did grin. He couldn't help it. She didn't believe him. That much was obvious.

“You know you'll tell me eventually.”

He slowly lowered his trousers to expose himself and his steel-hard erection.

“Why not just tell me now and save…” Shaelyn stopped speaking. Her gaze rose to his and her eyes widened, the pupils dilating. Her small tongue darted out to lick her lips and his erection jumped in response to that incredibly erotic motion. He wanted nothing more than to sink himself into her incredibly hot, slick sheath and for a little while at least, forget everything.

Instead, forcing himself to go slow, he moved to the bed and, lowering himself to his hands and knees, crawled along the bottom until he reached her feet. Slowly, he licked the arch of her foot, then sucked one of her toes into his mouth. Shaelyn inhaled deeply, her eyes widening even more, but never leaving his face.

“You're doing that in hopes I'll stop asking questions, aren't you?”

He said nothing as he moved up her leg, pushing her nightgown toward her hips, kissing every inch of her skin as he uncovered her. He loved her legs. They were long and shapely and tightly muscled, especially when she wrapped them around his hips and squeezed. He loved other parts of her too.

Her perfect breasts that fit into his hands just right, her luscious lips meant just for kissing…or smiling that charming smile. Her belly, which wasn't flat, but gently rounded and sensitive to the lightest of his caresses. Her hands. So delicate, yet strong and capable, able to fix steamer engines and bring him to his knees with a simple caress. Her eyes, flashing at him with anger, nearly violet, or dark with passion, seeming almost black, like now.

He had enjoyed getting to know her, exploring her. It thrilled him to know there was so much more to learn.

“Aren't you?” she asked again, but this time her voice was breathy and hoarse. A light push at her hips and Shaelyn rolled to her back, her nightgown now bunched around her waist, exposing her long legs and the fiery thatch of hair between them. Remy settled between her thighs, one hand reaching up to gently knead her breast beneath the soft fabric of her gown, teasing the nipple until it became hard, the other hooking around her leg to reveal even more to his gaze.

“Something like that.” His breath fanned her inner thigh. She shivered in response. He smiled as he dipped his head and blew gently on the springy curls at the juncture of her legs. Parting her flesh, he was amazed how slick her soft folds were, how pink and flushed. Her delicate fragrance rose to him, mixed with the musk of her arousal. Again, he blew gently then pointed his tongue and tenderly touched the little pearl that was the key to her release.

“It's not going…ah!” She gasped, then gasped even louder when his mouth settled on that most intimate part of her, at the same time that he eased first one finger, then two, into her tight, welcoming flesh. “Remy!” she panted, her breath coming in short gasps as he worked her, his fingers moving in tandem with his tongue. Her hips bucked upward, rising off the bed as her thighs tightened against him.

Her fingers delved into his hair, her nails digging into his scalp as she tried to pull him closer, her hips moving faster, keeping up with the pace he'd set. Small cries filled the quiet of the bedroom. Remy could feel her body tightening and knew she was close, so close to release, but he wasn't quite ready to give that to her just yet. He slowed his pace, just a bit, just enough to make her beg.

And beg she did. “Please, Remy!” Her voice became a deep moan as her fingers pulled at his hair, bringing his head closer to where she wanted it, her heels digging into the soft mattress as her hips rose higher and moved faster.

Remy complied with her plea, his mouth, lips, tongue and fingers bringing her to the height of ecstasy. This time, he didn't hold back, didn't tease her, let her continue on the journey to find her bliss. “Oh, Remy!” Her deep groan of his name made him smile. She shuddered, her body quivering, the snugness of her sheath pulsing around his fingers, and his smile widened.

He kissed his way up her stomach, tasting the honey of her skin, dipping his tongue into her belly button before moving higher. And all the while, her soft cries of pleasure filled his ears. Indeed, filled his heart to nearly bursting.

He pressed light kisses on her neck, nuzzling that most sensitive spot beneath her ear as he made quick work of unbuttoning her nightgown, a task he'd become quite adept at, and one he enjoyed immensely. He tugged a little and the nightgown moved just enough so he could caress her warm skin with his tongue as well as his fingertips. She felt like silk beneath the rough pads of his fingers. He kissed his way to her breast then captured a pert nipple between his lips, satisfied by her small squeals of pleasure and the shiver that pebbled her flesh in goose bumps and made her gasp.

“Remy…” She said his name, but that was all.

There were no other words, no other questions as he positioned himself over her and then slid into her, seating himself up to the hilt in her hot, moist, still-pulsing flesh.


The word filled his brain as he moved in her slowly, letting her become accustomed to his width and breadth. Her eyes were open, watching him, the color so dark blue, her irises appeared almost black. Lamplight shimmered on her hair, turning the light mahogany locks into liquid fire.

He moved faster, sliding into her, and marveled at the most incredible feelings coming over him. For a man who needed control, he didn't mind losing the same within her.

