Misty Blue (3 page)

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Authors: Dyanne Davis

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Misty Blue
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“You know what I’m talking about.”

“Not really.”

Damien sighed. “Why didn’t you ever tell me that you were a virgin?” he said softly. “Didn’t you think I should know that?”

“Who told you?”

“Your brother.”

“My brother?” Heat flamed to her face. “He doesn’t know.”

“Well, he does now. He came to talk to me with Ashleigh and they both told me.”


“I don’t know. I guess they were trying to help.” He pulled into the driveway of Mia’s building and turned to look at her. “That doesn’t matter. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It didn’t seem important.”

“That’s a lie, Mia. It’s important to you or you wouldn’t still be a virgin. Didn’t you think it would make a difference to me knowing your refusal to make love with me was because you were…what? Afraid? Now it all makes sense.”

He kissed her eyelids. “Don’t worry, baby girl, now that I know, there’s no need for you to be afraid. I knew you wanted me as much as I wanted you.”

Damien pressed Mia against the door with one hand, relieving her of the key to her apartment with the other.

“I wasn’t afraid.” She watched as surprise filled his eyes. She waited until he opened the door and followed her in before saying more.

“You mean it was me?” Damien asked, his voice tinged with hurt.

“No, of course it wasn’t you.”

“Then what?”

“I’m not a slut.”

“A slut?” Damien frowned. “What are you talking about? Making love doesn’t make you a slut.”

“That’s what you think.”

“That’s what I know.”

“And you know this because? Damien, you’ve slept with so many women you don’t even get a vote on this. You’re the equivalent of a male slut.” To Mia’s surprise, Damien burst out laughing.

“Tell me something, Mia. Didn’t you ever want to know what it was like to make love? Didn’t you ever come close to giving in?” He grinned.

“Yes to both questions.” She was also grinning, not telling Damien anything that he wasn’t asking.

He was standing in front of her now, his eyes capturing her and his hands wandering over her body. “Tell me when you were tempted.”

“The first time?” she asked.

“That and every time after.”

Mia kissed him on the lips. “The first time I was tempted was the day I met you. And every time after has been whenever I was in a room with you.”

“Like now?”

“Like now.”

“Then why haven’t we?”

“I plan on being with only one man, Damien, and that man will be my husband.”

“Ahh,” he said and released her. “But you were engaged to James. Why didn’t you ever make love with him?”

“There’s a difference between being engaged and being married. We both know what happened to the engagement. I met you, and he married someone else, so…”

“So you’re not taking any chances?”

“I never thought of it like that. I just thought whoever I married would be glad I waited.” She smiled at him, then went past him to sit on the sofa.

“Are you sure some of this doesn’t have to do with your brother?”

“Why would my being a virgin matter to Keefe?”

“I can think of a good reason. The guy thinks he’s your father instead of your brother and you act like it too. You don’t want to do anything he would disapprove of. So I think it has something to do with your not wanting to disappoint him.”

Mia lifted her face so she could better glare at Damien, who was still standing. “Why are you trying so hard to pick a fight?” To her surprise he smiled before answering.

“Is it that obvious?”

“Yeah, it’s that obvious. “Come on, are you really so anxious to fight with me that you don’t want to make up?” She bowed her head. “I mean, make up more fully,” she finished.

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” He was at her side in two easy strides. “You mean finally you’re going to let me make love to you?”

“My God, Damien, you have a one track mind and you don’t listen,” she said, shoving him aside. “You’re like those e-mail jokes I keep getting that say, ‘Tell a man to pick up his clothes off the floor and he hears, blah, blah, blah, on the floor, you and me, right now, oh baby come on.’”

Damien couldn’t help laughing. “Men are not like that.”

“Oh no?” Mia replied. “I told you not less than two minutes ago I wasn’t going to…that I was staying a virgin until I married. And what did you just ask me? ‘
Oh baby, are you ready?”

“That wasn’t what I said.”

“That’s what I heard.”

“And you say men don’t hear well.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her thoroughly. “In that case, Mia Black, will you marry me?”

“That’s not much of a proposal.”

“I should have known.” He grinned. “Girl, you do believe in working my nerve, don’t you?” He dropped from the sofa onto one knee and held Mia’s hand. “Mia Black, will you marry me?”

“Why?” she asked.

He smiled and a sound escaped his lips. “That wasn’t quite what I was expecting. Shouldn’t your answer be yes?”

“It will be as soon as you answer the question.”

“Because I love you. Is that good enough?”

“Not when you say it like that.”



He groaned. “I must truly love you because you have tried every nerve I possess.” He got up and walked to the refrigerator for a soda. He popped the top, took a swig and walked back over to where Mia sat waiting expectantly. He once again got on one knee, held out the metal ring from the soda can and said, “Mia, I love you with all my heart. You’re all I think about, all I’ve thought about since the moment I met you. I can’t see my life without you in it. Will you marry me and make me the happiest man on the face of the planet?”

She smiled and he slipped the metal circle on her finger. She looked at it. “It’s beautiful,” she laughed, “and that, my darling, was the perfect proposal for the start of our perfect life together.”

“Now can I have some?” Damien asked as he took her in his arms.

* * *


“We’re getting married,” Mia shouted into the phone.

“When?” Keefe asked.

“I don’t know. We haven’t talked about it yet, but we’re going to. I just wanted to tell you. I wanted you to be the first person to know. I wanted to make sure.” She glanced at the sofa, at Damien. She had been about to say she hoped Keefe approved, but changed her mind. “I wanted to make sure you knew how happy I am.”

“I’m glad, Mia, Keefe replied. “I really am. Damien does love you.”

