MOB BOSS 6: THE HEART OF RENO GABRINI (Mob Boss Series) (2 page)

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Gabrini, better known as Reno, was on his back watching as Miss E eased her
pussy down on his fully erect dick, and rode him hard.  The lips of her
vagina rode up and down in a slow motion glide as his enormous size, and the
pain that size generated, always forced her to take it slow at first.
He lovingly rubbed her long, blonde hair as
it kept dropping into her face.  He massaged her beautiful white breasts
as they bounced with every glide of her slender, toned body.  Her big
brown eyes were lust-filled as they stared down at his big blue eyes. 
They had a connection.  They always did.

was a woman of a particular age, she was pushing fifty-five, but she was
sensual as hell.  And Reno loved her.  The fact that she was nearly
half his age didn’t mean shit to him.  Her money and her position and her
power didn’t mean shit to him.  He loved Elena.  He wasn’t in love
with her, and she wasn’t in love with him.
That wasn’t what they were about.
But they loved each other with an abiding love.

had a reputation for being hard, especially on her only child Tony, but she was
so vulnerable, Reno thought as he continued to watch her close her eyes and
lift up and slowly down on top of him.
She often left her home in Philly and came to Vegas to cry in his arms
whenever yet another one of her gold-digging boyfriends broke her heart. 
And this time was no exception.

came to him because she felt she could trust him.
She felt she could trust him because of the
way he rebuffed her advances when they first met at a party some three years
He was one of the best looking
young hot shots she’d seen in a while, and she immediately wanted him in her
The way he was built, and the swag
he carried, she knew he had to be packing something special.

ordered her people to bring him to her.
Bring the boy to me
, she said in that
throaty voice of hers.
And they
They brought the gorgeous young man
with the sterling blue eyes up to her suite.
When Reno realized why he was called to her suite at all, he was so
offended he was seething.

the fuck you think I am?” he asked her as if he didn’t care who she was.
“You think I’m some punk-ass boy toy you can
buy and sell?
Is that what you
Is that it?
You can kiss my ass if that’s what you

Elena Tufarna, better known as Miss E, was a Reno fan ever since.

It would be nearly two years, after she hired
him as her general manager, before they would sleep together.
And even then it was because of a heart break
she’d experienced that was so wrenching for her that Reno himself decided to
make her feel better.

that need rose again, Reno became her tonic.
They developed that kind of understanding.  They felt they had that
kind of bond. 
They honored an
unspoken agreement that any time life whipped her too hard, she could come to
Reno and he would make her feel better.  Only for a night.  But he
would make her feel better.

felt every inch of his rod right now as her cunt continued to take him in, and
she continued to slide down the length of him in a slow, sensual glide. 
She kept it this way, slow and easy, until she was able to take him in
full.  As soon as she did, as soon as she felt the impact of that
fullness, she smiled that smile that warmed Reno’s heart. 

then he took over.

moved her onto her back and gave her the pleasure she often came a thousand
miles to experience.  It was all in Reno’s stroke.
It was all in the way he knew how to move his
penis inside of her at just the right angle that heightened her
sensuality.  It felt as if he was hitting her spot every time he
moved.  Yet he was also able to ease up just when she was about to cum, so
that she would be able to endure longer.
Then he’d continue to stroke, hitting her spot
over and over again, until she was near cum again.  She never had sex like
this before.  She dated men more than twice Reno’s age.  Men her
age.  But Reno upstaged them all.  The way this young man controlled
his body, and by extension controlled her body, was a stunning experience every
time she experienced it.  He always managed to surprise her in bed when
nothing, she thought, would ever surprise her again.

always cried his name when she came.  And tonight was no exception. 
Reno grabbed her tightly as his muscular body arched his dick upward and
thrashed into her as she felt the final throes of her cum.
And then he came.  His cum was never as
intense or deeply felt as her cum, but he came.

looked at him with tears in her eyes after they both were poured out.  He
placed his hand on the wrinkles she wasn’t trying to conceal on the side of her
face.  He pulled her face down to his face and kissed her long and
hard.  She was rich and beautiful and had half the scoundrels in this
country chasing her, but she was lonely as hell.

hugged her tightly as she cried in his arms.


months later she was dead.  It devastated Reno when Tony told him the
news.  He was in his office at the PaLargio, working the phones when some
superstar decided to be a no-show for that night’s performance, when Tony
walked in.

old lady’s dead,” he said. 

was dialing his desk phone in an attempt to call the diva directly.
“What old lady?” he asked.

