Mob Boss Milkmaid (3 page)

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Authors: Landry Michaels

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Mob Boss Milkmaid
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I turned my head and gave Marco a deep kiss, sweeping my tongue inside to play with his for several moments before pulling back. “Let’s take Annie up to the nursery.”

I stood, but before I could lift Annie out of the highchair, Marco rested his hands on my hips. “I’ll get her,” he offered. He kissed my neck again. “I’d like to see you in black for the party.”

I tilted my head back and met his gaze. “Why black?”

“Black is a sexy color.”

“What if Tony’s there?” I asked. I wasn’t sure how I felt going to a party with one man while being married to another.

Marco brushed his fingers over the spot on my cheek that had been bruised when I’d first come to him. “Tony no longer works for the family.”

I should feel bad for my husband, but how could I? Not only had Tony
Annie and me to Marco to save his own skin, but he’d also struck me on more than one occasion. I turned and wrapped my arms around Marco. I was already falling in love with Marco, but his occupation still scared me. I’d been living in a bubble since my arrival, but I was smart enough to know what life with the head of an organized crime family would bring—danger and infidelity. I buried my face against Marco’s chest as I considered how many of his ex-lovers would be at the party.

Marco pulled back. “Are you mad that I took care of Tony?”

I broke eye contact by dropping my chin. “Not at all.”

“Then why do you look sad?” he asked.

I doubted he’d appreciate my jealousy, so I decided to focus on my other concern. “Will I be safe at the party?”

Marco tilted my chin up with his forefinger. “I will guard you with my life and kill anyone who tries to harm you.” He glanced at Annie. “She’s the only reason I didn’t end your husband’s life.” He kissed my forehead. “Not because I want him in her life, but because I never want her to hate me for killing her father.”

My eyes closed. He talked like he’d still be around once Annie grew old enough to even question the whereabouts of her father. Maybe I wasn’t the only one falling in love. Annie started to fuss, drawing my attention. I grinned when I caught a whiff of the problem. “Someone’s ready for a fresh diaper.”

Marco wrinkled his nose, but before he could say anything, Vince stepped into the room. “What is it?” he asked Vince.

“Problem,” Vince replied.

Marco sighed. “I’ll meet you in my office.” He returned his attention to me, running his thumb over my right nipple. “Can these wait for a few minutes?”

I nodded even though my breasts were really starting to hurt. “Sure.”

He narrowed his dark brown eyes. “Are you positive? Because business can wait if you need me.”

I lifted his suit jacket off the back of his chair before holding it open for him. “I’ll get Annie settled, put some clothes on and come back down.”

Marco slipped into his jacket. “And remember what I told you—don’t worry about knocking.”

“I remember.” The request had surprised me when he’d made it, but it had also made me feel even closer to the man because I knew he trusted me.

* * * *

By the time I entered Marco’s office, my breasts were so full, I’d been forced to cup them as I walked. I stopped just inside the room when I realized Marco had company.

“Tell Porcini the shipment better be delivered in full and on time or our relationship will come to a violent end. No more excuses,” Marco growled.

The sharply-dressed man seated across from Marco nodded. He started to say something but stopped when he noticed me standing in the room.

“Come,” Marco welcomed, beckoning me toward the desk.

Even though I was in pain, I shook my head. “That’s okay. I didn’t know you had company. I can come back.”

Marco held out his hand. “We’re finishing up.” Once again, he motioned me over to his desk.

I glanced at the stranger in the room before moving toward Marco. I wasn’t at all surprised when Marco settled me on his lap because I’d spent hours with Marco while he conducted business on the phone. However, it was the first time that I’d been present for a meeting with anyone other than Vince.

The stranger across the desk stared at me with narrowed eyes. It was obvious he didn’t approve of my intrusion but was smart enough to keep his mouth shut.

Marco scooted the chair back to the desk before reaching down to pull up the hem of my sundress. “What else?” he asked the man.

The man shifted uncomfortably in his chair. “After this shipment, Mr. Porcini wants to sit down with you and renegotiate terms.”

