Mischief and Mistletoe (9 page)

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Authors: Lena Matthews

BOOK: Mischief and Mistletoe
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He stared silently down and watched in awe as
Charlotte began to help Tamara get their little guy attached to the nipple. Tyson looked tuckered out to Russell, but the second Tamara placed him at her breast he puckered up his little mouth and began to whimper.

“It’s okay. Momma’s here.” Tamara brushed her nipple across his lips. He didn’t latch on right away but Tamara was patient and kept at it until Tyson finally figured it out and began to suckle. “There you go.

“It’s going to take some time but you’ll get it.”

“Yeah,” Tamara said softly as she looked down in wonder at their son.

Russell had never been a very emotional man, but even
he couldn’t help the tears that welled in his eyes at the sight of his family. “Can I—”

Tamara looked up at him, her brow. “What?”

He gestured the space next to her. It wasn’t a lot of room but he was willing to perch on the edge of the world if it meant getting a little closer to them. “If it’s not a bother.”

“Never a bother. Come here. Come meet your son.”

“Take my spot.” Charlotte rose and moved out of the way. “I’m going to go check on Ty and Candace.”

Russell knew Charlotte was just leaving to give them time and he loved her for it. “Thank you.”

She squeezed his arm as she passed him on the way to the door. Russell slipped right into the spot she vacated and scooted as close to Tamara and Tyson as he could. “Is this okay?” he asked, not wanting to smother her or move around too much after what she just went through.

“It’s more than okay
.” Tamara looked up at him with tears gleaming in her big brown eyes. “It’s perfect. He’s perfect.”

“He is. He’s also asleep.”

“Do you blame him? Little man has had a busy day,” she said softly. “You want to hold him for a while.”

Did he ever. “Most definitely.”

Smiling, Tamara gently pulled the baby off her breast then passed him over to Russell, who greedily took him and immediately cradled him against his chest. Russell held him on one arm and used his free hand to brush his fingers lightly over the dark tuft of hair sticking up off Tyson’s head.

He worked his fingers down to the soft shell of Tyson’s ear over to his little upturned nose then down to his sweet little baby lips
, all the while comparing his own sun-darkened skin to that of his son’s caramel-colored tone. Russell took in the parts that reminded him of him, the parts that were Tamara, while noting the little things that were all Tyson’s.

Elated, Russell looked away from the baby and over at Tamara who was lying on her side, watching them with a small smile. There had been many occasions in life Russell had thought he was a lucky man, today he realized it was absolutely hands
-down the truth. He was lucky and he was blessed and it was all because of her. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“The best Christmas present ever.”

“Christmas?” Tamara glanced at the clock on the nightstand. “Wow. It is after midnight. Merry Christmas
, babe,” she reached out and wiggled Tyson’s foot lightly. “And baby.”

Russell placed Tyson between them and la
y down facing her, mirroring her position. “I don’t think anything I bought or could ever buy you could possibly top this little guy.”

“I don’t know,” she teased. “Give me your credit card. I’m sure I can find something that will come pretty close.”

“Everything I have is yours.”

Tamara reached over their son and placed her hand on his chest. “Including your heart.”

“Especially my heart.”

“I don’t need anything else then. I have everything I could ever want.” She moved her hand from his chest and placed it lightly on the baby and closed her eyes. Seconds later she was asleep.

Russell, on the other hand, stayed awake. He was too busy taking mental pictures of everything great and small to sleep. He wanted to remember this moment for the rest of his life. The moment they went from being a couple to being a family. It was also the moment that he did something he never thought he could do, and that was to fall even more in love with his wife.

Chapter F

Days Later


Charlotte looked a little sadly at her Christmas tree, taking one more mental snap shot before she would begin the very depressing task of un-trimming her tree. She loved Christmas. It was her favorite holiday by far to decorate. Every room in her house had some sort of Christmas doohickey in it, every counter had little figurines, every bathroom colored festive towels. Now it was the thirty-first of December and all her holiday fun was officially at an end. And although there was little that she enjoyed more than putting up decorations there was nothing she hated more than taking them down. Not only because it was another reminder the holiday and year were over but also because she was very OCD about how they had to be put up, so it took longer than necessary to do the chore. She wasn’t proud of it, but there was a place for everything and everything had its place.

With a heavy heart, she keyed up her iPod and selected her Christmas playlist and clicked on
“This Christmas”, ending the season the way she started it. Unfortunately she had only gotten the first few ornaments put away when the doorbell rang.

Humming to herself, she made her way to the front door and peered through the peephole. The distorted image of Russell met her gaze and caused her to frown. He wasn’t supposed to be over today.

Was something wrong?

Scared, she unlatched the locks and swung the door open, “What’s wrong? Is it the baby? Is it Tamara? Tell me?”

Russell held his hand up in surrender. “I come in peace.”

Charlotte let out a breath she hadn’t even realized she’d been holding. “Oh my
God, don’t scare me like that.”

