Monroe, Marla - Her Biker Boyfriends [The Dirty Dozen 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (7 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Her Biker Boyfriends [The Dirty Dozen 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“You go, girl! Where did you go?”

“We went to that little diner off Hickory Street. Then we went riding for a while. We stopped at a park and sat and talked for two hours.” Carly realized it sounded dorky, but she’d had a great time.

“All you did was talk? Really?” Lisa sounded like she couldn’t believe it.

“Yeah, imagine that. We got to know each other, I guess.”

“So, what do you think about them as just friends?” she asked.

“I like them, Lisa. They’re really nice, and we actually have a lot in common.”

They talked for another few minutes. When she hung up, Carly realized she hadn’t told her about their plans to spend a weekend together later. She smiled. That was fine. Something could happen, and she didn’t want Lisa to know about it yet.

She spent the rest of the afternoon getting ready for work the next day and went to bed thinking about the two men. When she dreamed, she dreamed of them.

Chapter Six

“You two have been a royal pain in my ass this week. What is it with you?” Cole asked.

“Nothing. Why?” Drew shrugged and turned a bottle of water up.

“I’ve never known either of you to be big on working overtime to get something finished before. What sort of plans do the two of you have for the weekend?”

Drew grinned.

“There, you go, Cole,” Zack said. “They’ve got plans. What poor, unsuspecting woman have you talked into going out with you two?”

“Fuck you, Zack,” Ranger said good-naturedly.

“So, are we going to make the deadline?” Drew asked.

“Looks like it. Provided someone gets back to work and stops jerking off,” Cole said with a chuckle.

Drew pumped his fist and then knocked knuckles with Ranger. They returned to their area and got back to work. Two more days and they would have the entire weekend with Carly. Drew had called her at least once each week the last three weeks. They talked for almost an hour each time he called. He couldn’t stop thinking about her even when they were working.

Later that night, he and Ranger discussed what they wanted to do for the weekend. They both wanted it to be special in hopes that Carly would enjoy herself enough to want to continue to see them.

“You know, we’ve really spent very little time with her considering that we’ve known her for over a month now,” Drew said.

“I know. I hope we can change that.” Ranger popped the top on a beer and took a deep drink.

“You’re more involved with her than you ever have been with a woman, even Rachel,” he said.

“There’s something about her, Drew. I don’t know if it will last, but right now, she interests me.”

“You seem to feel comfortable with her. Relaxed, even,” Drew pointed out.

“Yeah, I guess I am. She’s easy to be around.”

Drew took another swig of his beer and thought about it. The TV droned on in the background. He already felt closer to her than he had ever felt with Rachel, and he’d briefly considered her as possible marriage material. All that had held him back had been Ranger. If his best friend wasn’t comfortable around her then she wasn’t right for them.

Was he honestly considering Carly as fitting that criterion already? He knew he really liked her. He could easily fall for her. Was it real, though? He figured he would learn a lot over the weekend.

* * * *

Friday evening Carly hurried home from work and jumped in the shower. She washed her hair and dressed in jeans and a short red blouse. She longed to wear a dress for them, but motorcycles and dresses really didn’t go together. Instead, she rolled a casual dress up in her backpack along with a change of clothes and several changes of underwear. If they went somewhere, she’d want to be fresh. Being around them tended to keep her panties wet.

At precisely seven, the doorbell rang. Carly licked her lips and hurried to answer it. She stopped and willed her heart to slow down before answering the door.

“Hey, guys. Come in.” She couldn’t take her eyes off of them.

Ranger had on a black T-shirt that stretched over his broad shoulders while Drew wore a navy-blue one that emphasized his muscular chest.

“Hey, baby.” Drew pulled her in for a kiss.

Ranger flanked her and pushed aside her hair so he could nibble her neck. She squinched it up and giggled around Drew’s kiss. It didn’t stop Ranger, though. He growled and continued licking, kissing, and nipping at her neck.

Drew pulled back and smiled at her. He was so good looking. She still couldn’t believe he and Ranger were interested in her. Maybe it was all about sex, but still. She wasn’t the prettiest woman out there.

“What’s going on in that head of yours?” Drew asked.

“Nothing. I’m just wondering what you two have planned for the weekend.”

“It’s all about getting to know you,” he said.

“Where is your pack? We probably need to get going. We’re cooking steaks on the grill tonight. The potatoes are in the oven.” Ranger opened her door.

Carly grabbed her backpack and started to shrug it on. Ranger pulled it from her hands and pulled it on himself.

“Ranger will carry it. I don’t want you to end up off-balance riding on back with me.”

“Thanks.” She followed Ranger out the door.

The trip back to their place was surprisingly quick. She wasn’t sure if they took a more direct rout or if they had been speeding. She had been too busy enjoying the feel of Drew’s body next to hers to pay attention to where they were going.

“Come on in, Carly. Can I get you a beer?” Drew asked.

“Sounds wonderful. It’s been a long week.”

“You can say that again.” Ranger pulled off her pack and carried it up the stairs.

Carly assumed he was putting it in the bedroom for her. She had to take a deep breath to push back the erotic images of them there. Her panties were already damp from the ride to their house.