Marco slid his hand up my bare thigh to my pussy. He slowly stroked his finger up and down my slit as he continued to stare at the unknown business associate. “If I sit down with Porcini he won’t be happy with the outcome.” He buried his middle finger deep into my pussy as he spoke. “Your boss seems to believe he’s irreplaceable, but we both know that’s not the case.”

The man nodded once before getting to his feet. “I’ll relay your message.”

“You do that,” Marco ordered. “By the way, if you ever again come to my home without an appointment, I’ll have your head.”

I pressed my palm against Marco’s chest in an attempt to soothe him before he lost his temper completely. My touch seemed to work because I felt the slowing of Marco’s breathing a moment before his lips brushed my temple. “I’m okay, love,” he murmured for my ears only. Marco turned his head toward Vince. “Show Eddy the door.”

Vince cast a glance toward me before nodding.

I could tell Vince was uneasy, so I had a good idea he was also worried Marco’s temper would get the better of him.

The moment the door closed, I felt Marco relax.

“Who was that?” I asked as I unfastened the top of my sundress to expose my aching breasts.

“Someone who mistakenly believes they have more power than they actually do.” He removed his finger from my pussy before cupping my breast. “They’re hard.” He tested the weight of my breast in his hand. “And heavy.”

“That’s what happens when you feed Annie cereal instead of my milk.” I ran my fingers through the thick, black waves of his hair. “You’ll have to buy me an electric pump if you want me to stop nursing her.”

“No need for a pump.” He pulled the front of my sundress down. “Christ.” He latched onto my left nipple and began to suck as he gently squeezed my breast.

I moaned at the combination of sexual pleasure and relief. I needed him inside me, and I wanted him sooner rather than later. I reached for the zipper on Marco’s pants before lowering it. Since moving into the mansion, I couldn’t seem to get enough sex. It was highly unusual for me, but I blamed it on the way Marco made me feel each time he made love to me. “I can’t seem to get enough of you.” Before Marco, I’d never considered how turned on I could get by the act of a man suckling me, but now, I was completely addicted to the feel of him nursing from my breast. I let him suck for several minutes before subtly directing him to the other nipple.

Marco reached around me and moved several items from his desk before setting me onto its cold surface. No words were spoken as he lifted my sundress and eased his cock inside of me. On his third thrust, he brushed his lips over mine and finally said, “I will always be here for you.”

I wrapped my legs around his waist. It was a nice sentiment, but I knew better. “Don’t,” I said, covering his lips with my fingers. “Women will always try to steal you from me, and I know it.”

“You have nothing to worry about.” He lifted my ass off the desk and drove in deeper.

“Maybe not now, but I won’t stay young forever.” I couldn’t begrudge the fact that older men, especially those as handsome and powerful as Marco, appealed to younger women because otherwise, I wouldn’t have Marco between my legs at the moment.

“Shh,” he whispered against my fingers. “No woman has ever given me what you have.” He lifted me into his arms before sitting in his chair with me astride him.

He swept my hair away from my face as I began to grind against him. I appreciated his words, and I was sure he meant them, but I was also a realist, so while I rode my man, I decided to live without reservations. Tomorrow wasn’t something I’d dwell on because if I allowed myself to get caught up in the future, I’d miss the memories that could be made today.

The inner walls of my pussy clenched around Marco’s heavily veined cock as he lifted me off his lap and thrust up into me. He stared at my tits before opening his mouth.

I knew what he wanted, and I was more than happy to express milk from my breasts to please him. I cupped my hand around the outside of my right breast and used my thumb and forefinger to squeeze my oversized nipple. The first thin stream of milk hit his cheek, drawing a groan from him.

“Oops. Sorry.” I quickly corrected my position and watched as my warm milk landed on his tongue. I continued kneading my breast while I began to rub my clit with my free hand. When I felt Marco’s finger push inside my asshole, my entire body began to shake with my impending climax.

“Marco!” I cried out as I came.

With a loud growl, Marco captured my nipple between his lips and buried both his cock and his finger inside of me to the hilt.

I gasped, my lungs begging for oxygen, as my body continued to quake with the intensity of my orgasm. I knew in that moment that Marco owned me body and soul.