“All I did was show up. You were the one who decided to run wild.”

“Oh shut up.” Charlotte gave the laughing man a hug, then ushered him into the house. “Well, since there’s apparently no damage, and since you didn’t bring my best friend or my nephew, I’m going to assume you’re here to see Ty. He’s working in his office. Do you want me to get him or do you want just to go back there?”

…” He tucked his thumbs in his back pockets and rocked back on his heels. “I need to speak to the both of you.”

Happy feeling gone. That didn’t sound good at all. “Well, come on, we’ll interrupt him together then.”

“Sounds good.” As they headed down the hall
, Russell pulled out his cell phone and showed her the latest pictures of Tyson. Charlotte had seen them before of course because Tamara was constantly blowing up her cell whenever the little boy did anything. Not that she minded. He was the cutest little boy in kidland. When they reached Ty’s office, Charlotte knocked two times then waited for him to say enter before she opened the door.

It was an office they shared when she used to work from home, but now he was sharing it with another lovely lady. And as she suspected
, Ty was sitting at his desk, going over paperwork, while his secretary aka daughter, sat at the mini adjustable desk that was placed right against his. Candace was wearing her work attire, which consisted of fake glasses they bought at Claire’s, a button-up sweater on top of a My Little Pony T-shirt, a yellow tutu and of course her cowboy boots. She’d forgone her jeans today and decided to wear green leggings instead.

The little girl looked up when they entered and quickly pushed her sliding glasses back up her nose. “Hi
, Uncle Rusty. Did you bring Pinkie Pie?”

Russell didn’t even wince at the name anymore. He just went with it. He even went so far as to refer to Tyson as Pinkie Pie when he spoke to Candace about him. “No, I left him at home.”

“Oh.” She looked away and went back to coloring, her uncle apparently of non-importance now since he hadn’t brought along her new favorite toy.

Laughing at his daughter
’s antics, Ty stood then made his way over to his friend. They exchanged a quick hug slash manly pat on the back before pulling apart. “What’s up, old man?”

“This isn’t a social visit,” Russell said soberly. “It’s a robbery.”

Charlotte frowned as she glanced between the two men, trying to get the joke. “Excuse me?”

“I’m here for your treasure.”

Charlotte turned to her husband who was looking as perplexed a she felt. “Has he lost his mind?”

“I think so.”

Russell chuckled, breaking character. “I haven’t lost my mind, but my wife is about to.”

Aww,” Charlotte tsked sympathetically. “Think she has the baby blues?”

Charlotte had lucked out herself and never experienced
postpartum depression but she knew a few women who had and it was horrible.

“No, I think she has the
‘her momma is driving her insane blues’.”

Charlotte nodded. “
Ohh.” It all made sense now. Love Tamara’s mother as she did, Dinah could be much at times. “What is she doing?”

, it started out when she tried to tape a silver dollar to Tyson’s belly button so he’d have an innie and not an outtie, and honestly it’s gone down hill since that.”

“Does Tamara want me to come over and be hero support?” Charlotte hadn’t been over there today but she didn’t mind going.
Anything to get in some sweet cuddling time with Tyson.

“Not exactly
.” Russell nodded his head toward Candace. “She wants to kidnap your daughter for the night.”

“Okay, I’m going to pretend like my feelings aren’t a little bit hurt
that my best friend would rather have a play date with my daughter than myself.”

“Oh cheer up. You know she loves you more.”

“Doubtful.” Charlotte frowned. She wasn’t really so sure at this present moment in time.

“Please, this is actually our belated Christmas gift to you. It’s New Year’s Eve.”

“It is?” Ty glanced down at the calendar on his desk. “Damn. Sorry, babe. I should have planned something.”

Charlotte couldn’t even be mad at Ty about it. She didn’t remember either. “Don’t feel bad, I knew what the day was, but I didn’t associate it with parties or anything.”

“You guys don’t have to party, you can just go out and have some quality time, or better yet…” Russell waggled his eyebrows. “Stay in and do something fun. We were going to suggest it anyway but at least this way instead of us babysitting our niece, our niece will be elder-sitting Tamara’s mother. Dinah is in desperate need of someone to smother with cookies and games, and Tamara is not the one.”

, I’m okay with it but…” Before Charlotte could ask Ty how he felt, Candace popped her head up, eyes wide and alert.

“Did I hear cookies? We’re making cookies?”

Charlotte rolled her eyes. Game over. The decision was already out of her hands.

“Lots of cookies
.” Russell squatted down so he was eye level with the little girl. “Because Pinkie Pie’s grandma brought a whole bunch of recipes and ingredients but she has no one to make them with. Pinkie Pie is way too small.”

“But I’m the perfect size.”

“Yes you are, that’s why Tamara and I were kind of hoping you might be willing to come on over and help her out. And when you’re done with that, maybe you can have a sleepover with Pinkie Pie.” Russell looked slyly up at Ty and Tamara. “If it’s okay with your mommy and daddy, that is.”