When Ranger walked back downstairs, Drew walked up with three beers. He handed one to Carly and the other to Ranger. She took a quick drink of hers hoping it would calm down her libido some. She needed to focus on learning more about them and less on the sex. They’d ruined her for another man. No one could possible measure up to them.

“I’m going to put the steaks on. How do you like yours cooked, Carly?” Ranger asked.

“Medium would be great.”

“While he’s grilling the steaks, I need to put the bread in the oven.” Drew grabbed her hand and led her into the kitchen where he settled her at the bar.

“I could help,” she suggested.

. I’ve got it taken care of.”

She watched him pull out the bread and slice it. Then got a measuring cup from the fridge with a mixture of butter and what smelled like garlic. He poured the concoction over the bread, and then wrapped it up in tinfoil. He turned on the oven and shoved the bread inside.

“There, that’s taken care of. Why don’t you tell me what you’ve been up to since I last talked to you?”

“Not much. I really live a boring life. I did go to Lisa’s after work last night to help her finish painting the living room. She and her fiancé bought a house and are fixing it up.”

“Did you end up with paint on you?” Drew asked with a grin.

“Actually, I did have some on my hands. I should have worn a pair of gloves. I knew better.”

Ranger walked in. “The steaks are almost ready. How long on the bread?”

“Another five or six minutes. It should work out fine.”

Ranger nodded and grabbed a platter out of the cabinet to put the steaks on. When he returned a few minutes later, he set it on the counter where Drew had placed the baked potatoes earlier. Everything smelled wonderful.

After the meal, Drew announced they were going to watch a movie. He had Carly go pick it out while he and Ranger saw to the dishes. She browsed through the huge collection of DVDs and finally settled on one she thought they would all enjoy. When she laid it on the DVD player and returned to the kitchen, they had everything taken care of and were talking.

“Did you find something you like?” Drew asked.

“I put it on the DVD player. Do you need any help?”

“Everything’s taken care of.” Ranger pulled her into his arms. “Let’s go get comfortable and watch the movie.”

They settled on the couch and waited for the advertisements to finish. Ranger and Drew each sat on either side of her. She was very aware of them, their body heat seeping into her. Drew had his arm along the back of the couch, just above her shoulders. Ranger’s hand was on her knee. She had to fight to concentrate on the movie when all she wanted to do was attack the men. What was wrong with her? She wasn’t normally so—so wild, so needy. She wanted them.

As the movie progressed, Drew’s arm made its way across her shoulders, and Ranger’s ended up high on her thigh. She could barely keep still for wanting to kiss them, peel their clothes off of them.

Drew pulled her closer to him, and when she turned to see what he wanted, he kissed her. His mouth gently sipped at hers with
touches that took her breath. He licked at her bottom lip then nipped at it. She opened to him. He licked along the roof of her mouth before sliding his tongue over hers. When she whimpered, he reached up and held her face gently in his hands as he angled his head to deepen the kiss.

She felt Ranger’s hands at her waist. Then he moved them around her to cup her breasts. The added sensation of his hands there amped up her arousal to the point she was on fire. He began unbuttoning her blouse as he kissed the back of her neck. She couldn’t keep up with Drew’s kiss with Ranger undressing her and kissing her neck. She couldn’t concentrate on Ranger with Drew’s mouth mated with hers. Finally, they both pulled back. Her blouse was unbuttoned and Ranger flicked the front closure to open it.

“Fuck, I’m hard as a rock. I don’t think I can even make it up to the bed. I’ve got to have you right here, right now.” Drew peeled back the cups on the bra to reveal her already aroused nipples poking out.

“Look at them.” Ranger turned her so that he could see them. “Pretty pink berries.”

He lowered his head and licked across one, and then drew it into his mouth. Drew dipped his head and took the other one into his mouth. Both of them suckling her breasts sent fiery sparks straight to her clit. She moaned and they sucked harder. Then one of them began unfastening her jeans. She didn’t even know which one. She dropped her head back against the back of the couch and reveled in the heady pleasure that was slowly taking over.

“Fuck! She’s soaking wet.” It was Ranger’s fingers rubbing through her pussy juices. He had unfastened her jeans and shoved his hand inside to finger her pussy.

“Pull them off.” Drew stood up and began removing his clothes.

Ranger tugged at her jeans and panties. He quickly removed them then helped her remove the bra still hanging from her shoulders. Then he bent over her and once more took a nipple into his mouth. He nipped and sucked and teased it until she was wiggling on the couch.

Then Drew was moving him aside to fit his sheathed cock at her slit. Her pussy juices gave him the lubrication he needed to plunge inside of her.

“Jesus, you’re so fucking tight, baby.” He pulled out and slid further in this time, his mouth twisting into a heated grimace.

Ranger knelt beside the couch and massaged her breasts. He took her nipples in his fingers and began pulling and pinching them while Drew slowly began to pump his dick in and out of her wet cunt. She moaned and moved her hips to meet his thrusts. The combination of Ranger’s fingers at her breasts and Drew’s cock gliding in and out of her pussy soon had her burning inside. She squeezed down on Drew’s dick wanting him to move faster, harder. She hesitated to voice her needs, unsure how they would take her demands.

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