“What about you?” she asked her brother. “Anything you want to tell me about your plans with Ashleigh?”

“Well, we were in the process of, shall we say, talking about our own future when you called.”

“I’m sorry…oh Kee, I’m sorry…,” she stammered, finally realizing what it was she’d interrupted.

“Don’t be,” he laughed. “I’ll talk to you in the morning.”

Mia grinned at Damien. “Looks like I caught them at a bad moment.”

“At least he has the right idea. I’m glad that at least somebody is getting some action tonight.”

“Is that the only reason you want to get married?”

“No, but I can tell you this: I won’t wait for you to plan a wedding a year from now. I don’t even want a wedding in months. I want to get married as soon as possible, because I am tired of waiting.” She sat on his lap. “Aren’t you?” he asked as he eased his hand under her bra and began caressing her.

His arousal pushed into her thigh. “Tell me you’re not curious to know what I feel like, what I look like? I can show you, you know, right now.”

“Will you stop teasing me?”

“You think I’m teasing?” He bent his head and pushed it under her sweater, shoving her bra upward in the process. “Set a date, Mia, and make it quick.”

“No, Damien, stop.” Damien’s hands were all over her and Mia was having the same feelings she always got when he touched her. Dangerous feelings. She was doing everything in her power to keep her vow. She wouldn’t become like her mother. She moaned low. She heard Damien’s muttered curse but he stopped and moved away, looking angrily at her.

“Mia, we’re not kids. I’m getting tired of this.”

“So am I. Why can’t you take no for an answer and stop trying?”

“Because I love you and I want you. Damn, there’s nothing wrong with that. Or do you need permission from big brother?”

“I told you my brother has nothing to do with my decision. Don’t blame Keefe because you’re frustrated.”

“Horny, Mia, that’s what I am, not some nice little word. I’m horny. And do you want to know why? You are the culprit, my dear, sweet, innocent virgin. I haven’t had any since I met you.”


“Not only haven’t I had any,” he continued, ignoring her wish to clean up his conversation, “but I haven’t even come close to getting any. I’m thinking, okay, we’re engaged, at least a little sample.”

”I’m not a deli and I don’t give samples. You have to…”

“What? I have to buy the merchandise?”

“I don’t like the sound of that.”

“Then how do you want to say it? You’re talking about me but you’re the one that’s making it sound like a bribe.”

“You know something, Damien, it’s like we have two things going for us, passion or anger. As much as I love you, it makes me wonder if we’re not moving too fast. What happens when the passion dies?”

“Oh, baby girl, you won’t have to worry about that. When I make love to you, you’re going to be begging for more. I can hear you right now screaming my name. ‘
Damien, Damien, please don’t stop, please.’”

Mia laughed. “You’re awfully sure of yourself and very cocky I might add. I hope this isn’t all boast. I do hope you can fulfill that promise.”

“I can show you right now if you want. There are a couple of things I know for a fact that I’m good at, and making love is one of them.”

“And you think that’s a ringing endorsement?”

“I’m just telling you the facts so you’ll know what to expect on our wedding night and every night of our married life.”

“Promises, promises.” Mia sashayed past him, laughing when he caught her, going breathless when he kissed her.

“Go ahead, feel me, Mia,” he said, placing Mia’s hand over his constant arousal. “It won’t bite and there really isn’t a good reason to keep putting it off.”

“Not a good reason? Are you kidding me? We have to be careful, make sure everything’s perfect. We’ve been through so much. Just a few months ago you were living with the woman my brother fell in love with.”

“So what? That’s in the past.”

“The not-so-distant past. I met you when I went to buy her wedding gown. A gown, I might add, she made to marry you.”

“We were never really in love. Even if we had been, it’s over. Keefe is with Ashleigh and I’m with you. Let it go,” Damien urged, pulling Mia close.

She moved her body a little ways from Damien, shrugging her shoulder. “I suppose if I were Ashleigh, things would be different right now. She probably wouldn’t hold out on you.”

Damien was glaring, “Damn it, Mia. Is this some kind of test? I’m in love with you. You, Mia, not Ashleigh. What is it that you want? I can honestly say for the first time in my life, I’m truly in love. You’re all I think about, all that I want… Well, maybe not all that I think about.” He smiled then, his voice becoming more gentle.

“I’m not going to tell you that I don’t want to make love to you. I’ve wanted to make love to you from the moment I saw you standing there in that wedding gown. That hasn’t changed. Hell no, if anything it’s intensified.”

Damien exhaled noisily. This was not altogether an unfamiliar role, comforting someone he loved. He’d always done it with his mother but never with a woman he’d wanted to bed. But Mia was not a woman he just wanted to bed. He wanted her in his life forever. That was the one crucial point that made all the difference.

“Mia, I was true to you even when I didn’t have to be. The entire time you wouldn’t see me because you were waiting for your boyfriend to come home, because your brother disapproved, I was true.”

“So was I.”

“But you didn’t have outside forces working against you. I did. Even when Keefe got me the worst job that he could, I hung in there. What did I do? I’d shovel manure all day at the zoo, come here and you’d get me horny as hell, then push me away. You were still the only woman that I wanted.”

“That’s the reason you believe you love me?”

“It’s love, Mia. I’ve never denied myself anything, especially loving. And like I told you before, I hadn’t touched Ashleigh in months even before I broke up with her.”

“You didn’t break up with her, Damien, she dumped you. And you were definitely not faithful to her. You used her charge card to take another woman to a hotel, remember?”

His grin was wide. “True, but I’m trying to tell you that although I’ve been a dog most of my life and proud of it, I’ve changed. Loving you has made me see the light.”

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