Missing Link (The Finders Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Missing Link (The Finders Book 1)
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"It's you, isn't it?" He nodded.

"And my sisters."

"You have more than one?" Up until this point I'd only heard him and Paige mention one sister.

"Had." He emphasised. I didn't speak, I let him have his time. I simply lay my hand on his forearm, hoping that would give him the support he obviously needed right now "Remember when I told you we all had our reasons for creating The Finders?"

I nodded. He rubbed his thumb over the face of the younger girl, "She is my reason."

Chapter Nineteen


We lay on the bed, he had his arm wrapped around me as I rested my face on his chest.

"Me and D are only a year apart in age. We were inseparable growing up. Always getting into trouble, pulling pranks, that kinda stuff." He chuckled softly. "We did stupid stuff like putting clear wrap over the toilet seat. Got Dad every time."

"She sounds awesome." I said, putting my arm over his waist and squeezing.

"She is." He sighed, "My Mum and Dad split when I was about 5. We ended up with Dad and spent every second weekend at Mums place. She remarried quickly and had Candace. It wasn't until we got older I noticed something different about her. She was quiet, shy, didn't say much. I was too young to understand why at the time, I just thought it was strange that she never laughed or joked around with me and D when we were there. But she was my sister, I loved her."

I wasn't sure where this story was headed but I tightened my hold on Link, nervous.

"Candace loved to read." He chuckled softly. "Her and D were forever talking about Harry Potter, she had read the books and D had seen the movies, but they seemed to be able to talk about it for hours. Me and Candace had a different sort of relationship. Our time together was spent doing school work. She was smart, so smart. And back then I was a bit of a nerd. We would just sit together, content with just being in the same room doing Math problems."

I smiled. I could tell how fond he was of his little sister, even if they had only a little bit of time together.

“Candace was different than most kids. She didn’t like crowds or a lot of noise, it made her really anxious. It wasn’t until later on she was diagnosed with being Autistic. She was low on the spectrum but she still had certain problems, or quirks as I thought of them. Me and D didn’t care. She was still the same person to us, but her Dad didn’t feel the same.”

"My Step Dad was an ass." He continued more seriously with a dark laugh. "He pretty much ignored us while we were there, but was always telling Mum and Candace what they could and couldn't do, ordering them around like they were his slaves. Candace had trouble understanding him, social interactions were something she struggled with at times, and he had little to no patience.”

I nodded as he continued, taking in everything he was saying. It all backed the view I had of Link. He never judged people, never looked down on them unless they gave him cause to.

“Then one day when I was around 16 or 17 I overheard him telling my Mum that she had given him a broken child, that it was her fault that Candace was so messed up in the head. I should have said something then, I should have stood up for my little sister because it was obvious my Mum wasn’t going to.” He spat the words with venom. “Two days later they all just up and disappeared."

"Did you ever find them?" I asked, my stomach turning. I felt his body tense.

"A couple of weeks later they were found in a house down south." He paused, like forcing the words out was painful. "He'd killed them and then himself. Like the coward he was."

The pain and anger radiated off his body. It was obviously a memory he had tried hard to smother. I felt tears prickling at my eyes as I lifted up on an elbow to look at him. His eyes were squeezed shut tightly, like he was in agony. I placed my palm on his face, brushing my thumb lightly over his cheek bone. His eyes slowly opened, wetness sparkling on his lashes.

"That's why I started The Finders. I refuse to let another innocent person go missing, only to turn up abused, addicted or dead because of the crazy people in this world." His fists were tight at his side, he stared straight into my eyes.

"You were only young, Link. There was nothing you could have done." I whispered.

"Bullshit!" He swore, sitting up quickly and almost throwing my off the bed. "I could have said something to my Dad, but me and D just kept quiet because we were scared of Candace's Dad, scared people wouldn't have taken us seriously. I could have got her out of there. I could have searched for her."

