Monroe, Marla - Their Bartered Bride [Men of the Border Lands 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (10 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Their Bartered Bride [Men of the Border Lands 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Leigh stuck her tongue out at him but quickly grabbed a shovel and began to clear a path from the back steps toward the barn. They each staked out a section of the path and shoveled until there was a straight path there.

“Okay, build your snowman quick while we see to the horses and saddle up. Once we get ready to leave, you’ve got to go back inside the house,” Jonathan told her.

Leigh ran back to the house and began rolling snowballs to make her masterpiece. She had one nearly complete when the men emerged from the barn with their horses in tow. She hurriedly walked over to them to wish them a good day.

“You go on inside now, baby.” Jonathan hugged her and gave her a sloppy kiss.

Leigh smiled and grabbed Joel before he could climb up on the horse.

“Where’s my kiss?”

“You don’t get a kiss from me until you behave.” He smiled.

“I’ve behaved. Give me my kiss,” she demanded.

He bent over her and kissed her. It was a soft, gentle kiss that said more to her than if he’d just laid one on her. He cared about her despite his gruff exterior. Leigh hugged him and then clomped toward the house. She stomped off her feet on the porch and waved at them as they climbed up on their horses and headed toward the gate.

“Get on inside and stay there, Leigh.” Jonathan pointed at the door.

She stuck her tongue out at him and pulled off her boots before hurrying inside. She finished the dishes then turned to working in their rooms to combine their stuff with hers in the master bedroom. They were all staying there now, so she needed to get their things moved. She started with Jonathan’s room. It needed a thorough cleaning anyway. More than likely Joel’s did, too. She would handle his the next day.

When lunchtime came and went with no sign of the men, she began to worry. She kept the soup warming on the stove and kept watch at the windows until she saw them at the gate. Sighing with relief, she pulled out the sandwiches and waited for them to come inside.

They disappeared into the barn to take care of the horses, then emerged several minutes later to tromp across the newly covered path. At least a solid inch, if not two, had fallen while they were gone.

She began pouring up soup when she heard their stomps on the porch. They hurried inside to keep the cold air out and pulled off their coats and gloves.

“Everything okay out there?” she asked.

“Pretty much what we expected. Had to search for a few stragglers that are too dumb to realize they stay warmer by sticking together.” Jonathan washed up then took his seat at the table.

“Man, I’m hungry. This looks good.” Joel began eating as soon as he sat down.

“Aren’t you going to eat with us, baby?” Jonathan asked.

“I’ve already eaten. You’re late. I was hungry and couldn’t wait.”

“Sorry. Had to find all of them before we came back,” he said.

“It’s okay. I was getting worried, though. I wish we had radios so I could keep up with you.”

“That’s a good idea, but we’re too far out of range for anything we could find to use,” Joel said. “Maybe we’ll look at building a tower one day and getting one of those base stations. I wonder if they would work out here?”

“Don’t know. It’s a good thought, though. Next time we go to Sky Line, let’s see if we can find anything to play with.” Jonathan swallowed down the last of his soup.

“Do you want more?” Leigh asked.

“No, thanks. I’m full. I’ve got to get back out there.” Jonathan stood up and stretched. “Joel will be here with you this afternoon. Make sure he sleeps. He will be watching the herd tonight in case of wolves.”

“I’ll make sure he sleeps.” She wrapped her arms around Jonathan. “You be careful out there alone.”

He hugged her back. “I will, baby.”

Leigh watched as Jonathan tugged on his coat and gloves and walked out the door to put on his boots on the back porch. She watched out the window until he entered the barn, then she turned and smiled at where Joel had gathered up the dishes for her. He had left the room, though.

She figured he would take a shower before bed, so she decided to join him and do the dishes later.

Leigh found him climbing in the shower when she walked into the bathroom.

“Hey! You let in cold air,” Joel complained.

“Don’t worry. I’ll warm you back up.” Leigh stripped out of her clothes and got in with Joel. “How about letting me clean you up?”

“Be my guest, Leigh.” He handed her the soap and cloth.

She bathed him from his shoulders to his toes, saving the interesting pieces in between until last. Then she knelt and began soaping up his cock with her bare hands. She cuddled his balls in her hand, squeezing on the sac as she scratched over it with her nails. He hissed out a breath and grabbed her head.

“If you’re going to do that, I’m going to end up fucking that pretty mouth of yours, Leigh. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.”

Leigh laughed. “Oh, I can handle you, Joel. Let me rinse you off and I’ll prove it to you.”

She turned him around from her vantage point on her knees and made sure all the soap was removed by the shower. Then he turned back around and grabbed her head with his hands.

“Tell me if I’m hurting you or scaring you, Leigh. I don’t want to do that.” Joel ran a thumb over her lips, and she opened her mouth for him.

Leigh planted her hands on his thighs for support and took his throbbing cock into her mouth. She sucked on it and licked around the mushroom head until Joel took over and began to shallowly fuck his dick in and out of her mouth. When he pulled all the way out, a pearl of pre-cum formed at the slit on top. She moaned and reached out with her tongue to lick it. He jerked at the touch of her tongue and hissed out a breath.

