Montana Sky (50 page)

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Authors: Nora Roberts

BOOK: Montana Sky
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“Just try it.”

“You see, that's the damnedest thing.” He shook a finger at her. “That look right there, the one you're wearing on your face right now. When I think it through, that's the one that did it to me.”

“Did what?”

“Had me falling in love with you.”

She dropped the hammer she'd picked up to hit him with. “In what?”

“I figure you heard me the first time. You got ears like a damn alley cat.” He scratched his chin, settled his hat back into place. “I think you're going to have to marry me, Willa. I don't see a way around it. And I tell you, I've been looking.”

“Is that so?” She bent down, picked up the hammer again, and tapped it against her palm. “Have you?”

“Yeah.” He eyed the hammer, grinned. He didn't think she'd use it. Or if she tried, he figured he'd be quick enough to avoid a concussion. “I'd have found one if there'd been a way. You know”—he started toward her, circling—“I used to think I wanted you to distraction because you were so contrary. Then when I had you, I decided I still wanted you because I didn't know how long I'd keep you.”

“Keep coming on,” she said coolly, “and you'll have a dent in your big head.”

He kept coming on. “Then it kept creeping up on me, why no one ever pulled at me the way you do. Ever made
me miss them five minutes after I walked out the door the way you do. When you weren't safe, I was crazy. Now that you are, I figure the only way to handle things is to marry you.”

“That's your idea of a proposal?”

“You've never had better. And with your prickly attitude, you won't get better.” He timed it, grabbed the hammer out of her hand, and tossed it over the fence. “No point in saying no, Will. I've got my mind set on it.”

“That's what I'm saying.” She crossed her arms. “Until I get better.”

He sighed, heavily. He'd been afraid it would come to this. “All right, then. I love you. I want you to marry me. I don't want to live my life without you. Will that do?”

“It's some better.” Her heart was so full she was surprised it wasn't spilling over. “Where's the ring?”

“Ring? For God's sake, Will, I don't carry a ring around with me riding fence.” Perplexed, he pushed back his hat. “You never wear rings anyway.”

“I'll wear the one you give me.”

He opened his mouth to complain, shut it again, and grinned. “Is that a fact?”

“That's a fact. Damn, Ben, what took you so long?” She stepped over the wire and into his arms.

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