moan for uncle 6 (6 page)

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Authors: Terry Towers

BOOK: moan for uncle 6
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A chill ran through her at the thought of anything happening to him and memories of the day he'd gotten shot protecting her came flashing to the forefront of her mind. Tears began to well up in her eyes, threatening to escape.

She cursed herself for not being able to let go of her irrational fear of losing him. He was fine. The baby was fine.
were fine. So she knew that
should be fine, but she wasn't. She'd been passing off her anxiety and moodiness as part of the pregnancy, but it was more than that. She hated that she wasn't strong like him and that she couldn't just push the events of a month ago to the back of her mind and vault them.

"Everyone ready?"
The chauffeur asked breaking into Nikki's thoughts as he started the car.

"We're good, thanks," Grant called over the seat.

"Very good, Sir.
Buzz if you need anything." A black panel began to rise up from the seat separating the backseat from the driver's view.

Once the panel was up, Grant pulled her onto his lap cradling her head against his hard wall of a chest. "
. It's all okay now," he whispered, stroking her hair.

"I'm s-sorry.
I j-just."
And the tears came rushing from her eyes. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she held tightly to him. "I can't lose you."

"You won't."

Nikki sniffed. "But I know you won't be happy behind a desk."

Grant let out a loud huff of air. "I'm happy being with you. That's the most important thing. I don't want you feeling guilty about this; this was a decision
made and it's
open for discussion."

Chapter 5

"This is amazing!" Nikki squealed as she rushed past Grant and into their hotel room, which was actually a private villa on the resort grounds overlooking the ocean. She stood, awestruck in the middle of the main room which was immaculately decorated in red and gold with golden accents and the floor was of ivory marble. Her blue eyes looked at each section in childlike wonder. The full bar toward the back of the room was fully stocked. To their left was a kitchen with the latest in appliances and to the right was the living room furnished in red velvet and with an enormous flat screen television secured to the wall.

Grant followed behind Nikki as she rushed out into the spacious grounds.

"Holy fuck!
We have a pool! Our own private pool!" she turned around and rushed over to him, throwing herself into his arms and planting random kisses over his face and neck. "This is amazing. It feels like some royal palace."

Grant chuckled as he embraced her, giving in to her affectionate assault.

He had to admit, it was one of the nicest places he'd ever stayed in. It was the type of resort in which celebrities, politicians and wealthy entrepreneurs stayed while on vacation. He'd had to call in a lot of favours and pull a lot of strings to make this happen, especially at such short notice, but seeing the excitement shining in her eyes, it was well worth it.

Pulling away from him, she took his hand and gave it a tug. "Come on, let's check out the bedroom."

He followed her back into the main room and then into the bedroom. As they crossed the threshold she dropped his hand and immediately ran over to the king-sized canopy bed in the middle of the room draped in white satin with gold trim. Sheer white material curtained the perimeter of the bed, tied back to the mahogany posts and a quarter of the bed's surface was covered in an array of white and gold pillows of varying shapes and sizes.

"This is unbelievable." Nikki flopped on her back onto the bed. "This whole place feels like it's out of a fairy tale."

She looked so small and fragile in such a large bed, it made Grant grin. He loved seeing her so happy. She'd gotten some sleep on the plane, minus the night terrors - he thanked God for that - so for the first time in weeks she appeared refreshed.

Nikki braced her elbows behind her and looked over at him, reclining against the wall. "I love you Grant Rivers."

His heart skipped a beat hearing the words. He'd heard them thousands of times uttered from her mouth and each time she said it, it felt just as good as the very first time.

"I love you too, soon-to-be Mrs. Grant Rivers."

Her grin widened. "Mrs Grant Rivers. It has a certain ring to it."

"I love the sound of it," he confirmed.

She laughed as she sat back up and looked around the room, her eyes pausing at the white marble fireplace and then again at the large whirlpool in the corner of the room. Her gaze darkened and she took her lower lips between her teeth.

"We don't have time for that now." But, oh how he wished they did. "The wedding planner is going to be here in... He glanced down at his watch. "Ten minutes."

She released her lower lip, gave him a pouty look and sighed. "Wedding planner? But it's just going to be the two of us, isn't it?"

"It is. More or less, but she comes with the wedding package."

Nikki frowned. "How much is this costing Grant?"

He was hoping to avoid the price conversation, because he knew where that would lead - to the question of him leaving his
job. He huffed at the idea of it being glamorous, but it had its perks. Like this one. "It didn't cost a thing, honey."

She rolled her eyes and grinned. "Let me guess, you know someone who knows someone that owes you a favour."

He grinned. Good she wasn't going to fight with him about it.

Cocking her head to the side she frowned.
"Okay, but if we
to pay for this room, how much would it cost?"

Grant shrugged.

"Grant. I'll go down there myself and ask."

Her tone was stern, so he had no choice but to fess up. Nikki never made idle threats. "The room runs about 25 thousand a night."

Nikki's eyes widened and her mouth dropped open, after a long moment she snapped it shut.

Laughing at her astonished expression, he casually strolled over to the bed and sat down next to her. Taking a lock of hair in his hand he watched as it slowly slid from his fingers, strand by strand.
"Yes, dollars.
But it didn't cost me a dime."

She opened her mouth to respond, but a knock at the door interrupted her.

"Come in," Grant yelled, standing and holding out his hand to her. "Come on. It's time to meet the planner and get ready to become Mrs Rivers." To Grant's relief, she grinned and the excited gleam in her eyes returned.


