Mission Origin View (Final Days Trilogy) (50 page)

BOOK: Mission Origin View (Final Days Trilogy)
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I received an encrypted message from Admiral Frank when Stephen used the QMAC to access the historical database to obtain information about the Holy Bible,” Mary began as Gideon sat down. “The admiral said he received my last message, and agreed with our actions to take into account we may be dealing with alien intervention, whose objective is not yet known. We’re ordered to continue our observations and immediately report any solid evidence that we’re dealing with aliens.”

From what we’ve seen, it doesn’t look like aliens seeded life on Earth,” Gideon said. “As a matter of fact, it looks as if the Earth and the universe were created from nothing about eight thousand years ago.”

Do you believe that?” Mary asked surprised.

Yes. The evidence shows that creation occurred,” Gideon said. “But like I said earlier in the MCC, I don’t believe a god created everything. I think creation occurred in a way we can’t begin to understand since it goes against all the theories and laws of known science.”

Could what we’ve been seeing been caused by aliens?” Mary asked.

I don’t think so, Captain. If we’re dealing with aliens that can hide the universe then show us pieces of it at their discretion, or even create the universe, then wouldn’t they be considered gods, not aliens?” Gideon said.

Sir, I have an urgent communications request from Dr. Pettway,” Anna said in Mary’s ear implant.

Mary held her hand up to silence Gideon and
said, “Put her through, Anna.”

Captain, I think you and Lieutenant Klaxton should come down to sick bay as soon as you can,” Dr. Pettway said.

Is there a problem?” Mary asked.

I wouldn’t call it a problem, but I think you should take a look,” Dr. Pettway answered.

On our way,” Mary said.




Mary told Gideon what Dr. Pettway had said as they rushed to sick bay. When they entered, they saw Gault standing with a big smile on his face. “I can walk!” Gault declared as he walked in a small circle to demonstrate.

What did you do, Doctor? I didn’t think you had the equipment and nano medication to repair the damage,” Mary said puzzled.

I didn’t do anything. He walked in here about an hour ago, I checked him out, and then contacted you,” Dr. Pettway said.

Then…how…what…?” Mary was trying to form a question to find out what had happened.

My tests show that not only has the damage been repaired, but there’s no indication there’s ever been any damage,” Dr. Pettway answered before Mary could even ask the question. “I did a little research and found several cases where it was assumed that patients with similar nerve damage, but by no means this severe, were repaired by generic nano medication. Gault had been given generic nano medication for his minor wounds.”

When Dr. Pettway finished,
Gideon said, “Corporal, when were you able to walk?”

I was watching the video feed from the MCC today and saw the creation of the universe!” Gault began excitedly and paused to catch his breath. “I believed, and my faith cured me!”

What are you talking about?” Gideon asked with a puzzled look.

After I was wounded on Gliese, Joseph gave me a copy of the Bible, and I’ve been reading it. At first it was just something interesting to read. Then when we began witnessing creation as described in the Bible and as I watched Joseph speak, I believed it was true and God did create the heavens and the Earth. After that, I accepted Jesus as my redeemer, and since I believe in Jesus, I believe the miracles Jesus performed while he was on Earth. Jesus healed people!” Gault paused again to catch his breath. “I went to see Joseph this afternoon, and we talked about it, and we read how Jesus healed people in the Bible. Then we prayed together for God to heal me in Jesus’ name, and he did!”

What are you talking about, Corporal?” Mary asked.

He’s talking about the Bible, the content—Jesus, son of God, performing miracles, dying for all our sins. And anyone that believes in Jesus will have everlasting life,” Gideon tried to explain.

Mary still didn
’t understand as she watched Gault walk around again, showing off the miracle.


Combat Control Center, SRS
Stephen Hawking


March 12, 2372

, Commander Steward, and Gideon had been sitting in the Triple C since 0800 discussing the status of the ship and what they should do next. They decided to release the crew and marines from battle stations.

selected the communication intercom and transmitted, “This is Captain Bowser. Secure from battle stations. I repeat, secure from battle stations. Resume normal duty. That is all.”

What about Sipes?” Gideon asked.

Release him and order Gunny Xia to stay away from him,” Mary said.

Sir, there’s still a lot of unanswered questions and events that’s occurred that can’t be explained. Are you completely ruling out the possibility that aliens are somehow involved?” Commander Steward asked.

