Monroe, Melody Snow - Leather and Lace [The Callens 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (9 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Melody Snow - Leather and Lace [The Callens 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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She must have read three magazines by the time the doctor called her in. He X-rayed her arm and studied the bone.

“You’ve healed well. I’m going to take off the cast. Mind you, you’ll be very stiff.”

“I figured.”

She hadn’t bent her elbow in weeks. Heath had promised to help her recover fully. The doctor cut off the cast and the cool air was a welcome relief. She attempted to straighten her arm, but the immediate pain took her breath away.

“Easy now. Take your time. You won’t get full use for a day or two.” He checked out the bullet wound. “Everything looks good as new.”

Her ordeal was almost over. The first thing she was going to do was take a nice hot bath.

Heath was reading a magazine when she came out. He jumped up and grinned. “You’re back!”

Sam held out her bent arm. “I will be as soon as I straighten the dang thing.” She tugged a little, and her arm moved a bit.

Heath wrapped an arm around her and led her to the car. “Don’t worry. We’ll have you roping and riding in no time.”

She blew out a relieved breath. “I can’t wait.”

“Tomorrow is the fourth. Do want to ride downtown with me to see the parade?”

She wasn’t sure if she could drive, so that sounded like a good idea. Her parents wouldn’t be going, so catching a ride with Heath seemed the best. “Sure.”

“You know what would help you move that arm the fastest?”

She’d try anything. “What?”

“A whirlpool.”

She blew out a breath. “Where would I find one of those?”

“Just so happens, we have one. How about you grab a bathing suit and you can soak your arm for as long as you wish.”

She had no desire to owe the Watson brothers anything more, but a whirlpool was too good to pass up. “I’d like that.”

He pulled into her drive. “I’ll wait here.”

Sam rushed in, feeling free for the first time in weeks. It took a bit of searching to find her suit. She didn’t go swimming very often. She brought a towel and another change of clothes for when it got colder later on.

It was nice to be able to grab a handful of clothes and not worry about dropping them. Once back in the car, Heath took off. When they pulled into his drive, she was surprised by the number of cars in the drive. “You having a party today?”

“These are the pre-planning party people. Remember, I’m grilling, but the rest will be catered. We also hired a company to put in one of those blow-up jumping pens for the kids.”

“That’s right, you did mention that.”

“Even our father is flying out to celebrate.”

Heath seemed excited. She’d heard his mom had died a few years back. A bit of envy seeped in. Family was so important to her. Because they’d just thrown a big bash for her dad’s birthday, her folks decided to forgo the usual Fourth of July picnic on their ranch. Instead, they were driving to Cheyenne to see some friends.

Sam hadn’t been in the Watson ranch house before. While she’d seen it from the road, the one-story home was larger up close. Heath cut the engine, got out, and rushed around to open her door. “Let me show you where you can change.”

Inside, the house smelled like rich cedar and leather. There was a sunken living room with leather sofas and chairs. One wall was mostly glass and overlooked the range and mountains in the distance. “This is beautiful.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

Heath took her hand and led her down the hallway. “You can change in here.”

When he pushed open the door, her breath caught. She never expected such a feminine room. “I like it.”

“It’s pink.”

She turned around. “I see that.”

“I thought you didn’t do pink. That it’s too girly.”

Heath had picked out her cast color when she was sedated. She’d gotten used to the feminine color. “I can appreciate some frill.” She didn’t ask why two men would have such a feminine room. Maybe they liked to entertain women, and this was their way of letting the women know they had a feminine side.

He smiled and nodded as if he didn’t believe her. She ducked in and quickly changed. The problem was that she hadn’t been this naked in years. The suit had been a present from her younger sister who insisted that every girl needed a sexy two-piece. Now, Sam regretted not buying something more concealing.

Using the towel she brought, she wrapped it around her body. She might look stupid, but she didn’t care. When she stepped out, Heath wasn’t around. She found her way back to the living room. Heath came out of the kitchen carrying two drinks in large plastic cups, wearing board shorts. Her breath hitched at the sight. His rippled abs and broad chest made her heart race.


She expected him to comment on the towel, but he didn’t. “Yes.”

“Follow me.”

They exited onto a large, raised, wooden deck, which took them down some steps. At the bottom sat a large pool with an attached whirlpool. The view from there was stunning. Heath set down the cups and held out his hand. “Ready for some therapy?”

She inhaled and dropped the large towel. Despite it being July, there was a bit of a chill to the air. Heath moved toward her. His eyes got that smoldering, molten look to them.
. She dropped her gaze and let him lead her into the water.

“Whoa. That’s hot.”

“You’ll get used to it in a minute. Your arm will love it. Remember, we’re doing this for medicinal purposes.”