The little girl began to jump up and down before he even got the words all the way out. “Can I
, Mommy and Daddy? Can I please?”

Charlotte shot Russell an evil glare as she tried to keep her jumping bean still. That was a low blow. She couldn’t wait
until when she could return the favor in a couple of years. Ignoring Russell who was grinning like someone who knew they’d done wrong, Charlotte turned her attention to Ty, who was watching Candace’s antics with an amused smile. She cleared her throat to catch his attention, and when he looked at her, she raised an eyebrow, silently asking him if he was okay with it, to which he nodded in return.

Charlotte then let out a fake heavy sigh and crossed her arms over her breasts. “I don’t know. Is your bed made? I mean I really want to let you go but you know the rules. You can’t leave the house until—

“I’m going to make it now. Don’t leave without me
, Uncle Rusty.” She shouted over her shoulder as she booked it out of the office.

The three of them waited until she was gone before giving in
to their amusement. After Charlotte got herself back together, she focused her attention on Russell. “But other than Dinah, she’s okay?”

“You should know. You saw her just yesterday.”

“I was only there for an hour.” Russell raised his brow, calling her out on her lie. “Or four. It’s not like I keep track of that sort of thing. Sheesh.”

“Yeah,” her husband said dryly. “It’s so easy to get one and four hours confused. It happens to me all the time.”

“You know what? Just for that I’m going to make you take me somewhere extremely fancy to ring in the New Year.”

“Where, the Watering Hole?” Ty joked. The Water
ing Hole was about as fancy as Santa Esterella got. Not only did it have a restaurant but also a tiny dance floor and a house country band that played every holiday and weekend.

, even fancier. The new Sizzler.”

Fine, but only if you promise to get the buffet.”

“I’m not making any promises.”

“Okay.” Russell grimaced. “That entire conversation really depressed me. Make the three-hour drive to L.A. and rent a room. Please. I’m begging you.”

Ty placed his arm around Charlotte’s shoulder
s and pulled her into him. “Don’t you worry about us. You just keep an eye on my baby.”

“Both eyes,” Russell said with all seriousness.

Ty smacked him on his shoulder. “I know, man.”

“I’m ready
, Uncle Rusty.” Candace shouted from the hallway.

As one
, the three adults made their way to the entryway where Candace was waiting by the front door with an overpacked kid princess carrying case. It was bulging in the middle and zipped up only part of the way. It looked as if Candace packed her entire room in the small bag. “Honey, you’re only going to be gone one night.”

“Better safe than sorry. Right

Charlotte hated when Candace used her own words against her. “You know when you
overpack like this the terrorist wins.”


“Ignore that.” Ty gave her a warning squeeze before letting go and heading over to Candace. He bent down and scooped Candace up and gave her a big hug followed by a kiss on her sweetly upturned lips. He then walked her over to Charlotte so she could do the same.

“Call me tonight okay, baby?” Charlotte said as Ty set her down. “And be good for Uncle Rusty and Aunt Tamara.”


Ty grabbed her bag in one hand and her hand in the other. “I’ll walk you to the car.”

Russell dropped a quick kiss on her forehead then headed out the door with her family fast behind him. Charlotte watched for a little bit then turned and headed back to the family room. She picked up where she left off, removing bulbs and placing them in the containers. She was almost done with one side when Ty came in.

He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “You okay?”

“Yes.” She leaned back against him, ornament still in hand. “I want to get this finished before we go out. If you want to go out, that is.”

“Do you?”

“Ummm.” To be honest, despite the fact it was New Year’s Eve, she was really in no mood to go out. Her partying days were in the past, where they belonged. She’d much rather spend the night cuddled up with her crew than out at a bar being crowded by strangers. “We can if you want, but it’s not on my list of things I have to do today.”

“Then let’s stay in. We have the house to ourselves. Food and wine in the kitchen. What a better way to ring in the New Year.”

Charlotte turned in his arms and pressed a kissed against his lips. “Have I told you lately that you’re the perfect man?”

“Told me yes, showed me…no.”

“Well, let me fix that right now.” Charlotte moved out of his arms and placed the ornament with the others. To her surprise, when she turned around to take sweet advantage of her husband he was not even looking at her but instead at a red Christmas bulb they had bought to celebrate Candace’s first Christmas. There was a picture of her on it and her date of birth etched underneath the photo in silver.

“We’re going to have to get little T one of these next.”

Charlotte arched an eyebrow at the new nickname. “That’s what you’re planning on calling Tyson?”

“Yep.” He took the ornament off the tree and handed it to her.

“And I guess that makes you big T.”

He turned to her and smiled. “You should know.”

“Yes, I do.” She teased as she put the bulb up.


Charlotte looked over at her husband
, whose cheeks seemed a little pinker than they’d been just a few seconds. “Yes…”

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