He paced back and forth. It was the first time I had ever seen Link lose his cool, he was always so calm, collected, strong. But right in front of my eyes was a broken man who had lost two people who he loved and cared about. I stood and walked toward him, placing my hands at his waist and stilling him. He had helped me work through my pain, he had supported me and cared for me. He has been my strength. It was my turn to be strong for him.

"And how many people have you found since then? How many people have you saved?" I asked, ducking my head, searching for his eyes.

"Nothing will make up for losing her, losing them." He said, looking over my shoulder, staring at nothing.

"Look at me, Link." I said sternly. Trying to sound commanding. He seemed startled by the tone of my voice, his eyes finally meeting mine. "I know it hurts, I know it breaks your heart, but your sister she loved you too. And she would be so proud of what you've done."

I gripped his shirt tightly, pulling his body against mine.

"She would want you to be happy. If all that had never happened, you would have never started The Finders, you would never have helped all those people, you would have never..."

"Found you" he whispered. I nodded. We stood there in silence, our eyes never leaving one another. I was always one for believing that things happened for a reason. Sometimes we go through pain, sometimes we experience things we should never have to, but in the end, there is always a reason. He lifted his hands and cupped my face, I caught a glimpse of his tattoo out of the corner of my eyes and turned to look at it. I ran my fingers over it, stopping on the break in the chain.

"After we lost her, I never felt complete." He explained. I understood. If anything had of happened to Devon, I would have been lost, heartbroken, like I could never be repaired.

"You're never going to forget her, but one day you'll be complete." I kissed his tattoo, smiling up at him.

He tucked a stray hair behind my ear and held my cheek in his palm, "I'm beginning believe that."

Chapter Twenty


We curled up on the couch together. Link picked a movie for us to watch. Being cooped up at Charlie's for the past 3 years I had never really been allowed to watch much TV, and never movies. The Twilight series was my new fascination, I had never really payed much attention to the fad before. Link groaned and grumbled about it, but even then he still went to the store and picked up the latest one for us to watch without me even asking. I think he secretly enjoyed them too.

It got to another point when Jacob was walking around with no shirt on and he sighed loudly. "He's not that good looking." Link grumbled as I lay curled up against his chest.

"Are you kidding? Look at him!" I said, pointing at the screen as he appeared again.

"I'd rather not." He muttered.

"Aww. You're not upset I find another man sexy are you." I said, sitting up next to him. He scoffed, "He's just a kid."

"That he is." I agreed, my eyes wandering over Link's torso. I grazed the bottom of his shirt with my fingers, Link completely oblivious to the way I was eyeing his body, his eyes still fixed to the movie.

"And you can't really find that attractive, the way he turns into some big hairy dog." He continued. "Nope." I whispered, my hand slowly moving up the centre of his chest.

"And the vampire guy, seriously needs a tanning be..." His words faded out as I pressed my lips to the side of his neck, my tongue flicking out to taste his hot skin. I rested back on my knees, biting my lip nervously. He moved fast, pulling me on top of him, straddling his legs, my breasts sitting right in front

of his gorgeous face. His hands gripped my hips tightly, before he slipped them up underneath my top slowly sliding it up to show my bare stomach. I smiled down at him as his eyes devoured my body, happy I finally have his attention. He soon relieves me of my top, only to expose one of the new bras I had bought today. It was a deep dark purple colour, made from lace and conveniently latched in the front.

There were swirling patterns in black stitching that decorated the sides giving it what I felt was a sense of elegance. Link ran his hands over the textured material, taking his time to admire every detail. I almost missed the quick flick of his fingers which caused my breasts to bounce free, my nipples immediately jumping to attention.

He wasted no time, his mouth finding one of my small buds while his fingers tweaked at the other. I let my head fall back, my eyes closed in pure bliss as his tongue flicked back and forth over my aching nipple. He pulled me further forward, allowing him to grind the front of his now tight jeans directly up against my pussy. I let out a small yelp as both his hands gripped my ass tightly and I was lifted into the air, only to be dropped back down onto the couch with a slight bounce.