Two workers were about two hundred feet away installing the inflatable house. Given there were people coming and going, she’d be safe. She did have that moment when she wanted to rub her fingers over his rippled abs.


When she got to the middle of the whirlpool and dropped into the water, her arm burned. The skin was sensitive from being in the cast for so long. Heath reached out and massaged her fingers.

“Go sit on the bench and let me work your arm.”

“I’m game.”

There was a recliner in the whirlpool with a headrest. She slipped onto it, leaned back, and gave Heath her arm. He was kneeling next to her, rubbing her fingers, and then massaging her arm. She couldn’t think of anything better right now.

“You got your cast off! Mind if I join you?”

She jerked up at Wade’s voice. He was dressed in boots and jeans so she was sure he just wanted to see her reaction. “Sure.” It was his house. Wade kicked off his boots and socks, shucked his shirt, and unbuckled his pants. “You need a suit.” Panic gripped her.


That was a stupid comment. “You can’t get in here naked.”

“Darn. Here I thought you’d come over here to seduce us, and I was willing to oblige.” He probably was only kidding, but his tone held a bit too much cheer.

“That’ll be the day.”

His laughter came out full-bodied and oh so sexy. He took off his jeans and stood there deliciously in his boxers. She tried to look away but couldn’t. He had the same rippled abs as Heath and shoulders just as broad, but Wade’s torso was a bit longer. She skipped over the middle portion of his body and checked out his bulging thighs.
Oh, my.

“You need more time to study my body, babe? I can give you a personal showing if you want.”

Her face heated up hotter than any whirlpool water. “No.” She looked back at Heath, who was smiling. “Maybe I should leave.”

Heath stepped between her and Wade. He looked over his shoulder at her. “I’ll keep you safe.”

“Said the fox to the hen.”

Both men chuckled. Wade stepped into the water, and she imagined his cock was vividly outlined, though her view was blocked by Heath. “Let me see her arm.”

Heath stepped aside. Sam wasn’t sure what he planned to do, but running a finger from her shoulder to her wrist wasn’t it. The bubbles tickled, but Wade’s touch ignited another part of her body that had been dormant for years. Part of her wanted him, but her reasonable half told her to stay away. She slowly withdrew her arm from his grasp.

“What’s wrong? Can’t handle a real man’s touch?”

His challenge raised the hairs on her neck. About ten retorts formed on her lips, all of which would get her in trouble. “I trust Heath more.”

He looked over his shoulder, shrugged, and stepped back.
. She thought he’d ignore anything she said.

Heath took his place. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you against the big, bad wolf.”

They were playing her. “I don’t need any more protecting. I can handle your brother.” She sat up and puffed out her chest.

Wade stepped out of the whirlpool. When he turned around, his large cock tented his nearly see-through boxers. Not even if someone yelled
could she drag her gaze from his huge weapon.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, babe. We’ve got a lot of catching up to do.” He swooped down and picked up his clothes.

She didn’t blink until he’d disappeared inside.

Heath laughed. “You’ve got it bad, darlin’.”

His words registered. She was in big trouble now.

Chapter Seven

Heath was good enough not to tease her about her reaction to Wade practically being naked in the whirlpool, but she couldn’t erase the image of him looking down at her with such lust in his gaze. If she had to pick a man or two to have sex with, she wouldn’t mind having it with either man, but she saw no reason to ruin her reputation with these two.

After working hard to build the trust on her ranch, Jake was responding to her requests and the men did as she asked. She didn’t need to have the two Watson brothers sniffing around and ruining everything.

Once she was able to straighten her arm, Heath brought her home. The heat had done wonders for the healing process.

“Thanks for letting me use the whirlpool.”

“My pleasure. The parade starts at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. Can I pick you up at 9:00 a.m.?”

She had no other plans. “Sure.”

Heath waved and headed back to his car. Even though she’d been in a whirlpool for close to an hour, she needed to wash her hair and shower. Being able to fully use both hands would be such a high. But first, she wanted to see her horse and take a ride. Racing over the grounds would renew her spirits like none other.

When she approached the barn, Jake was talking to two men she’d never seen before. They took one look at her, nodded, then headed out. She sidled up to Jake.

“Who was that?”

“Two old friends. Hey, I see you got your cast off.”

“Can you believe it? Finally. I can’t wait to ride.”

“Let me help you with the saddle.”

She normally would have done it herself, but her arm hadn’t completely regained its strength. “Thanks.”

Once her quarter horse spotted her, he snorted and pranced. He was probably in as much need of a gallop as she was. She mounted and walked her horse outside. He was a bit skittish, and she warmed him up slowly. As she headed across her property, she inhaled the clean air, loving being in the saddle again. There was nothing more exhilarating than being in the refreshing Wyoming air surrounded by the mountains.

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