Mission: Compromised Submissive (5 page)

BOOK: Mission: Compromised Submissive
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team drove as close to the Paki
border as they could
unnoticed and parked in a dried up secluded creek bed. Hulk and Juju popped open the crates and extracted weapons and gear, passing them out to each soldier. With their new gadgets and extra firepower, they were a force to be reckoned with. “I want every extra pocket you have to be loaded with extra ammo. This is going to be a shit storm and w
e need to go in prepared
” Pop stated.

“Roger, LT

he others answered as they proceeded to stock pile every weapon and clip in the box. Pakistan may keep normal forces from crossing the border, but they weren’t normal.

Taking extra precautions, they covered the vehicles with leaves and other brush along with
tarps to keep prying eyes from spotting them as easily.
Rock gathered them all together for a prayer before they headed out, asking for the protection they were sure to need. When he finished he readied his weapon and smiled
the clicks
of them
did the same.
“These fuckers have our girl. Whatever we have to do to get her back, we do. Am I clear?”

came the answer from the group of pissed off, heavily armed, highly trained killing machines. If burning the whole fucking country was necessary, they would do it. Vice would be back
in their custody before they knew what the hell had hit them.

They had been trekking for hours, using the GPS coordinates of the compound in
Thanks to a handy
gadget still in the testing ph
ase, Vice’s dog tags had been implanted with a tracking chip t
hat could be picked up on the new computers that were now strapped on each of their wrists. Its signal beeped strong, and gave them all hope to find her before it was too late. They all knew forty
-eight hours was the normal time
frame before a rescue became a body retrieval, and pushed them into a slow run.

Dom’s heart thudded in his chest, aching with each palpitation more and more, but not from the march. With each passing minute, fear tore through him more at the thought of her being at their mercy. She was tough, but even the strongest man couldn’t stand up to some of the methods th
sadists were so well known for. The only thing that gave him comfort
besides planning on his revenge
was knowing if they slipped up even a miniscule, Vice would hang them w
ith their own intestines. But…
what if she wasn’t able? She was still a woman. Not an ordinary one, but female none the less. Torture on her would be different than on one of them. They had all heard stories of insurgents using
razor blades to slice off the lips
of a woman’s puss
y and their clit removed, branding irons shoved in their vagina, and objects ripping their ass out. One report had come through of a woman who had her tits cut off and left for dead, only to survive weeks in agonizing pain and brutal beatings
the men had their fill of raping the victim day in and day out. The possibilities were endless, and made Dom want to puke. He knew he had to block his mind or he would never ma
ke it. Swallowing down the acid
that had risen in his throat, he focused on the mission. Over and over he rolled different s
enarios and what to do in each one. It was what he did. He prepared for any and all possible situations. Thankfully, his obsession tamed the worry down to a livable level and let the anger and hate take
over. When this was over,
baggies would be needed for the body parts.

After the maggot had forced her
via the barrel of a gun shoved against her
between two support colu
mns in the middle of the room, they strung her up b
y her wrists spread like a star
fish. Her knife had been discovered and confiscated, after another long bout of punches and kicks to her ribs, face, and stomach. It had taken five of them to hold her, and the slightest bit of satisfaction still lingered
from the
at the
two she had managed to mangle before they had to get help. Both had broken bones, open wounds, and enough blood seeping from them in random areas it had amplified her inner strength ten fold.
One mistake. Just one, and you will all beg for mercy
motherfuckers. Let’s see how deep you can swallow your own cock after I slice them off and shove them down
strung up
by the

He hoisted her in the air, stretching her arms over her head painfully
the ropes to cut into the flesh of her wrists. Her shoulders and biceps throbbed in a heated ache. Her body hurt all over, but the pain wasn’t what had her down. This place was crawling with insurgents. The team should be getting close, and she had no way to warn them. The cool metal of her dog tags hung safely between the swell of her breasts under her clothing, and away from prying eyes

for now. If the chip worked, they would know exactly where she was. There was no doubt in her mind the
men were the best of the best…
but when it came to one of their own in this situation, she wasn’t sure if they could keep their thoughts rational and focused. Dom especially. Dom
e was her kryptonite. He pissed her off, aroused her, and made her heart both ache and palpitate at the same time. She sent up a silent prayer thankful it was
he in this situation and not any of the others. After all of the tra
ma she had been through in her life, this was nothing. She was jaded and knew torture. Growing up, her father had worked long hours, leaving her alone with her manic
, bipolar,
psychotic mother. The mental and verbal abuse were almost as bad as the physical.

From guns being shot at her to being burnt with an iron for leaving her shoe
the floor, Vice had been through a hell no others could imagine. Which was why as soon as she were able, she had fled and moved as far away from them as possible and joined the Army. She was in control of her life. No one could ever hurt her the way her parents had, and no one ever would again. These fuckers thought they could break her down. All interrogations were the same. They started by physically weakening their prey, then moved on to mental and emotional torture, before resorting back to physical. What they didn’t know
s nothing they could say or do would come close to hurting her spirit. She was iron inside to most of the world, except the very few people she let in and loved. If one of them were to be harmed to hurt her, that would kill her. So, whatever these assholes thought they could do, she could do more. The time would come, and she would get her revenge. When the team came for her, she needed to be ready to fight.

Vice inhaled deeply, allowing the stuffy stinky air to wash
her anxiety, and give
her a calming that would be needed when the shit storm hit. Sunrise was only three hours or so away. She watched as the two remaining men walked out, securing the door behind them. Finally.