“What old lady you think?” Tony replied in
that spoiled, snarky way of his.
one you’ve been humping for years.

stared at him.
Tony, in a lot of ways,
was a buffoon to Reno who couldn’t make it on his own if his life depended on
But he never thought of him as
“Your mother?” he asked as he
hung back up the phone.
And then he
jumped to his feet.




fiery car crash.
They say the car
flipped something like five times.
driver took the piss too.
It was
probably a sight to see.”  Tony said this as if he was giving the
highlights of last night’s football game.
Then he bragged that Reno’s scheme didn’t work.

guess you won’t be marrying her now, stud,” Tony said with a grin.  “You
won’t get a dime of my mother’s money now.  Not one red cent!
All of that wining and dining netted you
A big fat zero.
I own the PaLargio now.  Every inch of
it is mine.
You worked so hard to win
her heart, and you failed.  You failed, Reno.  The bitch is dead and
you failed.  The way I see it, both of you got exactly what you deserved!”

soon as Tony said those words, Reno saw red.  He lunged across his desk
and socked the shit out of Tony.  Tony flipped over and began crawling
backwards on his ass as Reno hurried from behind his desk to finish the job.

are you doing?” Tony was yelling as he butt-crawled.
“Are you out of your mind?
You can’t hit me!”

said this just as Reno grabbed him by the catch of his collar, slung him to his
feet, and began beating him back down with his fists. 

fired!” Tony was yelling as the blood began to gush from his nose. 
“You’re gonna lose everything, you crazy motherfucker! You’re gonna lose

Reno kept beating him down.  No way was this asshole going to say those
terrible things about a wonderful lady like Miss E and get away with it. 
No way.  She was a sweet lady, and she was dead?
She was gone?
And this prick was calling her names and denigrating her legacy?
Yes, Reno knew he would lose a job he
loved.  Yes, he would no longer be welcomed in the place he helped
build.  But right was right and wrong was wrong.  And this
cocksucker, in Reno’s eyes, had to be corrected.

the correction, Reno left.  Nobody had to tell him to leave.
He left.
He knew the PaLargio would turn into a disaster in the hands of Tony
Tufarna, but he left that day without looking back.  He knew Tony too
well.  He knew the fall would come and it would come fast.  And he
had to have his act together when it did.

would take three years, but the day did come.  The PaLargio, thanks to the
undisciplined stewardship of Tony Tufarna, eventually plunged into
receivership.  Tony himself, in the span of those three years, had lost
every dime his mother had left to him.  It took a lifetime of blood, sweat
and tears for her to build up what her only child destroyed in just three

when the courts finally ordered the sale of the PaLargio, Reno Gabrini, with
the financial backing of a handful of wealthy supporters, outbid all other
comers and took controlling interest.  He would later pay off every one of
his backers, and take over full control of the hotel and casino he loved.

Tufarna dropped off of Reno’s radar as if he had dropped off the face of this




Fourteen Years Later


I’m late,” Trina Gabrini said as she slid herself and her big Louboutin bag
onto the booth seat at the downtown café.
Seated across from her, and waiting patiently, were her two good
friends, Liz Mertan and Gemma Jones.

it the lunchtime traffic?” Gemma asked as she looked up from her text messages.

removed her shades, revealing stunningly attractive hazel eyes against a skin
tone dark brown in its tint.
no,” she said.
“I had a staff meeting
that threatened to go on forever.
staff of mine complained about everything under the sun.
It blindsided me, I’m not gonna even
But they were legitimate
complaints so I had to listen, and also had to agree to make some changes.
My plan was to give you girls a call as soon
as I left the meeting and got into my car, but then I realized once I drove off
that I left my cell phone on the conference table right there in my office, and
couldn’t call anyone.”

laughed and raked her long, blonde hair out of her long, narrow face.
She was a former barmaid who married a local
Now she behaved as if she was
born into money.
“You are so
unorganized, you know that, Trina, dear?”
She spoke now with an almost British-sounding accent.
“My husband would be livid if I was as
uncoordinated as you are.
How does your husband put up with

“Girl please,” Gemma said.
“I’ll bet my law degree that Reno Gabrini did
not marry Miss Tree because of her organizational skills.”
Trina laughed and gave Gemma a
“She had to have skills,”
Gemma went on, “but I assure you they weren’t organizational in scope.”

laughed again.
“You are so wrong for
that,” she said with affection.
liked Gemma’s down-to-earth personality and wonderful sense of humor.
Like Trina, Gemma was born and raised in
small town America.
But unlike Trina,
Gemma’s parents were well-to-do business people who sent her to the best
schools in the country.
Now she was a
local attorney who was good enough that even Trina’s husband Reno occasionally
hired her in some of his legal affairs.
Which was saying a lot in Vegas, given who Reno was.

in fact, was how Trina met Gem.
She was
sitting there all prim and proper in Reno’s massive office at the
She was so pretty with her
slender body, her jet-black skin, and her beautiful smile that Trina
immediately wondered if she would try, as so many other pretty girls had tried,
to become her competition.
But once she
got to know her, Trina quickly realized how wrong she was.
Gemma Jones didn’t play that.
She felt she had too much going for her to
even think about stealing somebody else’s man.
Later, Gemma introduced Trina to Liz, and they all became fast friends.

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