Mistress of the Vatican (73 page)

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Authors: Eleanor Herman

Tags: #History, #Europe, #General, #Religion, #Christian Church

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210, 243, 253–54, 259, 295, 327–28, 389, 417
Brancaccio, Francesco Maria, 294 Brandano, Luigi, 303
bread prices, 49, 50, 81–82, 218–20, 225,

227–32, 245, 246, 255, 281, 353, 384, 387 Brignardelli, Giuseppe, 304
Brothers of Compassion, 308
Burchard, Johann, 355
Burns, Robert, 98
Byzantine Empire, 126, 239–40

Caferri, Niccolò, 411
Caligula, Emperor of Rome, 143, 252 Calvinism, 4–5, 233–34, 282, 283, 320 Camassei, Andrea, 111
(red satin hat), 138, 268 camerlengo (papal chamberlain), 115–16,

120, 353, 370
Campidoglio, 40, 157–58, 160 Canaanites, 98
canon law, 39, 59–61, 64, 65, 93, 96, 264
(city councilmen), 118–19 Capuchins, 84–85, 235, 268
Carafa, Pierluigi, 373, 375 Caravaggio, 199
Carceri Nuovi, 312, 402, 416
cardinal deacons, 138–39
in pectore,
77, 78
cardinal nephews, 3, 72, 74–76, 80–82,

111–12, 125, 128, 131, 142, 150, 152–56, 172, 180, 182, 186–89, 194–206, 212, 213–16, 274–87, 296–302, 303, 310, 326, 328–29, 336–43, 368, 369, 381–82, 383, 388, 390, 395–96, 412–13, 415
276–81, 341
cardinal protectors, 93
cardinals, 3, 15–16, 39, 64, 72–97, 111–39,

142, 150, 152–56, 172, 176–77, 179, 180, 182, 186–89, 194–206, 209, 212, 213–16, 246, 261–63, 274–87, 296–307, 310,
315, 322–29, 336–47, 359–60, 367–69, 372–82, 383, 388, 390, 395–96, 412–13, 414, 415;
see also specific cardinals

[ 440 ]


Carnival, 56–57, 101–4, 184–85, 194,

237–38, 239, 264, 290, 343–44, 391–92 Carpegna, Ulderico, 374
Castel d’Ovo, 67–68
Castelli, Ottaviano, 103
Castello di Torrenova, 206
Castel Sant’Angelo, 139, 153, 184, 356, 376,

386, 396
Castel Sant’Angelo Bridge, 307, 308, 386 castrati, 166
Castro, 115, 182, 183–84, 193, 245–46,

313, 338
Cecchini, Clemenzia, 249–50 Cecchini, Domenico, 134, 246–51, 284,

302, 304, 313, 359, 360, 374, 376, 388 Cecilia, Saint, 240–41
celibacy, 175–78
Celsi, Teodora, 243
Cenci, Beatrice, 17, 25, 386
Cenci, Francesco, 17
Cennini, Francesco, 132 Centofiorini, Monsignor, 327 Charles I, King of England, 235 Charles V, Emperor, 47–48
Charles X Gustav, King of Sweden,

349, 366
Cherubini, Francesco, 294, 344–45, 357 Chigi, Agostino, 396, 414
Chigi, Fabio,
Alexander VII, Pope Chigi, Flavio, 396
Chigi, Maria Virginia Borghese, 414 Chigi, Mario, 381–82, 396, 400, 414
(white horse), 58, 227, 382, 401 Christianity, 13, 57, 86, 90, 142–44;
see also

Christina, Queen of Sweden, 348–49,

356–57, 366, 389–93, 395, 417–18 Church of St. Agnes, 43, 246, 312–13,

327–28, 351, 368, 379, 389, 402, 413, 417 Church of St. Catherine of Siena, 359 Church of St. James, 58
Church of St. John of the Florentines,

Church of St. Mary of the Altar of

Heaven, 157
Church of St. Mary of the Conception,

Church of St. Mary of the Spirit, 116 Church of St. Prassede, 173
Church of St. Sabina, 344
Church of St. Salvatore in Lauro, 307–8 Church of St. Sebastian, 334 Church of St. Sixtus, 30–31
Church of San Martino, 163, 210–11, 213,

