Money Shot (33 page)

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Authors: Selena Kitt,Jamie Klaire,Ambrielle Kirk,Marie Carnay,Kinsey Grey,Alexis Adaire,Alyse Zaftig,Anita Snowflake,Cynthia Dane,Eve Kaye,Holly Stone,Janessa Davenport,Lily Marie,Linnea May,Ruby Harper,Sasha Storm,Tamsin Flowers,Tori White

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He walked up to her and reached for her hand. “I’d never tease such a sexy woman. Not with words anyway.” He smiled and pressed his lips to the back of her hand. “Any chance I can pull you away from James for a dance? They’ve brought out the band next door.”


She glanced at James and back at Winston. Juggling two men as assertive and determined as the pair of them was a serious challenge. “Is that all right with you, James?”


“I don’t need his permission to ask you to dance.” Winston stepped closer and Miranda inhaled in a rush. He had a way of staring at her that stripped her bare and turned her on all at the same time. The lust James had lit inside her burned even brighter under Winston’s gaze.
Damn it to hell
. How could she want two men so badly?


“It’s fine, Miranda. I’ll catch up in a few. Enjoy yourself.” She glanced up in time to see James open the door.


“Oh—okay. I’ll see you soon.” She stood still, stunned at his sudden departure.
Was he mad?
Before she could figure it out, Winston was there, sliding next to her and brushing a lock of hair off her shoulder.


“Now that we’re alone. I have to ask you, does the prospect of two men turn you off?”


She smiled and shrugged. “It’s new to me, I’ll tell you that. I’ve never had two men fight over me before.”


He grinned and tilted his head to whisper in her ear. “I don’t mean two men fighting over you. I mean two men sharing you.”


Miranda blinked. “What? At the same time?”


His breath fanned hot across her cheek. “Exactly. What if I told you we both wanted you? Pressed between us, crying out in ecstasy, touching heaven. Would you say yes?”


“I…I barely know you.”


“That’s not a no.”


Miranda closed her eyes. It should be no. She should turn him down right then and there. But something about it—the chance to have both Winston and James at the same time. A thrill rushed through her veins, quickening her heart. “No, it’s not.”


With his face pressed against her cheek, he smiled. “Then you’ll just have to get to know us better.” Slipping his hand around her back, he turned them both toward the door. “How about we start with a dance?”


Miranda nodded. “I’d love to.”


A few moments later and Winston was twirling her around on the dance floor, manipulating her body like she weighed nothing at all. “Where’d you learn to dance?”


“My mother owned a studio when I was young. The dancers practically raised me.” He spun her around and tugged her close. “And now it’s second nature. Holding a woman next to me. Bending her body to the music.”


“I bet you talk like that to all the girls.”


“Only the ones I can’t get out of my head.” He wrapped his arm around her middle and dipped her. “And the ones I want to fuck.”


Miranda’s lips fell open as he pulled her back up and the music faded. Where James was rugged and demanding, Winston was suave and swagger. Both cocky, confident and so fucking sexy she didn’t know what to do.


“Hello!” The mic cracked and Miranda stepped back, breaking Winston’s hold of her. She glanced up at the stage as Dawn adjusted the volume.


Oh, lord
. She rolled her eyes at herself and smoothed her dress. She’d been so wrapped up in the dance, that she’d forgotten all about the charity and her best friend. After taking a deep breath, she plastered on a smile and focused on Dawn. The night was all about her, not the sex-in-a-tux standing to her right.


“Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of Manhattan Paws, I’d like to thank you for attending tonight. Through your generosity, we’ve surpassed all of our goals tonight and raised enough money to permanently fund the shelter. So my heart goes out to you. And I’d like to especially thank Mr. Waters and Mr. Stone of WaterStone Investments for contributing the lion’s share of donations tonight.”


Dawn searched the crowd, looking for Miranda’s winning suitors when James slid up next to her. He wrapped his arm around her as Dawn spotted the three of them.


She gave them a nod and grinned at Miranda.
. She knew her best friend and a smile like that meant she’d demand every last detail about the night, pestering her until she spilled the truth. All the more reason to end the auction on a civilized note.


As Dawn stepped off the stage, Miranda turned to her two dates. “So, gentlemen, it’s been an amazing night. But I’m going to have to say goodbye for now. I promised Dawn I’d help her clean up.”


Winston stepped forward. “We could have someone here to do that in ten. You don’t need to stay if you don’t want to.”


A wave of lust washed over her, but she fought it back. “I’m sure you can, but no thanks. I do, however, owe you a date. So when would you like to go?”


James spoke up next. “Saturday afternoon. Are you free?”


“I am.”


“Excellent. Then wear something casual.” He glanced at her high heels and back up at her face. “With comfortable shoes. We’ll pick you up around four.”