"Oh no, my veil."
A sense of panic rushed through Nikki. She'd packed the dress, shoes,
But she'd forgotten the damned veil.

fine, ma'am. We can get you one," the wedding planner, who Nikki had discovered was named Cynthia, assured her. Pulling a mobile phone from her pocket, the wedding planned called somebody in search of a veil as Nikki looked on.

The petite young woman was very friendly and extremely helpful. She had made everything so easy that all Nikki had to do was put her gown on, and the planner even assisted her into the dress. For a moment relief washed through her. It might not be the veil she'd picked out, but whatever they had would do. She turned back to the three-winged mirror and peered at her reflection. Excited blue eyes peered back at her causing a soft smile to touch her lips.

She was really going to do it! In less than an hour she'd be a married woman. Tears threatened to form and she fought them back. The constant weepiness she'd been experiencing lately was driving her near insane.

The wedding was to take place in the gazebo which overlooked the crystal blue water of the Indian Ocean at dusk. They chose dusk because of the brilliance of colours - an array of reds, purples, blues and shades in between - that appeared at just the right point of the day. She couldn't have imagined a more romantic backdrop.

After the vows they would be taken to sit at the head table for dinner, to watch the fire performers, followed by dancing and then a fireworks show. Apparently these festivities took place every night at the resort. She hated to admit it, but she was almost as excited to see what the night had in store for them for the evening activities as she was the actual reciting of the vows!

Within five minutes there was a knock on the door of the small room that served as a dressing room for the bride-to-be. Hustling over to the door, Cynthia answered it and accepted a large white box. Closing the door, she strutted back to Nikki and set the box on the vanity table.

Nikki gasped as the wedding planner opened the box and pulled out the most exquisite veil Nikki had ever seen. It was very simplistic, but the beauty was in the simplicity. The tiara was thin with glimmering diamonds, which Nikki suspected might be real, in combination with white wildflowers. The train was a sheer white material, with sparkling gems shimmering at random spots throughout.

"It's stunning," Nikki breathed, as Cynthia stepped behind her and placed the veil atop her head. It was far superior to the one she'd left behind and upon seeing the one in the wedding planner's hands, she was glad she had left it behind.

"It'll look beautiful on you. But we need it returned after the ceremony."

"Of course."
A pang of disappointment shot through her, but she shrugged it off.
Damn, I'm getting spoiled
All this fuss over me is going to my head
. Yes, she could easily get used to this lifestyle.

With the veil secured by a few bobby pins Cynthia stepped back and inspected Nikki from head to toe. "You really look stunning, ma'am." She smiled at Nikki warmly.

"We've spent all afternoon together, please call me Nikki."

"You look stunning... Nikki." She glanced down at her watch. "Five minutes. Are you ready to meet with your fiancé now?"

Nikki started to nod and froze. Shit! "I have no maid of honour!" An idea struck her as soon as the realization came. "Will you be?"

, ma- Nikki..." Cynthia crossed her arms over he chest and shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot.

"Please." Nikki caught her gaze, her blue eyes meeting the other woman's dark ones. "It would mean so much to me."

Smiling widely, Cynthia nodded. "I would he honoured."

A knock sounded at the door. "Cynthia? We're ready for the bride now."

"We're on our way," she called back and nodded her head towards the door. "Are you ready to get married to the man of your dreams?"

A rush of emotions raced through Nikki.
They all came crashing through her and she needed a moment to catch her breath before confirming with a nod. "I am."

"Then let's go meet that handsome man of yours." Cynthia passed her a stunning bouquet of roses and wild flowers, picked a smaller one up for
and then placed a hand at the small of Nikki's back and urged her forward.

Nikki found herself unsteady on her feet. Partly because of the high, stiletto heels of her white pump and partly because of the rush of nerves flowing through her. But after several steps she found herself getting more stable. By the time she was at the door of the bridal room her stride was confident and eager.

Opening the door, the beauty of the evening sky greeted Nikki and a sense of tranquility settled over her. She could see the gazebo roughly fifty feet away. Grant stood, tall and proud, dressed in a tuxedo, his hands clasped before him, waiting for her. It was the first time she'd ever seen him in such formal wear and the sight of him looking so distinguished put a smile on her face.

A small group of musicians played a sweet, soft melody on a number of acoustic instruments. Upon the realization that Nikki and Cynthia had exited the building - Cynthia leading the way - they began to play 'Here comes the bride'. The sound was sweet and seductive. Considering the stunning beauty of the night sky, the soft crash of water against the cliff, and the natural beauty of the area, the soft simple version of the bridal song couldn't have been more perfect.

On hearing the tune beginning, Grant quickly turned his head to watch her, a soft smile touching his lips which grew wider with each step she took closer to him. She was surprised to see that their wedding had drawn a small crowd of hotel guests. They kept their distance, but watched attentively.

"I love you," he mouthed to her.

She bit back the tears, but one managed to escape. One single shimmering tear made its way down her cheek as she closed the distance between them. "I love you," she mouthed back," causing the sparkle to come alive in his eyes as he regarded her appreciatively. There was so much love in his look that it made her weak at the knees and she had to fight to keep walking.

As she took the final steps towards him, he extended his hand. Nikki passed the flowers to Cynthia who had taken her place as maid of honour to Nikki's left and then took Grant's hand. She was amused to find his hand was clammy when he took hers and gave it a light squeeze. Was Grant nervous? She found herself amused with the thought and would have teased him had the ceremony not begun.

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