No, Commander, I’m not ruling that out—or anything else out, for that matter. Lieutenant Klaxton pointed out if aliens were somehow controlling what we see or even if they did create the universe, then we don’t have the power to stop whatever they want to do,” Mary said. “Anyway, we’re back in normal space, and all ship repairs will be completed in a few days.”

Long-range sensors are detecting changes on Earth,” Stephen reported over the Triple C intercom.

What’s supposed to happen today?” Commander Steward asked as he looked at Gideon.

closed his eyes and quoted scripture from memory. “‘
And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky.” So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the fifth day.




An hour later the scientists in the MCC noted color-spectrum changes in the oceans around islands and off continents where the color of the ocean’s surface changed to the color indicating reefs. All oceans, lakes, and rivers showed a minute increase in elevation. Levels of CO2 and other gases increased as levels of oxygen decreased slightly, indicating air-breathing life on the planet. A few hours later the new sensor data stopped. The planet, now focused, looked like Earth as it had been when they left it a few weeks ago.

Analysis of today’s data confirms that the oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers have significant marine life and a limited amount of land life. The land life is probably birds since the sensors reported the highest CO2 reading over land, lakes, rivers, and oceans close to coastlines,” the cosmic biologist, Dr. Bailey, reported.

That accurately reflects what the Bible said would happen today,” Dr. Jones said as she looked at the image of Earth. She then looked around at the other scientists in the room and asked, “Was the origin of life on Earth created?”

The other scientist
s in the room said nothing as they continued to stare at the image of Earth, each appeared to be personally trying to answer that question for himself or herself: Do I believe in creation, based on what I’ve witnessed? Or do I believe in evolution or panspermia based on the theories I’ve been taught since birth?


Mission Control Center, SRS
Stephen Hawking


March 13, 2372

scientists were at their consoles, waiting for new sensor data when Mary and Gideon entered the MCC. The scientists looked exhausted since they’d all been working sixteen-hour days and then a few hours at night in shifts in case new sensor data was detected.

Harper looked the worst; his hair was uncombed, he wore a wrinkled jumpsuit, and he had the beginnings of a beard. He also hadn’t eaten very much and appeared to be mentally frustrated.

Mary knew Dr. Harper had been trying to
fit together the pieces of the scientific evidence they had obtained over the last five days into a logical chain of events that would fit into the scientific laws and theories he had been taught. He hadn’t succeeded.

Doctor, you and your scientists should get more rest,” Mary commented as Dr. Harper walked over to them.

We must analyze the data as it arrives and continue to formulate theories on what’s happening,” he said and then yawned.

Doctor, I plan on staying here as long as you deem it necessary to obtain the answers that satisfy you. There’s no need to rush,” Mary said.

Well, if the story of creation in Sipes’s book is true, we should be completed with our analysis today,” Dr. Harper said with a sneer—he looked too tired to do more than that. Then he sat down, yawned again, and said aloud, “Stephen, read from the book and tell us what’s supposed to happen today.”

Stephen read over the ship
’s intercom,”
’And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.’
  “‘Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”’

“‘So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

“‘God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”’
  “‘Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so.’
  “‘God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.

You see, Captain? Everything else will be created today, including man,” Dr. Harper added with an eerie smile. He looked as if he were in a mentally disturbed state of mind.

Stephen interrupted their conversation.
“New sensor data being received.”


Sick Bay, SRS
Stephen Hawking


March 13, 2372

Joseph sat on the floor with
Corporal Gault, the children, and some of the old women. They’d been watching the MCC video feed since 0900 and listening to the scientists discuss the data they were receiving.

Bailey was now reading the final analysis report of the day. “High levels of CO2 steadily increased as levels of oxygen decreased over the past six hours. Probable cause is the instantaneous introduction of millions of animals on every continent.”

Tears of joy burst from the eyes of Joseph,
Gault, the children, and the old women as they realized what God had allowed them to witness, over the past six days: God’s creation! The tears soon gave way to laughing, hugs, and sounds of prayers as they thanked God for what he had created and allowed them to witness.

Gunny Xia lay in his bed
, listening, but didn’t know what to do. His mind tried to understand and comprehend what was happening. He couldn’t and didn’t want to accept that a god could have created everything. It would be so much easier for him to accept that aliens were involved. He struggled for a few more seconds and decided that aliens were indeed responsible for what was happening.


Mission Control Center,
Stephen Hawking


March 13, 2372

The scientist
s debated the day’s analysis report for a few minutes and then simply stopped. They looked tired and discouraged. Everything they had learned—everything they had based their scientific beliefs in—was being assaulted.

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