“Okay. Where are we going?”


“You’ll find out Saturday. But don’t worry, you’ll love it.” James leaned in and Miranda tensed, but he only kissed her cheek. “Until then.”


Miranda nodded and turned to Winston. “You’re coming too, right?”


“I wouldn’t miss it. See you then, beautiful.” He leaned in and kissed her other cheek and Miranda fought back a laugh. In one night, her life had gone from as boring and flat as the cardboard she used in her job, to crazier than her most outrageous fantasy. And she couldn’t wait to see where it would go.


Chapter Three


“They said causal. Does this dress say casual?”


“You look great. What can’t you do in an A-line and wedge heels? I bet you could even bowl.”


Miranda rolled her eyes and took a sip of coffee. “They are not taking me bowling, Dawn.”


“I don’t know. Doesn’t casual mean the same to a billionaire as it does to us common folk?”


Miranda groaned. She loved Dawn, but the woman always had a way of bringing up what Miranda wanted to forget. “You’re sure they’re billionaires?”


Dawn’s eyes went wide. “You mean you haven’t Googled them yet? What’s wrong with you?”


She looked down at her plate and nudged the uneaten chocolate cake around with her fork. Ordinarily she’d be all over it, but that afternoon she couldn’t eat it. All she saw were the other women at the date auction and how their silk dresses skimmed their hips. Nothing ever skimmed Miranda’s hips.


Glancing up, she gave her friend a shrug. “I’m afraid to look. I’m sure it’s just pic after pic of beautiful women draped all over them.” She grabbed the fork and stabbed the cake. “It is, isn’t it?”


“There’s a few. But, really.” Dawn reached out and patted her arm. “You should look them up. I mostly found stuff about their hedge fund. Did you know they built it from scratch? And now it’s a top fund in New York? They manage some crazy amount of money—like a hundred billion dollars or something. Quite impressive.”


Miranda shoved a bite of cake in her mouth. No way was she finding out exactly how much money her dates touched every day. At least not until they’d dropped her off back home. “No thanks. I’ve got enough pressure already.”


With a sigh, Dawn shook her head. “What pressure? It’s a date. That’s all.”


She knew Dawn saw it that way—she’s the one who came up with the auction idea. But to Miranda, it seemed full of unspoken promises. No one paid a quarter of a million dollars for dinner and a movie. “You don’t think they expect me to, you know…” She trailed off and looked up to see Dawn giving her the oh-come-on stare.


“It was a charity auction, not an escort service, babe. They’ve got enough money to pay for the best hooker in New York City. If that’s all they’d been after, they wouldn’t have bid on you.”


Miranda raised an eyebrow. “I’m not sure I should take that as a compliment.”


“You know what I mean.”


“Honestly, Dawn, I don’t know why they bid on me at all. You saw all the women in the audience and you handpicked all the other dates. They were miles better looking than me.”


“You are nuts.”


“No, I’m not. James’s ex came up to us during the party. She has to have a personal trainer. And her boobs were so perky they looked like two softballs glued to her chest.”


Dawn wrinkled her nose. “Sounds gross.”


Miranda sighed. Her insecurities were falling on deaf ears. “I’m just so ordinary.”


“Stop it.” Dawn slapped the table and the dishes rattled. “This is ridiculous. You’re the funniest, sweetest, best looking friend I have. I can’t believe you’re still single.”


“Believe it.”


Dawn speared the last of her danish and pointed her fork at Miranda. “Maybe you haven’t found the right one because what you really need is two!” She popped the flaky pastry into her mouth and grinned.


“You’re just trying to butter me up for this date.” Miranda knew all of her best friend’s tactics and this was right up her alley.


“No. I’m serious. They’re good looking, sexy as sin, and both into you.”


“You’re seriously suggesting I date both of them? For more than one night?”


“Why not? I would if I were you. And don’t forget, I do have a charity to fund. They don’t have to wire the money until you go through with it.”


“Don’t remind me.” Miranda huffed and looked out the window. For all that Dawn said it wasn’t a pay-for-play type thing, she still wondered. Would they demand more than a date? What if she wanted them to? She shifted in her seat as images of both men popped in her mind. James with his shining blue eyes and thick stubble. Winston with his smooth charm and predator stare.


Miranda turned back to Dawn and her friend gave her a small smile. “Look, I know it makes you uncomfortable. But I mean it. Why not date them both?”


“I am dating them. In exactly…” She glanced down at her watch. “Ten minutes!”


“Well, then just relax and let it play out. And who knows, maybe you’ll want to…you know.”


Miranda dropped her voice. “Stop it. I will not. Threesomes are for porn stars.”


Dawn shrugged. “Last time I checked, we’re grown women. We can do whatever the hell we want.”


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