Chapter Three



I feathered my fingers through Marco’s hair as he nursed on the way to Lucca’s party. I still had reservations about the dress he’d selected for me to wear, but he’d assured me it was appropriate for the occasion. The floor-length, black jersey dress clung to my every curve, highlighting my large breasts. A provocative slit ran up the front of the dress nearly to my pussy, which made me feel sexier than I probably should have. I’d never thought of myself as a seductress, but I felt like one thanks to Marco.

When the limousine pulled up to a heavy iron gate, Marco released my nipple and slid the thin material back into place. “We’re here,” he said after giving me a deep kiss. “Are you excited about this evening?”

I adjusted my breasts to make sure they were both covered. “I’m nervous,” I admitted. Just the thought of being judged unworthy by the other women in attendance worried me. I looked up at Marco. He was so damn handsome in his tuxedo that even dressed in a formal gown, I felt frumpy in comparison.

“Don’t be.” Marco lifted my hand and place a kiss on my palm. “You’ll be the sexiest woman here.”

“What if my milk leaks all over the dress?” Honestly, that was one of my biggest fears. It was one thing to leak in the privacy of the mansion, but at a party? No thanks.

He smiled at me. “Then I’ll have to give you a tongue bath in front of everyone.” He kissed me again. “I have to warn you though; my brother will try to take you from me.”

I’d met Lucca on several occasions, and while he was as attractive as Marco, he’d always struck me as a womanizer. “You don’t have to worry. I’m all yours.”

“Good,” he replied after several heartbeats.

The car stopped in front of an impressive mansion, and I was surprised to see four men standing on the steps with automatic weapons. “Are you sure it’s safe?”

“Perfectly.” Marco gestured to the lawn surrounding the mansion. “Ten foot high electrical fencing surrounds all one hundred acres of Lucca’s property.”

“So why the guards?” I asked.

“Posturing more than anything. There’ll be a few business associates at the party, and Lucca will use every opportunity to remind them of the power the Carducci family holds.”

Marco gave me a quick kiss as Vince opened the car door. “Remember what I told you?”

I nodded. “If you’re called away, I should stick close to either Lucca or Vince.” I eyed him warily. “Given what you said a few minutes ago, I’m surprised you want Lucca anywhere near me.”

Marco climbed out of the limousine and held out his hand. “Lucca’s one of the few men I trust to keep you safe, but that doesn’t mean I’ll leave you alone with him unless consensual or absolutely necessary.”

I slid out of the car and took Marco’s arm as he led me up the grand marble staircase to the front door. There was a beautiful woman waiting at the top with a clipboard in her hand.

“Good evening, Mr. Carducci,” she greeted.

Marco dipped his chin in acknowledgement before leading me into the breathtaking foyer where a uniformed server waited with a tray of crystal flutes filled with champagne. Marco took two glasses before handing me one of them. “Do you like champagne?”

“Very much.” I didn’t tell him that the one and only time I’d tried it was on my wedding night.

Marco slipped his arm around my waist and kissed my neck. “Let’s go find the birthday boy.” I took a deep breath before we entered the fray of partygoers. “There he is.”

Lucca stood toward the back of the room with his arm wrapped around a stunning woman as he talked to a group of men I didn’t recognize.

Marco slowed and pulled me closer to his side. “Whatever you do, don’t let Candice intimidate you.”


“The woman with Lucca. Her father, Joseph, was my father’s best friend. Lucca and I convinced him to retire after our father’s death, but Candice still acts as though she has power,” Marco whispered into my ear.

I studied the woman as she continually rubbed her palm against Lucca’s chest. “It looks to me like she does.”

Marco shook his head. “Lucca’s the brother with the tender heart. He feels sorry for her because she doesn’t have access to the same kind of money she had before. He pays for her apartment in exchange for sexual favors.”

In my eyes, that made Candice no better than a prostitute. Then again, I suppose I wasn’t any better. I wasn’t being paid for spending time with Marco, but our relationship didn’t start out in the traditional way either.

“Happy Birthday.” Marco released me long enough to hug his brother before hooking me around the waist once again. “You remember Ella?”

Lucca’s eyes seemed to light up when he smiled at me. “Of course.” He stepped forward, breaking Candice’s hold, and placed a soft kiss on both my cheeks before touching my lips with his. “You’re more beautiful than I remember. Welcome to my home.”

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