“Fuck, yeah, that’s it, baby.”

Leigh licked his slit over and over until he pushed her mouth deeper over his cock. The salty taste of him was wonderful. She couldn’t wait for him to come in her mouth. She wanted to taste more of him. She loved her men’s tastes.

“I’m going to go as deep as I can down your throat, Leigh. Relax and breathe through your nose.” He slowly pushed his cock deeper into her mouth until he reached the back of her throat. She relaxed her throat and swallowed around him. He came up on his toes then backed out of her mouth.

“Fuck! That was good, Leigh. Do it again.” He pushed forward again, and she swallowed hard around him.

Over and over he tunneled down her throat for her to swallow him tight in her throat. Then he pulled back and began to fuck her mouth in earnest. Leigh loved it, loved the feel of his hands on her head digging his nails into her scalp. He needed her this way. She could do this for him. It thrilled her to know that she was giving him something he needed, because she had no doubt in her mind that he needed some control over her. He was trying so hard to let her feel free without actually being free. She loved him for that. Loved him for caring enough about her feelings to try and give her what freedom he could.

Leigh loved Jonathan for his gentleness and caring. He did everything in his power to make her happy. He even bumped heads with his brother when it involved her happiness. She tried to keep that to a minimum, though. She didn’t want them fighting because of her.

Joel pummeled her mouth over and over again. She knew he was getting close because his balls had begun to draw up. She grinned around his thrusting cock and raked her nails along his balls at the same time she swallowed around him. He exploded in her throat with a roar.

“Yes! Fuck, that feels wonderful.” Joel pumped his cock with his hand while he came in her mouth.

Leigh swallowed him down, then when he pulled out, she grabbed his dick to lick him clean. She looked up at him from where she knelt at his feet and smiled. Joel threw back his head for a minute as if to clear it, then bent down and drew her to her feet. He pulled her into his arms and just held her for long seconds before turning her to the water to rinse.

“It’s time for me to get some sleep. Want to curl up with me for a while?” he asked.

“Love to.” Leigh cleaned up then stepped out of the shower to dry off.

They curled up in the bed together and fell asleep.

* * * *

Jonathan walked inside later that afternoon after pulling off his boots to find Leigh cooking in the kitchen. She squealed and jumped into his arms.

“I’m so glad you’re home. I missed you.” She hugged him then slid down his body to the floor. “Dinner will be ready in another thirty minutes. I woke Joel up and he’s dressing.”

“Something smells wonderful. What is it?” Jonathan asked.

“I made an apple pie from a can of apples. I thought you two could use something sweet for a change.” Leigh checked something in the oven.

“Joel loves apple pies. He’s going to hug you for that.”

“Hope you like it, too.” She turned to look at him with a frown.

“Oh, I like anything sweet. That’s why I love your pussy.”

“Play your cards right and I just might let you have a taste later.” She winked at him and started pulling out plates for the table.

“I’m going to go talk to Joel about the cows. We’ll be down to eat in a little while.” He winked at her and walked toward the living room.

Just as he reached the stairs, Joel started down them.

“Hey, little brother. How are the cows doing?” Joel reached the bottom of the stairs and crossed to the fireplace, where he stretched.

A fire roared in the hearth. He noticed they were getting low on wood by the fireplace. He made a mental note to bring more in after lunch. Leigh must have been keeping the fire going for them. It was obvious that Joel had just gotten up. His eyes were still sleepy looking. But the big thing to him was that his brother looked happy. He hadn’t looked that way in a long while.

Instead of commenting on it and possibly ruining it for him, Jonathan started talking about the herd.

“So far, they’re all sticking together as long as I’m around to make sure they do. Haven’t seen any wolves, but I did see a coyote and quite a few deer. I’m thinking some venison would be good for a change. Think I’ll kill us one tomorrow before I come back in. I can clean it up and carve it before bedtime. The meat will be good in the cellar for a couple of days.”

“Sounds good to me, too. You’ll have to probably help her cook it the first few times. I don’t know if she knows anything about wild meat or not,” Joel pointed out.

“We’ll take care of it. You need to be careful out there at night and watch your back. Those wolves are getting smart. I know they are out there. I can feel them looking, but I haven’t seen them. If you don’t see them tonight, I’m going to look around in the woods tomorrow in the daylight and see how deep their tracks start.”

“You be careful in the woods. Like you said, they’re getting smart. They could be luring you in for a reason.”

“It snowed another inch, I think, but the clouds are breaking up. I think this is it for this round.”

“Hope the temps stay steady so we don’t end up with mud again. I don’t mind the cold so much if we don’t have mud to deal with,” Joel said.

“Hey, you guys, the food is on the table,” Leigh’s voice rang out from the kitchen.

“She cooked an apple pie. Can you smell it?” Jonathan asked.

“Hot damn. I love apple pie.” Joel hurried into the kitchen ahead of Jonathan.

After dinner, they enjoyed their apple pie dessert and then Joel stretched and started toward the door to pull on his coat.

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