Her eyes fluttered closed and she drew in her breath. Perspiration glowed on her face as her hands left his shoulders and smoothed down to his backside, her nails digging into his flesh. By the sounds coming from her throat, the way her eyes flew open wide, she was once again close to reaching bliss. Her sheath tightened around him as her hips moved, meeting him stroke for stroke.

“Come for me, my sweet. Just let go.”

“Oh yes, Remy,” she moaned as her body convulsed around him, her legs tightening around his hips, exactly where he wanted them. The heat of her drove him wild and he sank into her over and over again.

He could have given over to the feeling of her body pulsing around him, her sheath squeezing him. He could have let himself go and found his own release, but he didn't. Instead, he slowed his pace and rocked into her, his body pressing against hers in such a way, he felt every inch of her. And she rocked with him, her hips matching the rhythm he set as he tasted her mouth once more, swallowing the cries she made.

And suddenly, he couldn't hold back any longer. She was so incredibly warm, so wet, so
, her body pulsing around him, her fingernails digging into his skin. Such pleasure could not be borne and he lost himself in her heat, thrusting into her one last time, filling her with his essence, his shaft vibrating with the force of his release. So amazing was this feeling, he couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him.

With a great deal of reluctance, Remy withdrew from Shaelyn, rolled onto his back, and pulled her close. They both breathed heavily. Remy's heart pounded in his chest and thundered in his ears.

Shaelyn drew lazy circles on his chest, her breath warm on his skin. “Are you ever going to tell me?”

He smiled. He couldn't stop himself. “So we're back to that, are we?”

“Did you think I would forget simply because we made love?”

“I was hoping.”

Remy pulled her closer, her warm body stretched out beside his, one of her long legs over his, her thigh touching him most intimately. Her head rested on his shoulder. He smelled the fragrance of her hair and wondered exactly what to tell her. The truth, of course, but how much of it? Should he confess that he'd actually believed Davenport's poisonous lies and thought her a spy? Should he admit he followed her?

No, better to keep that to himself. “I asked Captain Davenport to leave.”

“Is that why he stormed out of Magnolia House,” she asked, “slamming doors so hard I thought he'd break the glass? Why? What did he do?”

“I have little tolerance for insubordination,” he said as his fingers brushed the soft, sensitive skin of her arm. “Except from you. Captain Davenport stepped over the line.”

“What else aren't you telling me?”

He kissed the top of her head and drew in his breath. “We're taking the
Lady Shae
to look for the
Sweet Sassy
. I don't believe she just disappeared into thin air. If she sunk or exploded, I need to know.”

She inhaled deeply and rose up on her elbow. She gazed at him, her eyes wide and guileless in the lamplight, the lids heavy with expended passion. He felt himself falling into their fathomless depths. “I want to go.”

“I…I don't think that's wise, Shae.”

“Wise or not, the
Sweet Sassy
is my boat. I want to find her too.”

“I know.” He didn't want to argue with her or tell her point-blank she couldn't come with him. Truthfully, he was afraid of what he might find, if he found anything at all. He was even more afraid he might not be able to return to her.

In the end, he said nothing, just pulled her closer, his lips finding hers once more, wanting to take as much of her with him as he could.

Chapter 18

Shaelyn listened to Remy's even breathing and light snore as she mentally counted to one hundred again. It had taken a long time, but he finally slept. She rose up on her elbow and studied him. He looked so peaceful. The lines radiating from his eyes didn't appear as deep now as they usually did, and a slight smile curved his lips.

A twinge of guilt tweaked her as her thoughts touched on James, but only for a moment. James was part of her youth, a childish dream she'd once had. What she'd felt for him couldn't compare to what she now felt for Remy. Her Remy. For now and always.

She took a deep breath and resisted the urge to rouse him from sleep so they could make love again. The corner of her mouth lifted. He thought he could change her mind or make her forget everything simply because he made love to her, but he had a thing or two to learn. Her amnesia was temporary and lasted only as long as his kisses.

Does he really think he can stop me from searching for the
Sweet Sassy

She would try one more time, in the morning over breakfast, to change his mind. If she couldn't, well then, she'd just need to do things her own way. She'd been thinking about searching for the
Sweet Sassy
for several days now—actually, since he first told her the news of its loss.

Shaelyn slipped from bed, grabbed her robe from the floor where it had fallen, and left the room on her tiptoes. She didn't take a breath until she'd closed the door softly behind her, crept down the hall, and slipped outside.

A slight breeze full of the smell of wood smoke ruffled the edges of her robe and nightgown. Shaelyn shivered as she drew the robe closer against the chill in the air and ran down the wrought-iron stairs. Her bare feet hardly made a sound. A bright full moon lighted her way to the small shed beside the stable. She left the door open as she slipped inside. The smell of wet wool and soap assailed her as she grabbed a pair of trousers and a shirt hanging from the clothesline within the small room. Clutching the uniform in her hands, Shaelyn closed the door behind her, grateful Private Connors hadn't finished the laundry, and ran across the grass toward the kitchen.

BOOK: Mischief and Magnolias
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