243–45, 246, 293, 317, 333, 380, 409–10 Cibber, Colley, 274
Cibo, Alderano, 262
Civita Castellana, 10
Clement IV, Pope, 15
Clement V, Pope, 209
Clement VI, Pope, 176
Clement VII, Pope, 47–48, 86, 190 Clement VIII, Pope, 60, 197, 199 Clement XIII, Pope, 266
Collegio Romano, 59, 296
Colonna, Anna, 82–83, 76, 82, 107, 114,

150–51, 184, 186, 222, 242–43, 323, 325 Colonna, Girolamo, 261
Colonna, Vittoria, 14
Colosseum, 143, 158, 258, 350
comedies, 184–85, 194, 237–38, 239, 281 conclaves, papal, 15–16, 73–74, 111–12, 114,

116, 117–34, 137–39, 153, 179, 182, 197, 246, 280, 285, 297, 322, 324, 342, 343, 344–47, 372–79
(servants of the conclave), 122,

130, 132, 133, 134, 139, 375, 376 confraternities, 49–50, 58, 168 Confraternity of the Holy Resurrection, 265 Congregation of Church Rites, 89 Congregation of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Immunity, 89
Congregation of Fountains, 89 Congregation of the Fabric of St. Peter’s,

Congregation of the Holy Office of the

Inquisition, 89–91
Congregation of the Oratory, 242–43 Congregation of the Propagation of the

Faith, 89, 306
Congreve, William, 365
consistories, 214, 305–7, 346, 385 Constantine I, Emperor of Rome, 43, 46,

126, 144–45, 146, 173, 241, 258 Contarini, Alvise, 70, 83, 96, 128, 153–54 Convent of St. Dominic, 14, 20, 23–25, 34,

329, 415–16
Convent of St. Marta, 273
convents, 3, 14, 18–28, 32, 34–35, 36, 37, 43,

52–53, 60, 61, 72, 82, 107, 140, 166–67, 188–89, 227, 268, 273, 286–87, 288, 324, 325, 329, 331–32, 392, 415–16, 419 converts, 235–36, 266, 269–70, 348–49,

356–57, 366, 389–93

[ 441 ]


Copernicus, Nicolaus, 98–100
(wine steward), 54–55, 64 Corinthians, Letters of St. Paul to the,

24, 173
Corsican Guards, 219
Corso, 56–57, 227, 238, 264, 418 Cortona, Pietro da, 163 Crescenzi, Pier Paolo, 139 Crete, 189–90
Cromwell, Oliver, 283

dataries and subdataries, 246–52, 284, 287,

299, 302–9, 311, 313, 314, 344, 360, 362, 385, 388
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World

(Galileo), 99
Dioscuri, 232
Dominicans, 159, 180, 198, 235, 236 Domitian, Emperor of Rome, 43, 45, 252,

Doria, Anna Pamphili, 419
Doria, Giovanni Andrea, 419
Doria Pamphilj Archives and Galleries, 3,

294, 418
dowries, 3, 11, 12, 17, 18, 23, 28, 30, 31,

42–43, 49, 71, 72, 108, 125, 153, 164, 168, 174, 190, 227, 236, 309, 318, 324–25, 333, 382, 403–4, 407, 416
Du Chesne, André, 89

Easter, 57, 264–65
Ecclesiastes, Book of, 29
Edward VIII, King of England, 200 Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 223
Enchanted Palace, The,
England, 4, 86, 235, 247–48, 283
Este, Rinaldo d’, 373, 376–77
etiquette, 53–54, 55, 64–65, 77, 83, 86–88,