Vice looked around, seeing her full surroundings for the first time. There were two windows and one door.
The walls were nothing more than pieces of metal and wood puzzled together to ma
ke a shack, leaving cracks and
holes all in the walls. Movement caught her eye on the other side. She listened closely to see if she could pick up anything. There were three men speaking, but she could only see one. It was hard to tell in the dark lighting, but the tiny sliver of light that shone through the crack illuminated the side of his face enough for her to tell he wasn’t like the others. His skin was light and his hair matched. Craning her neck to an almost unbearable painful angle, she watched as he spoke. His Arabic was choppy. When he turned to look in the other direction,
ne rattled off in the foreign tongue, but a lowered voice is what grasped her attention most. The man was speaking English.
How many of her fellow country
men were involved? It sickened her at how money could make people do the unthinkable, and g
ive up any honor and integrity.
The others wou
ld get what was coming to them…
but the traitoro
us fuckers who were willing to commit
treason would get a special kind of pain.

Mac had his nose to the ground with Hulk at his side, leading the team to the compound. Through the night vision goggles, the gates and fences could be seen in the distance. Rock had radioed in their location and requested air support only to be denied. With them crossing the border into Pakistan, they were on their own.

As they reached the edge of the clearing, the troops hunkered down. Silently, Dom and Pop split the team into two groups and turned their separate ways.
While Pop led his group around to the front and took his position as sniper from the top of the hill beside the compound, Dom’s team went around the back.

Mac had been commanded to stay with Pop, which had been more for the dog’s protection than Pop’s. Ironically, Mac caught scent of a guard doing a
check and nudged Pop’s leg. Pop lowered himself closely to the ground with Mac doing the same just as the heavily armed man walked by. When he was out of sight, Pop patted the dog’s head. “Good boy

e whispered. From his advantage point, he had a good look at the buildings and people within the gates. There were onl
y three guards, which surprised him. There were only four buildings, and from what he could tell
maybe twenty people. Unless this shit hole went underground, this was going to be a piece of cake. He radioed his findings to the group and got into position, readying for their entry.

As Dom and the others neared the
entrance, he heard her. Vice. Her screams echoed around them. He turned to the others with rage in his eyes, giving the nod that signaled them to move. Like ninjas in the night they slid through the gate undetected, keeping to the shadows in a rush toward the location she was being held. Hulk’s v
oice came over their ear
piece quietly
“We are in position and ready to rock. Go get our girl.”

Dom answered a simple “Roger” and led the others to surround the building whe
re she was being held captive

Hulk went to the west side window while Juju took the south side. Maverick took Dom’s flank, and signaled to the others. “Go time!” Hulk and Juju busted through the windows the same time Dom and Maverick kicked down the door. He quickly scanned the room and found Vice, bound and tied from the rafters by her wrists,
while two men took turns slashing her body
with a whip. Her clothing hung off her body in shreds.
With each crack of the leather strap, their aggression grew. Blood seeped through her clothing.
Without hesitation, Dom zeroed in on the one holding the weapon and fired, dropping him to the ground. The other man reached for his rifle but was too slow. Hulk charged toward him firing, filling his body with iron. Juju and Maverick ran to her aid, cutting her down. Her body crumbled into Maverick’s arms. While Dom ran to check her wounds, Juju and Hulk ran out the doorway to help the others. Gunshots pelted against the building, popping from all directions.
e heard the troops over the ear
piece clearing the area and knew they had it under control. Maverick handed Vice over to Dom and grabbed his first aid kit out of his ruck.

“Vice. How serious are your injuries?”
e asked when Dom remained silent.
He had a pretty good idea given the wetness of her clothing and hair that she had been through hell, but hoped to God they hadn’t done damage that wouldn’t heal.
She rested her head on his shoulder, folding in to the safety only he could provide.

“I’m fine now.” Her simple answer punched
in the gut. Did she have any idea what she had just said? And the impact of its meaning? Fuck. After this, how was he ever going to let her go again? In an attemp
t to distract himself from over
thinking things, he pulled her an arm

s length away and began giving her a tho
ugh once over, checking each cut and bruise.
“What all happened

“Eh, you know the usual. A body massage, spa bath, and
some skin tightening exercises. Nothing I can’t handle.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm, but they both knew her well enough to know even her snarkiness was weak. They got there just in time. Any longer, and she may have not been alive.

“Besides the water boarding and obvious, did they do anything else?” Maverick asked, praying they hadn’t.

“Fuck no. You would be holding my dead corpse before I let those disgusting bastards take me. Although, I doubt one of them will ever be able to piss straight again.” Even through her exhaustion, anger still seeped from her pores. Both men smirked at on
e another with pride
new a lot of men that wouldn’t hold up as well as she had.

“You are one hell of a soldier, sweetheart. Let’s get you out of here.” Dom lifted her up and carried her behind Maverick who cleared the way. They walked out into the middle of a gunfight at the O.
Corral, but with Pop sitting on his perch, no one got close as they made their way through the gate and to the safety of the brush.

The team quickly illuminated
the enemy, giving the
few remaining poor saps a bang they would never forget. Romeo was the last
to leave the area, tossing g
des like a pitching machine. As they walked away, the fire blasts
exploded one after another in a chain reaction, blazing at their backs to give
a picture perfect scene any action movie woul
d be envious of. They were bad
asses through and through, and would move hell and the heavens to save one of their own. With the capture of
Vice behind them, the next targets
that were yet to come had no idea what they were in for or the revenge that would
be reaped by this group of pissed off soldiers.

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