Link's hands made quick work of the button and zip at the top of my jeans before grabbing thewaistband and dragging them ever so slowly down my legs. Our eyes were fixed on one another, the passion and lust clearly evident in his expression but we were yet to say a word. I guess words weren't needed when you felt a pull this strong, you didn't need to tell the other how you felt, what you wanted. You just knew by the look in their eyes that they wanted you, that they needed you.

Link stood over me as I lay slouched on the couch in my matching purple lacy boy shorts, my bra open but still hanging off my shoulders. His eyes wandered over my body, but not for one second did I feel selfconscious. The way he licked his lips telling me that he liked the view.

With my legs slightly apart I had no doubt he could also see my need for him evident in the wet patch in the centre of my underwear. He tossed my jeans over his shoulder and dropped to his knees. His hands trickled up my legs, over my bent knees and thighs. I wiggled with anticipation as they slowly moved closer to my drenched centre but just as they reached my panty line they stopped and proceeded back down my legs again. I lifted my hips towards him, pouting. A smile played at his mouth as they once again returned, this time his fingers hooking under the edge of one leg and pulling it to the side, granting his other hand access.

He swiped his thumb through my folds, barely grazing my clit but causing just enough friction to shoot a bolt of pleasure through my body and cause a quiet moan to escape my lips. He did it again, and again, each time putting more pressure on the small sensitive nub. My body needed more, my hips grinding shamelessly against his hand.

"Please..." I whispered as I felt a stirring inside me. The smirk that lit his face just made me even wetter; he knew what he was doing to my body, content to just play with me but knowing that I needed more.

"What do you want, pretty girl?" He asked quietly. Without warning he pushed two fingers inside me. I gasped at the intrusion, the sound quickly turning into a breathy moan as he moved them in and out, his thumb continuing to torment me as it now rubbed at my clit while his fingers fucked me. I gripped the cushion of the couch and bit down on my lip as the pressure began to build faster than before. "Is this what you want?"

I couldn't even find words at the moment to answer him, I was lost in the feeling, my body tingling. He withdrew suddenly and took a hold of my hips, pulling me forward and flipping my body over like I was a doll. My knees sat on the floor, my body folded over the seat of the couch. I looked over my shoulder, watching him discard his shirt, followed by his jeans. His cock sprang free and I had the sudden urge to push my hips backwards, just to feel it rub against me. Link reached over to the small side table next to the shelf, fishing a condom from the draw. I didn't make a comment, I wasn't stupid and thought that Link had never been with anyone else. He was sexy and charming and girls simply stared at him when we walked down the street. I don't doubt there had been a high number of women in his bed, or I guess on his couch. But I didn't care.

He rolled the condom onto his large cock, one of his hands found its way back to my wet pussy while his other gripped his thick rod, pulling at its length a few times. My eyes were fixed on it, even as my body grinded against his fingers I could not help but stare at the way he ran his hand up and down its length.

"The way you're licking those lips makes me wanna stick this is your mouth." I groaned at the thought of wrapping my lips around it. "But I think we will save that for another time and give this poor weeping pussy the attention it needs."

He spread my legs apart, moving in behind me and rubbing his head against my swollen clit. That alone was almost enough to set off the rockets that were just waiting to explode. He penetrated me with one sharp thrust and I screamed out in ecstasy. He pulled out slowly, his fingers digging into my soft ass cheeks as he pulled me back onto him harshly.

"Oh, God!" I squeaked out. He gripped my shoulder with one hand as he used my body to fuck him, pulling me back and forth instead of thrusting into me. It felt glorious as my nipples dragged over the rough couch cushion, adding to the amazing pleasure.

I slipped a hand between my legs, for a second just holding it there, feeling him slip in and out of my welcoming hole before I started rubbing my sensitive clit. He powered away, pushing me further and further into the couch, but I loved it. It was raw, and real and exciting. Sex while you're laying on your back with a man between your legs can become repetitive and boring. I needed this, I needed to feel excitement.

BOOK: Missing Link (The Finders Book 1)
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