91–95, 100–101, 179–82, 238, 335, 357–58, 392
Eucharist, 13, 57, 105, 230, 265, 360, 385 Eugenio, Pope, 137
Evelyn, John, 157, 159–60, 236, 397 “exclusions,” 123–24, 130, 372–73, 376–77,

excommunication, 23, 27, 90, 263, 319–20,


(domestic staff), 32–33, 55, 66 Farnese, Alessandro,
Paul III, Pope Farnese, Giulia, 176–77
Farnese, Odoardo, 114–15, 245, 313 Febei, Signor, 361
Filippo Neri, Saint, 242–43
Florence, 40, 47, 86, 169, 266–67 Florensz, Adrian,
Adrian VI, Pope “Flying Friar,” 266
“Flying Squadron,” 373, 377
Fonseca, Gabriele, 288, 327, 328 Fontenay, Marquis de, 211–12, 217 Four Fountains Palace, 82, 83, 103, 184,

192, 326, 327, 332, 350, 361
Four Rivers Fountain, 253–54, 265, 295,

France, 6, 47, 48, 63, 68, 73, 74–75, 76,

81, 83, 86, 91, 93, 112–15, 120, 121, 122, 123–25, 130, 131, 132, 133–34, 152, 153–54, 170, 179–84, 199–200, 203, 211–12, 214, 216–18, 219, 220, 221–22, 226, 235, 248, 267, 276, 298, 300, 301, 320, 338, 339, 372–73, 374, 376–77, 378, 382, 383, 384, 393, 397
Francesca, Saint, 243–45, 317
Francis of Assisi, Saint, 311
Frangipani, Mario, 107
Franz Josef, Emperor of Austria, 124 Frederick II, Emperor, 16

Gabriel, 34, 240
Gabrielli, Giulio, 132–33
Gaetani, Francesco, 299
Galatians, Letter of St. Paul to the, 90 Galileo Galilei, 98–100, 115, 391 gambling, 78, 79, 84, 110–11, 119 Gelasius I, Pope, 174
Genesis, Book of, 160, 175
Geneva, 283, 312
Genoa, 405
German states, 3, 63, 84, 91, 122, 226,

233–35, 240, 284–85, 299–300, 377 Gigli, Giacinto, 4, 5, 72, 87, 116, 118–19,

123, 140, 158, 171, 205–6, 215–16, 220, 221, 222, 225, 228, 229–30, 244, 259, 260, 261, 264, 267, 269, 270, 271, 273, 288, 313, 320, 327, 334, 340, 342, 343, 344, 350, 358, 359, 363–66, 374, 380, 390, 401, 402 Giustiniani, Andrea, 108, 129, 153, 181,

206, 215, 250, 275, 279, 294, 297, 305, 314, 323, 330, 349–50, 358, 367, 369 Giustiniani, Costanza, 381
Giustiniani, Giovanni, 129, 251, 282, 289 Giustiniani, Maria Pamphili, 65, 108–9,

153, 155, 181, 263, 275, 279, 297, 305, 323, 327, 330, 333

[ 442 ]


Giustiniani, Olimpia (“Olimpiuccia”),

108–9, 130–31, 206, 213, 308, 323–27, 331–32, 334, 338–39, 342, 361, 374, 381, 393–94, 403, 405, 419
Giustiniani, Orazio, 181
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 257 Gregory X, Pope, 16
Gregory XIII, Pope, 176, 236
Gregory XV, Pope, 65, 72, 153, 285 Gremonville, Nicolas de, 179–82 Grimaldi, Girolamo, 224, 383
Gualterio, Carlo, 345–46, 376, 385–86, 407,

Gualtieri, Antonia Pamphili, 39, 78 Gualtieri, Giulia, 20, 24
Gualtieri, Giulio, 10
Gualtieri, Gualtierio, 78, 84, 112, 183 Gualtieri, Paolo, 39, 41, 78
Gubbio, 44, 239
Gustav II Adolphus, King of Sweden,


Hadrian, Emperor of Rome, 139 Hebrews, Epistle to the, 117 Helena, Saint, 241
heliocentric theory, 98–100 Henrietta Maria, Queen Consort of

England, 195
Henry VIII, King of England, 86, 124, 181
Henry VIII
(Shakespeare), 384
Hercules, 45
heresy, 13, 14, 23, 69, 86, 89–91, 98–100,

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